import os import time import inspect import threading import tempfile import testflows.settings as settings from testflows.core import * from testflows.asserts import error from testflows.connect import Shell as ShellBase from testflows.uexpect import ExpectTimeoutError from testflows._core.testtype import TestSubType class Shell(ShellBase): def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): # send exit and Ctrl-D repeatedly # to terminate any open shell commands. # This is needed for example # to solve a problem with # 'docker-compose exec {name} bash --noediting' # that does not clean up open bash processes # if not exited normally for i in range(10): if self.child is not None: try: self.send('exit\r', eol='') self.send('\x04\r', eol='') except OSError: pass return super(Shell, self).__exit__(type, value, traceback) class QueryRuntimeException(Exception): """Exception during query execution on the server. """ pass class Node(object): """Generic cluster node. """ config_d_dir = "/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/" def __init__(self, cluster, name): self.cluster = cluster = name def repr(self): return f"Node(name='{}')" def close_bashes(self): """Close all active bashes to the node. """ with self.cluster.lock: for key in list(self.cluster._bash.keys()): if key.endswith(f"-{}"): shell = self.cluster._bash.pop(key) shell.__exit__(None, None, None) def restart(self, timeout=300, retries=5, safe=True): """Restart node. """ self.close_bashes() for retry in range(retries): r = self.cluster.command(None, f'{self.cluster.docker_compose} restart {}', timeout=timeout) if r.exitcode == 0: break def start(self, timeout=300, retries=5): """Start node. """ for retry in range(retries): r = self.cluster.command(None, f'{self.cluster.docker_compose} start {}', timeout=timeout) if r.exitcode == 0: break def stop(self, timeout=300, retries=5, safe=True): """Stop node. """ self.close_bashes() for retry in range(retries): r = self.cluster.command(None, f'{self.cluster.docker_compose} stop {}', timeout=timeout) if r.exitcode == 0: break def command(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.cluster.command(, *args, **kwargs) def cmd(self, cmd, message=None, exitcode=None, steps=True, shell_command="bash --noediting", no_checks=False, raise_on_exception=False, step=By, *args, **kwargs): """Execute and check command. :param cmd: command :param message: expected message that should be in the output, default: None :param exitcode: expected exitcode, default: None """ command = f"{cmd}" with Step("executing command", description=command, format_description=False) if steps else NullStep(): try: r = self.cluster.bash(, command=shell_command)(command, *args, **kwargs) except ExpectTimeoutError: self.cluster.close_bash( raise if no_checks: return r if exitcode is not None: with Then(f"exitcode should be {exitcode}") if steps else NullStep(): assert r.exitcode == exitcode, error(r.output) if message is not None: with Then(f"output should contain message", description=message) if steps else NullStep(): assert message in r.output, error(r.output) if message is None or "Exception:" not in message: with Then("check if output has exception") if steps else NullStep(): if "Exception:" in r.output: if raise_on_exception: raise QueryRuntimeException(r.output) assert False, error(r.output) return r class ClickHouseNode(Node): """Node with ClickHouse server. """ def wait_healthy(self, timeout=300): with By(f"waiting until container {} is healthy"): start_time = time.time() while True: if self.query("select 1", no_checks=1, timeout=300, steps=False).exitcode == 0: break if time.time() - start_time < timeout: time.sleep(2) continue assert False, "container is not healthy" def stop(self, timeout=300, safe=True, retries=5): """Stop node. """ if safe: self.query("SYSTEM STOP MOVES") self.query("SYSTEM STOP MERGES") self.query("SYSTEM FLUSH LOGS") with By("waiting for 5 sec for moves and merges to stop"): time.sleep(5) with And("forcing to sync everything to disk"): self.command("sync", timeout=300) self.close_bashes() for retry in range(retries): r = self.cluster.command(None, f'{self.cluster.docker_compose} stop {}', timeout=timeout) if r.exitcode == 0: break def start(self, timeout=300, wait_healthy=True, retries=5): """Start node. """ for retry in range(retries): r = self.cluster.command(None, f'{self.cluster.docker_compose} start {}', timeout=timeout) if r.exitcode == 0: break if wait_healthy: self.wait_healthy(timeout) def restart(self, timeout=300, safe=True, wait_healthy=True, retries=5): """Restart node. """ if safe: self.query("SYSTEM STOP MOVES") self.query("SYSTEM STOP MERGES") self.query("SYSTEM FLUSH LOGS") with By("waiting for 5 sec for moves and merges to stop"): time.sleep(5) with And("forcing to sync everything to disk"): self.command("sync", timeout=300) self.close_bashes() for retry in range(retries): r = self.cluster.command(None, f'{self.cluster.docker_compose} restart {}', timeout=timeout) if r.exitcode == 0: break if wait_healthy: self.wait_healthy(timeout) def query(self, sql, message=None, exitcode=None, steps=True, no_checks=False, raise_on_exception=False, step=By, settings=None, *args, **kwargs): """Execute and check query. :param sql: sql query :param message: expected message that should be in the output, default: None :param exitcode: expected exitcode, default: None """ settings = list(settings or []) if hasattr(current().context, "default_query_settings"): settings += current().context.default_query_settings if len(sql) > 1024: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("w", encoding="utf-8") as query: query.write(sql) query.flush() command = f"cat \"{}\" | {self.cluster.docker_compose} exec -T {} clickhouse client -n" for setting in settings: name, value = setting command += f" --{name} \"{value}\"" description = f""" echo -e \"{sql[:100]}...