--- slug: /en/sql-reference/aggregate-functions/reference/theilsu sidebar_position: 201 --- # theilsU The `theilsU` function calculates the [Theil's U uncertainty coefficient](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contingency_table#Uncertainty_coefficient), a value that measures the association between two columns in a table. Its values range from −1.0 (100% negative association, or perfect inversion) to +1.0 (100% positive association, or perfect agreement). A value of 0.0 indicates the absence of association. **Syntax** ``` sql theilsU(column1, column2) ``` **Arguments** - `column1` and `column2` are the columns to be compared **Returned value** - a value between -1 and 1 **Return type** is always [Float64](../../../sql-reference/data-types/float.md). **Example** The following two columns being compared below have a small association with each other, so the value of `theilsU` is negative: ``` sql SELECT theilsU(a ,b) FROM ( SELECT number % 10 AS a, number % 4 AS b FROM numbers(150) ); ``` Result: ```response ┌────────theilsU(a, b)─┐ │ -0.30195720557678846 │ └──────────────────────┘ ```