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201 lines
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(ns jepsen.clickhouse-keeper.utils
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[zookeeper.data :as data]
[zookeeper :as zk]
[zookeeper.internal :as zi]
[jepsen.control.util :as cu]
[jepsen.clickhouse-keeper.constants :refer :all]
[jepsen.control :as c]
[clojure.tools.logging :refer :all]
[clojure.java.io :as io])
(:import (org.apache.zookeeper.data Stat)
(org.apache.zookeeper CreateMode
(org.apache.zookeeper ZooKeeper KeeperException KeeperException$BadVersionException)
(java.security MessageDigest)))
(defn exec-with-retries
[retries f & args]
(let [res (try {:value (apply f args)}
(catch Exception e
(if (zero? retries)
(throw e)
{:exception e})))]
(if (:exception res)
(do (Thread/sleep 1000) (recur (dec retries) f args))
(:value res))))
(defn parse-long
"Parses a string to a Long. Passes through `nil` and empty strings."
(if (and s (> (count s) 0))
(Long/parseLong s)))
(defn parse-and-get-counter
(Integer/parseInt (apply str (take-last 10 (seq (str path))))))
(defn zk-range
(map (fn [v] (str "/" v)) (range)))
(defn zk-path
(str "/" n))
(defn zk-connect
[host port timeout]
(exec-with-retries 30 (fn [] (zk/connect (str host ":" port) :timeout-msec timeout))))
(defn zk-create-range
[conn n]
(dorun (map (fn [v] (zk/create-all conn v :persistent? true)) (take n (zk-range)))))
(defn zk-set
([conn path value]
(zk/set-data conn path (data/to-bytes (str value)) -1))
([conn path value version]
(zk/set-data conn path (data/to-bytes (str value)) version)))
(defn zk-get-str
[conn path]
(let [zk-result (zk/data conn path)]
{:data (data/to-string (:data zk-result))
:stat (:stat zk-result)}))
(defn zk-list
[conn path]
(zk/children conn path))
(defn zk-list-with-stat
[conn path]
(let [stat (new Stat)
children (seq (.getChildren conn path false stat))]
{:children children
:stat (zi/stat-to-map stat)}))
(defn zk-cas
[conn path old-value new-value]
(let [current-value (zk-get-str conn path)]
(if (= (parse-long (:data current-value)) old-value)
(do (zk-set conn path new-value (:version (:stat current-value)))
(defn zk-add-to-set
[conn path elem]
(let [current-value (zk-get-str conn path)
current-set (read-string (:data current-value))
new-set (conj current-set elem)]
(zk-set conn path (pr-str new-set) (:version (:stat current-value)))))
(defn zk-create-if-not-exists
[conn path data]
(zk/create conn path :data (data/to-bytes (str data)) :persistent? true))
(defn zk-create-sequential
[conn path-prefix data]
(zk/create conn path-prefix :data (data/to-bytes (str data)) :persistent? true :sequential? true))
(defn zk-multi-create-many-seq-nodes
[conn path-prefix num]
(let [txn (.transaction conn)]
(loop [i 0]
(cond (>= i num) (.commit txn)
:else (do (.create txn path-prefix
(data/to-bytes "")
(zi/acls :open-acl-unsafe)
(recur (inc i)))))))
; sync call not implemented in zookeeper-clj and don't have sync version in java API
(defn zk-sync
(zk-set conn "/" "" -1))
(defn zk-parent-path
(let [rslash_pos (str/last-index-of path "/")]
(if (> rslash_pos 0)
(subs path 0 rslash_pos)
(defn zk-multi-delete-first-child
[conn path]
(let [{children :children stat :stat} (zk-list-with-stat conn path)
txn (.transaction conn)
first-child (first (sort children))]
(if (not (nil? first-child))
(do (.check txn path (:version stat))
(.setData txn path (data/to-bytes "") -1) ; I'm just checking multitransactions
(.delete txn (str path first-child) -1)
(.commit txn)
(catch KeeperException$BadVersionException _ nil)
; Even if we got connection loss, delete may actually be executed.
; This function is used for queue model, which strictly require
; all enqueued elements to be dequeued, but allow duplicates.
; So even in case when we not sure about delete we return first-child.
(catch Exception _ first-child))
(defn clickhouse-alive?
[node test]
(info "Checking server alive on" node)
(zk-connect (name node) 9181 30000)
(catch Exception _ false)))
(defn wait-clickhouse-alive!
[node test & {:keys [maxtries] :or {maxtries 30}}]
(loop [i 0]
(cond (> i maxtries) false
(clickhouse-alive? node test) true
:else (do (Thread/sleep 1000) (recur (inc i))))))
(defn kill-clickhouse!
[node test]
(info "Killing server on node" node)
(cu/stop-daemon! binary-path pid-file-path)
(c/exec :rm :-fr (str data-dir "/status"))))
(defn start-clickhouse!
[node test]
(info "Starting server on node" node)
{:pidfile pid-file-path
:logfile stderr-file
:chdir data-dir}
:--config (str configs-dir "/keeper_config.xml")
:--logger.log (str logs-dir "/clickhouse-keeper.log")
:--logger.errorlog (str logs-dir "/clickhouse-keeper.err.log")
:--keeper_server.snapshot_storage_path coordination-snapshots-dir
:--keeper_server.log_storage_path coordination-logs-dir)
(wait-clickhouse-alive! node test)))
(defn md5 [^String s]
(let [algorithm (MessageDigest/getInstance "MD5")
raw (.digest algorithm (.getBytes s))]
(format "%032x" (BigInteger. 1 raw))))
(defn non-precise-cached-wget!
(let [encoded-url (md5 url)
expected-file-name (.getName (io/file url))
dest-file (str binaries-cache-dir "/" encoded-url)
dest-symlink (str common-prefix "/" expected-file-name)
wget-opts (concat cu/std-wget-opts [:-O dest-file])]
(when-not (cu/exists? dest-file)
(info "Downloading" url)
(do (c/exec :mkdir :-p binaries-cache-dir)
(c/cd binaries-cache-dir
(cu/wget-helper! wget-opts url))))
(c/exec :rm :-rf dest-symlink)
(c/exec :ln :-s dest-file dest-symlink)