#include "config_core.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace ProfileEvents { extern const Event FunctionExecute; extern const Event CompiledFunctionExecute; } namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR; extern const int DUPLICATE_COLUMN; extern const int UNKNOWN_IDENTIFIER; extern const int NOT_FOUND_COLUMN_IN_BLOCK; extern const int TOO_MANY_TEMPORARY_COLUMNS; extern const int TOO_MANY_TEMPORARY_NON_CONST_COLUMNS; } /// Read comment near usage static constexpr auto DUMMY_COLUMN_NAME = "_dummy"; Names ExpressionAction::getNeededColumns() const { Names res = argument_names; if (array_join) res.insert(res.end(), array_join->columns.begin(), array_join->columns.end()); if (table_join) res.insert(res.end(), table_join->keyNamesLeft().begin(), table_join->keyNamesLeft().end()); for (const auto & column : projection) res.push_back(column.first); if (!source_name.empty()) res.push_back(source_name); return res; } ExpressionAction ExpressionAction::applyFunction( const FunctionOverloadResolverPtr & function_, const std::vector & argument_names_, std::string result_name_) { if (result_name_.empty()) { result_name_ = function_->getName() + "("; for (size_t i = 0 ; i < argument_names_.size(); ++i) { if (i) result_name_ += ", "; result_name_ += argument_names_[i]; } result_name_ += ")"; } ExpressionAction a; a.type = APPLY_FUNCTION; a.result_name = result_name_; a.function_builder = function_; a.argument_names = argument_names_; return a; } ExpressionAction ExpressionAction::addColumn( const ColumnWithTypeAndName & added_column_) { ExpressionAction a; a.type = ADD_COLUMN; a.result_name = added_column_.name; a.result_type = added_column_.type; a.added_column = added_column_.column; return a; } ExpressionAction ExpressionAction::removeColumn(const std::string & removed_name) { ExpressionAction a; a.type = REMOVE_COLUMN; a.source_name = removed_name; return a; } ExpressionAction ExpressionAction::copyColumn(const std::string & from_name, const std::string & to_name, bool can_replace) { ExpressionAction a; a.type = COPY_COLUMN; a.source_name = from_name; a.result_name = to_name; a.can_replace = can_replace; return a; } ExpressionAction ExpressionAction::project(const NamesWithAliases & projected_columns_) { ExpressionAction a; a.type = PROJECT; a.projection = projected_columns_; return a; } ExpressionAction ExpressionAction::project(const Names & projected_columns_) { ExpressionAction a; a.type = PROJECT; a.projection.resize(projected_columns_.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < projected_columns_.size(); ++i) a.projection[i] = NameWithAlias(projected_columns_[i], ""); return a; } ExpressionAction ExpressionAction::addAliases(const NamesWithAliases & aliased_columns_) { ExpressionAction a; a.type = ADD_ALIASES; a.projection = aliased_columns_; return a; } ExpressionAction ExpressionAction::arrayJoin(const NameSet & array_joined_columns, bool array_join_is_left, const Context & context) { ExpressionAction a; a.type = ARRAY_JOIN; a.array_join = std::make_shared(array_joined_columns, array_join_is_left, context); return a; } ExpressionAction ExpressionAction::ordinaryJoin(std::shared_ptr table_join, JoinPtr join) { ExpressionAction a; a.type = JOIN; a.table_join = table_join; a.join = join; return a; } void ExpressionAction::prepare(Block & sample_block, const Settings & settings, NameSet & names_not_for_constant_folding) { // std::cerr << "preparing: " << toString() << std::endl; /** Constant expressions should be evaluated, and put the result in sample_block. */ switch (type) { case APPLY_FUNCTION: { if (sample_block.has(result_name)) throw Exception("Column '" + result_name + "' already exists", ErrorCodes::DUPLICATE_COLUMN); bool all_const = true; bool all_suitable_for_constant_folding = true; ColumnNumbers arguments(argument_names.