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#include <Databases/DatabaseReplicatedWorker.h>
#include <Databases/DatabaseReplicated.h>
#include <Interpreters/DDLTask.h>
#include <Common/ZooKeeper/KeeperException.h>
#include <filesystem>
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR;
extern const int NOT_A_LEADER;
extern const int UNFINISHED;
DatabaseReplicatedDDLWorker::DatabaseReplicatedDDLWorker(DatabaseReplicated * db, ContextPtr context_)
: DDLWorker(/* pool_size */ 1, db->zookeeper_path + "/log", context_, nullptr, {}, fmt::format("DDLWorker({})", db->getDatabaseName()))
, database(db)
/// Pool size must be 1 to avoid reordering of log entries.
/// TODO Make a dependency graph of DDL queries. It will allow to execute independent entries in parallel.
/// We also need similar graph to load tables on server startup in order of topsort.
bool DatabaseReplicatedDDLWorker::initializeMainThread()
while (!stop_flag)
auto zookeeper = getAndSetZooKeeper();
if (database->is_readonly)
initialized = true;
return true;
catch (...)
tryLogCurrentException(log, fmt::format("Error on initialization of {}", database->getDatabaseName()));
return false;
void DatabaseReplicatedDDLWorker::shutdown()
void DatabaseReplicatedDDLWorker::initializeReplication()
/// Check if we need to recover replica.
/// Invariant: replica is lost if it's log_ptr value is less then max_log_ptr - logs_to_keep.
auto zookeeper = getAndSetZooKeeper();
String log_ptr_str = zookeeper->get(database->replica_path + "/log_ptr");
UInt32 our_log_ptr = parse<UInt32>(log_ptr_str);
UInt32 max_log_ptr = parse<UInt32>(zookeeper->get(database->zookeeper_path + "/max_log_ptr"));
logs_to_keep = parse<UInt32>(zookeeper->get(database->zookeeper_path + "/logs_to_keep"));
UInt64 digest;
String digest_str;
UInt64 local_digest;
if (zookeeper->tryGet(database->replica_path + "/digest", digest_str))
digest = parse<UInt64>(digest_str);
std::lock_guard lock{database->metadata_mutex};
local_digest = database->tables_metadata_digest;
/// Database was created by old ClickHouse versions, let's create the node
std::lock_guard lock{database->metadata_mutex};
digest = local_digest = database->tables_metadata_digest;
digest_str = toString(digest);
zookeeper->create(database->replica_path + "/digest", digest_str, zkutil::CreateMode::Persistent);
bool is_new_replica = our_log_ptr == 0;
bool lost_according_to_log_ptr = our_log_ptr + logs_to_keep < max_log_ptr;
bool lost_according_to_digest = database->db_settings.check_consistency && local_digest != digest;
if (is_new_replica || lost_according_to_log_ptr || lost_according_to_digest)
if (!is_new_replica)
LOG_WARNING(log, "Replica seems to be lost: our_log_ptr={}, max_log_ptr={}, local_digest={}, zk_digest={}",
our_log_ptr, max_log_ptr, local_digest, digest);
database->recoverLostReplica(zookeeper, our_log_ptr, max_log_ptr);
zookeeper->set(database->replica_path + "/log_ptr", toString(max_log_ptr));
String log_entry_name = DDLTaskBase::getLogEntryName(our_log_ptr);
std::lock_guard lock{database->metadata_mutex};
if (!database->checkDigestValid(context))
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Inconsistent database metadata after reconnection to ZooKeeper");
String DatabaseReplicatedDDLWorker::enqueueQuery(DDLLogEntry & entry)
auto zookeeper = getAndSetZooKeeper();
return enqueueQueryImpl(zookeeper, entry, database);
bool DatabaseReplicatedDDLWorker::waitForReplicaToProcessAllEntries(UInt64 timeout_ms)
auto zookeeper = getAndSetZooKeeper();
const auto our_log_ptr_path = database->replica_path + "/log_ptr";
const auto max_log_ptr_path = database->zookeeper_path + "/max_log_ptr";
UInt32 our_log_ptr = parse<UInt32>(zookeeper->get(our_log_ptr_path));
UInt32 max_log_ptr = parse<UInt32>(zookeeper->get(max_log_ptr_path));
chassert(our_log_ptr <= max_log_ptr);
