SET compile_aggregate_expressions = 1; SET min_count_to_compile_aggregate_expression = 0; SELECT 'Aggregation using JIT compilation'; SELECT 'Simple functions'; SELECT CounterID, min(WatchID), max(WatchID), sum(WatchID), avg(WatchID), avgWeighted(WatchID, CounterID), count(WatchID), groupBitOr(WatchID), groupBitAnd(WatchID), groupBitXor(WatchID) FROM test.hits GROUP BY CounterID ORDER BY count() DESC LIMIT 20; SELECT 'Simple functions with non compilable function'; SELECT CounterID, min(WatchID), max(WatchID), sum(WatchID), sum(toUInt128(WatchID)), avg(WatchID), avgWeighted(WatchID, CounterID), count(WatchID), groupBitOr(WatchID), groupBitAnd(WatchID), groupBitXor(WatchID) FROM test.hits GROUP BY CounterID ORDER BY count() DESC LIMIT 20; SELECT 'Simple functions if combinator'; WITH (WatchID % 2 == 0) AS predicate SELECT CounterID, minIf(WatchID,predicate), maxIf(WatchID, predicate), sumIf(WatchID, predicate), avgIf(WatchID, predicate), avgWeightedIf(WatchID, CounterID, predicate), countIf(WatchID, predicate), groupBitOrIf(WatchID, predicate), groupBitAndIf(WatchID, predicate), groupBitXorIf(WatchID, predicate) FROM test.hits GROUP BY CounterID ORDER BY count() DESC LIMIT 20; SET compile_aggregate_expressions = 0; SELECT 'Aggregation without JIT compilation'; SELECT 'Simple functions'; SELECT CounterID, min(WatchID), max(WatchID), sum(WatchID), avg(WatchID), avgWeighted(WatchID, CounterID), count(WatchID), groupBitOr(WatchID), groupBitAnd(WatchID), groupBitXor(WatchID) FROM test.hits GROUP BY CounterID ORDER BY count() DESC LIMIT 20; SELECT 'Simple functions with non compilable function'; SELECT CounterID, min(WatchID), max(WatchID), sum(WatchID), sum(toUInt128(WatchID)), avg(WatchID), avgWeighted(WatchID, CounterID), count(WatchID), groupBitOr(WatchID), groupBitAnd(WatchID), groupBitXor(WatchID) FROM test.hits GROUP BY CounterID ORDER BY count() DESC LIMIT 20; SELECT 'Simple functions if combinator'; WITH (WatchID % 2 == 0) AS predicate SELECT CounterID, minIf(WatchID,predicate), maxIf(WatchID, predicate), sumIf(WatchID, predicate), avgIf(WatchID, predicate), avgWeightedIf(WatchID, CounterID, predicate), countIf(WatchID, predicate), groupBitOrIf(WatchID, predicate), groupBitAndIf(WatchID, predicate), groupBitXorIf(WatchID, predicate) FROM test.hits GROUP BY CounterID ORDER BY count() DESC LIMIT 20;