\" > {} {command} """ with Step("executing command", description=description, format_description=False) if steps else NullStep(): try: r = self.cluster.bash(None)(command, *args, **kwargs) except ExpectTimeoutError: self.cluster.close_bash(None) else: command = f"echo -e \"{sql}\" | clickhouse client -n" for setting in settings: name, value = setting command += f" --{name} \"{value}\"" with Step("executing command", description=command, format_description=False) if steps else NullStep(): try: r = self.cluster.bash(, *args, **kwargs) except ExpectTimeoutError: self.cluster.close_bash( raise if no_checks: return r if exitcode is not None: with Then(f"exitcode should be {exitcode}") if steps else NullStep(): assert r.exitcode == exitcode, error(r.output) if message is not None: with Then(f"output should contain message", description=message) if steps else NullStep(): assert message in r.output, error(r.output) if message is None or "Exception:" not in message: with Then("check if output has exception") if steps else NullStep(): if "Exception:" in r.output: if raise_on_exception: raise QueryRuntimeException(r.output) assert False, error(r.output) return r class Cluster(object): """Simple object around docker-compose cluster. """ def __init__(self, local=False, clickhouse_binary_path=None, configs_dir=None, nodes=None, docker_compose="docker-compose", docker_compose_project_dir=None, docker_compose_file="docker-compose.yml"): self._bash = {} self._control_shell = None self.environ = {} self.clickhouse_binary_path = clickhouse_binary_path self.configs_dir = configs_dir self.local = local self.nodes = nodes or {} self.docker_compose = docker_compose frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back caller_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(frame.f_globals["__file__"])) # auto set configs directory if self.configs_dir is None: caller_configs_dir = caller_dir if os.path.exists(caller_configs_dir): self.configs_dir = caller_configs_dir if not os.path.exists(self.configs_dir): raise TypeError(f"configs directory '{self.configs_dir}' does not exist") # auto set docker-compose project directory if docker_compose_project_dir is None: caller_project_dir = os.path.join(caller_dir, "docker-compose") if os.path.exists(caller_project_dir): docker_compose_project_dir = caller_project_dir docker_compose_file_path = os.path.join(docker_compose_project_dir or "", docker_compose_file) if not os.path.exists(docker_compose_file_path): raise TypeError("docker compose file '{docker_compose_file_path}' does not exist") self.docker_compose += f" --ansi never --project-directory \"{docker_compose_project_dir}\" --file \"{docker_compose_file_path}\"" self.lock = threading.Lock() @property def control_shell(self, timeout=300): """Must be called with self.lock.acquired. """ if self._control_shell is not None: return self._control_shell time_start = time.time() while True: try: shell = Shell() shell.timeout = 30 shell("echo 1") break except: shell.__exit__(None, None, None) if time.time() - time_start > timeout: raise RuntimeError(f"failed to open control shell") self._control_shell = shell return self._control_shell def node_container_id(self, node, timeout=300): """Must be called with self.lock acquired. """ container_id = None time_start = time.time() while True: c = self.control_shell(f"{self.docker_compose} ps -q {node}") container_id = c.output.strip() if c.exitcode == 0 and len(container_id) > 1: break if time.time() - time_start > timeout: raise RuntimeError(f"failed to get docker container id for the {node} service") return container_id def shell(self, node, timeout=300): """Returns unique shell terminal to be used. """ container_id = None if node is not None: with self.lock: container_id = self.node_container_id(node=node, timeout=timeout) time_start = time.time() while True: try: if node is None: shell = Shell() else: shell = Shell(command=[ "/bin/bash", "--noediting", "-c", f"docker exec -it {container_id} bash --noediting" ], name=node) shell.timeout = 30 shell("echo 1") break except: shell.__exit__(None, None, None) if time.time() - time_start > timeout: raise RuntimeError(f"failed to open bash to node {node}") shell.timeout = timeout return shell def bash(self, node, timeout=300, command="bash --noediting"): """Returns thread-local bash terminal to a specific node. :param node: name of the service """ test = current() current_thread = threading.current_thread() id = f"{}-{node}" with self.lock: if self._bash.get(id) is None: if node is not None: container_id = self.node_container_id(node=node, timeout=timeout) time_start = time.time() while True: try: if node is None: self._bash[id] = Shell() else: self._bash[id] = Shell(command=[ "/bin/bash", "--noediting", "-c", f"docker exec -it {container_id} {command}" ], name=node).__enter__() self._bash[id].timeout = 30 self._bash[id]("echo 1") break except: self._bash[id].