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < argument_names.size(); ++i) { arguments[i] = sample_block.getPositionByName(argument_names[i]); ColumnPtr col = sample_block.safeGetByPosition(arguments[i]).column; if (!col || !isColumnConst(*col)) all_const = false; if (names_not_for_constant_folding.count(argument_names[i])) all_suitable_for_constant_folding = false; } size_t result_position = sample_block.columns(); sample_block.insert({nullptr, result_type, result_name}); function = function_base->prepare(sample_block, arguments, result_position); function->createLowCardinalityResultCache(settings.max_threads); bool compile_expressions = false; #if USE_EMBEDDED_COMPILER compile_expressions = settings.compile_expressions; #endif /// If all arguments are constants, and function is suitable to be executed in 'prepare' stage - execute function. /// But if we compile expressions compiled version of this function maybe placed in cache, /// so we don't want to unfold non deterministic functions if (all_const && function_base->isSuitableForConstantFolding() && (!compile_expressions || function_base->isDeterministic())) { function->execute(sample_block, arguments, result_position, sample_block.rows(), true); /// If the result is not a constant, just in case, we will consider the result as unknown. ColumnWithTypeAndName & col = sample_block.safeGetByPosition(result_position); if (!isColumnConst(*col.column)) { col.column = nullptr; } else { /// All constant (literal) columns in block are added with size 1. /// But if there was no columns in block before executing a function, the result has size 0. /// Change the size to 1. if (col.column->empty()) col.column = col.column->cloneResized(1); if (!all_suitable_for_constant_folding) names_not_for_constant_folding.insert(result_name); } } /// Some functions like ignore() or getTypeName() always return constant result even if arguments are not constant. /// We can't do constant folding, but can specify in sample block that function result is constant to avoid /// unnecessary materialization. auto & res = sample_block.getByPosition(result_position); if (!res.column && function_base->isSuitableForConstantFolding()) { if (auto col = function_base->getResultIfAlwaysReturnsConstantAndHasArguments(sample_block, arguments)) { res.column = std::move(col); names_not_for_constant_folding.insert(result_name); } } break; } case ARRAY_JOIN: { array_join->prepare(sample_block); break; } case JOIN: { table_join->addJoinedColumnsAndCorrectNullability(sample_block); break; } case PROJECT: { Block new_block; for (const auto & elem : projection) { const std::string & name = elem.first; const std::string & alias = elem.second; ColumnWithTypeAndName column = sample_block.getByName(name); if (!alias.empty()) column.name = alias; new_block.insert(std::move(column)); } sample_block.swap(new_block); break; } case ADD_ALIASES: { for (const auto & elem : projection) { const std::string & name = elem.first; const std::string & alias = elem.second; const ColumnWithTypeAndName & column = sample_block.getByName(name); if (!alias.empty() && !sample_block.has(alias)) sample_block.insert({column.column, column.type, alias}); } break; } case REMOVE_COLUMN: { sample_block.erase(source_name); break; } case ADD_COLUMN: { if (sample_block.has(result_name)) throw Exception("Column '" + result_name + "' already exists", ErrorCodes::DUPLICATE_COLUMN); sample_block.insert(ColumnWithTypeAndName(added_column, result_type, result_name)); break; } case COPY_COLUMN: { const auto & source = sample_block.getByName(source_name); result_type = source.type; if (sample_block.has(result_name)) { if (can_replace) { auto & result = sample_block.getByName(result_name); result.type = result_type; result.column = source.column; } else throw Exception("Column '" + result_name + "' already exists", ErrorCodes::DUPLICATE_COLUMN); } else sample_block.insert(ColumnWithTypeAndName(source.column, result_type, result_name)); break; } } } void ExpressionAction::execute(Block & block, bool dry_run, ExtraBlockPtr & not_processed) const { size_t input_rows_count = block.rows(); if (type == REMOVE_COLUMN || type == COPY_COLUMN) if (!block.has(source_name)) throw Exception("Not found column '" + source_name + "'. There are columns: " + block.dumpNames(), ErrorCodes::NOT_FOUND_COLUMN_IN_BLOCK); if (type == ADD_COLUMN || (type == COPY_COLUMN && !can_replace) || type == APPLY_FUNCTION) if (block.has(result_name)) throw Exception("Column '" + result_name + "' already exists", ErrorCodes::DUPLICATE_COLUMN); switch (type) { case APPLY_FUNCTION: { ColumnNumbers arguments(argument_names.