#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int UNKNOWN_ELEMENT_IN_CONFIG; extern const int EXCESSIVE_ELEMENT_IN_CONFIG; extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR; extern const int SHARD_HAS_NO_CONNECTIONS; extern const int SYNTAX_ERROR; } namespace { /// Default shard weight. constexpr UInt32 default_weight = 1; inline bool isLocalImpl(const Cluster::Address & address, const Poco::Net::SocketAddress & resolved_address, UInt16 clickhouse_port) { /// If there is replica, for which: /// - its port is the same that the server is listening; /// - its host is resolved to set of addresses, one of which is the same as one of addresses of network interfaces of the server machine*; /// then we must go to this shard without any inter-process communication. /// /// * - this criteria is somewhat approximate. /// /// Also, replica is considered non-local, if it has default database set /// (only reason is to avoid query rewrite). return address.default_database.empty() && isLocalAddress(resolved_address, clickhouse_port); } } /// Implementation of Cluster::Address class std::optional Cluster::Address::getResolvedAddress() const { try { return DNSResolver::instance().resolveAddress(host_name, port); } catch (...) { /// Failure in DNS resolution in cluster initialization is Ok. tryLogCurrentException("Cluster"); return {}; } } bool Cluster::Address::isLocal(UInt16 clickhouse_port) const { if (auto resolved = getResolvedAddress()) return isLocalImpl(*this, *resolved, clickhouse_port); return false; } Cluster::Address::Address( const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config, const String & config_prefix, UInt32 shard_index_, UInt32 replica_index_) : shard_index(shard_index_), replica_index(replica_index_) { host_name = config.getString(config_prefix + ".host"); port = static_cast(config.getInt(config_prefix + ".port")); if (config.has(config_prefix + ".user")) user_specified = true; user = config.getString(config_prefix + ".user", "default"); password = config.getString(config_prefix + ".password", ""); default_database = config.getString(config_prefix + ".default_database", ""); secure = config.getBool(config_prefix + ".secure", false) ? Protocol::Secure::Enable : Protocol::Secure::Disable; compression = config.getBool(config_prefix + ".compression", true) ? Protocol::Compression::Enable : Protocol::Compression::Disable; priority = config.getInt(config_prefix + ".priority", 1); const char * port_type = secure == Protocol::Secure::Enable ? "tcp_port_secure" : "tcp_port"; is_local = isLocal(config.getInt(port_type, 0)); } Cluster::Address::Address(const String & host_port_, const String & user_, const String & password_, UInt16 clickhouse_port, bool secure_, Int64 priority_) : user(user_), password(password_) { auto parsed_host_port = parseAddress(host_port_, clickhouse_port); host_name = parsed_host_port.first; port = parsed_host_port.second; secure = secure_ ? Protocol::Secure::Enable : Protocol::Secure::Disable; priority = priority_; is_local = isLocal(clickhouse_port); } String Cluster::Address::toString() const { return toString(host_name, port); } String Cluster::Address::toString(const String & host_name, UInt16 port) { return escapeForFileName(host_name) + ':' + DB::toString(port); } String Cluster::Address::readableString() const { String res; /// If it looks like IPv6 address add braces to avoid ambiguity in ipv6_host:port notation if (host_name.find_first_of(':') != std::string::npos && !host_name.empty() && host_name.back() != ']') res += '[' + host_name + ']'; else res += host_name; res += ':' + DB::toString(port); return res; } std::pair Cluster::Address::fromString(const String & host_port_string) { auto pos = host_port_string.find_last_of(':'); if (pos == std::string::npos) throw Exception("Incorrect : format " + host_port_string, ErrorCodes::SYNTAX_ERROR); return {unescapeForFileName(host_port_string.substr(0, pos)), parse(host_port_string.substr(pos + 1))}; } String Cluster::Address::toFullString(bool use_compact_format) const { if (use_compact_format) { if (shard_index == 0 || replica_index == 0) // shard_num/replica_num like in system.clusters table throw Exception("shard_num/replica_num cannot be zero", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); return "shard" + std::to_string(shard_index) + "_replica" + std::to_string(replica_index); } else { return