#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if __SSE4_1__ #include #endif namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS_DOESNT_MATCH; } /** Rounding Functions: * round(x, N) - rounding to nearest (N = 0 by default). Use banker's rounding for floating point numbers. * floor(x, N) is the largest number <= x (N = 0 by default). * ceil(x, N) is the smallest number >= x (N = 0 by default). * trunc(x, N) - is the largest by absolute value number that is not greater than x by absolute value (N = 0 by default). * * The value of the parameter N (scale): * - N > 0: round to the number with N decimal places after the decimal point * - N < 0: round to an integer with N zero characters * - N = 0: round to an integer * * Type of the result is the type of argument. * For integer arguments, when passing negative scale, overflow can occur. * In that case, the behavior is implementation specific. * * roundToExp2 - down to the nearest power of two (see below); * * Deprecated functions: * roundDuration - down to the nearest of: 0, 1, 10, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 3600, 7200, 18000, 36000; * roundAge - down to the nearest of: 0, 18, 25, 35, 45, 55. */ template inline std::enable_if_t && (sizeof(T) <= sizeof(UInt32)), T> roundDownToPowerOfTwo(T x) { return x <= 0 ? 0 : (T(1) << (31 - __builtin_clz(x))); } template inline std::enable_if_t && (sizeof(T) == sizeof(UInt64)), T> roundDownToPowerOfTwo(T x) { return x <= 0 ? 0 : (T(1) << (63 - __builtin_clzll(x))); } template inline std::enable_if_t, T> roundDownToPowerOfTwo(T x) { return ext::bit_cast(ext::bit_cast(x) & ~((1ULL << 23) - 1)); } template inline std::enable_if_t, T> roundDownToPowerOfTwo(T x) { return ext::bit_cast(ext::bit_cast(x) & ~((1ULL << 52) - 1)); } /** For integer data types: * - if number is greater than zero, round it down to nearest power of two (example: roundToExp2(100) = 64, roundToExp2(64) = 64); * - otherwise, return 0. * * For floating point data types: zero out mantissa, but leave exponent. * - if number is greater than zero, round it down to nearest power of two (example: roundToExp2(3) = 2); * - negative powers are also used (example: roundToExp2(0.7) = 0.5); * - if number is zero, return zero; * - if number is less than zero, the result is symmetrical: roundToExp2(x) = -roundToExp2(-x). (example: roundToExp2(-0.3) = -0.25); */ template struct RoundToExp2Impl { using ResultType = T; static inline T apply(T x) { return roundDownToPowerOfTwo(x); } #if USE_EMBEDDED_COMPILER static constexpr bool compilable = false; #endif }; template struct RoundDurationImpl { using ResultType = UInt16; static inline ResultType apply(A x) { return x < 1 ? 0 : (x < 10 ? 1 : (x < 30 ? 10 : (x < 60 ? 30 : (x < 120 ? 60 : (x < 180 ? 120 : (x < 240 ? 180 : (x < 300 ? 240 : (x < 600 ? 300 : (x < 1200 ? 600 : (x < 1800 ? 1200 : (x < 3600 ? 1800 : (x < 7200 ? 3600 : (x < 18000 ? 7200 : (x < 36000 ? 18000 : 36000)))))))))))))); } #if USE_EMBEDDED_COMPILER static constexpr bool compilable = false; #endif }; template struct RoundAgeImpl { using ResultType = UInt8; static inline ResultType apply(A x) { return x < 1 ? 0 : (x < 18 ? 17 : (x < 25 ? 18 : (x < 35 ? 25 : (x < 45 ? 35 : (x < 55 ? 45 : 55))))); } #if USE_EMBEDDED_COMPILER static constexpr bool compilable = false; #endif }; /** This parameter controls the behavior of the rounding functions. */ enum class ScaleMode { Positive, // round to a number with N decimal places after the decimal point Negative, // round to an integer with N zero characters Zero, // round to an integer }; enum class RoundingMode { #if __SSE4_1__ Round = _MM_FROUND_TO_NEAREST_INT | _MM_FROUND_NO_EXC, Floor = _MM_FROUND_TO_NEG_INF | _MM_FROUND_NO_EXC, Ceil = _MM_FROUND_TO_POS_INF | _MM_FROUND_NO_EXC, Trunc = _MM_FROUND_TO_ZERO | _MM_FROUND_NO_EXC, #else Round = 8, /// Values are correspond to above just in case. Floor = 9, Ceil = 10, Trunc = 11, #endif }; /** Rounding functions for integer values. */ template struct IntegerRoundingComputation { static const size_t data_count = 1; static size_t prepare(size_t scale) { return scale; } static ALWAYS_INLINE T computeImpl(T x, T scale) { switch (rounding_mode) { case RoundingMode::Trunc: { return x / scale * scale; } case RoundingMode::Floor: { if (x < 0) x -= scale - 1; return x / scale * scale; } case RoundingMode::Ceil: { if (x >= 0) x += scale - 1; return x / scale * scale; } case RoundingMode::Round: { bool negative = x < 0; if (negative) x = -x; x = (x + scale / 2) / scale * scale; if (negative) x = -x; return x; } default: __builtin_unreachable(); } } static ALWAYS_INLINE T compute(T x, T scale) { switch (scale_mode) { case ScaleMode::Zero: return x; case ScaleMode::Positive: return x; case ScaleMode::Negative: return computeImpl(x, scale); default: __builtin_unreachable(); } } static ALWAYS_INLINE void compute(const T * __restrict in, size_t scale, T * __restrict out) { *out = compute(*in, scale); } }; #if __SSE4_1__ template class BaseFloatRoundingComputation; template <> class BaseFloatRoundingComputation { public: using ScalarType = Float32; using VectorType = __m128; static const size_t data_count = 4; static VectorType load(const ScalarType * in) { return _mm_loadu_ps(in); } static VectorType load1(const ScalarType in) { return _mm_load1_ps(&in); } static void store(ScalarType * out, VectorType val) { _mm_storeu_ps(out, val);} static VectorType multiply(VectorType val, VectorType scale) { return _mm_mul_ps(val, scale); } static VectorType divide(VectorType val, VectorType scale) { return _mm_div_ps(val, scale); } template static VectorType apply(VectorType val) { return _mm_round_ps(val, int(mode)); } static VectorType prepare(size_t scale) { return load1(scale); } }; template <> class BaseFloatRoundingComputation { public: using ScalarType = Float64; using VectorType = __m128d; static const size_t data_count = 2; static VectorType load(const ScalarType * in) { return _mm_loadu_pd(in); } static VectorType load1(const ScalarType in) { return _mm_load1_pd(&in); } static void store(ScalarType * out, VectorType val) { _mm_storeu_pd(out, val);} static VectorType multiply(VectorType val, VectorType scale) { return _mm_mul_pd(val, scale); } static VectorType divide(VectorType val, VectorType scale) { return _mm_div_pd(val, scale); } template static VectorType apply(VectorType val) { return _mm_round_pd(val, int(mode)); } static VectorType prepare(size_t scale) { return load1(scale); } }; #else /// Implementation for ARM. Not vectorized. inline float roundWithMode(float x, RoundingMode mode) { switch (mode) { case RoundingMode::Round: return roundf(x); case RoundingMode::Floor: return floorf(x); case RoundingMode::Ceil: return ceilf(x); case RoundingMode::Trunc: return truncf(x); default: throw Exception("Logical error: unexpected 'mode' parameter passed to function roundWithMode", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); } } inline double roundWithMode(double x, RoundingMode mode) { switch (mode) { case RoundingMode::Round: return round(x); case RoundingMode::Floor: return floor(x); case RoundingMode::Ceil: return ceil(x); case RoundingMode::Trunc: return trunc(x); default: throw Exception("Logical error: unexpected 'mode' parameter passed to function roundWithMode", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); } } template class BaseFloatRoundingComputation { public: using ScalarType = T; using VectorType = T; static const size_t data_count = 1; static VectorType load(const ScalarType * in) { return *in; } static VectorType load1(const ScalarType in) { return in; } static VectorType store(ScalarType * out, ScalarType val) { return *out = val;} static VectorType multiply(VectorType val, VectorType scale) { return val * scale; } static VectorType divide(VectorType val, VectorType scale) { return val / scale; } template static VectorType apply(VectorType val) { return roundWithMode(val, mode); } static VectorType prepare(size_t scale) { return load1(scale); } }; #endif /** Implementation of low-level round-off functions for floating-point values. */ template class FloatRoundingComputation : public BaseFloatRoundingComputation { using Base = BaseFloatRoundingComputation; public: static inline void compute(const T * __restrict in, const typename Base::VectorType & scale, T * __restrict out) { auto val = Base::load(in); if (scale_mode == ScaleMode::Positive) val = Base::multiply(val, scale); else if (scale_mode == ScaleMode::Negative) val = Base::divide(val, scale); val = Base::template apply(val); if (scale_mode == ScaleMode::Positive) val = Base::divide(val, scale); else if (scale_mode == ScaleMode::Negative) val = Base::multiply(val, scale); Base::store(out, val); } }; /** Implementing high-level rounding functions. */ template struct FloatRoundingImpl { private: using Op = FloatRoundingComputation; using Data = std::array; public: static NO_INLINE void apply(const PaddedPODArray & in, size_t scale, typename ColumnVector::Container & out) { auto mm_scale = Op::prepare(scale); const size_t data_count = std::tuple_size(); const T* end_in = in.data() + in.size(); const