FROM yandex/clickhouse-stateless-test RUN apt-get update -y \ && env DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \ apt-get install --yes --no-install-recommends \ python-requests COPY s3downloader /s3downloader ENV DATASETS="hits visits" CMD dpkg -i package_folder/clickhouse-common-static_*.deb; \ dpkg -i package_folder/clickhouse-server_*.deb; \ dpkg -i package_folder/clickhouse-client_*.deb; \ dpkg -i package_folder/clickhouse-test_*.deb; \ service zookeeper start; sleep 5; \ service clickhouse-server start && sleep 5 \ && /s3downloader --dataset-names $DATASETS \ && chmod 777 -R /var/lib/clickhouse \ && clickhouse-client --query "SHOW DATABASES" \ && clickhouse-client --query "CREATE DATABASE datasets" \ && clickhouse-client --query "CREATE DATABASE test" \ && service clickhouse-server restart && sleep 5 \ && clickhouse-client --query "SHOW TABLES FROM datasets" \ && clickhouse-client --query "SHOW TABLES FROM test" \ && clickhouse-client --query "RENAME TABLE datasets.hits_v1 TO test.hits" \ && clickhouse-client --query "RENAME TABLE datasets.visits_v1 TO test.visits" \ && clickhouse-client --query "SHOW TABLES FROM test" \ && clickhouse-test --shard --zookeeper --no-stateless $SKIP_TESTS_OPTION 2>&1 | ts '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' | tee test_output/test_result.txt