-- Tags: no-tsan, no-parallel -- Suppress "ReadWriteBufferFromHTTP: HTTP request to `{}` failed at try 1/10 with bytes read: 311149/378695. Error: DB::HTTPException: Received error from remote server {}. (Current backoff wait is 100/10000 ms)" errors SET send_logs_level='error'; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test.hits_1m; CREATE TABLE test.hits_1m AS test.hits ENGINE = MergeTree PARTITION BY toYYYYMM(EventDate) ORDER BY (CounterID, EventDate, intHash32(UserID)) SAMPLE BY intHash32(UserID) SETTINGS storage_policy = 'default'; INSERT INTO test.hits_1m SELECT * FROM test.hits LIMIT 1000000; CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS db_dict; DROP DICTIONARY IF EXISTS db_dict.cache_hits; CREATE DICTIONARY db_dict.cache_hits (WatchID UInt64, UserID UInt64, SearchPhrase String) PRIMARY KEY WatchID SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(HOST 'localhost' PORT tcpPort() USER 'default' TABLE 'hits_1m' PASSWORD '' DB 'test')) LIFETIME(MIN 1 MAX 10) LAYOUT(CACHE(SIZE_IN_CELLS 1 QUERY_WAIT_TIMEOUT_MILLISECONDS 60000)); SELECT count() FROM (SELECT WatchID, arrayDistinct(groupArray(dictGetUInt64( 'db_dict.cache_hits', 'UserID', toUInt64(WatchID)))) as arr FROM test.hits_1m PREWHERE WatchID % 5 == 0 GROUP BY WatchID order by length(arr) desc) WHERE arr = [0]; SELECT count() FROM (SELECT WatchID, arrayDistinct(groupArray(dictGetUInt64( 'db_dict.cache_hits', 'UserID', toUInt64(WatchID)))) as arr FROM test.hits_1m PREWHERE WatchID % 7 == 0 GROUP BY WatchID order by length(arr) desc) WHERE arr = [0]; SELECT count() FROM (SELECT WatchID, arrayDistinct(groupArray(dictGetUInt64( 'db_dict.cache_hits', 'UserID', toUInt64(WatchID)))) as arr FROM test.hits_1m PREWHERE WatchID % 13 == 0 GROUP BY WatchID order by length(arr) desc) WHERE arr = [0]; DROP DICTIONARY IF EXISTS db_dict.cache_hits; DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS db_dict; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS hits_1m;