T* limit = in.data() + in.size() / data_count * data_count; const T* __restrict p_in = in.data(); T* __restrict p_out = out.data(); while (p_in < limit) { Op::compute(p_in, mm_scale, p_out); p_in += data_count; p_out += data_count; } if (p_in < end_in) { Data tmp_src{{}}; Data tmp_dst; size_t tail_size_bytes = (end_in - p_in) * sizeof(*p_in); memcpy(&tmp_src, p_in, tail_size_bytes); Op::compute(reinterpret_cast(&tmp_src), mm_scale, reinterpret_cast(&tmp_dst)); memcpy(p_out, &tmp_dst, tail_size_bytes); } } }; template struct IntegerRoundingImpl { private: using Op = IntegerRoundingComputation; public: template static NO_INLINE void applyImpl(const PaddedPODArray & in, typename ColumnVector::Container & out) { const T* end_in = in.data() + in.size(); const T* __restrict p_in = in.data(); T* __restrict p_out = out.data(); while (p_in < end_in) { Op::compute(p_in, scale, p_out); ++p_in; ++p_out; } } static NO_INLINE void apply(const PaddedPODArray & in, size_t scale, typename ColumnVector::Container & out) { /// Manual function cloning for compiler to generate integer division by constant. switch (scale) { case 1ULL: return applyImpl<1ULL>(in, out); case 10ULL: return applyImpl<10ULL>(in, out); case 100ULL: return applyImpl<100ULL>(in, out); case 1000ULL: return applyImpl<1000ULL>(in, out); case 10000ULL: return applyImpl<10000ULL>(in, out); case 100000ULL: return applyImpl<100000ULL>(in, out); case 1000000ULL: return applyImpl<1000000ULL>(in, out); case 10000000ULL: return applyImpl<10000000ULL>(in, out); case 100000000ULL: return applyImpl<100000000ULL>(in, out); case 1000000000ULL: return applyImpl<1000000000ULL>(in, out); case 10000000000ULL: return applyImpl<10000000000ULL>(in, out); case 100000000000ULL: return applyImpl<100000000000ULL>(in, out); case 1000000000000ULL: return applyImpl<1000000000000ULL>(in, out); case 10000000000000ULL: return applyImpl<10000000000000ULL>(in, out); case 100000000000000ULL: return applyImpl<100000000000000ULL>(in, out); case 1000000000000000ULL: return applyImpl<1000000000000000ULL>(in, out); case 10000000000000000ULL: return applyImpl<10000000000000000ULL>(in, out); case 100000000000000000ULL: return applyImpl<100000000000000000ULL>(in, out); case 1000000000000000000ULL: return applyImpl<1000000000000000000ULL>(in, out); case 10000000000000000000ULL: return applyImpl<10000000000000000000ULL>(in, out); default: throw Exception("Logical error: unexpected 'scale' parameter passed to function IntegerRoundingComputation::compute", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); } } }; template class DecimalRounding { using NativeType = typename T::NativeType; using Op = IntegerRoundingComputation; using Container = typename ColumnDecimal::Container; public: static NO_INLINE void apply(const Container & in, Container & out, Int64 scale_arg) { scale_arg = in.getScale() - scale_arg; if (scale_arg > 0) { size_t scale = intExp10(scale_arg); const NativeType * __restrict p_in = reinterpret_cast(in.data()); const NativeType * end_in = reinterpret_cast(in.data()) + in.size(); NativeType * __restrict p_out = reinterpret_cast(out.data()); while (p_in < end_in) { Op::compute(p_in, scale, p_out); ++p_in; ++p_out; } } else memcpy(out.data(), in.data(), in.size() * sizeof(T)); } }; /** Select the appropriate processing algorithm depending on the scale. */ template class Dispatcher { template using FunctionRoundingImpl = std::conditional_t, FloatRoundingImpl, IntegerRoundingImpl>; static void apply(Block & block, const ColumnVector * col, Int64 scale_arg, size_t result) { auto col_res = ColumnVector::create(); typename ColumnVector::Container & vec_res = col_res->getData(); vec_res.resize(col->getData().size()); if (!vec_res.empty()) { if (scale_arg == 0) { size_t scale = 1; FunctionRoundingImpl::apply(col->getData(), scale, vec_res); } else if (scale_arg > 0) { size_t scale = intExp10(scale_arg); FunctionRoundingImpl::apply(col->getData(), scale, vec_res); } else { size_t scale = intExp10(-scale_arg); FunctionRoundingImpl::apply(col->getData(), scale, vec_res); } } block.getByPosition(result).column = std::move(col_res); } static void apply(Block & block, const ColumnDecimal * col, Int64 scale_arg, size_t result) { const typename ColumnDecimal::Container & vec_src = col->getData(); auto col_res = ColumnDecimal::create(vec_src.size(), vec_src.getScale()); auto & vec_res = col_res->getData(); if (!vec_res.empty()) DecimalRounding::apply(col->getData(), vec_res, scale_arg); block.getByPosition(result).column = std::move(col_res); } public: static void