#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int FIRST_AND_NEXT_TOGETHER; extern const int LIMIT_BY_WITH_TIES_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED; extern const int ROW_AND_ROWS_TOGETHER; extern const int SYNTAX_ERROR; extern const int TOP_AND_LIMIT_TOGETHER; extern const int WITH_TIES_WITHOUT_ORDER_BY; extern const int OFFSET_FETCH_WITHOUT_ORDER_BY; } bool ParserSelectQuery::parseImpl(Pos & pos, ASTPtr & node, Expected & expected) { auto select_query = std::make_shared(); node = select_query; ParserKeyword s_select("SELECT"); ParserKeyword s_all("ALL"); ParserKeyword s_distinct("DISTINCT"); ParserKeyword s_distinct_on("DISTINCT ON"); ParserKeyword s_from("FROM"); ParserKeyword s_prewhere("PREWHERE"); ParserKeyword s_where("WHERE"); ParserKeyword s_group_by("GROUP BY"); ParserKeyword s_with("WITH"); ParserKeyword s_totals("TOTALS"); ParserKeyword s_having("HAVING"); ParserKeyword s_window("WINDOW"); ParserKeyword s_order_by("ORDER BY"); ParserKeyword s_limit("LIMIT"); ParserKeyword s_settings("SETTINGS"); ParserKeyword s_by("BY"); ParserKeyword s_rollup("ROLLUP"); ParserKeyword s_cube("CUBE"); ParserKeyword s_top("TOP"); ParserKeyword s_with_ties("WITH TIES"); ParserKeyword s_offset("OFFSET"); ParserKeyword s_fetch("FETCH"); ParserKeyword s_only("ONLY"); ParserKeyword s_row("ROW"); ParserKeyword s_rows("ROWS"); ParserKeyword s_first("FIRST"); ParserKeyword s_next("NEXT"); ParserKeyword s_interpolate("INTERPOLATE"); ParserNotEmptyExpressionList exp_list(false); ParserNotEmptyExpressionList exp_list_for_with_clause(false); ParserNotEmptyExpressionList exp_list_for_select_clause(true); /// Allows aliases without AS keyword. ParserExpressionWithOptionalAlias exp_elem(false); ParserOrderByExpressionList order_list; ParserInterpolateExpressionList interpolate_list; ParserToken open_bracket(TokenType::OpeningRoundBracket); ParserToken close_bracket(TokenType::ClosingRoundBracket); ASTPtr with_expression_list; ASTPtr select_expression_list; ASTPtr tables; ASTPtr prewhere_expression; ASTPtr where_expression; ASTPtr group_expression_list; ASTPtr having_expression; ASTPtr window_list; ASTPtr order_expression_list; ASTPtr interpolate_expression_list; ASTPtr limit_by_length; ASTPtr limit_by_offset; ASTPtr limit_by_expression_list; ASTPtr distinct_on_expression_list; ASTPtr limit_offset; ASTPtr limit_length; ASTPtr top_length; ASTPtr settings; /// WITH expr_list { if (s_with.ignore(pos, expected)) { if (!ParserList(std::make_unique(), std::make_unique(TokenType::Comma)) .parse(pos, with_expression_list, expected)) return false; if (with_expression_list->children.empty()) return false; } } /// SELECT [ALL/DISTINCT [ON (expr_list)]] [TOP N [WITH TIES]] expr_list { bool has_all = false; if (!s_select.ignore(pos, expected)) return false; if (s_all.ignore(pos, expected)) has_all = true; if (s_distinct_on.ignore(pos, expected)) { if (open_bracket.ignore(pos, expected)) { if (!exp_list.parse(pos, distinct_on_expression_list, expected)) return false; if (!close_bracket.ignore(pos, expected)) return false; } else return false; } else if (s_distinct.ignore(pos, expected)) { select_query->distinct = true; } if (!has_all && s_all.ignore(pos, expected)) has_all = true; if (has_all && (select_query->distinct || distinct_on_expression_list)) return false; if (s_top.ignore(pos, expected)) { ParserNumber num; if (open_bracket.ignore(pos, expected)) { if (!num.parse(pos, top_length, expected)) return false; if (!close_bracket.ignore(pos, expected)) return false; } else { if (!num.parse(pos, top_length, expected)) return false; } if (s_with_ties.ignore(pos, expected)) select_query->limit_with_ties = true; } if (!exp_list_for_select_clause.parse(pos, select_expression_list, expected)) return false; } /// FROM database.table or FROM table or FROM (subquery) or FROM tableFunction(...) if (s_from.ignore(pos, expected)) { if (!ParserTablesInSelectQuery().parse(pos, tables, expected)) return false; } /// PREWHERE expr if (s_prewhere.ignore(pos, expected)) { if (!exp_elem.parse(pos, prewhere_expression, expected)) return false; } /// WHERE expr if (s_where.ignore(pos, expected)) { if (!exp_elem.parse(pos, where_expression, expected)) return