escapeForFileName(user) + (password.empty() ? "" : (':' + escapeForFileName(password))) + '@' + escapeForFileName(host_name) + ':' + std::to_string(port) + (default_database.empty() ? "" : ('#' + escapeForFileName(default_database))) + ((secure == Protocol::Secure::Enable) ? "+secure" : ""); } } Cluster::Address Cluster::Address::fromFullString(const String & full_string) { const char * address_begin = full_string.data(); const char * address_end = address_begin + full_string.size(); const char * user_pw_end = strchr(full_string.data(), '@'); /// parsing with the new [shard{shard_index}[_replica{replica_index}]] format if (!user_pw_end && startsWith(full_string, "shard")) { const char * underscore = strchr(full_string.data(), '_'); Address address; address.shard_index = parse(address_begin + strlen("shard")); address.replica_index = underscore ? parse(underscore + strlen("_replica")) : 0; return address; } else { /// parsing with the old user[:password]@host:port#default_database format /// This format is appeared to be inconvenient for the following reasons: /// - credentials are exposed in file name; /// - the file name can be too long. Protocol::Secure secure = Protocol::Secure::Disable; const char * secure_tag = "+secure"; if (endsWith(full_string, secure_tag)) { address_end -= strlen(secure_tag); secure = Protocol::Secure::Enable; } const char * colon = strchr(full_string.data(), ':'); if (!user_pw_end || !colon) throw Exception("Incorrect user[:password]@host:port#default_database format " + full_string, ErrorCodes::SYNTAX_ERROR); const bool has_pw = colon < user_pw_end; const char * host_end = has_pw ? strchr(user_pw_end + 1, ':') : colon; if (!host_end) throw Exception("Incorrect address '" + full_string + "', it does not contain port", ErrorCodes::SYNTAX_ERROR); const char * has_db = strchr(full_string.data(), '#'); const char * port_end = has_db ? has_db : address_end; Address address; address.secure = secure; address.port = parse(host_end + 1, port_end - (host_end + 1)); address.host_name = unescapeForFileName(std::string(user_pw_end + 1, host_end)); address.user = unescapeForFileName(std::string(address_begin, has_pw ? colon : user_pw_end)); address.password = has_pw ? unescapeForFileName(std::string(colon + 1, user_pw_end)) : std::string(); address.default_database = has_db ? unescapeForFileName(std::string(has_db + 1, address_end)) : std::string(); // address.priority ignored return address; } } /// Implementation of Clusters class Clusters::Clusters(const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config, const Settings & settings, const String & config_name) { updateClusters(config, settings, config_name); } ClusterPtr Clusters::getCluster(const std::string & cluster_name) const { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); auto it = impl.find(cluster_name); return (it != impl.end()) ? it->second : nullptr; } void Clusters::setCluster(const String & cluster_name, const std::shared_ptr & cluster) { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); impl[cluster_name] = cluster; } void Clusters::updateClusters(const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config, const Settings & settings, const String & config_name) { Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration::Keys config_keys; config.keys(config_name, config_keys); std::lock_guard lock(mutex); impl.clear(); for (const auto & key : config_keys) { if (key.find('.') != String::npos) throw Exception("Cluster names with dots are not supported: '" + key + "'", ErrorCodes::SYNTAX_ERROR); impl.emplace(key, std::make_shared(config, settings, config_name + "." + key)); } } Clusters::Impl Clusters::getContainer() const { std::lock_guard lock(mutex); /// The following line copies container of shared_ptrs to return value under lock return impl; } /// Implementation of `Cluster` class Cluster::Cluster(const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config, const Settings & settings, const String & cluster_name) { Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration::Keys config_keys; config.keys(cluster_name, config_keys); if (config_keys.empty()) throw Exception("No cluster elements (shard, node) specified in config at path " + cluster_name, ErrorCodes::SHARD_HAS_NO_CONNECTIONS); const auto & config_prefix = cluster_name + "."; UInt32 current_shard_num = 1; for (const auto & key : config_keys) { if (startsWith(key, "node")) { /// Shard