#include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int SYNTAX_ERROR; } Float64 IntervalKind::toAvgSeconds() const { switch (kind) { case IntervalKind::Nanosecond: return 0.000000001; case IntervalKind::Microsecond: return 0.000001; case IntervalKind::Millisecond: return 0.001; case IntervalKind::Second: return 1; case IntervalKind::Minute: return 60; case IntervalKind::Hour: return 3600; case IntervalKind::Day: return 86400; case IntervalKind::Week: return 604800; case IntervalKind::Month: return 2629746; /// Exactly 1/12 of a year. case IntervalKind::Quarter: return 7889238; /// Exactly 1/4 of a year. case IntervalKind::Year: return 31556952; /// The average length of a Gregorian year is equal to 365.2425 days } __builtin_unreachable(); } bool IntervalKind::isFixedLength() const { switch (kind) { case IntervalKind::Nanosecond: case IntervalKind::Microsecond: case IntervalKind::Millisecond: case IntervalKind::Second: case IntervalKind::Minute: case IntervalKind::Hour: case IntervalKind::Day: case IntervalKind::Week: return true; case IntervalKind::Month: case IntervalKind::Quarter: case IntervalKind::Year: return false; } __builtin_unreachable(); } IntervalKind IntervalKind::fromAvgSeconds(Int64 num_seconds) { if (num_seconds) { if (!(num_seconds % 31556952)) return IntervalKind::Year; if (!(num_seconds % 7889238)) return IntervalKind::Quarter; if (!(num_seconds % 2629746)) return IntervalKind::Month; if (!(num_seconds % 604800)) return IntervalKind::Week; if (!(num_seconds % 86400)) return IntervalKind::Day; if (!(num_seconds % 3600)) return IntervalKind::Hour; if (!(num_seconds % 60)) return IntervalKind::Minute; } return IntervalKind::Second; } const char * IntervalKind::toKeyword() const { switch (kind) { case IntervalKind::Nanosecond: return "NANOSECOND"; case IntervalKind::Microsecond: return "MICROSECOND"; case IntervalKind::Millisecond: return "MILLISECOND"; case IntervalKind::Second: return "SECOND"; case IntervalKind::Minute: return "MINUTE"; case IntervalKind::Hour: return "HOUR"; case IntervalKind::Day: return "DAY"; case IntervalKind::Week: return "WEEK"; case IntervalKind::Month: return "MONTH"; case IntervalKind::Quarter: return "QUARTER"; case IntervalKind::Year: return "YEAR"; } __builtin_unreachable(); } const char * IntervalKind::toLowercasedKeyword() const { switch (kind) { case IntervalKind::Nanosecond: return "nanosecond"; case IntervalKind::Microsecond: return "microsecond"; case IntervalKind::Millisecond: return "millisecond"; case IntervalKind::Second: return "second"; case IntervalKind::Minute: return "minute"; case IntervalKind::Hour: return "hour"; case IntervalKind::Day: return "day"; case IntervalKind::Week: return "week"; case IntervalKind::Month: return "month"; case IntervalKind::Quarter: return "quarter"; case IntervalKind::Year: return "year"; } __builtin_unreachable(); } const char * IntervalKind::toDateDiffUnit() const { switch (kind) { case IntervalKind::Nanosecond: return "nanosecond"; case IntervalKind::Microsecond: return "microsecond"; case IntervalKind::Millisecond: return "millisecond"; case IntervalKind::Second: return "second"; case IntervalKind::Minute: return "minute"; case IntervalKind::Hour: return "hour"; case IntervalKind::Day: return "day"; case IntervalKind::Week: return "week"; case IntervalKind::Month: return "month"; case IntervalKind::Quarter: return "quarter"; case IntervalKind::Year: return "year"; } __builtin_unreachable(); } const char * IntervalKind::toNameOfFunctionToIntervalDataType() const { switch (kind) { case IntervalKind::Nanosecond: return "toIntervalNanosecond"; case IntervalKind::Microsecond: return "toIntervalMicrosecond"; case IntervalKind::Millisecond: return "toIntervalMillisecond"; case IntervalKind::Second: return "toIntervalSecond"; case IntervalKind::Minute: return "toIntervalMinute"; case IntervalKind::Hour: return "toIntervalHour"; case IntervalKind::Day: return "toIntervalDay"; case IntervalKind::Week: return "toIntervalWeek"; case IntervalKind::Month: return "toIntervalMonth"; case IntervalKind::Quarter: return "toIntervalQuarter"; case IntervalKind::Year: return "toIntervalYear"; } __builtin_unreachable(); } const char * IntervalKind::toNameOfFunctionExtractTimePart() const { switch (kind) { case IntervalKind::Nanosecond: return "toNanosecond"; case IntervalKind::Microsecond: return "toMicrosecond"; case IntervalKind::Millisecond: return "toMillisecond"; case IntervalKind::Second: return "toSecond"; case IntervalKind::Minute: return "toMinute"; case IntervalKind::Hour: return "toHour"; case IntervalKind::Day: return "toDayOfMonth"; case IntervalKind::Week: // TODO: SELECT toRelativeWeekNum(toDate('2017-06-15')) - toRelativeWeekNum(toStartOfYear(toDate('2017-06-15'))) // else if (ParserKeyword("WEEK").ignore(pos, expected)) // function_name = "toRelativeWeekNum"; throw Exception("The syntax 'EXTRACT(WEEK FROM date)' is not supported, cannot extract the number of a week", ErrorCodes::SYNTAX_ERROR); case IntervalKind::Month: return "toMonth"; case IntervalKind::Quarter: return "toQuarter"; case IntervalKind::Year: return "toYear"; } __builtin_unreachable(); } bool IntervalKind::tryParseString(const std::string & kind, IntervalKind::Kind & result) { if ("nanosecond" == kind) { result = IntervalKind::Nanosecond; return true; } if ("microsecond" == kind) { result = IntervalKind::Microsecond; return true; } if ("millisecond" == kind) { result = IntervalKind::Millisecond; return true; } if ("second" == kind) { result = IntervalKind::Second; return true; } if ("minute" == kind) { result = IntervalKind::Minute; return true; } if ("hour" == kind) { result = IntervalKind::Hour; return true; } if ("day" == kind) { result = IntervalKind::Day; return true; } if ("week" == kind) { result = IntervalKind::Week; return true; } if ("month" == kind) { result = IntervalKind::Month; return true; } if ("quarter" == kind) { result = IntervalKind::Quarter; return true; } if ("year" == kind) { result = IntervalKind::Year; return true; } return false; } }