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < argument_names.size(); ++i) { if (!block.has(argument_names[i])) throw Exception("Not found column: '" + argument_names[i] + "'", ErrorCodes::NOT_FOUND_COLUMN_IN_BLOCK); arguments[i] = block.getPositionByName(argument_names[i]); } size_t num_columns_without_result = block.columns(); block.insert({ nullptr, result_type, result_name}); ProfileEvents::increment(ProfileEvents::FunctionExecute); if (is_function_compiled) ProfileEvents::increment(ProfileEvents::CompiledFunctionExecute); function->execute(block, arguments, num_columns_without_result, input_rows_count, dry_run); break; } case ARRAY_JOIN: { array_join->execute(block, dry_run); break; } case JOIN: { join->joinBlock(block, not_processed); break; } case PROJECT: { Block new_block; for (const auto & elem : projection) { const std::string & name = elem.first; const std::string & alias = elem.second; ColumnWithTypeAndName column = block.getByName(name); if (!alias.empty()) column.name = alias; new_block.insert(std::move(column)); } block.swap(new_block); break; } case ADD_ALIASES: { for (const auto & elem : projection) { const std::string & name = elem.first; const std::string & alias = elem.second; const ColumnWithTypeAndName & column = block.getByName(name); if (!alias.empty() && !block.has(alias)) block.insert({column.column, column.type, alias}); } break; } case REMOVE_COLUMN: block.erase(source_name); break; case ADD_COLUMN: block.insert({ added_column->cloneResized(input_rows_count), result_type, result_name }); break; case COPY_COLUMN: if (can_replace && block.has(result_name)) { auto & result = block.getByName(result_name); const auto & source = block.getByName(source_name); result.type = source.type; result.column = source.column; } else { const auto & source_column = block.getByName(source_name); block.insert({source_column.column, source_column.type, result_name}); } break; } } void ExpressionAction::executeOnTotals(Block & block) const { if (type != JOIN) execute(block, false); else join->joinTotals(block); } std::string ExpressionAction::toString() const { std::stringstream ss; switch (type) { case ADD_COLUMN: ss << "ADD " << result_name << " " << (result_type ? result_type->getName() : "(no type)") << " " << (added_column ? added_column->getName() : "(no column)"); break; case REMOVE_COLUMN: ss << "REMOVE " << source_name; break; case COPY_COLUMN: ss << "COPY " << result_name << " = " << source_name; if (can_replace) ss << " (can replace)"; break; case APPLY_FUNCTION: ss << "FUNCTION " << result_name << " " << (is_function_compiled ? "[compiled] " : "") << (result_type ? result_type->getName() : "(no type)") << " = " << (function_base ? function_base->getName() : "(no function)") << "("; for (size_t i = 0; i < argument_names.size(); ++i) { if (i) ss << ", "; ss << argument_names[i]; } ss << ")"; break; case ARRAY_JOIN: ss << (array_join->is_left ? "LEFT " : "") << "ARRAY JOIN "; for (NameSet::const_iterator it = array_join->columns.begin(); it != array_join->columns.end(); ++it) { if (it != array_join->columns.begin()) ss << ", "; ss << *it; } break; case JOIN: ss << "JOIN "; for (NamesAndTypesList::const_iterator it = table_join->columnsAddedByJoin().begin(); it != table_join->columnsAddedByJoin().end(); ++it) { if (it != table_join->columnsAddedByJoin().begin()) ss << ", "; ss << it->name; } break; case PROJECT: [[fallthrough]]; case ADD_ALIASES: ss << (type == PROJECT ? "PROJECT " : "ADD_ALIASES "); for (size_t i = 0; i < projection.size(); ++i) { if (i) ss << ", "; ss << projection[i].first; if (!projection[i].second.empty() && projection[i].second != projection[i].first) ss << " AS " << projection[i].second; } break; } return ss.str(); } void ExpressionActions::checkLimits(Block & block) const { if (settings.max_temporary_columns && block.columns() > settings.max_temporary_columns) throw Exception("Too many temporary columns: " + block.dumpNames() + ". Maximum: " + settings.max_temporary_columns.toString(), ErrorCodes::TOO_MANY_TEMPORARY_COLUMNS); if (settings.max_temporary_non_const_columns) { size_t non_const_columns = 0; for (size_t i = 0, size = block.columns(); i < size; ++i) if (block.safeGetByPosition(i).column && !isColumnConst(*block.safeGetByPosition(i).column)) ++non_const_columns; if (non_const_columns > settings.max_temporary_non_const_columns) { std::stringstream list_of_non_const_columns; for (size_t i = 0, size = block.columns(); i < size; ++i) if (block.safeGetByPosition(i).column && !isColumnConst(*block.safeGetByPosition(i).column)) list_of_non_const_columns << "\n" << block.safeGetByPosition(i).name; throw Exception("Too many temporary non-const