#include "Keeper.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Core/Defines.h" #include "config.h" #include "config_version.h" #if USE_SSL # include # include #endif #include #include int mainEntryClickHouseKeeper(int argc, char ** argv) { DB::Keeper app; try { return app.run(argc, argv); } catch (...) { std::cerr << DB::getCurrentExceptionMessage(true) << "\n"; auto code = DB::getCurrentExceptionCode(); return code ? code : 1; } } #ifdef KEEPER_STANDALONE_BUILD // Weak symbols don't work correctly on Darwin // so we have a stub implementation to avoid linker errors void collectCrashLog( Int32, UInt64, const String &, const StackTrace &) {} #endif namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int NO_ELEMENTS_IN_CONFIG; extern const int SUPPORT_IS_DISABLED; extern const int NETWORK_ERROR; extern const int MISMATCHING_USERS_FOR_PROCESS_AND_DATA; extern const int FAILED_TO_GETPWUID; extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR; } namespace { size_t waitServersToFinish(std::vector & servers, size_t seconds_to_wait) { const size_t sleep_max_ms = 1000 * seconds_to_wait; const size_t sleep_one_ms = 100; size_t sleep_current_ms = 0; size_t current_connections = 0; for (;;) { current_connections = 0; for (auto & server : servers) { server.stop(); current_connections += server.currentConnections(); } if (!current_connections) break; sleep_current_ms += sleep_one_ms; if (sleep_current_ms < sleep_max_ms) std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(sleep_one_ms)); else break; } return current_connections; } Poco::Net::SocketAddress makeSocketAddress(const std::string & host, UInt16 port, Poco::Logger * log) { Poco::Net::SocketAddress socket_address; try { socket_address = Poco::Net::SocketAddress(host, port); } catch (const Poco::Net::DNSException & e) { const auto code = e.code(); if (code == EAI_FAMILY #if defined(EAI_ADDRFAMILY) || code == EAI_ADDRFAMILY #endif ) { LOG_ERROR(log, "Cannot resolve listen_host ({}), error {}: {}. " "If it is an IPv6 address and your host has disabled IPv6, then consider to " "specify IPv4 address to listen in element of configuration " "file. Example:", host, e.code(), e.message()); } throw; } return socket_address; } std::string getUserName(uid_t user_id) { /// Try to convert user id into user name. auto buffer_size = sysconf(_SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX); if (buffer_size <= 0) buffer_size = 1024; std::string buffer; buffer.reserve(buffer_size); struct passwd passwd_entry; struct passwd * result = nullptr; const auto error = getpwuid_r(user_id, &passwd_entry, buffer.data(), buffer_size, &result); if (error) throwFromErrno("Failed to find user name for " + toString(user_id), ErrorCodes::FAILED_TO_GETPWUID, error); else if (result) return result->pw_name; return toString(user_id); } } Poco::Net::SocketAddress Keeper::socketBindListen(Poco::Net::ServerSocket & socket, const std::string & host, UInt16 port, [[maybe_unused]] bool secure) const { auto address = makeSocketAddress(host, port, &logger()); socket.bind(address, /* reuseAddress = */ true, /* reusePort = */ config().getBool("listen_reuse_port", false)); socket.listen(/* backlog = */ config().getUInt("listen_backlog", 64)); return address; } void Keeper::createServer(const std::string & listen_host, const char * port_name, bool listen_try, CreateServerFunc && func) const { /// For testing purposes, user may omit tcp_port or http_port or https_port in configuration file. if (!config().has(port_name)) return; auto port = config().getInt(port_name); try { func(port); } catch (const Poco::Exception &) { std::string message = "Listen [" + listen_host + "]:" + std::to_string(port) + " failed: " + getCurrentExceptionMessage(false); if (listen_try) { LOG_WARNING(&logger(), "{}. If it is an IPv6 or IPv4 address and your host has disabled IPv6 or IPv4, then consider to " "specify not disabled IPv4 or IPv6 address to listen in element of configuration " "file. Example for disabled IPv6: ." " Example for disabled IPv4: ::", message); } else { throw Exception::createDeprecated(message, ErrorCodes::NETWORK_ERROR); } } } void Keeper::uninitialize() { logger().information("shutting down"); BaseDaemon::uninitialize(); } int Keeper::run() { if (config().hasOption("help")) { Poco::Util::HelpFormatter help_formatter(Keeper::options()); auto header_str = fmt::format("{} [OPTION] [-- [ARG]...]