import json import logging import os.path as p import random import socket import subprocess import threading import time import kafka.errors import pytest from kafka import BrokerConnection, KafkaAdminClient, KafkaConsumer, KafkaProducer from kafka.admin import NewTopic from kafka.protocol.admin import DescribeGroupsRequest_v1, DescribeGroupsResponse_v1 from import MemberAssignment from helpers.client import QueryRuntimeException from helpers.cluster import ClickHouseCluster, is_arm from import PartitionManager from helpers.test_tools import TSV if is_arm(): # skip due to no arm support for clickhouse/kerberos-kdc docker image pytestmark = pytest.mark.skip cluster = ClickHouseCluster(__file__) instance = cluster.add_instance( "instance", main_configs=["configs/kafka.xml"], user_configs=["configs/users.xml"], with_kerberized_kafka=True, clickhouse_path_dir="clickhouse_path", ) def producer_serializer(x): return x.encode() if isinstance(x, str) else x def get_kafka_producer(port, serializer): errors = [] for _ in range(15): try: producer = KafkaProducer( bootstrap_servers="localhost:{}".format(port), value_serializer=serializer, ) logging.debug("Kafka Connection establised: localhost:{}".format(port)) return producer except Exception as e: errors += [str(e)] time.sleep(1) raise Exception("Connection not establised, {}".format(errors)) def kafka_produce(kafka_cluster, topic, messages, timestamp=None): logging.debug( "kafka_produce server:{}:{} topic:{}".format( "localhost", kafka_cluster.kerberized_kafka_port, topic ) ) producer = get_kafka_producer( kafka_cluster.kerberized_kafka_port, producer_serializer ) for message in messages: producer.send(topic=topic, value=message, timestamp_ms=timestamp) producer.flush() # Fixtures @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def kafka_cluster(): try: cluster.start() if instance.is_debug_build(): # pytest.skip( "librdkafka calls system function for kinit which does not pass harmful check in debug build" ) yield cluster finally: cluster.shutdown() @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def kafka_setup_teardown(): instance.query("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS test; CREATE DATABASE test;") yield # run test # Tests def test_kafka_json_as_string(kafka_cluster): kafka_produce( kafka_cluster, "kafka_json_as_string", [ '{"t": 123, "e": {"x": "woof"} }', "", '{"t": 124, "e": {"x": "test"} }', '{"F1":"V1","F2":{"F21":"V21","F22":{},"F23":"V23","F24":"2019-12-24T16:28:04"},"F3":"V3"}', ], ) instance.query( """ CREATE TABLE test.kafka (field String) ENGINE = Kafka SETTINGS kafka_broker_list = 'kerberized_kafka1:19092', kafka_topic_list = 'kafka_json_as_string', kafka_commit_on_select = 1, kafka_group_name = 'kafka_json_as_string', kafka_format = 'JSONAsString', kafka_flush_interval_ms=1000; """ ) time.sleep(3) result = instance.query("SELECT * FROM test.kafka;") expected = """\ {"t": 123, "e": {"x": "woof"} } {"t": 124, "e": {"x": "test"} } {"F1":"V1","F2":{"F21":"V21","F22":{},"F23":"V23","F24":"2019-12-24T16:28:04"},"F3":"V3"} """ assert TSV(result) == TSV(expected) assert instance.contains_in_log( "Parsing of message (topic: kafka_json_as_string, partition: 0, offset: 1) return no rows" ) def test_kafka_json_as_string_request_new_ticket_after_expiration(kafka_cluster): # Ticket should be expired after the wait time # On run of SELECT query new ticket should be requested and SELECT query should run fine. kafka_produce( kafka_cluster, "kafka_json_as_string_after_expiration", [ '{"t": 123, "e": {"x": "woof"} }', "", '{"t": 124, "e": {"x": "test"} }', '{"F1":"V1","F2":{"F21":"V21","F22":{},"F23":"V23","F24":"2019-12-24T16:28:04"},"F3":"V3"}', ], ) instance.query( """ CREATE TABLE test.kafka (field String) ENGINE = Kafka SETTINGS kafka_broker_list = 'kerberized_kafka1:19092', kafka_topic_list = 'kafka_json_as_string_after_expiration', kafka_commit_on_select = 1, kafka_group_name = 'kafka_json_as_string_after_expiration', kafka_format = 'JSONAsString', kafka_flush_interval_ms=1000; """ ) time.sleep(45) # wait for ticket expiration result = instance.query("SELECT * FROM test.kafka;") expected = """\ {"t": 123, "e": {"x": "woof"} } {"t": 124, "e": {"x": "test"} } {"F1":"V1","F2":{"F21":"V21","F22":{},"F23":"V23","F24":"2019-12-24T16:28:04"},"F3":"V3"} """ assert TSV(result) == TSV(expected) assert instance.contains_in_log( "Parsing of message (topic: kafka_json_as_string_after_expiration, partition: 0, offset: 1) return no rows" ) def test_kafka_json_as_string_no_kdc(kafka_cluster): # When the test is run alone (not preceded by any other kerberized kafka test), # we need a ticket to # assert instance.contains_in_log("Ticket expired") instance.query( """ CREATE TABLE test.kafka_no_kdc_warm_up (field String) ENGINE = Kafka SETTINGS kafka_broker_list = 'kerberized_kafka1:19092', kafka_topic_list = 'kafka_json_as_string_no_kdc_warm_up', kafka_group_name = 'kafka_json_as_string_no_kdc_warm_up', kafka_commit_on_select = 1, kafka_format = 'JSONAsString', kafka_flush_interval_ms=1000; """ ) instance.query("SELECT * FROM test.kafka_no_kdc_warm_up;") kafka_produce( kafka_cluster, "kafka_json_as_string_no_kdc", [ '{"t": 123, "e": {"x": "woof"} }', "", '{"t": 124, "e": {"x": "test"} }', '{"F1":"V1","F2":{"F21":"V21","F22":{},"F23":"V23","F24":"2019-12-24T16:28:04"},"F3":"V3"}', ], ) # temporary prevent CH - KDC communications with PartitionManager() as pm: other_node = "kafka_kerberos" for node in kafka_cluster.instances.values(): source = node.ip_address destination = kafka_cluster.get_instance_ip(other_node) logging.debug(f"partitioning source {source}, destination {destination}") pm._add_rule( { "source": source, "destination": destination, "action": "REJECT", "protocol": "all", } ) time.sleep(45) # wait for ticket expiration instance.query( """ CREATE TABLE test.kafka_no_kdc (field String) ENGINE = Kafka SETTINGS kafka_broker_list = 'kerberized_kafka1:19092', kafka_topic_list = 'kafka_json_as_string_no_kdc', kafka_group_name = 'kafka_json_as_string_no_kdc', kafka_commit_on_select = 1, kafka_format = 'JSONAsString', kafka_flush_interval_ms=1000; """ ) result = instance.query("SELECT * FROM test.kafka_no_kdc;") expected = "" assert TSV(result) == TSV(expected) assert instance.contains_in_log("StorageKafka (kafka_no_kdc): Nothing to commit") assert instance.contains_in_log("Ticket expired") assert instance.contains_in_log("KerberosInit failure:") def test_kafka_config_from_sql_named_collection(kafka_cluster): kafka_produce( kafka_cluster, "kafka_json_as_string_named_collection", [ '{"t": 123, "e": {"x": "woof"} }', "", '{"t": 124, "e": {"x": "test"} }', '{"F1":"V1","F2":{"F21":"V21","F22":{},"F23":"V23","F24":"2019-12-24T16:28:04"},"F3":"V3"}', ], ) instance.query( """ DROP NAMED COLLECTION IF EXISTS kafka_config; CREATE NAMED COLLECTION kafka_config AS kafka.security_protocol = 'SASL_PLAINTEXT', kafka.sasl_mechanism = 'GSSAPI', kafka.sasl_kerberos_service_name = 'kafka', kafka.sasl_kerberos_keytab = '/tmp/keytab/clickhouse.keytab', kafka.sasl_kerberos_principal = 'anotherkafkauser/instance@TEST.CLICKHOUSE.TECH', kafka.debug = 'security', kafka.api_version_request = 'false', kafka_broker_list = 'kerberized_kafka1:19092', kafka_topic_list = 'kafka_json_as_string_named_collection', kafka_commit_on_select = 1, kafka_group_name = 'kafka_json_as_string_named_collection', kafka_format = 'JSONAsString', kafka_flush_interval_ms=1000; """ ) instance.query( """ CREATE TABLE test.kafka (field String) ENGINE = Kafka(kafka_config); """ ) time.sleep(3) result = instance.query("SELECT * FROM test.kafka;") expected = """\ {"t": 123, "e": {"x": "woof"} } {"t": 124, "e": {"x": "test"} } {"F1":"V1","F2":{"F21":"V21","F22":{},"F23":"V23","F24":"2019-12-24T16:28:04"},"F3":"V3"} """ assert TSV(result) == TSV(expected) assert instance.contains_in_log( "Parsing of message (topic: kafka_json_as_string_named_collection, partition: 0, offset: 1) return no rows" ) if __name__ == "__main__": cluster.start() input("Cluster created, press any key to destroy...") cluster.shutdown()