#include "ICommand.h" #include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int BAD_ARGUMENTS; } class CommandCopy final : public ICommand { public: CommandCopy() { command_name = "copy"; command_option_description.emplace(createOptionsDescription("Allowed options", getTerminalWidth())); description = "Recursively copy data containing at `from_path` to `to_path`\nPath should be in format './' or './path' or 'path'"; usage = "copy [OPTION]... "; command_option_description->add_options() ("diskFrom", po::value(), "set name for disk from which we do operations") ("diskTo", po::value(), "set name for disk to which we do operations") ; } void processOptions( Poco::Util::LayeredConfiguration & config, po::variables_map & options) const override { if (options.count("diskFrom")) config.setString("diskFrom", options["diskFrom"].as()); if (options.count("diskTo")) config.setString("diskTo", options["diskTo"].as()); } void execute( const std::vector & command_arguments, DB::ContextMutablePtr & global_context, Poco::Util::LayeredConfiguration & config) override { if (command_arguments.size() != 2) { printHelpMessage(); throw DB::Exception(DB::ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "Bad Arguments"); } String disk_name_from = config.getString("diskFrom", config.getString("disk", "default")); String disk_name_to = config.getString("diskTo", config.getString("disk", "default")); const String & path_from = command_arguments[0]; const String & path_to = command_arguments[1]; DiskPtr disk_from = global_context->getDisk(disk_name_from); DiskPtr disk_to = global_context->getDisk(disk_name_to); String relative_path_from = validatePathAndGetAsRelative(path_from); String relative_path_to = validatePathAndGetAsRelative(path_to); disk_from->copy(relative_path_from, disk_to, relative_path_to); } }; } std::unique_ptr makeCommandCopy() { return std::make_unique(); }