--- slug: /en/operations/system-tables/information_schema --- # INFORMATION_SCHEMA `INFORMATION_SCHEMA` (`information_schema`) is a system database that contains views. Using these views, you can get information about the metadata of database objects. These views read data from the columns of the [system.columns](../../operations/system-tables/columns.md), [system.databases](../../operations/system-tables/databases.md) and [system.tables](../../operations/system-tables/tables.md) system tables. The structure and composition of system tables may change in different versions of the product, but the support of the `information_schema` makes it possible to change the structure of system tables without changing the method of access to metadata. Metadata requests do not depend on the DBMS used. ``` sql SHOW TABLES FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA; ``` ``` text ┌─name─────┐ │ COLUMNS │ │ SCHEMATA │ │ TABLES │ │ VIEWS │ └──────────┘ ``` `INFORMATION_SCHEMA` contains the following views: - [COLUMNS](#columns) - [SCHEMATA](#schemata) - [TABLES](#tables) - [VIEWS](#views) ## COLUMNS {#columns} Contains columns read from the [system.columns](../../operations/system-tables/columns.md) system table and columns that are not supported in ClickHouse or do not make sense (always `NULL`), but must be by the standard. Columns: - `table_catalog` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md)) — The name of the database in which the table is located. - `table_schema` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md)) — The name of the database in which the table is located. - `table_name` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md)) — Table name. - `column_name` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md)) — Column name. - `ordinal_position` ([UInt64](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md)) — Ordinal position of a column in a table starting with 1. - `column_default` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md)) — Expression for the default value, or an empty string if it is not defined. - `is_nullable` ([UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md)) — Flag that indicates whether the column type is `Nullable`. - `data_type` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md)) — Column type. - `character_maximum_length` ([Nullable](../../sql-reference/data-types/nullable.md)([UInt64](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md))) — Maximum length in bytes for binary data, character data, or text data and images. In ClickHouse makes sense only for `FixedString` data type. Otherwise, the `NULL` value is returned. - `character_octet_length` ([Nullable](../../sql-reference/data-types/nullable.md)([UInt64](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md))) — Maximum length in bytes for binary data, character data, or text data and images. In ClickHouse makes sense only for `FixedString` data type. Otherwise, the `NULL` value is returned. - `numeric_precision` ([Nullable](../../sql-reference/data-types/nullable.md)([UInt64](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md))) — Accuracy of approximate numeric data, exact numeric data, integer data, or monetary data. In ClickHouse it is bitness for integer types and decimal precision for `Decimal` types. Otherwise, the `NULL` value is returned. - `numeric_precision_radix` ([Nullable](../../sql-reference/data-types/nullable.md)([UInt64](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md))) — The base of the number system is the accuracy of approximate numeric data, exact numeric data, integer data or monetary data. In ClickHouse it's 2 for integer types and 10 for `Decimal` types. Otherwise, the `NULL` value is returned. - `numeric_scale` ([Nullable](../../sql-reference/data-types/nullable.md)([UInt64](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md))) — The scale of approximate numeric data, exact numeric data, integer data, or monetary data. In ClickHouse makes sense only for `Decimal` types. Otherwise, the `NULL` value is returned. - `datetime_precision` ([Nullable](../../sql-reference/data-types/nullable.md)([UInt64](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md))) — Decimal precision of `DateTime64` data type. For other data types, the `NULL` value is returned. - `character_set_catalog` ([Nullable](../../sql-reference/data-types/nullable.md)([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md))) — `NULL`, not supported. - `character_set_schema` ([Nullable](../../sql-reference/data-types/nullable.md)([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md))) — `NULL`, not supported. - `character_set_name` ([Nullable](../../sql-reference/data-types/nullable.md)([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md))) — `NULL`, not supported. - `collation_catalog` ([Nullable](../../sql-reference/data-types/nullable.md)([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md))) — `NULL`, not supported. - `collation_schema` ([Nullable](../../sql-reference/data-types/nullable.md)([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md))) — `NULL`, not supported. - `collation_name` ([Nullable](../../sql-reference/data-types/nullable.md)([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md))) — `NULL`, not supported. - `domain_catalog` ([Nullable](../../sql-reference/data-types/nullable.md)([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md))) — `NULL`, not supported. - `domain_schema` ([Nullable](../../sql-reference/data-types/nullable.md)([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md))) — `NULL`, not