#!/usr/bin/env bash # Tags: zookeeper, no-replicated-database, no-shared-merge-tree # no-replicated-database because it adds extra replicas # no-shared-merge-tree do something with parts on local fs CURDIR=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd) # shellcheck source=../shell_config.sh . "$CURDIR"/../shell_config.sh $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "drop table if exists rmt sync;" $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "CREATE TABLE rmt (a UInt8, b Int16, c Float32, d String, e Array(UInt8), f Nullable(UUID), g Tuple(UInt8, UInt16)) ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree('/test/02253/$CLICKHOUSE_TEST_ZOOKEEPER_PREFIX/rmt', '1') ORDER BY a PARTITION BY b % 10 SETTINGS old_parts_lifetime = 1, cleanup_delay_period = 0, cleanup_delay_period_random_add = 0, cleanup_thread_preferred_points_per_iteration=0, min_bytes_for_wide_part=0, remove_empty_parts=0, replace_long_file_name_to_hash=0" $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT --insert_keeper_fault_injection_probability=0 -q "INSERT INTO rmt SELECT rand(1), 0, 1 / rand(3), toString(rand(4)), [rand(5), rand(6)], rand(7) % 2 ? NULL : generateUUIDv4(), (rand(8), rand(9)) FROM numbers(1000);" $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "check table rmt" $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "select count() from rmt" path=$($CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "select path from system.parts where database='$CLICKHOUSE_DATABASE' and table='rmt' and name='0_0_0_0'") # ensure that path is absolute before removing $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "select throwIf(substring('$path', 1, 1) != '/', 'Path is relative: $path')" || exit rm -rf "$path" # detach the broken part, replace it with empty one $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "check table rmt" 2>/dev/null $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "select count() from rmt" $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT --receive_timeout=60 -q "system sync replica rmt" # the empty part should pass the check $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "check table rmt" $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "select count() from rmt" $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "select name, part_type, hash_of_all_files, hash_of_uncompressed_files, uncompressed_hash_of_compressed_files from system.parts where database=currentDatabase()" $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "drop table rmt sync;"