false; } /// GROUP BY expr list if (s_group_by.ignore(pos, expected)) { if (s_rollup.ignore(pos, expected)) select_query->group_by_with_rollup = true; else if (s_cube.ignore(pos, expected)) select_query->group_by_with_cube = true; if ((select_query->group_by_with_rollup || select_query->group_by_with_cube) && !open_bracket.ignore(pos, expected)) return false; if (!exp_list.parse(pos, group_expression_list, expected)) return false; if ((select_query->group_by_with_rollup || select_query->group_by_with_cube) && !close_bracket.ignore(pos, expected)) return false; } /// WITH ROLLUP, CUBE or TOTALS if (s_with.ignore(pos, expected)) { if (s_rollup.ignore(pos, expected)) select_query->group_by_with_rollup = true; else if (s_cube.ignore(pos, expected)) select_query->group_by_with_cube = true; else if (s_totals.ignore(pos, expected)) select_query->group_by_with_totals = true; else return false; } /// WITH TOTALS if (s_with.ignore(pos, expected)) { if (select_query->group_by_with_totals || !s_totals.ignore(pos, expected)) return false; select_query->group_by_with_totals = true; } /// HAVING expr if (s_having.ignore(pos, expected)) { if (!exp_elem.parse(pos, having_expression, expected)) return false; } /// WINDOW clause if (s_window.ignore(pos, expected)) { ParserWindowList window_list_parser; if (!window_list_parser.parse(pos, window_list, expected)) { return false; } } /// ORDER BY expr ASC|DESC COLLATE 'locale' list if (s_order_by.ignore(pos, expected)) { if (!order_list.parse(pos, order_expression_list, expected)) return false; /// if any WITH FILL parse possible INTERPOLATE list if (std::any_of(order_expression_list->children.begin(), order_expression_list->children.end(), [](auto & child) { return child->template as()->with_fill; })) { if (s_interpolate.ignore(pos, expected)) { if (open_bracket.ignore(pos, expected)) { if (!interpolate_list.parse(pos, interpolate_expression_list, expected)) return false; if (!close_bracket.ignore(pos, expected)) return false; } else interpolate_expression_list = std::make_shared(); } } } /// This is needed for TOP expression, because it can also use WITH TIES. bool limit_with_ties_occured = false; /// LIMIT length | LIMIT offset, length | LIMIT count BY expr-list | LIMIT offset, length BY expr-list if (s_limit.ignore(pos, expected)) { ParserToken s_comma(TokenType::Comma); if (!exp_elem.parse(pos, limit_length, expected)) return false; if (s_comma.ignore(pos, expected)) { limit_offset = limit_length; if (!exp_elem.parse(pos, limit_length, expected)) return false; if (s_with_ties.ignore(pos, expected)) { limit_with_ties_occured = true; select_query->limit_with_ties = true; } } else if (s_offset.ignore(pos, expected)) { if (!exp_elem.parse(pos, limit_offset, expected)) return false; } else if (s_with_ties.ignore(pos, expected)) { limit_with_ties_occured = true; select_query->limit_with_ties = true; } if (limit_with_ties_occured && distinct_on_expression_list) throw Exception("Can not use WITH TIES alongside LIMIT BY/DISTINCT ON", ErrorCodes::LIMIT_BY_WITH_TIES_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED); if (s_by.ignore(pos, expected)) { /// WITH TIES was used alongside LIMIT BY /// But there are other kind of queries like LIMIT n BY smth LIMIT m WITH TIES which are allowed. /// So we have to ignore WITH TIES exactly in LIMIT BY state. if (limit_with_ties_occured) throw Exception("Can not use WITH TIES alongside LIMIT BY/DISTINCT ON", ErrorCodes::LIMIT_BY_WITH_TIES_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED); if (distinct_on_expression_list) throw Exception("Can not use DISTINCT ON alongside LIMIT BY", ErrorCodes::SYNTAX_ERROR); limit_by_length = limit_length; limit_by_offset = limit_offset; limit_length = nullptr; limit_offset = nullptr; if (!exp_list.parse(pos, limit_by_expression_list, expected)) return false; } if (top_length && limit_length) throw Exception("Can not use TOP and LIMIT together", ErrorCodes::TOP_AND_LIMIT_TOGETHER); } else if (s_offset.ignore(pos, expected)) { /// OFFSET offset_row_count {ROW | ROWS} FETCH {FIRST | NEXT} fetch_row_count {ROW | ROWS} {ONLY | WITH TIES} bool offset_with_fetch_maybe = false; if (!exp_elem.parse(pos, limit_offset, expected)) return