/// max_log_ptr is the number of the last successfully executed request on the initiator
/// The log could contain other entries which are not committed yet
/// This equality is enough to say that current replicas is up-to-date
if (our_log_ptr == max_log_ptr)
return true;
auto max_log = DDLTask::getLogEntryName(max_log_ptr);
std::unique_lock lock{mutex};
LOG_TRACE(log, "Waiting for worker thread to process all entries before {}, current task is {}", max_log, current_task);
bool processed = wait_current_task_change.wait_for(lock, std::chrono::milliseconds(timeout_ms), [&]()
return zookeeper->expired() || current_task == max_log || stop_flag;
if (!processed)
return false;
/// Lets now wait for max_log_ptr to be processed
Coordination::Stat stat;
auto event_ptr = std::make_shared<Poco::Event>();
auto new_log = zookeeper->get(our_log_ptr_path, &stat, event_ptr);
if (new_log == toString(max_log_ptr))
return true;
return event_ptr->tryWait(timeout_ms);
String DatabaseReplicatedDDLWorker::enqueueQueryImpl(const ZooKeeperPtr & zookeeper, DDLLogEntry & entry,
DatabaseReplicated * const database, bool committed)
const String query_path_prefix = database->zookeeper_path + "/log/query-";
/// We cannot create sequential node and it's ephemeral child in a single transaction, so allocate sequential number another way
String counter_prefix = database->zookeeper_path + "/counter/cnt-";
String counter_lock_path = database->zookeeper_path + "/counter_lock";
String counter_path;
size_t iters = 1000;
while (--iters)
Coordination::Requests ops;
ops.emplace_back(zkutil::makeCreateRequest(counter_lock_path, database->getFullReplicaName(), zkutil::CreateMode::Ephemeral));
ops.emplace_back(zkutil::makeCreateRequest(counter_prefix, "", zkutil::CreateMode::EphemeralSequential));
Coordination::Responses res;
Coordination::Error code = zookeeper->tryMulti(ops, res);
if (code == Coordination::Error::ZOK)
counter_path = dynamic_cast<const Coordination::CreateResponse &>(*res.back()).path_created;
else if (code != Coordination::Error::ZNODEEXISTS)
zkutil::KeeperMultiException::check(code, ops, res);
if (iters == 0)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::UNFINISHED,
"Cannot enqueue query, because some replica are trying to enqueue another query. "
"It may happen on high queries rate or, in rare cases, after connection loss. Client should retry.");
String node_path = query_path_prefix + counter_path.substr(counter_prefix.size());
/// Now create task in queue
Coordination::Requests ops;
/// Query is not committed yet, but we have to write it into log to avoid reordering
ops.emplace_back(zkutil::makeCreateRequest(node_path, entry.toString(), zkutil::CreateMode::Persistent));
/// '/try' will be replaced with '/committed' or will be removed due to expired session or other error
if (committed)
ops.emplace_back(zkutil::makeCreateRequest(node_path + "/committed", database->getFullReplicaName(), zkutil::CreateMode::Persistent));
ops.emplace_back(zkutil::makeCreateRequest(node_path + "/try", database->getFullReplicaName(), zkutil::CreateMode::Ephemeral));
/// We don't need it anymore
ops.emplace_back(zkutil::makeRemoveRequest(counter_path, -1));
/// Unlock counters
ops.emplace_back(zkutil::makeRemoveRequest(counter_lock_path, -1));
/// Create status dirs
ops.emplace_back(zkutil::makeCreateRequest(node_path + "/active", "", zkutil::CreateMode::Persistent));
ops.emplace_back(zkutil::makeCreateRequest(node_path + "/finished", "", zkutil::CreateMode::Persistent));
ops.emplace_back(zkutil::makeCreateRequest(node_path + "/synced", "", zkutil::CreateMode::Persistent));
return node_path;
String DatabaseReplicatedDDLWorker::tryEnqueueAndExecuteEntry(DDLLogEntry & entry, ContextPtr query_context)
/// NOTE Possibly it would be better to execute initial query on the most up-to-date node,
/// but it requires more complex logic around /try node.