columns:" + list_of_non_const_columns.str() + ". Maximum: " + settings.max_temporary_non_const_columns.toString(), ErrorCodes::TOO_MANY_TEMPORARY_NON_CONST_COLUMNS); } } } void ExpressionActions::addInput(const ColumnWithTypeAndName & column) { input_columns.emplace_back(column.name, column.type); sample_block.insert(column); } void ExpressionActions::addInput(const NameAndTypePair & column) { addInput(ColumnWithTypeAndName(nullptr, column.type, column.name)); } void ExpressionActions::add(const ExpressionAction & action, Names & out_new_columns) { addImpl(action, out_new_columns); } void ExpressionActions::add(const ExpressionAction & action) { Names new_names; addImpl(action, new_names); } void ExpressionActions::addImpl(ExpressionAction action, Names & new_names) { if (!action.result_name.empty()) new_names.push_back(action.result_name); if (action.array_join) new_names.insert(new_names.end(), action.array_join->columns.begin(), action.array_join->columns.end()); /// Compiled functions are custom functions and they don't need building if (action.type == ExpressionAction::APPLY_FUNCTION && !action.is_function_compiled) { if (sample_block.has(action.result_name)) throw Exception("Column '" + action.result_name + "' already exists", ErrorCodes::DUPLICATE_COLUMN); ColumnsWithTypeAndName arguments(action.argument_names.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < action.argument_names.size(); ++i) { if (!sample_block.has(action.argument_names[i])) throw Exception("Unknown identifier: '" + action.argument_names[i] + "'", ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_IDENTIFIER); arguments[i] = sample_block.getByName(action.argument_names[i]); } action.function_base = action.function_builder->build(arguments); action.result_type = action.function_base->getReturnType(); } if (action.type == ExpressionAction::ADD_ALIASES) for (const auto & name_with_alias : action.projection) new_names.emplace_back(name_with_alias.second); action.prepare(sample_block, settings, names_not_for_constant_folding); actions.push_back(action); } void ExpressionActions::prependProjectInput() { actions.insert(actions.begin(), ExpressionAction::project(getRequiredColumns())); } void ExpressionActions::prependArrayJoin(const ExpressionAction & action, const Block & sample_block_before) { if (action.type != ExpressionAction::ARRAY_JOIN) throw Exception("ARRAY_JOIN action expected", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); NameSet array_join_set(action.array_join->columns.begin(), action.array_join->columns.end()); for (auto & it : input_columns) { if (array_join_set.count(it.name)) { array_join_set.erase(it.name); it.type = std::make_shared(it.type); } } for (const std::string & name : array_join_set) { input_columns.emplace_back(name, sample_block_before.getByName(name).type); actions.insert(actions.begin(), ExpressionAction::removeColumn(name)); } actions.insert(actions.begin(), action); optimizeArrayJoin(); } bool ExpressionActions::popUnusedArrayJoin(const Names & required_columns, ExpressionAction & out_action) { if (actions.empty() || actions.back().type != ExpressionAction::ARRAY_JOIN) return false; NameSet required_set(required_columns.begin(), required_columns.end()); for (const std::string & name : actions.back().array_join->columns) { if (required_set.count(name)) return false; } for (const std::string & name : actions.back().array_join->columns) { DataTypePtr & type = sample_block.getByName(name).type; type = std::make_shared(type); } out_action = actions.back(); actions.pop_back(); return true; } void ExpressionActions::execute(Block & block, bool dry_run) const { for (const auto & action : actions) { action.execute(block, dry_run); checkLimits(block); } } /// @warning It's a tricky method that allows to continue ONLY ONE action in reason of one-to-many ALL JOIN logic. void ExpressionActions::execute(Block & block, ExtraBlockPtr & not_processed, size_t & start_action) const { size_t i = start_action; start_action = 0; for (; i < actions.size(); ++i) { actions[i].execute(block, false, not_processed); checkLimits(block); if (not_processed) start_action = i; } } bool ExpressionActions::hasTotalsInJoin() const { for (const auto & action : actions) if (action.table_join && action.join->hasTotals()) return true; return false; } void ExpressionActions::executeOnTotals(Block & block) const { /// If there