import logging import pytest from helpers.cluster import ClickHouseCluster from import PartitionManager from helpers.client import QueryRuntimeException cluster = ClickHouseCluster(__file__) node = cluster.add_instance( "node", main_configs=[ "configs/config.d/minio.xml", ], user_configs=[ "configs/users.d/users.xml", ], with_minio=True, ) settings = { "s3_max_connections": "1", "max_insert_threads": "1", "s3_truncate_on_insert": "1", "s3_min_upload_part_size": "33554432", } @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def started_cluster(): try:"Starting cluster...") cluster.start()"Cluster started") yield cluster finally:"Stopping cluster") cluster.shutdown()"Cluster stopped") def test_s3_table_functions(started_cluster): """ Simple test to check s3 table function functionalities """ node.query( """ INSERT INTO FUNCTION s3 ( nc_s3, filename = 'test_file.tsv.gz', format = 'TSV', structure = 'number UInt64', compression_method = 'gz' ) SELECT * FROM numbers(1000000) """, settings=settings, ) assert ( node.query( """ SELECT count(*) FROM s3 ( nc_s3, filename = 'test_file.tsv.gz', format = 'TSV', structure = 'number UInt64', compression_method = 'gz' ); """ ) == "1000000\n" ) def test_s3_table_functions_timeouts(started_cluster): """ Test with timeout limit of 1200ms. This should raise an Exception and pass. """ with PartitionManager() as pm: pm.add_network_delay(node, 1200) with pytest.raises(QueryRuntimeException): node.query( """ INSERT INTO FUNCTION s3 ( nc_s3, filename = 'test_file.tsv.gz', format = 'TSV', structure = 'number UInt64', compression_method = 'gz' ) SELECT * FROM numbers(1000000) """, settings=settings, )