supported. - `domain_name` ([Nullable](../../sql-reference/data-types/nullable.md)([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md))) — `NULL`, not supported. **Example** Query: ``` sql SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE (table_schema=currentDatabase() OR table_schema='') AND table_name NOT LIKE '%inner%' LIMIT 1 FORMAT Vertical; ``` Result: ``` text Row 1: ────── table_catalog: default table_schema: default table_name: describe_example column_name: id ordinal_position: 1 column_default: is_nullable: 0 data_type: UInt64 character_maximum_length: ᴺᵁᴸᴸ character_octet_length: ᴺᵁᴸᴸ numeric_precision: 64 numeric_precision_radix: 2 numeric_scale: 0 datetime_precision: ᴺᵁᴸᴸ character_set_catalog: ᴺᵁᴸᴸ character_set_schema: ᴺᵁᴸᴸ character_set_name: ᴺᵁᴸᴸ collation_catalog: ᴺᵁᴸᴸ collation_schema: ᴺᵁᴸᴸ collation_name: ᴺᵁᴸᴸ domain_catalog: ᴺᵁᴸᴸ domain_schema: ᴺᵁᴸᴸ domain_name: ᴺᵁᴸᴸ ``` ## SCHEMATA {#schemata} Contains columns read from the [system.databases](../../operations/system-tables/databases.md) system table and columns that are not supported in ClickHouse or do not make sense (always `NULL`), but must be by the standard. Columns: - `catalog_name` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md)) — The name of the database. - `schema_name` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md)) — The name of the database. - `schema_owner` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md)) — Schema owner name, always `'default'`. - `default_character_set_catalog` ([Nullable](../../sql-reference/data-types/nullable.md)([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md))) — `NULL`, not supported. - `default_character_set_schema` ([Nullable](../../sql-reference/data-types/nullable.md)([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md))) — `NULL`, not supported. - `default_character_set_name` ([Nullable](../../sql-reference/data-types/nullable.md)([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md))) — `NULL`, not supported. - `sql_path` ([Nullable](../../sql-reference/data-types/nullable.md)([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md))) — `NULL`, not supported. **Example** Query: ``` sql SELECT * FROM information_schema.schemata WHERE schema_name ILIKE 'information_schema' LIMIT 1 FORMAT Vertical; ``` Result: ``` text Row 1: ────── catalog_name: INFORMATION_SCHEMA schema_name: INFORMATION_SCHEMA schema_owner: default default_character_set_catalog: ᴺᵁᴸᴸ default_character_set_schema: ᴺᵁᴸᴸ default_character_set_name: ᴺᵁᴸᴸ sql_path: ᴺᵁᴸᴸ ``` ## TABLES {#tables} Contains columns read from the [system.tables](../../operations/system-tables/tables.md) system table. Columns: - `table_catalog` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md)) — The name of the database in which the table is located. - `table_schema` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md)) — The name of the database in which the table is located. - `table_name` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md)) — Table name. - `table_type` ([Enum8](../../sql-reference/data-types/enum.md)) — Table type. Possible values: - `BASE TABLE` - `VIEW` - `FOREIGN TABLE` - `LOCAL TEMPORARY` - `SYSTEM VIEW` **Example** Query: ``` sql SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE (table_schema = currentDatabase() OR table_schema = '') AND table_name NOT LIKE '%inner%' LIMIT 1 FORMAT Vertical; ``` Result: ``` text Row 1: ────── table_catalog: default table_schema: default table_name: describe_example table_type: BASE TABLE ``` ## VIEWS {#views} Contains columns read from the [system.tables](../../operations/system-tables/tables.md) system table, when the table engine [View](../../engines/table-engines/special/view.md) is used. Columns: - `table_catalog` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md)) — The name of the database in which the table is located. - `table_schema` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md)) — The name of the database in which the table is located. - `table_name` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md)) — Table name. - `view_definition` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md)) — `SELECT` query for view. - `check_option` ([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md)) — `NONE`, no checking. - `is_updatable` ([Enum8](../../sql-reference/data-types/enum.md)) — `NO`, the view is not updated. - `is_insertable_into` ([Enum8](../../sql-reference/data-types/enum.md)) — Shows whether the created view is [materialized](../../sql-reference/statements/create/view/#materialized). Possible values: - `NO` — The created view is not materialized. - `YES` — The created view is materialized. - `is_trigger_updatable` ([Enum8](../../sql-reference/data-types/enum.md)) — `NO`, the trigger is not updated. - `is_trigger_deletable` ([Enum8](../../sql-reference/data-types/enum.md)) — `NO`, the trigger is not deleted. - `is_trigger_insertable_into` ([Enum8](../../sql-reference/data-types/enum.md)) — `NO`, no data is inserted into the trigger. **Example** Query: ``` sql CREATE VIEW v (n Nullable(Int32), f Float64) AS SELECT n, f FROM t; CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW mv ENGINE = Null AS SELECT * FROM system.one; SELECT * FROM information_schema.views WHERE table_schema = currentDatabase() LIMIT 1 FORMAT Vertical; ``` Result: ``` text Row 1: ────── table_catalog: default table_schema: default table_name: mv view_definition: SELECT * FROM system.one check_option: NONE is_updatable: NO is_insertable_into: YES is_trigger_updatable: NO is_trigger_deletable: NO is_trigger_insertable_into: NO ```