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187 lines
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from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from time import sleep
import pytest
from helpers.cluster import ClickHouseCluster
cluster = ClickHouseCluster(__file__)
node = cluster.add_instance("node", stay_alive=True)
def started_cluster():
yield cluster
def test_basic(started_cluster):
node.query("DROP USER IF EXISTS user_basic")
# 1. Without VALID UNTIL
node.query("CREATE USER user_basic")
assert (
node.query("SHOW CREATE USER user_basic")
== "CREATE USER user_basic IDENTIFIED WITH no_password\n"
assert node.query("SELECT 1", user="user_basic") == "1\n"
# 2. With valid VALID UNTIL
node.query("ALTER USER user_basic VALID UNTIL '06/11/2040 08:03:20 Z+3'")
assert (
node.query("SHOW CREATE USER user_basic")
== "CREATE USER user_basic IDENTIFIED WITH no_password VALID UNTIL \\'2040-11-06 05:03:20\\'\n"
assert node.query("SELECT 1", user="user_basic") == "1\n"
# 3. With expired VALID UNTIL
node.query("ALTER USER user_basic VALID UNTIL '06/11/2010 08:03:20 Z+3'")
assert (
node.query("SHOW CREATE USER user_basic")
== "CREATE USER user_basic IDENTIFIED WITH no_password VALID UNTIL \\'2010-11-06 05:03:20\\'\n"
error = "Authentication failed"
assert error in node.query_and_get_error("SELECT 1", user="user_basic")
# 4. Reset VALID UNTIL
node.query("ALTER USER user_basic VALID UNTIL 'infinity'")
assert (
node.query("SHOW CREATE USER user_basic")
== "CREATE USER user_basic IDENTIFIED WITH no_password\n"
assert node.query("SELECT 1", user="user_basic") == "1\n"
node.query("DROP USER user_basic")
# 5. Make VALID UNTIL expire
until_datetime = datetime.today() + timedelta(0, 10)
until_string = until_datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
node.query(f"CREATE USER user_basic VALID UNTIL '{until_string}'")
assert node.query("SELECT 1", user="user_basic") == "1\n"
error = "Authentication failed"
assert error in node.query_and_get_error("SELECT 1", user="user_basic")
node.query("DROP USER IF EXISTS user_basic")
# NOT IDENTIFIED test to make sure valid until is also parsed on its short-circuit
node.query("CREATE USER user_basic NOT IDENTIFIED VALID UNTIL '01/01/2010'")
assert (
node.query("SHOW CREATE USER user_basic")
== "CREATE USER user_basic IDENTIFIED WITH no_password VALID UNTIL \\'2010-01-01 00:00:00\\'\n"
assert error in node.query_and_get_error("SELECT 1", user="user_basic")
node.query("DROP USER IF EXISTS user_basic")
def test_details(started_cluster):
node.query("DROP USER IF EXISTS user_details_infinity, user_details_time_only")
# 1. Does not do anything
node.query("CREATE USER user_details_infinity VALID UNTIL 'infinity'")
assert (
node.query("SHOW CREATE USER user_details_infinity")
== "CREATE USER user_details_infinity IDENTIFIED WITH no_password\n"
# 2. Time only is not supported
"CREATE USER user_details_time_only IDENTIFIED WITH no_password VALID UNTIL '22:03:40'"
until_year = datetime.today().strftime("%Y")
assert (
node.query("SHOW CREATE USER user_details_time_only")
== f"CREATE USER user_details_time_only IDENTIFIED WITH no_password VALID UNTIL \\'{until_year}-01-01 22:03:40\\'\n"
node.query("DROP USER IF EXISTS user_details_infinity, user_details_time_only")
def test_restart(started_cluster):
node.query("DROP USER IF EXISTS user_restart")
node.query("CREATE USER user_restart VALID UNTIL '06/11/2010 08:03:20 Z+3'")
assert (
node.query("SHOW CREATE USER user_restart")
== "CREATE USER user_restart IDENTIFIED WITH no_password VALID UNTIL \\'2010-11-06 05:03:20\\'\n"
assert (
node.query("SHOW CREATE USER user_restart")
== "CREATE USER user_restart IDENTIFIED WITH no_password VALID UNTIL \\'2010-11-06 05:03:20\\'\n"
error = "Authentication failed"
assert error in node.query_and_get_error("SELECT 1", user="user_restart")
node.query("DROP USER IF EXISTS user_restart")
def test_multiple_authentication_methods(started_cluster):
node.query("DROP USER IF EXISTS user_basic")
"CREATE USER user_basic IDENTIFIED WITH plaintext_password BY 'no_expiration',"
"plaintext_password by 'not_expired' VALID UNTIL '06/11/2040', plaintext_password by 'expired' VALID UNTIL '06/11/2010',"
"plaintext_password by 'infinity' VALID UNTIL 'infinity'"
assert (
node.query("SHOW CREATE USER user_basic")
== "CREATE USER user_basic IDENTIFIED WITH plaintext_password, plaintext_password VALID UNTIL \\'2040-11-06 00:00:00\\', "
"plaintext_password VALID UNTIL \\'2010-11-06 00:00:00\\', plaintext_password\n"
assert node.query("SELECT 1", user="user_basic", password="no_expiration") == "1\n"
assert node.query("SELECT 1", user="user_basic", password="not_expired") == "1\n"
assert node.query("SELECT 1", user="user_basic", password="infinity") == "1\n"
error = "Authentication failed"
assert error in node.query_and_get_error(
"SELECT 1", user="user_basic", password="expired"
# Expire them all
node.query("ALTER USER user_basic VALID UNTIL '06/11/2010 08:03:20'")
assert (
node.query("SHOW CREATE USER user_basic")
== "CREATE USER user_basic IDENTIFIED WITH plaintext_password VALID UNTIL \\'2010-11-06 08:03:20\\',"
" plaintext_password VALID UNTIL \\'2010-11-06 08:03:20\\',"
" plaintext_password VALID UNTIL \\'2010-11-06 08:03:20\\',"
" plaintext_password VALID UNTIL \\'2010-11-06 08:03:20\\'\n"
assert error in node.query_and_get_error(
"SELECT 1", user="user_basic", password="no_expiration"
assert error in node.query_and_get_error(
"SELECT 1", user="user_basic", password="not_expired"
assert error in node.query_and_get_error(
"SELECT 1", user="user_basic", password="infinity"
assert error in node.query_and_get_error(
"SELECT 1", user="user_basic", password="expired"