\n" "positional arguments can be used to rewrite config.xml properties, for example, --http_port=8010", commandName()); help_formatter.setHeader(header_str); help_formatter.format(std::cout); return 0; } if (config().hasOption("version")) { std::cout << DBMS_NAME << " keeper version " << VERSION_STRING << VERSION_OFFICIAL << "." << std::endl; return 0; } return Application::run(); // NOLINT } void Keeper::initialize(Poco::Util::Application & self) { BaseDaemon::initialize(self); logger().information("starting up"); LOG_INFO(&logger(), "OS Name = {}, OS Version = {}, OS Architecture = {}", Poco::Environment::osName(), Poco::Environment::osVersion(), Poco::Environment::osArchitecture()); } std::string Keeper::getDefaultConfigFileName() const { return "keeper_config.xml"; } void Keeper::handleCustomArguments(const std::string & arg, [[maybe_unused]] const std::string & value) // NOLINT { if (arg == "force-recovery") { assert(value.empty()); config().setBool("keeper_server.force_recovery", true); return; } throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Invalid argument {} provided", arg); } void Keeper::defineOptions(Poco::Util::OptionSet & options) { options.addOption( Poco::Util::Option("help", "h", "show help and exit") .required(false) .repeatable(false) .binding("help")); options.addOption( Poco::Util::Option("version", "V", "show version and exit") .required(false) .repeatable(false) .binding("version")); options.addOption( Poco::Util::Option("force-recovery", "force-recovery", "Force recovery mode allowing Keeper to overwrite cluster configuration without quorum") .required(false) .repeatable(false) .noArgument() .callback(Poco::Util::OptionCallback(this, &Keeper::handleCustomArguments))); BaseDaemon::defineOptions(options); } struct Keeper::KeeperHTTPContext : public IHTTPContext { explicit KeeperHTTPContext(TinyContextPtr context_) : context(std::move(context_)) {} uint64_t getMaxHstsAge() const override { return context->getConfigRef().getUInt64("keeper_server.hsts_max_age", 0); } uint64_t getMaxUriSize() const override { return context->getConfigRef().getUInt64("keeper_server.http_max_uri_size", 1048576); } uint64_t getMaxFields() const override { return context->getConfigRef().getUInt64("keeper_server.http_max_fields", 1000000); } uint64_t getMaxFieldNameSize() const override { return context->getConfigRef().getUInt64("keeper_server.http_max_field_name_size", 1048576); } uint64_t getMaxFieldValueSize() const override { return context->getConfigRef().getUInt64("keeper_server.http_max_field_value_size", 1048576); } uint64_t getMaxChunkSize() const override { return context->getConfigRef().getUInt64("keeper_server.http_max_chunk_size", 100_GiB); } Poco::Timespan getReceiveTimeout() const override { return context->getConfigRef().getUInt64("keeper_server.http_receive_timeout", DEFAULT_HTTP_READ_BUFFER_TIMEOUT); } Poco::Timespan getSendTimeout() const override { return context->getConfigRef().getUInt64("keeper_server.http_send_timeout", DEFAULT_HTTP_READ_BUFFER_TIMEOUT); } TinyContextPtr context; }; HTTPContextPtr Keeper::httpContext() { return std::make_shared(tiny_context); } int Keeper::main(const std::vector & /*args*/) try { Poco::Logger * log = &logger(); UseSSL use_ssl; MainThreadStatus::getInstance(); #if !defined(NDEBUG) || !defined(__OPTIMIZE__) LOG_WARNING(log, "Keeper was built in debug mode. It will work slowly."); #endif #if defined(SANITIZER) LOG_WARNING(log, "Keeper was built with sanitizer. It will work slowly."); #endif if (!config().has("keeper_server")) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NO_ELEMENTS_IN_CONFIG, "Keeper configuration ( section) not found in config"); std::string path; if (config().has("keeper_server.storage_path")) path = config().getString("keeper_server.storage_path"); else if (config().has("keeper_server.log_storage_path")) path = std::filesystem::path(config().getString("keeper_server.log_storage_path")).parent_path(); else if (config().has("keeper_server.snapshot_storage_path")) path = std::filesystem::path(config().getString("keeper_server.snapshot_storage_path")).parent_path(); else path = std::filesystem::path{KEEPER_DEFAULT_PATH}; /// Check that the process user id matches the owner of the data. const auto effective_user_id = geteuid(); struct stat statbuf; if (stat(path.c_str(), &statbuf) == 0 && effective_user_id != statbuf.st_uid) { const auto effective_user = getUserName(effective_user_id); const auto data_owner = getUserName(statbuf.st_uid); std::string message = "Effective user of the process (" + effective_user + ") does not match the owner of the data (" + data_owner + ")."; if (effective_user_id == 0) { message += " Run under 'sudo -u " + data_owner + "'."; throw Exception::createDeprecated(message, ErrorCodes::MISMATCHING_USERS_FOR_PROCESS_AND_DATA); } else { LOG_WARNING(log, fmt::runtime(message)); } } DB::ServerUUID::load(path + "/uuid", log); std::string include_from_path = config().getString("include_from", "/etc/metrika.xml"); GlobalThreadPool::initialize( config().getUInt("max_thread_pool_size", 100), config().getUInt("max_thread_pool_free_size", 1000), config().getUInt("thread_pool_queue_size", 10000) ); static ServerErrorHandler error_handler; Poco::ErrorHandler::set(&error_handler); /// Initialize DateLUT early, to not interfere with running time of first query. LOG_DEBUG(log, "Initializing DateLUT."); DateLUT::instance(); LOG_TRACE(log, "Initialized DateLUT with time zone '{}'.", DateLUT::instance().getTimeZone()); /// Don't want to use DNS cache DNSResolver::instance().setDisableCacheFlag(); Poco::ThreadPool server_pool(3, config().getUInt("max_connections", 1024)); std::mutex servers_lock; auto servers = std::make_shared>(); tiny_context = std::make_shared(); /// This object will periodically calculate some metrics. KeeperAsynchronousMetrics async_metrics( tiny_context, config().getUInt("asynchronous_metrics_update_period_s", 1), [&]() -> std::vector { std::vector metrics; std::lock_guard lock(servers_lock); metrics.reserve(servers->size()); for (const auto & server : *servers) metrics.emplace_back(ProtocolServerMetrics{server.getPortName(), server.currentThreads()}); return metrics; } ); std::vector listen_hosts = DB::getMultipleValuesFromConfig(config(), "", "listen_host"); bool listen_try = config().getBool("listen_try", false); if (listen_hosts.empty()) { listen_hosts.emplace_back("::1"); listen_hosts.emplace_back(""); listen_try = true; } /// Initialize keeper RAFT. Do nothing if no keeper_server in config. tiny_context->initializeKeeperDispatcher(/* start_async = */ true); FourLetterCommandFactory::registerCommands(*tiny_context->getKeeperDispatcher()); auto config_getter = [this] () -> const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & { return tiny_context->getConfigRef(); }; for (const auto & listen_host : listen_hosts) { /// TCP Keeper const char * port_name = "keeper_server.tcp_port"; createServer(listen_host, port_name, listen_try, [&](UInt16 port) { Poco::Net::ServerSocket socket; auto address = socketBindListen(socket, listen_host, port); socket.setReceiveTimeout(config().getUInt64("keeper_server.socket_receive_timeout_sec", DBMS_DEFAULT_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT_SEC)); socket.setSendTimeout(config().getUInt64("keeper_server.socket_send_timeout_sec", DBMS_DEFAULT_SEND_TIMEOUT_SEC)); servers->emplace_back( listen_host, port_name, "Keeper (tcp): " + address.toString(), std::make_unique( new KeeperTCPHandlerFactory( config_getter, tiny_context->getKeeperDispatcher(), config().getUInt64("keeper_server.socket_receive_timeout_sec", DBMS_DEFAULT_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT_SEC), config().getUInt64("keeper_server.socket_send_timeout_sec", DBMS_DEFAULT_SEND_TIMEOUT_SEC), false), server_pool, socket)); }); const char * secure_port_name = "keeper_server.tcp_port_secure"; createServer(listen_host, secure_port_name, listen_try, [&](UInt16 port) { #if USE_SSL Poco::Net::SecureServerSocket socket; auto address = socketBindListen(socket, listen_host, port, /* secure = */ true); socket.setReceiveTimeout(config().getUInt64("keeper_server.socket_receive_timeout_sec", DBMS_DEFAULT_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT_SEC)); socket.setSendTimeout(config().getUInt64("keeper_server.socket_send_timeout_sec", DBMS_DEFAULT_SEND_TIMEOUT_SEC)); servers->emplace_back( listen_host, secure_port_name, "Keeper