#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(__SSE2__) #include #if defined(__SSE4_2__) #include #endif #endif namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR; extern const int INCORRECT_QUERY; } /// Adds all tokens from string to bloom filter. static void stringToBloomFilter( const char * data, size_t size, TokenExtractorPtr token_extractor, BloomFilter & bloom_filter) { size_t cur = 0; size_t token_start = 0; size_t token_len = 0; while (cur < size && token_extractor->next(data, size, &cur, &token_start, &token_len)) bloom_filter.add(data + token_start, token_len); } /// Adds all tokens from like pattern string to bloom filter. (Because like pattern can contain `\%` and `\_`.) static void likeStringToBloomFilter( const String & data, TokenExtractorPtr token_extractor, BloomFilter & bloom_filter) { size_t cur = 0; String token; while (cur < data.size() && token_extractor->nextLike(data, &cur, token)) bloom_filter.add(token.c_str(), token.size()); } /// Unified condition for equals, startsWith and endsWith bool MergeTreeConditionFullText::createFunctionEqualsCondition(RPNElement & out, const Field & value, const BloomFilterParameters & params, TokenExtractorPtr token_extractor) { out.function = RPNElement::FUNCTION_EQUALS; out.bloom_filter = std::make_unique(params); const auto & str = value.get(); stringToBloomFilter(str.c_str(), str.size(), token_extractor, *out.bloom_filter); return true; } MergeTreeIndexGranuleFullText::MergeTreeIndexGranuleFullText( const String & index_name_, size_t columns_number, const BloomFilterParameters & params_) : index_name(index_name_) , params(params_) , bloom_filters( columns_number, BloomFilter(params)) , has_elems(false) { } void MergeTreeIndexGranuleFullText::serializeBinary(WriteBuffer & ostr) const { if (empty()) throw Exception("Attempt to write empty fulltext index " + backQuote(index_name), ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); for (const auto & bloom_filter : bloom_filters) ostr.write(reinterpret_cast(bloom_filter.getFilter().data()), params.filter_size); } void MergeTreeIndexGranuleFullText::deserializeBinary(ReadBuffer & istr) { for (auto & bloom_filter : bloom_filters) { istr.read(reinterpret_cast( bloom_filter.getFilter().data()), params.filter_size); } has_elems = true; } MergeTreeIndexAggregatorFullText::MergeTreeIndexAggregatorFullText( const Names & index_columns_, const String & index_name_, const BloomFilterParameters & params_, TokenExtractorPtr token_extractor_) : index_columns(index_columns_) , index_name (index_name_) , params(params_) , token_extractor(token_extractor_) , granule( std::make_shared( index_name, index_columns.size(), params)) { } MergeTreeIndexGranulePtr MergeTreeIndexAggregatorFullText::getGranuleAndReset() { auto new_granule = std::make_shared( index_name, index_columns.size(), params); new_granule.swap(granule); return new_granule; } void MergeTreeIndexAggregatorFullText::update(const Block & block, size_t * pos, size_t limit) { if (*pos >= block.rows()) throw Exception( "The provided position is not less than the number of block rows. Position: " + toString(*pos) + ", Block rows: " + toString(block.rows()) + ".", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); size_t rows_read = std::min(limit, block.rows() - *pos); for (size_t col = 0; col < index_columns.size(); ++col) { const auto & column = block.getByName(index_columns[col]).column; for (size_t i = 0; i < rows_read; ++i) { auto ref = column->getDataAt(*pos + i); stringToBloomFilter(ref.data, ref.size, token_extractor, granule->bloom_filters[col]); } } granule->has_elems = true; *pos += rows_read; } MergeTreeConditionFullText::MergeTreeConditionFullText( const SelectQueryInfo & query_info, const Context & context, const Block & index_sample_block, const BloomFilterParameters & params_, TokenExtractorPtr