without replicas. Addresses addresses; const auto & prefix = config_prefix + key; const auto weight = config.getInt(prefix + ".weight", default_weight); addresses.emplace_back(config, prefix, current_shard_num, 1); const auto & address = addresses.back(); ShardInfo info; info.shard_num = current_shard_num; info.weight = weight; if (address.is_local) info.local_addresses.push_back(address); ConnectionPoolPtr pool = std::make_shared( settings.distributed_connections_pool_size, address.host_name, address.port, address.default_database, address.user, address.password, "server", address.compression, address.secure, address.priority); info.pool = std::make_shared( ConnectionPoolPtrs{pool}, settings.load_balancing); info.per_replica_pools = {std::move(pool)}; if (weight) slot_to_shard.insert(std::end(slot_to_shard), weight, shards_info.size()); shards_info.emplace_back(std::move(info)); addresses_with_failover.emplace_back(std::move(addresses)); } else if (startsWith(key, "shard")) { /// Shard with replicas. Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration::Keys replica_keys; config.keys(config_prefix + key, replica_keys); addresses_with_failover.emplace_back(); Addresses & replica_addresses = addresses_with_failover.back(); UInt32 current_replica_num = 1; const auto & partial_prefix = config_prefix + key + "."; const auto weight = config.getUInt(partial_prefix + ".weight", default_weight); bool internal_replication = config.getBool(partial_prefix + ".internal_replication", false); /// In case of internal_replication we will be appending names to dir_name_for_internal_replication std::string dir_name_for_internal_replication; std::string dir_name_for_internal_replication_with_local; for (const auto & replica_key : replica_keys) { if (startsWith(replica_key, "weight") || startsWith(replica_key, "internal_replication")) continue; if (startsWith(replica_key, "replica")) { replica_addresses.emplace_back(config, partial_prefix + replica_key, current_shard_num, current_replica_num); ++current_replica_num; if (internal_replication) { auto dir_name = replica_addresses.back().toFullString(settings.use_compact_format_in_distributed_parts_names); if (!replica_addresses.back().is_local) { if (dir_name_for_internal_replication.empty()) dir_name_for_internal_replication = dir_name; else dir_name_for_internal_replication += "," + dir_name; } if (dir_name_for_internal_replication_with_local.empty()) dir_name_for_internal_replication_with_local = dir_name; else dir_name_for_internal_replication_with_local += "," + dir_name; } } else throw Exception("Unknown element in config: " + replica_key, ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_ELEMENT_IN_CONFIG); } Addresses shard_local_addresses; ConnectionPoolPtrs all_replicas_pools; all_replicas_pools.reserve(replica_addresses.size()); for (const auto & replica : replica_addresses) { auto replica_pool = std::make_shared( settings.distributed_connections_pool_size, replica.host_name, replica.port, replica.default_database, replica.user, replica.password, "server", replica.compression, replica.secure, replica.priority); all_replicas_pools.emplace_back(replica_pool); if (replica.is_local) shard_local_addresses.push_back(replica); } ConnectionPoolWithFailoverPtr shard_pool = std::make_shared( all_replicas_pools, settings.load_balancing, settings.distributed_replica_error_half_life.totalSeconds(), settings.distributed_replica_error_cap); if (weight) slot_to_shard.insert(std::end(slot_to_shard), weight, shards_info.size()); shards_info.push_back({ std::move(dir_name_for_internal_replication), std::move(dir_name_for_internal_replication_with_local), current_shard_num, weight, std::move(shard_local_addresses), std::move(shard_pool), std::move(all_replicas_pools), internal_replication }); } else throw Exception("Unknown element in config: " + key, ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_ELEMENT_IN_CONFIG); ++current_shard_num; } if (addresses_with_failover.empty()) throw Exception("There must be either 'node' or 'shard' elements in config", ErrorCodes::EXCESSIVE_ELEMENT_IN_CONFIG); initMisc(); } Cluster::Cluster(const Settings & settings, const std::vector> & names, const String & username, const String & password, UInt16 clickhouse_port, bool treat_local_as_remote, bool secure, Int64 priority) { UInt32 current_shard_num = 1; for (const auto & shard : names) { Addresses current; for (const auto & replica : shard) current.emplace_back(replica, username, password, clickhouse_port, secure, priority); addresses_with_failover.emplace_back(current); Addresses shard_local_addresses; ConnectionPoolPtrs all_replicas; all_replicas.reserve(current.size()); for (const auto & replica : current) { auto replica_pool = std::make_shared( settings.distributed_connections_pool_size, replica.host_name, replica.port, replica.default_database, replica.user, replica.password, "server", replica.compression, replica.secure, replica.priority); all_replicas.emplace_back(replica_pool); if (replica.is_local && !treat_local_as_remote) shard_local_addresses.push_back(replica); } ConnectionPoolWithFailoverPtr shard_pool = std::make_shared( all_replicas, settings.load_balancing, settings.distributed_replica_error_half_life.totalSeconds(), settings.distributed_replica_error_cap); slot_to_shard.insert(std::end(slot_to_shard), default_weight, shards_info.size()); shards_info.push_back({ {}, // dir_name_for_internal_replication {}, // dir_name_for_internal_replication_with_local current_shard_num, default_weight, std::move(shard_local_addresses), std::move(shard_pool), std::move(all_replicas), false // has_internal_replication }); ++current_shard_num; } initMisc(); } Poco::Timespan Cluster::saturate(const Poco::Timespan & v, const Poco::Timespan & limit) { if (limit.totalMicroseconds() == 0) return v; else return (v > limit) ? limit : v; } void Cluster::initMisc() { for (const auto & shard_info : shards_info) { if (!shard_info.isLocal() && !shard_info.hasRemoteConnections()) throw Exception("Found shard without any specified connection", ErrorCodes::SHARD_HAS_NO_CONNECTIONS); } for (const auto & shard_info : shards_info) { if (shard_info.isLocal()) ++local_shard_count; else ++remote_shard_count; } for (auto & shard_info : shards_info) { if (!shard_info.isLocal()) { any_remote_shard_info = &shard_info; break; } } } std::unique_ptr Cluster::getClusterWithReplicasAsShards(const Settings & settings) const { return std::unique_ptr{ new Cluster(ReplicasAsShardsTag{}, *this, settings)}; } std::unique_ptr Cluster::getClusterWithSingleShard(size_t index) const { return std::unique_ptr{ new Cluster(SubclusterTag{}, *this, {index}) }; } std::unique_ptr Cluster::getClusterWithMultipleShards(const std::vector & indices) const { return std::unique_ptr{ new Cluster(SubclusterTag{}, *this, indices) }; } Cluster::Cluster(Cluster::ReplicasAsShardsTag, const Cluster & from, const Settings & settings) { if (from.addresses_with_failover.empty()) throw Exception("Cluster is empty", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); std::set> unique_hosts; for (size_t shard_index : ext::range(0, from.shards_info.size())) { const auto & replicas = from.addresses_with_failover[shard_index]; for (const auto & address : replicas) { if (!unique_hosts.emplace(address.host_name, address.port).second) continue; /// Duplicate host, skip. ShardInfo info; if (address.is_local) info.local_addresses.push_back(address); ConnectionPoolPtr pool = std::make_shared( settings.distributed_connections_pool_size, address.host_name, address.port, address.default_database, address.user, address.password, "server", address.compression, address.secure, address.priority); info.pool = std::make_shared(ConnectionPoolPtrs{pool}, settings.load_balancing); info.per_replica_pools = {std::move(pool)}; addresses_with_failover.emplace_back(Addresses{address}); shards_info.emplace_back(std::move(info)); } } initMisc(); } Cluster::Cluster(Cluster::SubclusterTag, const Cluster & from, const std::vector & indices) { for (size_t index : indices) { shards_info.emplace_back(from.shards_info.at(index)); if (!from.addresses_with_failover.empty()) addresses_with_failover.emplace_back(from.addresses_with_failover.at(index)); } initMisc(); } const std::string & Cluster::ShardInfo::pathForInsert(bool prefer_localhost_replica) const { if (!has_internal_replication) throw Exception("internal_replication is not set", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); if (dir_name_for_internal_replication.empty() || dir_name_for_internal_replication_with_local.empty()) throw Exception("Directory name for async inserts is empty", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); if (prefer_localhost_replica) return dir_name_for_internal_replication; else return dir_name_for_internal_replication_with_local; } }