#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import logging import os import subprocess import sys from pathlib import Path from typing import List, Tuple from pip._vendor.packaging.version import Version from build_download_helper import download_builds_filter from ci_utils import Shell from docker_images_helper import DockerImage, get_docker_image, pull_image from env_helper import REPORT_PATH, TEMP_PATH from report import FAILURE, SUCCESS, JobReport, TestResult, TestResults from stopwatch import Stopwatch IMAGE_UBUNTU = "clickhouse/test-old-ubuntu" IMAGE_CENTOS = "clickhouse/test-old-centos" DOWNLOAD_RETRIES_COUNT = 5 def process_os_check(log_path: Path) -> TestResult: name = log_path.name with open(log_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as log: line = log.read().split("\n")[0].strip() if line != "OK": return TestResult(name, "FAIL") return TestResult(name, "OK") def process_glibc_check(log_path: Path, max_glibc_version: str) -> TestResults: test_results = [] # type: TestResults with open(log_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as log: for line in log: if line.strip(): columns = line.strip().split(" ") symbol_with_glibc = columns[-2] # sysconf@GLIBC_2.2.5 _, version = symbol_with_glibc.split("@GLIBC_") if version == "PRIVATE": test_results.append(TestResult(symbol_with_glibc, "FAIL")) elif Version(version) > Version(max_glibc_version): test_results.append(TestResult(symbol_with_glibc, "FAIL")) if not test_results: test_results.append(TestResult("glibc check", "OK")) return test_results def process_result( result_directory: Path, server_log_directory: Path, check_glibc: bool, check_distributions: bool, max_glibc_version: str, ) -> Tuple[str, str, TestResults, List[Path]]: glibc_log_path = result_directory / "glibc.log" test_results = process_glibc_check(glibc_log_path, max_glibc_version) status = SUCCESS description = "Compatibility check passed" if check_glibc: if len(test_results) > 1 or test_results[0].status != "OK": status = FAILURE description = "glibc check failed" if status == SUCCESS and check_distributions: for operating_system in ("ubuntu:12.04", "centos:5"): test_result = process_os_check(result_directory / operating_system) if test_result.status != "OK": status = FAILURE description = f"Old {operating_system} failed" test_results += [test_result] break test_results += [test_result] result_logs = [ p for p in [ server_log_directory / name for name in ("clickhouse-server.log", "stderr.log", "clientstderr.log") ] + [glibc_log_path] if p.exists() ] return status, description, test_results, result_logs def get_run_commands_glibc(build_path: Path, result_directory: Path) -> List[str]: return [ f"readelf -s --wide {build_path}/usr/bin/clickhouse | " f"grep '@GLIBC_' > {result_directory}/glibc.log", f"readelf -s --wide {build_path}/usr/bin/clickhouse-odbc-bridge | " f"grep '@GLIBC_' >> {result_directory}/glibc.log", f"readelf -s --wide {build_path}/usr/bin/clickhouse-library-bridge | " f"grep '@GLIBC_' >> {result_directory}/glibc.log", ] def get_run_commands_distributions( build_path: Path, result_directory: Path, server_log_directory: Path, image_centos: DockerImage, image_ubuntu: DockerImage, ) -> List[str]: return [ f"docker run --network=host --volume={build_path}/usr/bin/clickhouse:/clickhouse " f"--volume={build_path}/etc/clickhouse-server:/config " f"--volume={server_log_directory}:/var/log/clickhouse-server {image_ubuntu} > " f"{result_directory}/ubuntu:12.04", f"docker run --network=host --volume={build_path}/usr/bin/clickhouse:/clickhouse " f"--volume={build_path}/etc/clickhouse-server:/config " f"--volume={server_log_directory}:/var/log/clickhouse-server {image_centos} > " f"{result_directory}/centos:5", ] def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Check compatibility with old distributions") parser.add_argument("--check-name", required=False) return parser.parse_args() def main(): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) args = parse_args() check_name = args.check_name or os.getenv("CHECK_NAME") assert check_name check_glibc = True # currently hardcoded to x86, don't enable for AARCH64 check_distributions = ( "aarch64" not in check_name.lower() and "arm64" not in check_name.lower() ) stopwatch = Stopwatch() temp_path = Path(TEMP_PATH) reports_path = Path(REPORT_PATH) temp_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) reports_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) packages_path = temp_path / "packages" packages_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) def url_filter(url): return url.endswith(".deb") and ( "clickhouse-common-static_" in url or "clickhouse-server_" in url ) if check_name in ("amd_release", "amd_debug", "arm_release"): # this is praktika based CI print("Copy input *.deb artifacts") assert Shell.check( f"cp /tmp/praktika/input/*.deb {packages_path}", verbose=True ) else: download_builds_filter(check_name, reports_path, packages_path, url_filter) for package in packages_path.iterdir(): if package.suffix == ".deb": subprocess.check_call( f"dpkg -x {package} {packages_path} && rm {package}", shell=True ) server_log_path = temp_path / "server_log" server_log_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) result_path = temp_path / "result_path" result_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) run_commands = [] if check_glibc: check_glibc_commands = get_run_commands_glibc(packages_path, result_path) run_commands.extend(check_glibc_commands) if check_distributions: centos_image = pull_image(get_docker_image(IMAGE_CENTOS)) ubuntu_image = pull_image(get_docker_image(IMAGE_UBUNTU)) check_distributions_commands = get_run_commands_distributions( packages_path, result_path, server_log_path, centos_image, ubuntu_image, ) run_commands.extend(check_distributions_commands) state = SUCCESS for run_command in run_commands: try: logging.info("Running command %s", run_command) subprocess.check_call(run_command, shell=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: logging.info("Exception calling command %s", ex) state = FAILURE subprocess.check_call(f"sudo chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu {temp_path}", shell=True) # See https://sourceware.org/glibc/wiki/Glibc%20Timeline max_glibc_version = "" if "amd" in check_name or "(release)" in check_name: max_glibc_version = "2.4" elif "aarch" in check_name or "arm" in check_name: max_glibc_version = "2.18" # because of build with newer sysroot? else: raise RuntimeError("Can't determine max glibc version") state, description, test_results, additional_logs = process_result( result_path, server_log_path, check_glibc, check_distributions, max_glibc_version, ) JobReport( description=description, test_results=test_results, status=state, start_time=stopwatch.start_time_str, duration=stopwatch.duration_seconds, additional_files=additional_logs, ).dump() if state == FAILURE: sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()