token_extactor_) : index_columns(index_sample_block.getNames()) , index_data_types(index_sample_block.getNamesAndTypesList().getTypes()) , params(params_) , token_extractor(token_extactor_) , prepared_sets(query_info.sets) { rpn = std::move( RPNBuilder( query_info, context, [this] (const ASTPtr & node, const Context & /* context */, Block & block_with_constants, RPNElement & out) -> bool { return this->atomFromAST(node, block_with_constants, out); }).extractRPN()); } bool MergeTreeConditionFullText::alwaysUnknownOrTrue() const { /// Check like in KeyCondition. std::vector rpn_stack; for (const auto & element : rpn) { if (element.function == RPNElement::FUNCTION_UNKNOWN || element.function == RPNElement::ALWAYS_TRUE) { rpn_stack.push_back(true); } else if (element.function == RPNElement::FUNCTION_EQUALS || element.function == RPNElement::FUNCTION_NOT_EQUALS || element.function == RPNElement::FUNCTION_IN || element.function == RPNElement::FUNCTION_NOT_IN || element.function == RPNElement::FUNCTION_MULTI_SEARCH || element.function == RPNElement::ALWAYS_FALSE) { rpn_stack.push_back(false); } else if (element.function == RPNElement::FUNCTION_NOT) { // do nothing } else if (element.function == RPNElement::FUNCTION_AND) { auto arg1 = rpn_stack.back(); rpn_stack.pop_back(); auto arg2 = rpn_stack.back(); rpn_stack.back() = arg1 && arg2; } else if (element.function == RPNElement::FUNCTION_OR) { auto arg1 = rpn_stack.back(); rpn_stack.pop_back(); auto arg2 = rpn_stack.back(); rpn_stack.back() = arg1 || arg2; } else throw Exception("Unexpected function type in KeyCondition::RPNElement", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); } return rpn_stack[0]; } bool MergeTreeConditionFullText::mayBeTrueOnGranule(MergeTreeIndexGranulePtr idx_granule) const { std::shared_ptr granule = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(idx_granule); if (!granule) throw Exception( "BloomFilter index condition got a granule with the wrong type.", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); /// Check like in KeyCondition. std::vector rpn_stack; for (const auto & element : rpn) { if (element.function == RPNElement::FUNCTION_UNKNOWN) { rpn_stack.emplace_back(true, true); } else if (element.function == RPNElement::FUNCTION_EQUALS || element.function == RPNElement::FUNCTION_NOT_EQUALS) { rpn_stack.emplace_back(granule->bloom_filters[element.key_column].contains(*element.bloom_filter), true); if (element.function == RPNElement::FUNCTION_NOT_EQUALS) rpn_stack.back() = !rpn_stack.back(); } else if (element.function == RPNElement::FUNCTION_IN || element.function == RPNElement::FUNCTION_NOT_IN) { std::vector result(element.set_bloom_filters.back().size(), true); for (size_t column = 0; column < element.set_key_position.size(); ++column) { const size_t key_idx = element.set_key_position[column]; const auto & bloom_filters = element.set_bloom_filters[column]; for (size_t row = 0; row < bloom_filters.size(); ++row) result[row] = result[row] && granule->bloom_filters[key_idx].contains(bloom_filters[row]); } rpn_stack.emplace_back( std::find(std::cbegin(result), std::cend(result), true) != std::end(result), true); if (element.function == RPNElement::FUNCTION_NOT_IN) rpn_stack.back() = !rpn_stack.back(); } else if (element.function == RPNElement::FUNCTION_MULTI_SEARCH) { std::vector result(element.set_bloom_filters.back().size(), true); const auto & bloom_filters = element.set_bloom_filters[0]; for (size_t row = 0; row < bloom_filters.size(); ++row) result[row] = result[row] && granule->bloom_filters[element.key_column].contains(bloom_filters[row]); rpn_stack.emplace_back( std::find(std::cbegin(result), std::cend(result), true) != std::end(result), true); } else if (element.function == RPNElement::FUNCTION_NOT) { rpn_stack.back() = !rpn_stack.back(); } else if (element.function == RPNElement::FUNCTION_AND) { auto arg1 = rpn_stack.back(); rpn_stack.pop_back(); auto arg2 = rpn_stack.back(); rpn_stack.back() = arg1 & arg2; } else if (element.function == RPNElement::FUNCTION_OR) { auto arg1 = rpn_stack.back(); rpn_stack.pop_back(); auto arg2 = rpn_stack.back(); rpn_stack.back() = arg1 | arg2; } else if (element.function == RPNElement::ALWAYS_FALSE) { rpn_stack.emplace_back(false, true); } else if (element.function == RPNElement::ALWAYS_TRUE) { rpn_stack.emplace_back(true, false); } else throw Exception("Unexpected function type in BloomFilterCondition::RPNElement", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); } if (rpn_stack.size() != 1) throw Exception("Unexpected stack size in BloomFilterCondition::mayBeTrueOnGranule", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); return rpn_stack[0].can_be_true; } bool MergeTreeConditionFullText::getKey(const ASTPtr & node, size_t & key_column_num) { auto it = std::find(index_columns.begin(), index_columns.end(), node->getColumnName()); if (it == index_columns.end()) return false; key_column_num = static_cast(it - index_columns.begin()); return true; } bool MergeTreeConditionFullText::atomFromAST( const ASTPtr & node, Block & block_with_constants, RPNElement & out) { Field const_value; DataTypePtr const_type; if (const auto * func = typeid_cast(node.get())) { const ASTs & args = typeid_cast(*func->arguments).children; if (args.size() != 2) return false; size_t key_arg_pos; /// Position of argument with key column (non-const argument) size_t key_column_num = -1; /// Number of a key column (inside key_column_names array) const auto & func_name = func->name; if (functionIsInOrGlobalInOperator(func_name) && tryPrepareSetBloomFilter(args, out)) { key_arg_pos = 0; } else if (KeyCondition::getConstant(args[1], block_with_constants, const_value, const_type) && getKey(args[0], key_column_num)) { key_arg_pos = 0; } else if (KeyCondition::getConstant(args[0], block_with_constants, const_value, const_type) && getKey(args[1], key_column_num)) { key_arg_pos = 1; } else return false; if (const_type && const_type->getTypeId() != TypeIndex::String && const_type->getTypeId() != TypeIndex::FixedString && const_type->getTypeId() != TypeIndex::Array) { return false; } if (key_arg_pos == 1 && (func_name != "equals" || func_name != "notEquals")) return false; else if (!token_extractor->supportLike() && (func_name == "like" || func_name == "notLike")) return false; if (func_name == "notEquals") { out.key_column = key_column_num; out.function = RPNElement::FUNCTION_NOT_EQUALS; out.bloom_filter = std::make_unique(params); const auto & str = const_value.get(); stringToBloomFilter(str.c_str(), str.size(), token_extractor, *out.bloom_filter); return true; } else if (func_name == "equals") { out.key_column = key_column_num; return createFunctionEqualsCondition(out, const_value, params, token_extractor); } else if (func_name == "like") { out.key_column = key_column_num; out.function = RPNElement::FUNCTION_EQUALS; out.bloom_filter = std::make_unique(params); const auto & str = const_value.get(); likeStringToBloomFilter(str, token_extractor, *out.bloom_filter); return true; } else if (func_name == "notLike") { out.key_column = key_column_num; out.function = RPNElement::FUNCTION_NOT_EQUALS; out.bloom_filter = std::make_unique(params); const auto & str = const_value.get(); likeStringToBloomFilter(str, token_extractor, *out.bloom_filter); return true; } else if (func_name == "hasToken") { out.key_column = key_column_num; out.function = RPNElement::FUNCTION_EQUALS; out.bloom_filter = std::make_unique(params); const auto & str = const_value.get(); stringToBloomFilter(str.c_str(), str.size(), token_extractor, *out.bloom_filter); return true; } else if (func_name == "startsWith") { out.key_column = key_column_num; return createFunctionEqualsCondition(out, const_value, params, token_extractor); } else