DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tab; CREATE TABLE tab(e8 Enum8('hello' = -5, 'world' = 15), e16 Enum16('shark' = -999, 'eagle' = 9999)) ENGINE MergeTree ORDER BY tuple(); INSERT INTO TABLE tab VALUES ('hello', 'shark'), ('world', 'eagle'); SELECT '-- Positive offsets (slice from left)'; WITH cte AS (SELECT number + 1 AS n FROM system.numbers LIMIT 6), permutations AS (SELECT c1.n AS offset, c2.n AS length FROM cte AS c1 CROSS JOIN cte AS c2) SELECT 'Offset: ', p.offset, 'Length: ', p.length, substring(e8, p.offset) AS s1, substring(e16, p.offset) AS s2, substring(e8, p.offset, p.length) AS s3, substring(e16, p.offset, p.length) AS s4 FROM tab LEFT JOIN permutations AS p ON true; SELECT '-- Negative offsets (slice from right)'; WITH cte AS (SELECT number + 1 AS n FROM system.numbers LIMIT 6), permutations AS (SELECT -c1.n AS offset, c2.n AS length FROM cte AS c1 CROSS JOIN cte AS c2) SELECT 'Offset: ', p.offset, 'Length: ', p.length, substring(e8, p.offset) AS s1, substring(e16, p.offset) AS s2, substring(e8, p.offset, p.length) AS s3, substring(e16, p.offset, p.length) AS s4 FROM tab LEFT JOIN permutations AS p ON true; SELECT '-- Zero offset/length'; WITH cte AS (SELECT number AS n FROM system.numbers LIMIT 2), permutations AS (SELECT c1.n AS offset, c2.n AS length FROM cte AS c1 CROSS JOIN cte AS c2 LIMIT 3) SELECT 'Offset: ', p.offset, 'Length: ', p.length, substring(e8, p.offset) AS s1, substring(e16, p.offset) AS s2, substring(e8, p.offset, p.length) AS s3, substring(e16, p.offset, p.length) AS s4 FROM tab LEFT JOIN permutations AS p ON true; SELECT '-- Constant enums'; SELECT substring(CAST('foo', 'Enum8(\'foo\' = 1)'), 1, 1), substring(CAST('foo', 'Enum16(\'foo\' = 1111)'), 1, 2); DROP TABLE tab;