#include "ColumnInfoHandler.h" #include "getIdentifierQuote.h" #if USE_POCO_SQLODBC || USE_POCO_DATAODBC #if USE_POCO_SQLODBC #include // Y_IGNORE #include // Y_IGNORE #include // Y_IGNORE #define POCO_SQL_ODBC_CLASS Poco::SQL::ODBC #endif #if USE_POCO_DATAODBC #include #include #include #define POCO_SQL_ODBC_CLASS Poco::Data::ODBC #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "validateODBCConnectionString.h" namespace DB { namespace { DataTypePtr getDataType(SQLSMALLINT type) { const auto & factory = DataTypeFactory::instance(); switch (type) { case SQL_INTEGER: return factory.get("Int32"); case SQL_SMALLINT: return factory.get("Int16"); case SQL_FLOAT: return factory.get("Float32"); case SQL_REAL: return factory.get("Float32"); case SQL_DOUBLE: return factory.get("Float64"); case SQL_DATETIME: return factory.get("DateTime"); case SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: return factory.get("DateTime"); case SQL_TYPE_DATE: return factory.get("Date"); default: return factory.get("String"); } } } namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT; } void ODBCColumnsInfoHandler::handleRequest(Poco::Net::HTTPServerRequest & request, Poco::Net::HTTPServerResponse & response) { Poco::Net::HTMLForm params(request, request.stream()); LOG_TRACE(log, "Request URI: " + request.getURI()); auto process_error = [&response, this](const std::string & message) { response.setStatusAndReason(Poco::Net::HTTPResponse::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); if (!response.sent()) response.send() << message << std::endl; LOG_WARNING(log, message); }; if (!params.has("table")) { process_error("No 'table' param in request URL"); return; } if (!params.has("connection_string")) { process_error("No 'connection_string' in request URL"); return; } std::string schema_name = ""; std::string table_name = params.get("table"); std::string connection_string = params.get("connection_string"); if (params.has("schema")) { schema_name = params.get("schema"); LOG_TRACE(log, "Will fetch info for table '" << schema_name + "." + table_name << "'"); } else LOG_TRACE(log, "Will fetch info for table '" << table_name << "'"); LOG_TRACE(log, "Got connection str '" << connection_string << "'"); try { POCO_SQL_ODBC_CLASS::SessionImpl session(validateODBCConnectionString(connection_string), DBMS_DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SEC); SQLHDBC hdbc = session.dbc().handle(); SQLHSTMT hstmt = nullptr; if (POCO_SQL_ODBC_CLASS::Utility::isError(SQLAllocStmt(hdbc, &hstmt))) throw POCO_SQL_ODBC_CLASS::ODBCException("Could not allocate connection handle."); SCOPE_EXIT(SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP)); /// TODO Why not do SQLColumns instead? std::string name = schema_name.empty() ? table_name : schema_name + "." + table_name; std::stringstream ss; std::string input = "SELECT * FROM " + name + " WHERE 1 = 0"; ParserQueryWithOutput parser; ASTPtr select = parseQuery(parser, input.data(), input.data() + input.size(), "", 0); IAST::FormatSettings settings(ss, true); settings.always_quote_identifiers = true; auto identifier_quote = getIdentifierQuote(hdbc); if (identifier_quote.length() == 0) settings.identifier_quoting_style = IdentifierQuotingStyle::None; else if(identifier_quote[0] == '`') settings.identifier_quoting_style = IdentifierQuotingStyle::Backticks; else if(identifier_quote[0] == '"') settings.identifier_quoting_style = IdentifierQuotingStyle::DoubleQuotes; else throw Exception("Can not map quote identifier '" + identifier_quote + "' to IdentifierQuotingStyle value", ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT); select->format(settings); std::string query = ss.str(); LOG_TRACE(log, "Inferring structure with query '" << query << "'"); if (POCO_SQL_ODBC_CLASS::Utility::isError(POCO_SQL_ODBC_CLASS::SQLPrepare(hstmt, reinterpret_cast(query.data()), query.size()))) throw POCO_SQL_ODBC_CLASS::DescriptorException(session.dbc()); if (POCO_SQL_ODBC_CLASS::Utility::isError(SQLExecute(hstmt))) throw POCO_SQL_ODBC_CLASS::StatementException(hstmt); SQLSMALLINT cols = 0; if (POCO_SQL_ODBC_CLASS::Utility::isError(SQLNumResultCols(hstmt, &cols))) throw POCO_SQL_ODBC_CLASS::StatementException(hstmt); /// TODO cols not checked NamesAndTypesList columns; for (SQLSMALLINT ncol = 1; ncol <= cols; ++ncol) { SQLSMALLINT type = 0; /// TODO Why 301? SQLCHAR column_name[301]; /// TODO Result is not checked. POCO_SQL_ODBC_CLASS::SQLDescribeCol(hstmt, ncol, column_name, sizeof(column_name), nullptr, &type, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); columns.emplace_back(reinterpret_cast(column_name), getDataType(type)); } WriteBufferFromHTTPServerResponse out(request, response, keep_alive_timeout); writeStringBinary(columns.toString(), out); } catch (...) { process_error("Error getting columns from ODBC '" + getCurrentExceptionMessage(false) + "'"); tryLogCurrentException(log); } } } #endif