#include #include /// Duplicate of code from StringUtils.h. Copied here for less dependencies. static bool startsWith(const std::string & s, const char * prefix) { return s.size() >= strlen(prefix) && 0 == memcmp(s.data(), prefix, strlen(prefix)); } using namespace mysqlxx; PoolWithFailover::PoolWithFailover(const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & cfg, const std::string & config_name, const unsigned default_connections, const unsigned max_connections, const size_t max_tries) : max_tries(max_tries) { if (cfg.has(config_name + ".replica")) { Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration::Keys replica_keys; cfg.keys(config_name, replica_keys); for (const auto & replica_config_key : replica_keys) { /// There could be another elements in the same level in configuration file, like "password", "port"... if (startsWith(replica_config_key, "replica")) { std::string replica_name = config_name + "." + replica_config_key; int priority = cfg.getInt(replica_name + ".priority", 0); replicas_by_priority[priority].emplace_back( std::make_shared(cfg, replica_name, default_connections, max_connections, config_name.c_str())); } } } else { replicas_by_priority[0].emplace_back( std::make_shared(cfg, config_name, default_connections, max_connections)); } } PoolWithFailover::PoolWithFailover(const std::string & config_name, const unsigned default_connections, const unsigned max_connections, const size_t max_tries) : PoolWithFailover{ Poco::Util::Application::instance().config(), config_name, default_connections, max_connections, max_tries} {} PoolWithFailover::PoolWithFailover(const PoolWithFailover & other) : max_tries{other.max_tries} { for (const auto & priority_replicas : other.replicas_by_priority) { Replicas replicas; replicas.reserve(priority_replicas.second.size()); for (const auto & pool : priority_replicas.second) replicas.emplace_back(std::make_shared(*pool)); replicas_by_priority.emplace(priority_replicas.first, std::move(replicas)); } } PoolWithFailover::Entry PoolWithFailover::Get() { Poco::Util::Application & app = Poco::Util::Application::instance(); std::lock_guard locker(mutex); /// If we cannot connect to some replica due to pool overflow, than we will wait and connect. PoolPtr * full_pool = nullptr; for (size_t try_no = 0; try_no < max_tries; ++try_no) { full_pool = nullptr; for (auto & priority_replicas : replicas_by_priority) { Replicas & replicas = priority_replicas.second; for (size_t i = 0, size = replicas.size(); i < size; ++i) { PoolPtr & pool = replicas[i]; try { Entry entry = pool->tryGet(); if (!entry.isNull()) { /// Move all traversed replicas to the end of queue. /// (No need to move replicas with another priority) std::rotate(replicas.begin(), replicas.begin() + i + 1, replicas.end()); return entry; } } catch (const Poco::Exception & e) { if (e.displayText() == "mysqlxx::Pool is full") /// NOTE: String comparison is trashy code. { full_pool = &pool; } app.logger().warning("Connection to " + pool->getDescription() + " failed: " + e.displayText()); continue; } app.logger().warning("Connection to " + pool->getDescription() + " failed."); } } app.logger().error("Connection to all replicas failed " + Poco::NumberFormatter::format(try_no + 1) + " times"); } if (full_pool) { app.logger().error("All connections failed, trying to wait on a full pool " + (*full_pool)->getDescription()); return (*full_pool)->Get(); } std::stringstream message; message << "Connections to all replicas failed: "; for (auto it = replicas_by_priority.begin(); it != replicas_by_priority.end(); ++it) for (auto jt = it->second.begin(); jt != it->second.end(); ++jt) message << (it == replicas_by_priority.begin() && jt == it->second.begin() ? "" : ", ") << (*jt)->getDescription(); throw Poco::Exception(message.str()); }