apply(Block & block, const IColumn * column, Int64 scale_arg, size_t result) { if constexpr (IsNumber) apply(block, checkAndGetColumn>(column), scale_arg, result); else if constexpr (IsDecimalNumber) apply(block, checkAndGetColumn>(column), scale_arg, result); } }; /** A template for functions that round the value of an input parameter of type * (U)Int8/16/32/64, Float32/64 or Decimal32/64/128, and accept an additional optional parameter (default is 0). */ template class FunctionRounding : public IFunction { public: static constexpr auto name = Name::name; static FunctionPtr create(const Context &) { return std::make_shared(); } public: String getName() const override { return name; } bool isVariadic() const override { return true; } size_t getNumberOfArguments() const override { return 0; } /// Get result types by argument types. If the function does not apply to these arguments, throw an exception. DataTypePtr getReturnTypeImpl(const DataTypes & arguments) const override { if ((arguments.size() < 1) || (arguments.size() > 2)) throw Exception("Number of arguments for function " + getName() + " doesn't match: passed " + toString(arguments.size()) + ", should be 1 or 2.", ErrorCodes::NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS_DOESNT_MATCH); for (const auto & type : arguments) if (!isNumber(type) && !isDecimal(type)) throw Exception("Illegal type " + arguments[0]->getName() + " of argument of function " + getName(), ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT); return arguments[0]; } static Int64 getScaleArg(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments) { if (arguments.size() == 2) { const IColumn & scale_column = *block.getByPosition(arguments[1]).column; if (!scale_column.isColumnConst()) throw Exception("Scale argument for rounding functions must be constant.", ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_COLUMN); Field scale_field = static_cast(scale_column).getField(); if (scale_field.getType() != Field::Types::UInt64 && scale_field.getType() != Field::Types::Int64) throw Exception("Scale argument for rounding functions must have integer type.", ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_COLUMN); return scale_field.get(); } return 0; } bool useDefaultImplementationForConstants() const override { return true; } ColumnNumbers getArgumentsThatAreAlwaysConstant() const override { return {1}; } void executeImpl(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, size_t result, size_t /*input_rows_count*/) override { const ColumnWithTypeAndName & column = block.getByPosition(arguments[0]); Int64 scale_arg = getScaleArg(block, arguments); auto call = [&](const auto & types) -> bool { using Types = std::decay_t; using DataType = typename Types::LeftType; if constexpr (IsDataTypeNumber || IsDataTypeDecimal) { using FieldType = typename DataType::FieldType; Dispatcher::apply(block, column.column.get(), scale_arg, result); return true; } return false; }; if (!callOnIndexAndDataType(column.type->getTypeId(), call)) { throw Exception("Illegal column " + column.name + " of argument of function " + getName(), ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_COLUMN); } } bool hasInformationAboutMonotonicity() const override { return true; } Monotonicity getMonotonicityForRange(const IDataType &, const Field &, const Field &) const override { return { true, true, true }; } }; struct NameRoundToExp2 { static constexpr auto name = "roundToExp2"; }; struct NameRoundDuration { static constexpr auto name = "roundDuration"; }; struct NameRoundAge { static constexpr auto name = "roundAge"; }; struct NameRound { static constexpr auto name = "round"; }; struct NameCeil { static constexpr auto name = "ceil"; }; struct NameFloor { static constexpr auto name = "floor"; }; struct NameTrunc { static constexpr auto name = "trunc"; }; using FunctionRoundToExp2 = FunctionUnaryArithmetic; using FunctionRoundDuration = FunctionUnaryArithmetic; using FunctionRoundAge = FunctionUnaryArithmetic; using FunctionRound = FunctionRounding; using FunctionFloor = FunctionRounding; using FunctionCeil = FunctionRounding; using FunctionTrunc = FunctionRounding; struct PositiveMonotonicity { static bool has() { return true; } static IFunction::Monotonicity get(const Field &, const Field &) { return { true }; } }; template <> struct FunctionUnaryArithmeticMonotonicity : PositiveMonotonicity {}; template <> struct FunctionUnaryArithmeticMonotonicity : PositiveMonotonicity {}; template <> struct FunctionUnaryArithmeticMonotonicity : PositiveMonotonicity {}; }