OpenTelemetry::SpanHolder span(__FUNCTION__);
span.addAttribute("clickhouse.cluster", database->getDatabaseName());
entry.tracing_context = OpenTelemetry::CurrentContext();
auto zookeeper = getAndSetZooKeeper();
UInt32 our_log_ptr = getLogPointer();
UInt32 max_log_ptr = parse<UInt32>(zookeeper->get(database->zookeeper_path + "/max_log_ptr"));
if (our_log_ptr + database->db_settings.max_replication_lag_to_enqueue < max_log_ptr)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_A_LEADER, "Cannot enqueue query on this replica, "
"because it has replication lag of {} queries. Try other replica.", max_log_ptr - our_log_ptr);
String entry_path = enqueueQuery(entry);
auto try_node = zkutil::EphemeralNodeHolder::existing(entry_path + "/try", *zookeeper);
String entry_name = entry_path.substr(entry_path.rfind('/') + 1);
auto task = std::make_unique<DatabaseReplicatedTask>(entry_name, entry_path, database);
task->entry = entry;
task->is_initial_query = true;
LOG_DEBUG(log, "Waiting for worker thread to process all entries before {}", entry_name);
UInt64 timeout = query_context->getSettingsRef().database_replicated_initial_query_timeout_sec;
std::unique_lock lock{mutex};
bool processed = wait_current_task_change.wait_for(lock, std::chrono::seconds(timeout), [&]()
assert(zookeeper->expired() || current_task <= entry_name);
return zookeeper->expired() || current_task == entry_name || stop_flag;
if (!processed)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::UNFINISHED, "Timeout: Cannot enqueue query on this replica, "
"most likely because replica is busy with previous queue entries");
if (zookeeper->expired() || stop_flag)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::DATABASE_REPLICATION_FAILED, "ZooKeeper session expired or replication stopped, try again");
processTask(*task, zookeeper);
if (!task->was_executed)
throw Exception(
"Entry {} was executed, but was not committed: code {}: {}",
return entry_path;
DDLTaskPtr DatabaseReplicatedDDLWorker::initAndCheckTask(const String & entry_name, String & out_reason, const ZooKeeperPtr & zookeeper)
std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
if (current_task < entry_name)
current_task = entry_name;
UInt32 our_log_ptr = getLogPointer();
UInt32 entry_num = DatabaseReplicatedTask::getLogEntryNumber(entry_name);
if (entry_num <= our_log_ptr)
out_reason = fmt::format("Task {} already executed according to log pointer {}", entry_name, our_log_ptr);
return {};
String entry_path = fs::path(queue_dir) / entry_name;
auto task = std::make_unique<DatabaseReplicatedTask>(entry_name, entry_path, database);
String initiator_name;
zkutil::EventPtr wait_committed_or_failed = std::make_shared<Poco::Event>();
String try_node_path = fs::path(entry_path) / "try";
if (zookeeper->tryGet(try_node_path, initiator_name, nullptr, wait_committed_or_failed))
task->is_initial_query = initiator_name == task->host_id_str;
/// Query is not committed yet. We cannot just skip it and execute next one, because reordering may break replication.
LOG_TRACE(log, "Waiting for initiator {} to commit or rollback entry {}", initiator_name, entry_path);
constexpr size_t wait_time_ms = 1000;
size_t max_iterations = database->db_settings.wait_entry_commited_timeout_sec;
size_t iteration = 0;
while (!wait_committed_or_failed->tryWait(wait_time_ms))
if (stop_flag)
/// We cannot return task to process and we cannot return nullptr too,
/// because nullptr means "task should not be executed".
/// We can only exit by exception.
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::UNFINISHED, "Replication was stopped");
if (max_iterations <= ++iteration)
/// What can we do if initiator hangs for some reason? Seems like we can remove /try node.
/// Initiator will fail to commit ZooKeeperMetadataTransaction (including ops for replicated table) if /try does not exist.
/// But it's questionable.
/// We use tryRemove(...) because multiple hosts (including initiator) may try to do it concurrently.
auto code = zookeeper->tryRemove(try_node_path);
if (code != Coordination::Error::ZOK && code != Coordination::Error::ZNONODE)
throw Coordination::Exception(code, try_node_path);
if (!zookeeper->exists(fs::path(entry_path) / "committed"))
out_reason = fmt::format("Entry {} was forcefully cancelled due to timeout", entry_name);
return {};
if (!zookeeper->exists(fs::path(entry_path) / "committed"))
out_reason = fmt::format("Entry {} hasn't been committed", entry_name);
return {};
if (task->is_initial_query)
assert(!zookeeper->exists(fs::path(entry_path) / "try"));
assert(zookeeper->exists(fs::path(entry_path) / "committed") == (zookeeper->get(task->getFinishedNodePath()) == ExecutionStatus(0).serializeText()));
out_reason = fmt::format("Entry {} has been executed as initial query", entry_name);
return {};
String node_data;
if (!zookeeper->tryGet(entry_path, node_data))
LOG_ERROR(log, "Cannot get log entry {}", entry_path);
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "should be unreachable");
if (task->entry.query.empty())
/// Some replica is added or removed, let's update cached cluster
out_reason = fmt::format("Entry {} is a dummy task", entry_name);
return {};
if (zookeeper->exists(task->getFinishedNodePath()))
out_reason = fmt::format("Task {} has been already processed", entry_name);
return {};
return task;
bool DatabaseReplicatedDDLWorker::canRemoveQueueEntry(const String & entry_name, const Coordination::Stat &)
UInt32 entry_number = DDLTaskBase::getLogEntryNumber(entry_name);
UInt32 max_log_ptr = parse<UInt32>(getAndSetZooKeeper()->get(fs::path(database->zookeeper_path) / "max_log_ptr"));
return entry_number + logs_to_keep < max_log_ptr;
void DatabaseReplicatedDDLWorker::initializeLogPointer(const String & processed_entry_name)
UInt32 DatabaseReplicatedDDLWorker::getLogPointer() const
/// NOTE it may not be equal to the log_ptr in zk:
/// - max_id can be equal to log_ptr - 1 due to race condition (when it's updated in zk, but not updated in memory yet)
/// - max_id can be greater than log_ptr, because log_ptr is not updated for failed and dummy entries
return max_id.load();