is `totals` in the subquery for JOIN, but we do not have totals, then take the block with the default values instead of `totals`. if (!block) { if (hasTotalsInJoin()) { for (const auto & name_and_type : input_columns) { auto column = name_and_type.type->createColumn(); column->insertDefault(); block.insert(ColumnWithTypeAndName(std::move(column), name_and_type.type, name_and_type.name)); } } else return; /// There's nothing to JOIN. } for (const auto & action : actions) action.executeOnTotals(block); } std::string ExpressionActions::getSmallestColumn(const NamesAndTypesList & columns) { std::optional min_size; String res; for (const auto & column : columns) { /// @todo resolve evil constant size_t size = column.type->haveMaximumSizeOfValue() ? column.type->getMaximumSizeOfValueInMemory() : 100; if (!min_size || size < *min_size) { min_size = size; res = column.name; } } if (!min_size) throw Exception("No available columns", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); return res; } void ExpressionActions::finalize(const Names & output_columns) { NameSet final_columns; for (const auto & name : output_columns) { if (!sample_block.has(name)) throw Exception("Unknown column: " + name + ", there are only columns " + sample_block.dumpNames(), ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_IDENTIFIER); final_columns.insert(name); } #if USE_EMBEDDED_COMPILER /// This has to be done before removing redundant actions and inserting REMOVE_COLUMNs /// because inlining may change dependency sets. if (settings.compile_expressions) compileFunctions(actions, output_columns, sample_block, compilation_cache, settings.min_count_to_compile_expression); #endif /// Which columns are needed to perform actions from the current to the last. NameSet needed_columns = final_columns; /// Which columns nobody will touch from the current action to the last. NameSet unmodified_columns; { NamesAndTypesList sample_columns = sample_block.getNamesAndTypesList(); for (const auto & sample_column : sample_columns) unmodified_columns.insert(sample_column.name); } /// Let's go from the end and maintain set of required columns at this stage. /// We will throw out unnecessary actions, although usually they are absent by construction. for (int i = static_cast(actions.size()) - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ExpressionAction & action = actions[i]; Names in = action.getNeededColumns(); if (action.type == ExpressionAction::PROJECT) { needed_columns = NameSet(in.begin(), in.end()); unmodified_columns.clear(); } else if (action.type == ExpressionAction::ADD_ALIASES) { needed_columns.insert(in.begin(), in.end()); for (auto & name_wit_alias : action.projection) { auto it = unmodified_columns.find(name_wit_alias.second); if (it != unmodified_columns.end()) unmodified_columns.erase(it); } } else if (action.type == ExpressionAction::ARRAY_JOIN) { action.array_join->finalize(needed_columns, unmodified_columns, final_columns); } else { std::string out = action.result_name; if (!out.empty()) { /// If the result is not used and there are no side effects, throw out the action. if (!needed_columns.count(out) && (action.type == ExpressionAction::APPLY_FUNCTION || action.type == ExpressionAction::ADD_COLUMN || action.type == ExpressionAction::COPY_COLUMN)) { actions.erase(actions.begin() + i); if (unmodified_columns.count(out)) { sample_block.erase(out); unmodified_columns.erase(out); } continue; } unmodified_columns.erase(out); needed_columns.erase(out); /** If the function is a constant expression, then replace the action by adding a column-constant - result. * That is, we perform constant folding. */ if (action.type == ExpressionAction::APPLY_FUNCTION && sample_block.has(out)) { auto & result = sample_block.getByName(out); if (result.column && names_not_for_constant_folding.count(result.name) == 0) { action.type = ExpressionAction::ADD_COLUMN; action.result_type = result.type; action.added_column = result.column; action.function_builder = nullptr; action.function_base = nullptr; action.function = nullptr; action.argument_names.clear(); in.clear(); } } } needed_columns.insert(in.begin(), in.end()); } } /// 1) Sometimes we don't need any columns to perform actions and sometimes actions doesn't produce any columns as result. /// But Block class doesn't store any information about structure itself, it uses information from