false; if (s_row.ignore(pos, expected)) { if (s_rows.ignore(pos, expected)) throw Exception("Can not use ROW and ROWS together", ErrorCodes::ROW_AND_ROWS_TOGETHER); offset_with_fetch_maybe = true; } else if (s_rows.ignore(pos, expected)) { offset_with_fetch_maybe = true; } if (offset_with_fetch_maybe && s_fetch.ignore(pos, expected)) { /// OFFSET FETCH clause must exists with "ORDER BY" if (!order_expression_list) throw Exception("Can not use OFFSET FETCH clause without ORDER BY", ErrorCodes::OFFSET_FETCH_WITHOUT_ORDER_BY); if (s_first.ignore(pos, expected)) { if (s_next.ignore(pos, expected)) throw Exception("Can not use FIRST and NEXT together", ErrorCodes::FIRST_AND_NEXT_TOGETHER); } else if (!s_next.ignore(pos, expected)) return false; if (!exp_elem.parse(pos, limit_length, expected)) return false; if (s_row.ignore(pos, expected)) { if (s_rows.ignore(pos, expected)) throw Exception("Can not use ROW and ROWS together", ErrorCodes::ROW_AND_ROWS_TOGETHER); } else if (!s_rows.ignore(pos, expected)) return false; if (s_with_ties.ignore(pos, expected)) { select_query->limit_with_ties = true; } else if (s_only.ignore(pos, expected)) { select_query->limit_with_ties = false; } else { return false; } } } if (distinct_on_expression_list) { /// DISTINCT ON and LIMIT BY are mutually exclusive, checked before assert (limit_by_expression_list == nullptr); /// Transform `DISTINCT ON expr` to `LIMIT 1 BY expr` limit_by_expression_list = distinct_on_expression_list; limit_by_length = std::make_shared(Field{UInt8(1)}); distinct_on_expression_list = nullptr; } /// Because TOP n in totally equals LIMIT n if (top_length) limit_length = top_length; /// LIMIT length [WITH TIES] | LIMIT offset, length [WITH TIES] if (s_limit.ignore(pos, expected)) { if (!limit_by_length || limit_length) return false; ParserToken s_comma(TokenType::Comma); if (!exp_elem.parse(pos, limit_length, expected)) return false; if (s_comma.ignore(pos, expected)) { limit_offset = limit_length; if (!exp_elem.parse(pos, limit_length, expected)) return false; } else if (s_offset.ignore(pos, expected)) { if (!exp_elem.parse(pos, limit_offset, expected)) return false; } if (s_with_ties.ignore(pos, expected)) select_query->limit_with_ties = true; } /// WITH TIES was used without ORDER BY if (!order_expression_list && select_query->limit_with_ties) throw Exception("Can not use WITH TIES without ORDER BY", ErrorCodes::WITH_TIES_WITHOUT_ORDER_BY); /// SETTINGS key1 = value1, key2 = value2, ... if (s_settings.ignore(pos, expected)) { ParserSetQuery parser_settings(true); if (!parser_settings.parse(pos, settings, expected)) return false; } select_query->setExpression(ASTSelectQuery::Expression::WITH, std::move(with_expression_list)); select_query->setExpression(ASTSelectQuery::Expression::SELECT, std::move(select_expression_list)); select_query->setExpression(ASTSelectQuery::Expression::TABLES, std::move(tables)); select_query->setExpression(ASTSelectQuery::Expression::PREWHERE, std::move(prewhere_expression)); select_query->setExpression(ASTSelectQuery::Expression::WHERE, std::move(where_expression)); select_query->setExpression(ASTSelectQuery::Expression::GROUP_BY, std::move(group_expression_list)); select_query->setExpression(ASTSelectQuery::Expression::HAVING, std::move(having_expression)); select_query->setExpression(ASTSelectQuery::Expression::WINDOW, std::move(window_list)); select_query->setExpression(ASTSelectQuery::Expression::ORDER_BY, std::move(order_expression_list)); select_query->setExpression(ASTSelectQuery::Expression::LIMIT_BY_OFFSET, std::move(limit_by_offset)); select_query->setExpression(ASTSelectQuery::Expression::LIMIT_BY_LENGTH, std::move(limit_by_length)); select_query->setExpression(ASTSelectQuery::Expression::LIMIT_BY, std::move(limit_by_expression_list)); select_query->setExpression(ASTSelectQuery::Expression::LIMIT_OFFSET, std::move(limit_offset)); select_query->setExpression(ASTSelectQuery::Expression::LIMIT_LENGTH, std::move(limit_length)); select_query->setExpression(ASTSelectQuery::Expression::SETTINGS, std::move(settings)); select_query->setExpression(ASTSelectQuery::Expression::INTERPOLATE, std::move(interpolate_expression_list)); return true; } }