#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { class AnalyzedJoin; namespace JoinStuff { /// Base class with optional flag attached that's needed to implement RIGHT and FULL JOINs. template struct WithFlags; template struct WithFlags : T { using Base = T; using T::T; mutable std::atomic used {}; void setUsed() const { used.store(true, std::memory_order_relaxed); } /// Could be set simultaneously from different threads. bool getUsed() const { return used; } bool setUsedOnce() const { /// fast check to prevent heavy CAS with seq_cst order if (used.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) return false; bool expected = false; return used.compare_exchange_strong(expected, true); } }; template struct WithFlags : T { using Base = T; using T::T; void setUsed() const {} bool getUsed() const { return true; } bool setUsedOnce() const { return true; } }; using MappedOne = WithFlags; using MappedAll = WithFlags; using MappedOneFlagged = WithFlags; using MappedAllFlagged = WithFlags; using MappedAsof = WithFlags; } /** Data structure for implementation of JOIN. * It is just a hash table: keys -> rows of joined ("right") table. * Additionally, CROSS JOIN is supported: instead of hash table, it use just set of blocks without keys. * * JOIN-s could be of these types: * - ALL × LEFT/INNER/RIGHT/FULL * - ANY × LEFT/INNER/RIGHT * - SEMI/ANTI x LEFT/RIGHT * - ASOF x LEFT/INNER * - CROSS * * ALL means usual JOIN, when rows are multiplied by number of matching rows from the "right" table. * ANY uses one line per unique key from right talbe. For LEFT JOIN it would be any row (with needed joined key) from the right table, * for RIGHT JOIN it would be any row from the left table and for INNER one it would be any row from right and any row from left. * SEMI JOIN filter left table by keys that are present in right table for LEFT JOIN, and filter right table by keys from left table * for RIGHT JOIN. In other words SEMI JOIN returns only rows which joining keys present in another table. * ANTI JOIN is the same as SEMI JOIN but returns rows with joining keys that are NOT present in another table. * SEMI/ANTI JOINs allow to get values from both tables. For filter table it gets any row with joining same key. For ANTI JOIN it returns * defaults other table columns. * ASOF JOIN is not-equi join. For one key column it finds nearest value to join according to join inequality. * It's expected that ANY|SEMI LEFT JOIN is more efficient that ALL one. * * If INNER is specified - leave only rows that have matching rows from "right" table. * If LEFT is specified - in case when there is no matching row in "right" table, fill it with default values instead. * If RIGHT is specified - first process as INNER, but track what rows from the right table was joined, * and at the end, add rows from right table that was not joined and substitute default values for columns of left table. * If FULL is specified - first process as LEFT, but track what rows from the right table was joined, * and at the end, add rows from right table that was not joined and substitute default values for columns of left table. * * Thus, LEFT and RIGHT JOINs are not symmetric in terms of implementation. * * All JOINs (except CROSS) are done by equality condition on keys (equijoin). * Non-equality and other conditions are not supported. * * Implementation: * * 1. Build hash table in memory from "right" table. * This hash table is in form of keys -> row in case of ANY or keys -> [rows...] in case of ALL. * This is done in insertFromBlock method. * * 2. Process "left" table and join corresponding rows from "right" table by lookups in the map. * This is done in joinBlock methods. * * In case of ANY LEFT JOIN - form new columns with found values or default values. * This is the most simple. Number of rows in left table does not change. * * In case of ANY INNER JOIN - form new columns with found values, * and also build a filter - in what rows nothing was found. * Then filter columns of "left" table. * * In case of ALL ... JOIN - form new columns with all found rows, * and also fill 'offsets' array, describing how many times we need to replicate values of "left" table. * Then replicate columns of "left" table. * * How Nullable keys are processed: * * NULLs never join to anything, even to each other. * During building of map, we just skip keys with NULL value of any component. * During joining, we simply treat rows with any NULLs in key as non joined. * * Default values for outer joins (LEFT, RIGHT, FULL): * * Behaviour is controlled by 'join_use_nulls' settings. * If it is false, we substitute (global) default value for the data type, for non-joined rows * (zero, empty string, etc. and NULL for Nullable data types). * If it is true, we always generate Nullable column and substitute NULLs for non-joined rows, * as in standard SQL. */ class Join : public IJoin { public: Join(std::shared_ptr table_join_, const Block & right_sample_block, bool any_take_last_row_ = false); bool empty() { return data->type == Type::EMPTY; } /** Add block of data from right hand of JOIN to the map. * Returns false, if some limit was exceeded and you should not insert more data. */ bool addJoinedBlock(const Block & block, bool check_limits) override; /** Join data from the map (that was previously built by calls to addJoinedBlock) to the block with data from "left" table. * Could be called from different threads in parallel. */ void joinBlock(Block & block, ExtraBlockPtr & not_processed) override; /// Infer the return type for joinGet function DataTypePtr joinGetReturnType(const String & column_name) const; /// Used by joinGet function that turns StorageJoin into a dictionary void joinGet(Block & block, const String & column_name) const; /** Keep "totals" (separate part of dataset, see WITH TOTALS) to use later. */ void setTotals(const Block & block) override { totals = block; } bool hasTotals() const override { return totals; } void joinTotals(Block & block) const override; /** For RIGHT and FULL JOINs. * A stream that will contain default values from left table, joined with rows from right table, that was not joined before. * Use only after all calls to joinBlock was done. * left_sample_block is passed without account of 'use_nulls' setting (columns will be converted to Nullable inside). */ BlockInputStreamPtr createStreamWithNonJoinedRows(const Block & result_sample_block, UInt64 max_block_size) const override; bool hasStreamWithNonJoinedRows() const override; /// Number of keys in all built JOIN maps. size_t getTotalRowCount() const final; /// Sum size in bytes of all buffers, used for JOIN maps and for all memory pools. size_t getTotalByteCount() const final; bool alwaysReturnsEmptySet() const final { return isInnerOrRight(getKind()) && data->empty; } ASTTableJoin::Kind getKind() const { return kind; } ASTTableJoin::Strictness getStrictness() const { return strictness; } AsofRowRefs::Type getAsofType() const { return *asof_type; } ASOF::Inequality getAsofInequality() const { return asof_inequality; } bool anyTakeLastRow() const { return any_take_last_row; } /// Different types of keys for maps. #define APPLY_FOR_JOIN_VARIANTS(M) \ M(key8) \ M(key16) \ M(key32) \ M(key64) \ M(key_string) \ M(key_fixed_string) \ M(keys128) \ M(keys256) \ M(hashed) /// Used for reading from StorageJoin and applying joinGet function #define APPLY_FOR_JOIN_VARIANTS_LIMITED(M) \ M(key8) \ M(key16) \ M(key32) \ M(key64) \ M(key_string) \ M(key_fixed_string) enum class Type { EMPTY, CROSS, #define M(NAME) NAME, APPLY_FOR_JOIN_VARIANTS(M) #undef M }; /** Different data structures, that are used to perform JOIN. */ template struct MapsTemplate { std::unique_ptr> key8; std::unique_ptr> key16; std::unique_ptr>> key32; std::unique_ptr>> key64; std::unique_ptr> key_string; std::unique_ptr> key_fixed_string; std::unique_ptr> keys128; std::unique_ptr> keys256; std::unique_ptr> hashed; void create(Type which) { switch (which) { case Type::EMPTY: break; case Type::CROSS: break; #define M(NAME) \ case Type::NAME: NAME = std::make_unique(); break; APPLY_FOR_JOIN_VARIANTS(M) #undef M } } size_t getTotalRowCount(Type which) const { switch (which) { case Type::EMPTY: return 0; case Type::CROSS: return 0; #define M(NAME) \ case Type::NAME: return NAME ? NAME->size() : 0; APPLY_FOR_JOIN_VARIANTS(M) #undef M } __builtin_unreachable(); } size_t getTotalByteCountImpl(Type which) const { switch (which) { case Type::EMPTY: return 0; case Type::CROSS: return 0; #define M(NAME) \ case Type::NAME: return NAME ? NAME->getBufferSizeInBytes() : 0; APPLY_FOR_JOIN_VARIANTS(M) #undef M } __builtin_unreachable(); } }; using MapsOne = MapsTemplate; using MapsAll = MapsTemplate; using MapsOneFlagged = MapsTemplate; using MapsAllFlagged = MapsTemplate; using MapsAsof = MapsTemplate; using MapsVariant = std::variant; using BlockNullmapList = std::deque>; struct RightTableData { /// Protect state for concurrent use in insertFromBlock and joinBlock. /// @note that these methods could be called simultaneously only while use of StorageJoin. mutable std::shared_mutex rwlock; Type type = Type::EMPTY; bool empty = true; MapsVariant maps; Block sample_block; /// Block as it would appear in the BlockList BlocksList blocks; /// Blocks of "right" table. BlockNullmapList blocks_nullmaps; /// Nullmaps for blocks of "right" table (if needed) /// Additional data - strings for string keys and continuation elements of single-linked lists of references to rows. Arena pool; }; void reuseJoinedData(const Join & join) { data = join.data; } std::shared_ptr getJoinedData() const { return data; } private: friend class NonJoinedBlockInputStream; friend class JoinSource; std::shared_ptr table_join; ASTTableJoin::Kind kind; ASTTableJoin::Strictness strictness; /// Names of key columns in right-side table (in the order they appear in ON/USING clause). @note It could contain duplicates. const Names & key_names_right; bool nullable_right_side; /// In case of LEFT and FULL joins, if use_nulls, convert right-side columns to Nullable. bool nullable_left_side; /// In case of RIGHT and FULL joins, if use_nulls, convert left-side columns to Nullable. bool any_take_last_row; /// Overwrite existing values when encountering the same key again std::optional asof_type; ASOF::Inequality asof_inequality; /// Right table data. StorageJoin shares it between many Join objects. std::shared_ptr data; Sizes key_sizes; /// Block with columns from the right-side table except key columns. Block sample_block_with_columns_to_add; /// Block with key columns in the same order they appear in the right-side table (duplicates appear once). Block right_table_keys; /// Block with key columns right-side table keys that are needed in result (would be attached after joined columns). Block required_right_keys; /// Left table column names that are sources for required_right_keys columns std::vector required_right_keys_sources; Poco::Logger * log; Block totals; void init(Type type_); /** Set information about structure of right hand of JOIN (joined data). */ void setSampleBlock(const Block & block); const Block & savedBlockSample() const { return data->sample_block; } /// Modify (structure) right block to save it in block list Block structureRightBlock(const Block & stored_block) const; void initRightBlockStructure(Block & saved_block_sample); void initRequiredRightKeys(); template void joinBlockImpl( Block & block, const Names & key_names_left, const Block & block_with_columns_to_add, const Maps & maps) const; void joinBlockImplCross(Block & block) const; template void joinGetImpl(Block & block, const String & column_name, const Maps & maps) const; static Type chooseMethod(const ColumnRawPtrs & key_columns, Sizes & key_sizes); }; }