if (func_name == "endsWith") { out.key_column = key_column_num; return createFunctionEqualsCondition(out, const_value, params, token_extractor); } else if (func_name == "multiSearchAny") { out.key_column = key_column_num; out.function = RPNElement::FUNCTION_MULTI_SEARCH; /// 2d vector is not needed here but is used because already exists for FUNCTION_IN std::vector> bloom_filters; bloom_filters.emplace_back(); for (const auto & element : const_value.get()) { if (element.getType() != Field::Types::String) return false; bloom_filters.back().emplace_back(params); const auto & str = element.get(); stringToBloomFilter(str.c_str(), str.size(), token_extractor, bloom_filters.back().back()); } out.set_bloom_filters = std::move(bloom_filters); return true; } else if (func_name == "notIn") { out.key_column = key_column_num; out.function = RPNElement::FUNCTION_NOT_IN; return true; } else if (func_name == "in") { out.key_column = key_column_num; out.function = RPNElement::FUNCTION_IN; return true; } return false; } else if (KeyCondition::getConstant(node, block_with_constants, const_value, const_type)) { /// Check constant like in KeyCondition if (const_value.getType() == Field::Types::UInt64 || const_value.getType() == Field::Types::Int64 || const_value.getType() == Field::Types::Float64) { /// Zero in all types is represented in memory the same way as in UInt64. out.function = const_value.get() ? RPNElement::ALWAYS_TRUE : RPNElement::ALWAYS_FALSE; return true; } } return false; } bool MergeTreeConditionFullText::tryPrepareSetBloomFilter( const ASTs & args, RPNElement & out) { const ASTPtr & left_arg = args[0]; const ASTPtr & right_arg = args[1]; std::vector key_tuple_mapping; DataTypes data_types; const auto * left_arg_tuple = typeid_cast(left_arg.get()); if (left_arg_tuple && left_arg_tuple->name == "tuple") { const auto & tuple_elements = left_arg_tuple->arguments->children; for (size_t i = 0; i < tuple_elements.size(); ++i) { size_t key = 0; if (getKey(tuple_elements[i], key)) { key_tuple_mapping.emplace_back(i, key); data_types.push_back(index_data_types[key]); } } } else { size_t key = 0; if (getKey(left_arg, key)) { key_tuple_mapping.emplace_back(0, key); data_types.push_back(index_data_types[key]); } } if (key_tuple_mapping.empty()) return false; PreparedSetKey set_key; if (typeid_cast(right_arg.get()) || typeid_cast(right_arg.get())) set_key = PreparedSetKey::forSubquery(*right_arg); else set_key = PreparedSetKey::forLiteral(*right_arg, data_types); auto set_it = prepared_sets.find(set_key); if (set_it == prepared_sets.end()) return false; const SetPtr & prepared_set = set_it->second; if (!prepared_set->hasExplicitSetElements()) return false; for (const auto & data_type : prepared_set->getDataTypes()) if (data_type->getTypeId() != TypeIndex::String && data_type->getTypeId() != TypeIndex::FixedString) return false; std::vector> bloom_filters; std::vector key_position; Columns columns = prepared_set->getSetElements(); for (const auto & elem : key_tuple_mapping) { bloom_filters.emplace_back(); key_position.push_back(elem.key_index); size_t tuple_idx = elem.tuple_index; const auto & column = columns[tuple_idx]; for (size_t row = 0; row < prepared_set->getTotalRowCount(); ++row) { bloom_filters.back().emplace_back(params); auto ref = column->getDataAt(row); stringToBloomFilter(ref.data, ref.size, token_extractor, bloom_filters.back().back()); } } out.set_key_position = std::move(key_position); out.set_bloom_filters = std::move(bloom_filters); return true; } MergeTreeIndexGranulePtr MergeTreeIndexFullText::createIndexGranule() const { return std::make_shared(index.name, index.column_names.size(), params); } MergeTreeIndexAggregatorPtr MergeTreeIndexFullText::createIndexAggregator() const { return std::make_shared(index.column_names, index.name, params, token_extractor.get()); } MergeTreeIndexConditionPtr