# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0. include(CheckSymbolExists) # Check how the platform supports setting thread name function(aws_set_thread_name_method target) if (WINDOWS) # On Windows we do a runtime check, instead of compile-time check return() elseif (APPLE) # All Apple platforms we support have the same function, so no need for compile-time check. return() endif() cmake_push_check_state() list(APPEND CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS -D_GNU_SOURCE) list(APPEND CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES pthread) # The start of the test program set(c_source_start " #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__NETBSD__) #include #endif int main() { pthread_t thread_id; ") # The end of the test program set(c_source_end "}") # pthread_setname_np() usually takes 2 args check_c_source_compiles(" ${c_source_start} pthread_setname_np(thread_id, \"asdf\"); ${c_source_end}" PTHREAD_SETNAME_TAKES_2ARGS) if (PTHREAD_SETNAME_TAKES_2ARGS) target_compile_definitions(${target} PRIVATE -DAWS_PTHREAD_SETNAME_TAKES_2ARGS) return() endif() # But on NetBSD it takes 3! check_c_source_compiles(" ${c_source_start} pthread_setname_np(thread_id, \"asdf\", NULL); ${c_source_end} " PTHREAD_SETNAME_TAKES_3ARGS) if (PTHREAD_SETNAME_TAKES_3ARGS) target_compile_definitions(${target} PRIVATE -DAWS_PTHREAD_SETNAME_TAKES_3ARGS) return() endif() # And on many older/weirder platforms it's just not supported cmake_pop_check_state() endfunction()