import json import logging import pytest import os import sys from .http_auth_server import GOOD_PASSWORD, USER_RESPONSES from helpers.cluster import ClickHouseCluster cluster = ClickHouseCluster(__file__) instance = cluster.add_instance( "node", main_configs=["configs/config.xml"], user_configs=["configs/users.xml"], ) SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) def run_echo_server(): tmp = instance.copy_file_to_container( os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, ""), "/", ) tmp = instance.exec_in_container( [ "bash", "-c", "python3 / > /http_auth_server.log 2>&1", ], detach=True, user="root", ) for _ in range(0, 10): ping_response = instance.exec_in_container( ["curl", "-s", f"http://localhost:8000/health"], nothrow=True, ) logging.debug(f"Reply1: {ping_response}") if ping_response == "OK": return raise Exception("Echo server is not responding") @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def started_cluster(): try: cluster.start() run_echo_server() yield cluster finally: cluster.shutdown() def test_user_from_config_basic_auth_pass(started_cluster): assert ( instance.query("SHOW CREATE USER good_user") == "CREATE USER good_user IDENTIFIED WITH http SERVER \\'basic_server\\' SCHEME \\'BASIC\\' SETTINGS PROFILE default\n" ) assert ( instance.query( "SELECT currentUser()", user="good_user", password="good_password" ) == "good_user\n" ) def test_user_create_basic_auth_pass(started_cluster): instance.query( "CREATE USER basic_user IDENTIFIED WITH HTTP SERVER 'basic_server' SCHEME 'BASIC'" ) assert ( instance.query("SHOW CREATE USER basic_user") == "CREATE USER basic_user IDENTIFIED WITH http SERVER \\'basic_server\\' SCHEME \\'BASIC\\'\n" ) assert ( instance.query( "SELECT currentUser()", user="basic_user", password=GOOD_PASSWORD ) == "basic_user\n" ) instance.query("DROP USER basic_user") def test_basic_auth_failed(started_cluster): assert "good_user: Authentication failed" in instance.query_and_get_error( "SELECT currentUser()", user="good_user", password="bad_password" ) def test_session_settings_from_auth_response(started_cluster): for user, response in USER_RESPONSES.items(): query_id = f"test_query_{user}" assert ( instance.query( "SELECT currentUser()", user=user, password="good_password", query_id=query_id, ) == f"{user}\n" ) instance.query("SYSTEM FLUSH LOGS") res = instance.query( f"select Settings from system.query_log where type = 'QueryFinish' and query_id = '{query_id}' FORMAT JSON" ) res = json.loads(res) query_settings = res["data"][0]["Settings"] if isinstance(response, dict): for key, value in response.get("settings", {}).items(): assert query_settings.get(key) == value