MergeTreeIndexFullText::createIndexCondition( const SelectQueryInfo & query, const Context & context) const { return std::make_shared(query, context, index.sample_block, params, token_extractor.get()); }; bool MergeTreeIndexFullText::mayBenefitFromIndexForIn(const ASTPtr & node) const { return std::find(std::cbegin(index.column_names), std::cend(index.column_names), node->getColumnName()) != std::cend(index.column_names); } bool NgramTokenExtractor::next(const char * data, size_t len, size_t * pos, size_t * token_start, size_t * token_len) const { *token_start = *pos; *token_len = 0; size_t code_points = 0; for (; code_points < n && *token_start + *token_len < len; ++code_points) { size_t sz = UTF8::seqLength(static_cast(data[*token_start + *token_len])); *token_len += sz; } *pos += UTF8::seqLength(static_cast(data[*pos])); return code_points == n; } bool NgramTokenExtractor::nextLike(const String & str, size_t * pos, String & token) const { token.clear(); size_t code_points = 0; bool escaped = false; for (size_t i = *pos; i < str.size();) { if (escaped && (str[i] == '%' || str[i] == '_' || str[i] == '\\')) { token += str[i]; ++code_points; escaped = false; ++i; } else if (!escaped && (str[i] == '%' || str[i] == '_')) { /// This token is too small, go to the next. token.clear(); code_points = 0; escaped = false; *pos = ++i; } else if (!escaped && str[i] == '\\') { escaped = true; ++i; } else { const size_t sz = UTF8::seqLength(static_cast(str[i])); for (size_t j = 0; j < sz; ++j) token += str[i + j]; i += sz; ++code_points; escaped = false; } if (code_points == n) { *pos += UTF8::seqLength(static_cast(str[*pos])); return true; } } return false; } bool SplitTokenExtractor::next(const char * data, size_t len, size_t * pos, size_t * token_start, size_t * token_len) const { *token_start = *pos; *token_len = 0; while (*pos < len) { #if defined(__SSE2__) && !defined(MEMORY_SANITIZER) /// We read uninitialized bytes and decide on the calcualted mask // NOTE: we assume that `data` string is padded from the right with 15 bytes. const __m128i haystack = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast(data + *pos)); const size_t haystack_length = 16; #if defined(__SSE4_2__) // With the help of https://www.strchr.com/strcmp_and_strlen_using_sse_4.2 const auto alnum_chars_ranges = _mm_set_epi8(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '\xFF', '\x80', 'z', 'a', 'Z', 'A', '9', '0'); // Every bit represents if `haystack` character is in the ranges (1) or not (0) const int result_bitmask = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_cmpestrm(alnum_chars_ranges, 8, haystack, haystack_length, _SIDD_CMP_RANGES)); #else // NOTE: -1 and +1 required since SSE2 has no `>=` and `<=` instructions on packed 8-bit integers (epi8). const auto number_begin = _mm_set1_epi8('0' - 1); const auto number_end = _mm_set1_epi8('9' + 1); const auto alpha_lower_begin = _mm_set1_epi8('a' - 1); const auto alpha_lower_end = _mm_set1_epi8('z' + 1); const auto alpha_upper_begin = _mm_set1_epi8('A' - 1); const auto alpha_upper_end = _mm_set1_epi8('Z' + 1); const auto zero = _mm_set1_epi8(0); // every bit represents if `haystack` character `c` statisfies condition: // (c < 0) || (c > '0' - 1 && c < '9' + 1) || (c > 'a' - 1 && c < 'z' + 1) || (c > 'A' - 1 && c < 'Z' + 1) // < 0 since _mm_cmplt_epi8 threats chars as SIGNED, and so all chars > 0x80 are negative. const int result_bitmask = _mm_movemask_epi8(_mm_or_si128(_mm_or_si128(_mm_or_si128( _mm_cmplt_epi8(haystack, zero), _mm_and_si128(_mm_cmpgt_epi8(haystack, number_begin), _mm_cmplt_epi8(haystack, number_end))), _mm_and_si128(_mm_cmpgt_epi8(haystack, alpha_lower_begin), _mm_cmplt_epi8(haystack, alpha_lower_end))), _mm_and_si128(_mm_cmpgt_epi8(haystack, alpha_upper_begin), _mm_cmplt_epi8(haystack, alpha_upper_end)))); #endif if (result_bitmask == 0) { if (*token_len != 0) // end of token started on previous haystack return true; *pos += haystack_length; continue; } const auto token_start_pos_in_current_haystack = getTrailingZeroBitsUnsafe(result_bitmask); if (*token_len == 0) // new token *token_start = *pos + token_start_pos_in_current_haystack; else if (token_start_pos_in_current_haystack != 0) // end of token starting in one of previous haystacks return true; const auto token_bytes_in_current_haystack = getTrailingZeroBitsUnsafe(~(result_bitmask >> token_start_pos_in_current_haystack)); *token_len += token_bytes_in_current_haystack; *pos += token_start_pos_in_current_haystack + token_bytes_in_current_haystack; if (token_start_pos_in_current_haystack + token_bytes_in_current_haystack == haystack_length) // check if there are leftovers in next `haystack` continue; break; #else if (isASCII(data[*pos]) && !isAlphaNumericASCII(data[*pos])) { /// Finish current token if any if (*token_len > 0) return true; *token_start = ++*pos; } else { /// Note that UTF-8 sequence is completely consisted of non-ASCII bytes. ++*pos; ++*token_len; } #endif } #if defined(__SSE2__) && !defined(MEMORY_SANITIZER) // Could happen only if string is not padded with zeroes, and we accidentally hopped over end of data. if (*token_start > len) return false; *token_len = std::min(len - *token_start, *token_len); #endif return *token_len > 0; } bool SplitTokenExtractor::nextLike(const String & str, size_t * pos, String & token) const { token.clear(); bool bad_token = false; // % or _ before token bool escaped = false; while (*pos < str.size()) { if (!escaped && (str[*pos] == '%' || str[*pos] == '_')) { token.clear(); bad_token = true; ++*pos; } else if (!escaped && str[*pos] == '\\') { escaped = true; ++*pos; } else if (isASCII(str[*pos]) && !isAlphaNumericASCII(str[*pos])) { if (!bad_token && !token.empty()) return true; token.clear(); bad_token = false; escaped = false; ++*pos; } else { const size_t sz = UTF8::seqLength(static_cast(str[*pos])); for (size_t j = 0; j < sz; ++j) { token += str[*pos]; ++*pos; } escaped = false; } } return !bad_token && !token.empty(); } std::shared_ptr bloomFilterIndexCreator( const IndexDescription & index) { if (index.type == NgramTokenExtractor::getName()) { size_t n = index.arguments[0].get(); BloomFilterParameters params { .filter_size = index.arguments[1].get(), .filter_hashes = index.arguments[2].get(), .seed = index.arguments[3].get(), }; auto tokenizer = std::make_unique(n); return std::make_shared(index, params, std::move(tokenizer)); } else if (index.type == SplitTokenExtractor::getName()) { BloomFilterParameters params { .filter_size = index.arguments[0].get(), .filter_hashes = index.arguments[1].get(), .seed = index.arguments[2].get(), }; auto tokenizer = std::make_unique(); return std::make_shared(index, params, std::move(tokenizer)); } else { throw Exception("Unknown index type: " + backQuote(index.name), ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); } } void bloomFilterIndexValidator(const IndexDescription & index, bool /*attach*/) { for (const auto & data_type : index.data_types) { if (data_type->getTypeId() != TypeIndex::String && data_type->getTypeId() != TypeIndex::FixedString) throw Exception("Bloom filter index can be used only with `String` or `FixedString` column.", ErrorCodes::INCORRECT_QUERY); } if (index.type == NgramTokenExtractor::getName()) { if (index.arguments.size() != 4) throw Exception("`ngrambf` index must have exactly 4 arguments.", ErrorCodes::INCORRECT_QUERY); } else if (index.type == SplitTokenExtractor::getName()) { if (index.arguments.size() != 3) throw Exception("`tokenbf` index must have exactly 3 arguments.", ErrorCodes::INCORRECT_QUERY); } else { throw Exception("Unknown index type: " + backQuote(index.name), ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); } } }