2021-04-29 23:32:19 +03:00

81 lines
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#pragma once
#include "DiskDecorator.h"
#include <common/logger_useful.h>
#include <shared_mutex>
namespace DB
using ReadLock = std::shared_lock<std::shared_timed_mutex>;
using WriteLock = std::unique_lock<std::shared_timed_mutex>;
class RestartAwareReadBuffer;
class RestartAwareWriteBuffer;
* Gives possibility to change underlying disk settings at runtime calling 'restart' method.
* All disk methods are protected by read-lock. Read/Write buffers produced by disk holds read-lock till buffer is finalized/destructed.
* When 'restart' method is called write-lock is acquired to make sure that no operations are running on that disk.
class DiskRestartProxy : public DiskDecorator
explicit DiskRestartProxy(DiskPtr & delegate_);
ReservationPtr reserve(UInt64 bytes) override;
const String & getPath() const override;
UInt64 getTotalSpace() const override;
UInt64 getAvailableSpace() const override;
UInt64 getUnreservedSpace() const override;
UInt64 getKeepingFreeSpace() const override;
bool exists(const String & path) const override;
bool isFile(const String & path) const override;
bool isDirectory(const String & path) const override;
size_t getFileSize(const String & path) const override;
void createDirectory(const String & path) override;
void createDirectories(const String & path) override;
void clearDirectory(const String & path) override;
void moveDirectory(const String & from_path, const String & to_path) override;
DiskDirectoryIteratorPtr iterateDirectory(const String & path) override;
void createFile(const String & path) override;
void moveFile(const String & from_path, const String & to_path) override;
void replaceFile(const String & from_path, const String & to_path) override;
void copy(const String & from_path, const DiskPtr & to_disk, const String & to_path) override;
void listFiles(const String & path, std::vector<String> & file_names) override;
std::unique_ptr<ReadBufferFromFileBase> readFile(
const String & path,
size_t buf_size,
size_t estimated_size,
size_t aio_threshold,
size_t mmap_threshold,
MMappedFileCache * mmap_cache) const override;
std::unique_ptr<WriteBufferFromFileBase> writeFile(const String & path, size_t buf_size, WriteMode mode) override;
void removeFile(const String & path) override;
void removeFileIfExists(const String & path) override;
void removeDirectory(const String & path) override;
void removeRecursive(const String & path) override;
void removeSharedFile(const String & path, bool keep_s3) override;
void removeSharedRecursive(const String & path, bool keep_s3) override;
void setLastModified(const String & path, const Poco::Timestamp & timestamp) override;
Poco::Timestamp getLastModified(const String & path) override;
void setReadOnly(const String & path) override;
void createHardLink(const String & src_path, const String & dst_path) override;
void truncateFile(const String & path, size_t size) override;
String getUniqueId(const String & path) const override;
bool checkUniqueId(const String & id) const override;
void restart();
friend class RestartAwareReadBuffer;
friend class RestartAwareWriteBuffer;
/// Mutex to protect RW access.
mutable std::shared_timed_mutex mutex;
Poco::Logger * log = &Poco::Logger::get("DiskRestartProxy");