__exit__(None, None, None) if time.time() - time_start > timeout: raise RuntimeError(f"failed to open bash to node {node}") if node is None: for name,value in self.environ.items(): self._bash[id](f"export {name}={value}") self._bash[id].timeout = timeout # clean up any stale open shells for threads that have exited active_thread_names = { for thread in threading.enumerate()} for bash_id in list(self._bash.keys()): thread_name, node_name = bash_id.rsplit("-", 1) if thread_name not in active_thread_names: self._bash[bash_id].__exit__(None, None, None) del self._bash[bash_id] return self._bash[id] def close_bash(self, node): current_thread = threading.current_thread() id = f"{}-{node}" with self.lock: if self._bash.get(id) is None: return self._bash[id].__exit__(None, None, None) del self._bash[id] def __enter__(self): with Given("docker-compose cluster"): self.up() return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): try: with Finally("I clean up"): self.down() finally: with self.lock: for shell in self._bash.values(): shell.__exit__(type, value, traceback) def node(self, name): """Get object with node bound methods. :param name: name of service name """ if name.startswith("clickhouse"): return ClickHouseNode(self, name) return Node(self, name) def down(self, timeout=300): """Bring cluster down by executing docker-compose down.""" # add message to each clickhouse-server.log if settings.debug: for node in self.nodes["clickhouse"]: self.command(node=node, command=f"echo -e \"\n-- sending stop to: {node} --\n\" >> /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.log") try: bash = self.bash(None) with self.lock: # remove and close all not None node terminals for id in list(self._bash.keys()): shell = self._bash.pop(id) if shell is not bash: shell.__exit__(None, None, None) else: self._bash[id] = shell finally: cmd = self.command(None, f"{self.docker_compose} down --timeout 60", bash=bash, timeout=timeout) with self.lock: if self._control_shell: self._control_shell.__exit__(None, None, None) self._control_shell = None return cmd def up(self, timeout=30*60): if self.local: with Given("I am running in local mode"): with Then("check --clickhouse-binary-path is specified"): assert self.clickhouse_binary_path, "when running in local mode then --clickhouse-binary-path must be specified" with And("path should exist"): assert os.path.exists(self.clickhouse_binary_path) with And("I set all the necessary environment variables"): self.environ["COMPOSE_HTTP_TIMEOUT"] = "300" self.environ["CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_SERVER_BIN_PATH"] = self.clickhouse_binary_path self.environ["CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_ODBC_BRIDGE_BIN_PATH"] = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(self.clickhouse_binary_path), "clickhouse-odbc-bridge") self.environ["CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_DIR"] = self.configs_dir with And("I list environment variables to show their values"): self.command(None, "env | grep CLICKHOUSE") with Given("docker-compose"): max_attempts = 5 max_up_attempts = 1 for attempt in range(max_attempts): with When(f"attempt {attempt}/{max_attempts}"): with By("pulling images for all the services"): cmd = self.command(None, f"{self.docker_compose} pull 2>&1 | tee", exitcode=None, timeout=timeout) if cmd.exitcode != 0: continue with And("checking if any containers are already running"): self.command(None, f"{self.docker_compose} ps | tee") with And("executing docker-compose down just in case it is up"): cmd = self.command(None, f"{self.docker_compose} down 2>&1 | tee", exitcode=None, timeout=timeout) if cmd.exitcode != 0: continue with And("checking if any containers are still left running"): self.command(None, f"{self.docker_compose} ps | tee") with And("executing docker-compose up"): for up_attempt in range(max_up_attempts): with By(f"attempt {up_attempt}/{max_up_attempts}"): cmd = self.command(None, f"{self.docker_compose} up --renew-anon-volumes --force-recreate --timeout 300 -d 2>&1 | tee", timeout=timeout) if "is unhealthy" not in cmd.output: break with Then("check there are no unhealthy containers"): ps_cmd = self.command(None, f"{self.docker_compose} ps | tee | grep -v \"Exit 0\"") if "is unhealthy" in cmd.output or "Exit" in ps_cmd.output: self.command(None, f"{self.docker_compose} logs | tee") continue if cmd.exitcode == 0 and "is unhealthy" not in cmd.output and "Exit" not in ps_cmd.output: break if cmd.exitcode != 0 or "is unhealthy" in cmd.output or "Exit" in ps_cmd.output: fail("could not bring up docker-compose cluster") with Then("wait all nodes report healhy"): for name in self.nodes["clickhouse"]: self.node(name).wait_healthy() def command(self, node, command, message=None, exitcode=None, steps=True, bash=None, *args, **kwargs): """Execute and check command. :param node: name of the service :param command: command :param message: expected message that should be in the output, default: None :param exitcode: expected exitcode, default: None :param steps: don't break command into steps, default: True """ with By("executing command", description=command, format_description=False) if steps else NullStep(): if bash is None: bash = self.bash(node) try: r = bash(command, *args, **kwargs) except ExpectTimeoutError: self.close_bash(node) raise if exitcode is not None: with Then(f"exitcode should be {exitcode}", format_name=False) if steps else NullStep(): assert r.exitcode == exitcode, error(r.output) if message is not None: with Then(f"output should contain message", description=message, format_description=False) if steps else NullStep(): assert message in r.output, error(r.output) return r