#include #include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int TOO_MANY_ROWS; extern const int TOO_MANY_BYTES; extern const int TOO_MANY_ROWS_OR_BYTES; extern const int TIMEOUT_EXCEEDED; extern const int TOO_SLOW; extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR; extern const int BLOCKS_HAVE_DIFFERENT_STRUCTURE; } IProfilingBlockInputStream::IProfilingBlockInputStream() { info.parent = this; } Block IProfilingBlockInputStream::read() { if (total_rows_approx) { progressImpl(Progress(0, 0, total_rows_approx)); total_rows_approx = 0; } if (!info.started) { info.total_stopwatch.start(); info.started = true; } Block res; if (isCancelledOrThrowIfKilled()) return res; if (!checkTimeLimit()) limit_exceeded_need_break = true; if (!limit_exceeded_need_break) res = readImpl(); if (res) { info.update(res); if (enabled_extremes) updateExtremes(res); if (limits.mode == LIMITS_CURRENT && !limits.size_limits.check(info.rows, info.bytes, "result", ErrorCodes::TOO_MANY_ROWS_OR_BYTES)) limit_exceeded_need_break = true; if (quota != nullptr) checkQuota(res); } else { /** If the thread is over, then we will ask all children to abort the execution. * This makes sense when running a query with LIMIT * - there is a situation when all the necessary data has already been read, * but children sources are still working, * herewith they can work in separate threads or even remotely. */ cancel(false); } progress(Progress(res.rows(), res.bytes())); #ifndef NDEBUG if (res) { Block header = getHeader(); if (header) assertBlocksHaveEqualStructure(res, header, getName()); } #endif return res; } void IProfilingBlockInputStream::readPrefix() { readPrefixImpl(); forEachChild([&] (IBlockInputStream & child) { child.readPrefix(); return false; }); } void IProfilingBlockInputStream::readSuffix() { forEachChild([&] (IBlockInputStream & child) { child.readSuffix(); return false; }); readSuffixImpl(); } void IProfilingBlockInputStream::updateExtremes(Block & block) { size_t num_columns = block.columns(); if (!extremes) { MutableColumns extremes_columns(num_columns); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_columns; ++i) { const ColumnPtr & src = block.safeGetByPosition(i).column; if (src->isColumnConst()) { /// Equal min and max. extremes_columns[i] = src->cloneResized(2); } else { Field min_value; Field max_value; src->getExtremes(min_value, max_value); extremes_columns[i] = src->cloneEmpty(); extremes_columns[i]->insert(min_value); extremes_columns[i]->insert(max_value); } } extremes = block.cloneWithColumns(std::move(extremes_columns)); } else { for (size_t i = 0; i < num_columns; ++i) { ColumnPtr & old_extremes = extremes.safeGetByPosition(i).column; if (old_extremes->isColumnConst()) continue; Field min_value = (*old_extremes)[0]; Field max_value = (*old_extremes)[1]; Field cur_min_value; Field cur_max_value; block.safeGetByPosition(i).column->getExtremes(cur_min_value, cur_max_value); if (cur_min_value < min_value) min_value = cur_min_value; if (cur_max_value > max_value) max_value = cur_max_value; MutableColumnPtr new_extremes = old_extremes->cloneEmpty(); new_extremes->insert(min_value); new_extremes->insert(max_value); old_extremes = std::move(new_extremes); } } } static bool handleOverflowMode(OverflowMode mode, const String & message, int code) { switch (mode) { case OverflowMode::THROW: throw Exception(message, code); case OverflowMode::BREAK: return false; default: throw Exception("Logical error: unknown overflow mode", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); } }; bool IProfilingBlockInputStream::checkTimeLimit() { if (limits.max_execution_time != 0 && info.total_stopwatch.elapsed() > static_cast(limits.max_execution_time.totalMicroseconds()) * 1000) return handleOverflowMode(limits.timeout_overflow_mode, "Timeout exceeded: elapsed " + toString(info.total_stopwatch.elapsedSeconds()) + " seconds, maximum: " + toString(limits.max_execution_time.totalMicroseconds() / 1000000.0), ErrorCodes::TIMEOUT_EXCEEDED); return true; } void IProfilingBlockInputStream::checkQuota(Block & block) { switch (limits.mode) { case LIMITS_TOTAL: /// Checked in `progress` method. break; case LIMITS_CURRENT: { time_t current_time = time(nullptr); double total_elapsed = info.total_stopwatch.elapsedSeconds(); quota->checkAndAddResultRowsBytes(current_time, block.rows(), block.bytes()); quota->checkAndAddExecutionTime(current_time, Poco::Timespan((total_elapsed - prev_elapsed) * 1000000.0)); prev_elapsed = total_elapsed; break; } default: throw Exception("Logical error: unknown limits mode.", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); } } void IProfilingBlockInputStream::progressImpl(const Progress & value) { if (progress_callback) progress_callback(value); if (process_list_elem) { if (!process_list_elem->updateProgressIn(value)) cancel(false); /// The total amount of data processed or intended for processing in all leaf sources, possibly on remote servers. ProgressValues progress = process_list_elem->getProgressIn(); size_t total_rows_estimate = std::max(progress.rows, progress.total_rows); /** Check the restrictions on the amount of data to read, the speed of the query, the quota on the amount of data to read. * NOTE: Maybe it makes sense to have them checked directly in ProcessList? */ if (limits.mode == LIMITS_TOTAL && ((limits.size_limits.max_rows && total_rows_estimate > limits.size_limits.max_rows) || (limits.size_limits.max_bytes && progress.bytes > limits.size_limits.max_bytes))) { switch (limits.size_limits.overflow_mode) { case OverflowMode::THROW: { if (limits.size_limits.max_rows && total_rows_estimate > limits.size_limits.max_rows) throw Exception("Limit for rows to read exceeded: " + toString(total_rows_estimate) + " rows read (or to read), maximum: " + toString(limits.size_limits.max_rows), ErrorCodes::TOO_MANY_ROWS); else throw Exception("Limit for (uncompressed) bytes to read exceeded: " + toString(progress.bytes) + " bytes read, maximum: " + toString(limits.size_limits.max_bytes), ErrorCodes::TOO_MANY_BYTES); break; } case OverflowMode::BREAK: { /// For `break`, we will stop only if so many rows were actually read, and not just supposed to be read. if ((limits.size_limits.max_rows && progress.rows > limits.size_limits.max_rows) || (limits.size_limits.max_bytes && progress.bytes > limits.size_limits.max_bytes)) { cancel(false); } break; } default: throw Exception("Logical error: unknown overflow mode", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); } } size_t total_rows = progress.total_rows; if (limits.min_execution_speed || (total_rows && limits.timeout_before_checking_execution_speed != 0)) { double total_elapsed = info.total_stopwatch.elapsedSeconds(); if (total_elapsed > limits.timeout_before_checking_execution_speed.totalMicroseconds() / 1000000.0) { if (limits.min_execution_speed && progress.rows / total_elapsed < limits.min_execution_speed) throw Exception("Query is executing too slow: " + toString(progress.rows / total_elapsed) + " rows/sec., minimum: " + toString(limits.min_execution_speed), ErrorCodes::TOO_SLOW); size_t total_rows = progress.total_rows; /// If the predicted execution time is longer than `max_execution_time`. if (limits.max_execution_time != 0 && total_rows) { double estimated_execution_time_seconds = total_elapsed * (static_cast(total_rows) / progress.rows); if (estimated_execution_time_seconds > limits.max_execution_time.totalSeconds()) throw Exception("Estimated query execution time (" + toString(estimated_execution_time_seconds) + " seconds)" + " is too long. Maximum: " + toString(limits.max_execution_time.totalSeconds()) + ". Estimated rows to process: " + toString(total_rows), ErrorCodes::TOO_SLOW); } } } if (quota != nullptr && limits.mode == LIMITS_TOTAL) { quota->checkAndAddReadRowsBytes(time(nullptr), value.rows, value.bytes); } } } void IProfilingBlockInputStream::cancel(bool kill) { if (kill) is_killed = true; bool old_val = false; if (!is_cancelled.compare_exchange_strong(old_val, true, std::memory_order_seq_cst, std::memory_order_relaxed)) return; forEachProfilingChild([&] (IProfilingBlockInputStream & child) { child.cancel(kill); return false; }); } bool IProfilingBlockInputStream::isCancelled() const { return is_cancelled; } bool IProfilingBlockInputStream::isCancelledOrThrowIfKilled() const { if (!is_cancelled) return false; if (is_killed) throw Exception("Query was cancelled", ErrorCodes::QUERY_WAS_CANCELLED); return true; } void IProfilingBlockInputStream::setProgressCallback(const ProgressCallback & callback) { progress_callback = callback; forEachProfilingChild([&] (IProfilingBlockInputStream & child) { child.setProgressCallback(callback); return false; }); } void IProfilingBlockInputStream::setProcessListElement(ProcessListElement * elem) { process_list_elem = elem; forEachProfilingChild([&] (IProfilingBlockInputStream & child) { child.setProcessListElement(elem); return false; }); } Block IProfilingBlockInputStream::getTotals() { if (totals) return totals; Block res; forEachProfilingChild([&] (IProfilingBlockInputStream & child) { res = child.getTotals(); if (res) return true; return false; }); return res; } Block IProfilingBlockInputStream::getExtremes() { if (extremes) return extremes; Block res; forEachProfilingChild([&] (IProfilingBlockInputStream & child) { res = child.getExtremes(); if (res) return true; return false; }); return res; } }