#!/usr/bin/env bash # Tags: zookeeper, no-replicated-database, no-shared-merge-tree # Tag no-replicated-database: CREATE AS SELECT is disabled # Tag no-shared-merge-tree -- implemented separate test, just bad substituion here CURDIR=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd) # shellcheck source=../shell_config.sh . "$CURDIR"/../shell_config.sh declare -a engines=("MergeTree order by n" "ReplicatedMergeTree('/test/01162/$CLICKHOUSE_TEST_ZOOKEEPER_PREFIX', '1') order by n" "Memory" "Join(ALL, FULL, n)") $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW t1 AS SELECT number * 10 AS id, number * 100 AS value FROM numbers(20)" for engine in "${engines[@]}" do $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "drop table if exists t" $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "create table t (n int) engine=$engine" 2>&1| grep -Ev "Removing leftovers from table|removed by another replica" $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "select engine from system.tables where database=currentDatabase() and name='t'" $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "insert into t values (1)" $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "insert into t values (2)" $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "select * from t order by n" $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT --allow_nondeterministic_mutations=1 --mutations_sync=1 -q "alter table t delete where n global in (select * from (select * from t where n global in (1::Int32)))" $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "select * from t order by n" $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT --allow_nondeterministic_mutations=1 --mutations_sync=1 -q "alter table t delete where n global in (select t1.n from t as t1 full join t as t2 on t1.n=t2.n where t1.n global in (select 2::Int32))" $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "select count() from t" $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "drop table t" $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "drop table if exists test" $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "CREATE TABLE test ENGINE=$engine AS SELECT number + 100 AS n, 0 AS test FROM numbers(50)" 2>&1| grep -Ev "Removing leftovers from table|removed by another replica" $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "select count(), sum(n), sum(test) from test" if [[ $engine == *"ReplicatedMergeTree"* ]]; then $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "ALTER TABLE test UPDATE test = (SELECT groupArray(id) FROM t1 GROUP BY 'dummy')[n - 99] WHERE 1" 2>&1| grep -Fa "DB::Exception: " | grep -Fv "statement with subquery may be nondeterministic" $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT --allow_nondeterministic_mutations=1 --mutations_sync=1 -q "ALTER TABLE test UPDATE test = (SELECT groupArray(id) FROM t1)[n - 99] WHERE 1" elif [[ $engine == *"Join"* ]]; then $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "ALTER TABLE test UPDATE test = (SELECT groupArray(id) FROM t1)[n - 99] WHERE 1" 2>&1| grep -Fa "DB::Exception: " | grep -Fv "Table engine Join supports only DELETE mutations" else $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT --mutations_sync=1 -q "ALTER TABLE test UPDATE test = (SELECT groupArray(id) FROM t1)[n - 99] WHERE 1" fi $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "select count(), sum(n), sum(test) from test" $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "drop table test" done