column. /// If we remove all columns from input or output block we will lose information about amount of rows in it. /// To avoid this situation we always leaving one of the columns in required columns (input) /// and output column. We choose that "redundant" column by size with help of getSmallestColumn. /// /// 2) Sometimes we have to read data from different Storages to execute query. /// For example in 'remote' function which requires to read data from local table (for example MergeTree) and /// remote table (doesn't know anything about it). /// /// If we have combination of two previous cases, our heuristic from (1) can choose absolutely different columns, /// so generated streams with these actions will have different headers. To avoid this we additionally rename our "redundant" column /// to DUMMY_COLUMN_NAME with help of COPY_COLUMN action and consequent remove of original column. /// It doesn't affect any logic, but all streams will have same "redundant" column in header called "_dummy". /// Also, it seems like we will always have same type (UInt8) of "redundant" column, but it's not obvious. bool dummy_column_copied = false; /// We will not throw out all the input columns, so as not to lose the number of rows in the block. if (needed_columns.empty() && !input_columns.empty()) { auto colname = getSmallestColumn(input_columns); needed_columns.insert(colname); actions.insert(actions.begin(), ExpressionAction::copyColumn(colname, DUMMY_COLUMN_NAME, true)); dummy_column_copied = true; } /// We will not leave the block empty so as not to lose the number of rows in it. if (final_columns.empty() && !input_columns.empty()) { auto colname = getSmallestColumn(input_columns); final_columns.insert(DUMMY_COLUMN_NAME); if (!dummy_column_copied) /// otherwise we already have this column actions.insert(actions.begin(), ExpressionAction::copyColumn(colname, DUMMY_COLUMN_NAME, true)); } for (NamesAndTypesList::iterator it = input_columns.begin(); it != input_columns.end();) { NamesAndTypesList::iterator it0 = it; ++it; if (!needed_columns.count(it0->name)) { if (unmodified_columns.count(it0->name)) sample_block.erase(it0->name); input_columns.erase(it0); } } /* std::cerr << "\n"; for (const auto & action : actions) std::cerr << action.toString() << "\n"; std::cerr << "\n";*/ /// Deletes unnecessary temporary columns. /// If the column after performing the function `refcount = 0`, it can be deleted. std::map columns_refcount; for (const auto & name : final_columns) ++columns_refcount[name]; for (const auto & action : actions) { if (!action.source_name.empty()) ++columns_refcount[action.source_name]; for (const auto & name : action.argument_names) ++columns_refcount[name]; for (const auto & name_alias : action.projection) ++columns_refcount[name_alias.first]; } Actions new_actions; new_actions.reserve(actions.size()); for (const auto & action : actions) { new_actions.push_back(action); auto process = [&] (const String & name) { auto refcount = --columns_refcount[name]; if (refcount <= 0) { new_actions.push_back(ExpressionAction::removeColumn(name)); if (sample_block.has(name)) sample_block.erase(name); } }; if (!action.source_name.empty()) process(action.source_name); for (const auto & name : action.argument_names) process(name); /// For `projection`, there is no reduction in `refcount`, because the `project` action replaces the names of the columns, in effect, already deleting them under the old names. } actions.swap(new_actions); /* std::cerr << "\n"; for (const auto & action : actions) std::cerr << action.toString() << "\n"; std::cerr << "\n";*/ optimizeArrayJoin(); checkLimits(sample_block); } std::string ExpressionActions::dumpActions() const { std::stringstream ss; ss << "input:\n"; for (const auto & input_column : input_columns) ss << input_column.name << " " << input_column.type->getName() << "\n"; ss << "\nactions:\n"; for (const auto & action : actions) ss << action.toString() << '\n'; ss << "\noutput:\n"; NamesAndTypesList output_columns = sample_block.getNamesAndTypesList(); for (const auto & output_column : output_columns) ss << output_column.name << " " << output_column.type->getName() << "\n"; return ss.str(); } void ExpressionActions::optimizeArrayJoin() { const size_t none = actions.size(); size_t first_array_join = none; /// Columns that need to be evaluated for arrayJoin. /// Actions for adding them can