#!/usr/bin/env python3 import logging import sys from github import Github from ci_config import StatusNames from commit_status_helper import ( get_commit, get_commit_filtered_statuses, post_commit_status, set_mergeable_check, trigger_mergeable_check, update_upstream_sync_status, ) from get_robot_token import get_best_robot_token from pr_info import PRInfo from report import PENDING, SUCCESS from synchronizer_utils import SYNC_BRANCH_PREFIX from env_helper import GITHUB_REPOSITORY, GITHUB_UPSTREAM_REPOSITORY def main(): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) has_failure = False # FIXME: temporary hack to fail Mergeable Check in MQ if pipeline has any failed jobs if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == "--pipeline-failure": has_failure = True pr_info = PRInfo(need_orgs=True) gh = Github(get_best_robot_token(), per_page=100) commit = get_commit(gh, pr_info.sha) statuses = None if pr_info.is_merge_queue: # in MQ Mergeable check status must never be green if any failures in workflow if has_failure: set_mergeable_check(commit, "workflow failed", "failure") else: # This must be the only place where green MCheck is set in the MQ (in the end of CI) to avoid early merge set_mergeable_check(commit, "workflow passed", "success") else: statuses = get_commit_filtered_statuses(commit) state = trigger_mergeable_check(commit, statuses, set_if_green=True) # Process upstream StatusNames.SYNC if ( pr_info.head_ref.startswith(f"{SYNC_BRANCH_PREFIX}/pr/") and GITHUB_REPOSITORY != GITHUB_UPSTREAM_REPOSITORY ): upstream_pr_number = int(pr_info.head_ref.split("/pr/", maxsplit=1)[1]) update_upstream_sync_status( upstream_pr_number, pr_info.number, gh, state, can_set_green_mergeable_status=True, ) statuses = [s for s in statuses if s.context == StatusNames.CI] if not statuses: return # Take the latest status status = statuses[-1] if status.state == PENDING: post_commit_status( commit, SUCCESS, status.target_url, "All checks finished", StatusNames.CI, pr_info, dump_to_file=True, ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()