# Functions for working with external dictionaries For information on connecting and configuring external dictionaries, see "[External dictionaries](../dicts/external_dicts.md#dicts-external_dicts)". ## dictGetUInt8, dictGetUInt16, dictGetUInt32, dictGetUInt64 ## dictGetInt8, dictGetInt16, dictGetInt32, dictGetInt64 ## dictGetFloat32, dictGetFloat64 ## dictGetDate, dictGetDateTime ## dictGetUUID ## dictGetString `dictGetT('dict_name', 'attr_name', id)` - Get the value of the attr_name attribute from the dict_name dictionary using the 'id' key. `dict_name` and `attr_name` are constant strings. `id`must be UInt64. If there is no `id` key in the dictionary, it returns the default value specified in the dictionary description. ## dictGetTOrDefault `dictGetT('dict_name', 'attr_name', id, default)` The same as the `dictGetT` functions, but the default value is taken from the function's last argument. ## dictIsIn `dictIsIn('dict_name', child_id, ancestor_id)` - For the 'dict_name' hierarchical dictionary, finds out whether the 'child_id' key is located inside 'ancestor_id' (or matches 'ancestor_id'). Returns UInt8. ## dictGetHierarchy `dictGetHierarchy('dict_name', id)` - For the 'dict_name' hierarchical dictionary, returns an array of dictionary keys starting from 'id' and continuing along the chain of parent elements. Returns Array(UInt64). ## dictHas `dictHas('dict_name', id)` - Check whether the dictionary has the key. Returns a UInt8 value equal to 0 if there is no key and 1 if there is a key.