not be moved to the left of the arrayJoin. NameSet array_joined_columns; /// Columns needed to evaluate arrayJoin or those that depend on it. /// Actions to delete them can not be moved to the left of the arrayJoin. NameSet array_join_dependencies; for (size_t i = 0; i < actions.size(); ++i) { /// Do not move the action to the right of the projection (the more that they are not usually there). if (actions[i].type == ExpressionAction::PROJECT) break; bool depends_on_array_join = false; Names needed; if (actions[i].type == ExpressionAction::ARRAY_JOIN) { depends_on_array_join = true; needed = actions[i].getNeededColumns(); } else { if (first_array_join == none) continue; needed = actions[i].getNeededColumns(); for (const auto & elem : needed) { if (array_joined_columns.count(elem)) { depends_on_array_join = true; break; } } } if (depends_on_array_join) { if (first_array_join == none) first_array_join = i; if (!actions[i].result_name.empty()) array_joined_columns.insert(actions[i].result_name); if (actions[i].array_join) array_joined_columns.insert(actions[i].array_join->columns.begin(), actions[i].array_join->columns.end()); array_join_dependencies.insert(needed.begin(), needed.end()); } else { bool can_move = false; if (actions[i].type == ExpressionAction::REMOVE_COLUMN) { /// If you delete a column that is not needed for arrayJoin (and those who depend on it), you can delete it before arrayJoin. can_move = !array_join_dependencies.count(actions[i].source_name); } else { /// If the action does not delete the columns and does not depend on the result of arrayJoin, you can make it until arrayJoin. can_move = true; } /// Move the current action to the position just before the first arrayJoin. if (can_move) { /// Move the i-th element to the position `first_array_join`. std::rotate(actions.begin() + first_array_join, actions.begin() + i, actions.begin() + i + 1); ++first_array_join; } } } } JoinPtr ExpressionActions::getTableJoinAlgo() const { for (const auto & action : actions) if (action.join) return action.join; return {}; } bool ExpressionActions::resultIsAlwaysEmpty() const { /// Check that has join which returns empty result. for (auto & action : actions) { if (action.type == action.JOIN && action.join && action.join->alwaysReturnsEmptySet()) return true; } return false; } bool ExpressionActions::checkColumnIsAlwaysFalse(const String & column_name) const { /// Check has column in (empty set). String set_to_check; for (auto it = actions.rbegin(); it != actions.rend(); ++it) { auto & action = *it; if (action.type == action.APPLY_FUNCTION && action.function_base) { auto name = action.function_base->getName(); if ((name == "in" || name == "globalIn") && action.result_name == column_name && action.argument_names.size() > 1) { set_to_check = action.argument_names[1]; break; } } } if (!set_to_check.empty()) { for (auto & action : actions) { if (action.type == action.ADD_COLUMN && action.result_name == set_to_check) { // Constant ColumnSet cannot be empty, so we only need to check non-constant ones. if (auto * column_set = checkAndGetColumn(action.added_column.get())) { if (column_set->getData()->isCreated() && column_set->getData()->getTotalRowCount() == 0) return true; } } } } return false; } /// It is not important to calculate the hash of individual strings or their concatenation UInt128 ExpressionAction::ActionHash::operator()(const ExpressionAction & action) const { SipHash hash; hash.update(action.type); hash.update(action.is_function_compiled); switch (action.type) { case ADD_COLUMN: hash.update(action.result_name); if (action.result_type) hash.update(action.result_type->getName()); if (action.added_column) hash.update(action.added_column->getName()); break; case REMOVE_COLUMN: hash.update(action.source_name); break; case COPY_COLUMN: hash.update(action.result_name); hash.update(action.source_name); break; case APPLY_FUNCTION: hash.update(action.result_name); if (action.result_type) hash.update(action.result_type->getName()); if (action.function_base) { hash.update(action.function_base->getName()); for (const auto & arg_type : action.function_base->getArgumentTypes()) hash.update(arg_type->getName()); } for (const auto & arg_name : action.argument_names) hash.update(arg_name); break; case ARRAY_JOIN: hash.update(action.array_join->is_left); for (const auto & col : action.array_join->columns) hash.update(col); break; case