DROP TABLE IF EXISTS recompression_table; CREATE TABLE recompression_table ( dt DateTime, key UInt64, value String ) ENGINE MergeTree() ORDER BY tuple() PARTITION BY key TTL dt + INTERVAL 1 MONTH RECOMPRESS CODEC(ZSTD(17)), dt + INTERVAL 1 YEAR RECOMPRESS CODEC(LZ4HC(10)); INSERT INTO recompression_table SELECT now(), 1, toString(number) from numbers(1000); INSERT INTO recompression_table SELECT now() - INTERVAL 2 MONTH, 2, toString(number) from numbers(1000, 1000); INSERT INTO recompression_table SELECT now() - INTERVAL 2 YEAR, 3, toString(number) from numbers(2000, 1000); SELECT COUNT() FROM recompression_table; SELECT name, default_compression_codec FROM system.parts WHERE table = 'recompression_table' and active = 1 and database = currentDatabase() ORDER BY name; ALTER TABLE recompression_table MODIFY TTL dt + INTERVAL 1 MONTH RECOMPRESS CODEC(ZSTD(12)) SETTINGS mutations_sync = 2; SELECT name, default_compression_codec FROM system.parts WHERE table = 'recompression_table' and active = 1 and database = currentDatabase() ORDER BY name; OPTIMIZE TABLE recompression_table FINAL; SELECT name, default_compression_codec FROM system.parts WHERE table = 'recompression_table' and active = 1 and database = currentDatabase() ORDER BY name; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS recompression_table;