#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS; extern const int UNKNOWN_TABLE; extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR; extern const int CANNOT_GET_CREATE_TABLE_QUERY; extern const int SYNTAX_ERROR; extern const int UNSUPPORTED_METHOD; } DatabaseDictionary::DatabaseDictionary(const String & name_) : IDatabase(name_), log(&Logger::get("DatabaseDictionary(" + database_name + ")")) { } Tables DatabaseDictionary::listTables(const Context & context, const FilterByNameFunction & filter_by_name) { Tables tables; ExternalLoader::LoadResults load_results; if (filter_by_name) { /// If `filter_by_name` is set, we iterate through all dictionaries with such names. That's why we need to load all of them. load_results = context.getExternalDictionariesLoader().tryLoad(filter_by_name); } else { /// If `filter_by_name` isn't set, we iterate through only already loaded dictionaries. We don't try to load all dictionaries in this case. load_results = context.getExternalDictionariesLoader().getCurrentLoadResults(); } for (const auto & load_result: load_results) { /// Load tables only from XML dictionaries, don't touch other if (load_result.object && load_result.repository_name.empty()) { auto dict_ptr = std::static_pointer_cast(load_result.object); auto dict_name = dict_ptr->getName(); const DictionaryStructure & dictionary_structure = dict_ptr->getStructure(); auto columns = StorageDictionary::getNamesAndTypes(dictionary_structure); tables[dict_name] = StorageDictionary::create(getDatabaseName(), dict_name, ColumnsDescription{columns}, context, true, dict_name); } } return tables; } bool DatabaseDictionary::isTableExist( const Context & context, const String & table_name) const { return context.getExternalDictionariesLoader().getCurrentStatus(table_name) != ExternalLoader::Status::NOT_EXIST; } StoragePtr DatabaseDictionary::tryGetTable( const Context & context, const String & table_name) const { auto dict_ptr = context.getExternalDictionariesLoader().tryGetDictionary(table_name); if (dict_ptr) { const DictionaryStructure & dictionary_structure = dict_ptr->getStructure(); auto columns = StorageDictionary::getNamesAndTypes(dictionary_structure); return StorageDictionary::create(getDatabaseName(), table_name, ColumnsDescription{columns}, context, true, table_name); } return {}; } DatabaseTablesIteratorPtr DatabaseDictionary::getTablesIterator(const Context & context, const FilterByNameFunction & filter_by_name) { return std::make_unique(listTables(context, filter_by_name)); } bool DatabaseDictionary::empty(const Context & context) const { return !context.getExternalDictionariesLoader().hasCurrentlyLoadedObjects(); } ASTPtr DatabaseDictionary::getCreateTableQueryImpl(const Context & context, const String & table_name, bool throw_on_error) const { String query; { WriteBufferFromString buffer(query); const auto & dictionaries = context.getExternalDictionariesLoader(); auto dictionary = throw_on_error ? dictionaries.getDictionary(table_name) : dictionaries.tryGetDictionary(table_name); if (!dictionary) return {}; auto names_and_types = StorageDictionary::getNamesAndTypes(dictionary->getStructure()); buffer << "CREATE TABLE " << backQuoteIfNeed(database_name) << '.' << backQuoteIfNeed(table_name) << " ("; buffer << StorageDictionary::generateNamesAndTypesDescription(names_and_types.begin(), names_and_types.end()); buffer << ") Engine = Dictionary(" << backQuoteIfNeed(table_name) << ")"; } auto settings = context.getSettingsRef(); ParserCreateQuery parser; const char * pos = query.data(); std::string error_message; auto ast = tryParseQuery(parser, pos, pos + query.size(), error_message, /* hilite = */ false, "", /* allow_multi_statements = */ false, 0, settings.max_parser_depth); if (!ast && throw_on_error) throw Exception(error_message, ErrorCodes::SYNTAX_ERROR); return ast; } ASTPtr DatabaseDictionary::getCreateDatabaseQuery(const Context & context) const { String query; { WriteBufferFromString buffer(query); buffer << "CREATE DATABASE " << backQuoteIfNeed(database_name) << " ENGINE = Dictionary"; } auto settings = context.getSettingsRef(); ParserCreateQuery parser; return parseQuery(parser, query.data(), query.data() + query.size(), "", 0, settings.max_parser_depth); } void DatabaseDictionary::shutdown() { } }