with secure protocol (tcp_secure): " + address.toString(), std::make_unique( new KeeperTCPHandlerFactory( config_getter, tiny_context->getKeeperDispatcher(), config().getUInt64("keeper_server.socket_receive_timeout_sec", DBMS_DEFAULT_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT_SEC), config().getUInt64("keeper_server.socket_send_timeout_sec", DBMS_DEFAULT_SEND_TIMEOUT_SEC), true), server_pool, socket)); #else UNUSED(port); throw Exception(ErrorCodes::SUPPORT_IS_DISABLED, "SSL support for TCP protocol is disabled because Poco library was built without NetSSL support."); #endif }); const auto & config = config_getter(); Poco::Timespan keep_alive_timeout(config.getUInt("keep_alive_timeout", 10), 0); Poco::Net::HTTPServerParams::Ptr http_params = new Poco::Net::HTTPServerParams; http_params->setTimeout(DBMS_DEFAULT_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT_SEC); http_params->setKeepAliveTimeout(keep_alive_timeout); /// Prometheus (if defined and not setup yet with http_port) port_name = "prometheus.port"; createServer(listen_host, port_name, listen_try, [&](UInt16 port) { Poco::Net::ServerSocket socket; auto address = socketBindListen(socket, listen_host, port); auto http_context = httpContext(); socket.setReceiveTimeout(http_context->getReceiveTimeout()); socket.setSendTimeout(http_context->getSendTimeout()); servers->emplace_back( listen_host, port_name, "Prometheus: http://" + address.toString(), std::make_unique( std::move(http_context), createPrometheusMainHandlerFactory(*this, config_getter(), async_metrics, "PrometheusHandler-factory"), server_pool, socket, http_params)); }); } for (auto & server : *servers) { server.start(); LOG_INFO(log, "Listening for {}", server.getDescription()); } async_metrics.start(); zkutil::EventPtr unused_event = std::make_shared(); zkutil::ZooKeeperNodeCache unused_cache([] { return nullptr; }); /// ConfigReloader have to strict parameters which are redundant in our case auto main_config_reloader = std::make_unique( config_path, include_from_path, config().getString("path", ""), std::move(unused_cache), unused_event, [&](ConfigurationPtr config, bool /* initial_loading */) { if (config->has("keeper_server")) tiny_context->updateKeeperConfiguration(*config); }, /* already_loaded = */ false); /// Reload it right now (initial loading) SCOPE_EXIT({ LOG_INFO(log, "Shutting down."); main_config_reloader.reset(); async_metrics.stop(); LOG_DEBUG(log, "Waiting for current connections to Keeper to finish."); size_t current_connections = 0; for (auto & server : *servers) { server.stop(); current_connections += server.currentConnections(); } if (current_connections) LOG_INFO(log, "Closed all listening sockets. Waiting for {} outstanding connections.", current_connections); else LOG_INFO(log, "Closed all listening sockets."); if (current_connections > 0) current_connections = waitServersToFinish(*servers, config().getInt("shutdown_wait_unfinished", 5)); if (current_connections) LOG_INFO(log, "Closed connections to Keeper. But {} remain. Probably some users cannot finish their connections after context shutdown.", current_connections); else LOG_INFO(log, "Closed connections to Keeper."); tiny_context->shutdownKeeperDispatcher(); /// Wait server pool to avoid use-after-free of destroyed context in the handlers server_pool.joinAll(); LOG_DEBUG(log, "Destroyed global context."); if (current_connections) { LOG_INFO(log, "Will shutdown forcefully."); safeExit(0); } }); buildLoggers(config(), logger()); main_config_reloader->start(); LOG_INFO(log, "Ready for connections."); waitForTerminationRequest(); return Application::EXIT_OK; } catch (...) { /// Poco does not provide stacktrace. tryLogCurrentException("Application"); throw; } void Keeper::logRevision() const { Poco::Logger::root().information("Starting ClickHouse Keeper " + std::string{VERSION_STRING} + "(revision : " + std::to_string(ClickHouseRevision::getVersionRevision()) + ", git hash: " + (git_hash.empty() ? "" : git_hash) + ", build id: " + (build_id.empty() ? "" : build_id) + ")" + ", PID " + std::to_string(getpid())); } }