--- slug: /en/sql-reference/aggregate-functions/reference/sum sidebar_position: 195 --- # sum Calculates the sum. Only works for numbers. **Syntax** ```sql sum(num) ``` **Parameters** - `num`: Column of numeric values. [(U)Int*](../../data-types/int-uint.md), [Float*](../../data-types/float.md), [Decimal*](../../data-types/decimal.md). **Returned value** - The sum of the values. [(U)Int*](../../data-types/int-uint.md), [Float*](../../data-types/float.md), [Decimal*](../../data-types/decimal.md). **Example** First we create a table `employees` and insert some fictional employee data into it. Query: ```sql CREATE TABLE employees ( `id` UInt32, `name` String, `salary` UInt32 ) ENGINE = Log ``` ```sql INSERT INTO employees VALUES (87432, 'John Smith', 45680), (59018, 'Jane Smith', 72350), (20376, 'Ivan Ivanovich', 58900), (71245, 'Anastasia Ivanovna', 89210); ``` We query for the total amount of the employee salaries using the `sum` function. Query: ```sql SELECT sum(salary) FROM employees; ``` Result: ```response ┌─sum(salary)─┐ 1. │ 266140 │ └─────────────┘ ```