JOIN: for (const auto & col : action.table_join->columnsAddedByJoin()) hash.update(col.name); break; case PROJECT: for (const auto & pair_of_strs : action.projection) { hash.update(pair_of_strs.first); hash.update(pair_of_strs.second); } break; case ADD_ALIASES: break; } UInt128 result; hash.get128(result.low, result.high); return result; } bool ExpressionAction::operator==(const ExpressionAction & other) const { if (result_type != other.result_type) { if (result_type == nullptr || other.result_type == nullptr) return false; else if (!result_type->equals(*other.result_type)) return false; } if (function_base != other.function_base) { if (function_base == nullptr || other.function_base == nullptr) return false; else if (function_base->getName() != other.function_base->getName()) return false; const auto & my_arg_types = function_base->getArgumentTypes(); const auto & other_arg_types = other.function_base->getArgumentTypes(); if (my_arg_types.size() != other_arg_types.size()) return false; for (size_t i = 0; i < my_arg_types.size(); ++i) if (!my_arg_types[i]->equals(*other_arg_types[i])) return false; } if (added_column != other.added_column) { if (added_column == nullptr || other.added_column == nullptr) return false; else if (added_column->getName() != other.added_column->getName()) return false; } bool same_array_join = !array_join && !other.array_join; if (array_join && other.array_join) same_array_join = (array_join->columns == other.array_join->columns) && (array_join->is_left == other.array_join->is_left); return source_name == other.source_name && result_name == other.result_name && argument_names == other.argument_names && same_array_join && AnalyzedJoin::sameJoin(table_join.get(), other.table_join.get()) && projection == other.projection && is_function_compiled == other.is_function_compiled; } void ExpressionActionsChain::addStep() { if (steps.empty()) throw Exception("Cannot add action to empty ExpressionActionsChain", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); ColumnsWithTypeAndName columns = steps.back().actions->getSampleBlock().getColumnsWithTypeAndName(); steps.push_back(Step(std::make_shared(columns, context))); } void ExpressionActionsChain::finalize() { /// Finalize all steps. Right to left to define unnecessary input columns. for (int i = static_cast(steps.size()) - 1; i >= 0; --i) { Names required_output = steps[i].required_output; std::unordered_map required_output_indexes; for (size_t j = 0; j < required_output.size(); ++j) required_output_indexes[required_output[j]] = j; auto & can_remove_required_output = steps[i].can_remove_required_output; if (i + 1 < static_cast(steps.size())) { const NameSet & additional_input = steps[i + 1].additional_input; for (const auto & it : steps[i + 1].actions->getRequiredColumnsWithTypes()) { if (additional_input.count(it.name) == 0) { auto iter = required_output_indexes.find(it.name); if (iter == required_output_indexes.end()) required_output.push_back(it.name); else if (!can_remove_required_output.empty()) can_remove_required_output[iter->second] = false; } } } steps[i].actions->finalize(required_output); } /// When possible, move the ARRAY JOIN from earlier steps to later steps. for (size_t i = 1; i < steps.size(); ++i) { ExpressionAction action; if (steps[i - 1].actions->popUnusedArrayJoin(steps[i - 1].required_output, action)) steps[i].actions->prependArrayJoin(action, steps[i - 1].actions->getSampleBlock()); } /// Adding the ejection of unnecessary columns to the beginning of each step. for (size_t i = 1; i < steps.size(); ++i) { size_t columns_from_previous = steps[i - 1].actions->getSampleBlock().columns(); /// If unnecessary columns are formed at the output of the previous step, we'll add them to the beginning of this step. /// Except when we drop all the columns and lose the number of rows in the block. if (!steps[i].actions->getRequiredColumnsWithTypes().empty() && columns_from_previous > steps[i].actions->getRequiredColumnsWithTypes().size()) steps[i].actions->prependProjectInput(); } } std::string ExpressionActionsChain::dumpChain() { std::stringstream ss; for (size_t i = 0; i < steps.size(); ++i) { ss << "step " << i << "\n"; ss << "required output:\n"; for (const std::string & name : steps[i].required_output) ss << name << "\n"; ss << "\n" << steps[i].actions->dumpActions() << "\n"; } return ss.str(); } }