2023-12-14 14:04:17 +01:00

191 lines
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#pragma once
#include <Core/PostgreSQL/Connection.h>
#include <Core/PostgreSQL/insertPostgreSQLValue.h>
#include <Core/BackgroundSchedulePool.h>
#include <Core/Names.h>
#include <Storages/IStorage.h>
#include <Parsers/ASTExpressionList.h>
#include <Databases/PostgreSQL/fetchPostgreSQLTableStructure.h>
namespace DB
struct SettingChange;
struct StorageInfo
StoragePtr storage;
PostgreSQLTableStructure::Attributes attributes;
StorageInfo(StoragePtr storage_, const PostgreSQLTableStructure::Attributes & attributes_)
: storage(storage_), attributes(attributes_) {}
StorageInfo(StoragePtr storage_, PostgreSQLTableStructure::Attributes && attributes_)
: storage(storage_), attributes(std::move(attributes_)) {}
using StorageInfos = std::unordered_map<String, StorageInfo>;
class MaterializedPostgreSQLConsumer
struct StorageData
explicit StorageData(const StorageInfo & storage_info, Poco::Logger * log_);
size_t getColumnsNum() const { return table_description.sample_block.columns(); }
const Block & getSampleBlock() const { return table_description.sample_block; }
using ArrayInfo = std::unordered_map<size_t, PostgreSQLArrayInfo>;
const StoragePtr storage;
const ExternalResultDescription table_description;
const PostgreSQLTableStructure::Attributes columns_attributes;
const Names column_names;
const ArrayInfo array_info;
struct Buffer : private boost::noncopyable
Block sample_block;
MutableColumns columns;
ASTExpressionList columns_ast;
explicit Buffer(ColumnsWithTypeAndName && columns_, const ExternalResultDescription & table_description_);
void assertInsertIsPossible(size_t col_idx) const;
using BufferPtr = std::unique_ptr<Buffer>;
Buffer & getLastBuffer();
BufferPtr popBuffer();
void addBuffer(BufferPtr buffer);
void returnBuffer(BufferPtr buffer);
std::deque<BufferPtr> buffers;
using Storages = std::unordered_map<String, StorageData>;
ContextPtr context_,
std::shared_ptr<postgres::Connection> connection_,
const String & replication_slot_name_,
const String & publication_name_,
const String & start_lsn,
size_t max_block_size_,
bool schema_as_a_part_of_table_name_,
StorageInfos storages_,
const String & name_for_logger);
bool consume();
/// Called from reloadFromSnapshot by replication handler. This method is needed to move a table back into synchronization
/// process if it was skipped due to schema changes.
void updateNested(const String & table_name, StorageInfo nested_storage_info, Int32 table_id, const String & table_start_lsn);
void addNested(const String & postgres_table_name, StorageInfo nested_storage_info, const String & table_start_lsn);
void removeNested(const String & postgres_table_name);
void setSetting(const SettingChange & setting);
void syncTables();
void updateLsn();
String advanceLSN(std::shared_ptr<pqxx::nontransaction> ntx);
void processReplicationMessage(const char * replication_message, size_t size);
bool isSyncAllowed(Int32 relation_id, const String & relation_name);
static void insertDefaultValue(StorageData & storage_data, size_t column_idx);
void insertValue(StorageData & storage_data, const std::string & value, size_t column_idx);
enum class PostgreSQLQuery
void readTupleData(StorageData & storage_data, const char * message, size_t & pos, size_t size, PostgreSQLQuery type, bool old_value = false);
template<typename T>
static T unhexN(const char * message, size_t pos, size_t n);
static void readString(const char * message, size_t & pos, size_t size, String & result);
static Int64 readInt64(const char * message, size_t & pos, size_t size);
static Int32 readInt32(const char * message, size_t & pos, size_t size);
static Int16 readInt16(const char * message, size_t & pos, size_t size);
static Int8 readInt8(const char * message, size_t & pos, size_t size);
void markTableAsSkipped(Int32 relation_id, const String & relation_name);
/// lsn - log sequence number, like wal offset (64 bit).
static Int64 getLSNValue(const std::string & lsn)
UInt32 upper_half, lower_half;
std::sscanf(, "%X/%X", &upper_half, &lower_half); /// NOLINT
return (static_cast<Int64>(upper_half) << 32) + lower_half;
Poco::Logger * log;
ContextPtr context;
const std::string replication_slot_name, publication_name;
bool committed = false;
std::shared_ptr<postgres::Connection> connection;
std::string current_lsn, final_lsn;
/// current_lsn converted from String to Int64 via getLSNValue().
UInt64 lsn_value;
size_t max_block_size;
bool schema_as_a_part_of_table_name;
String table_to_insert;
/// List of tables which need to be synced after last replication stream.
/// Holds `postgres_table_name` set.
std::unordered_set<std::string> tables_to_sync;
/// `postgres_table_name` -> StorageData.
Storages storages;
std::unordered_map<Int32, String> relation_id_to_name;
/// `postgres_relation_id` -> `start_lsn`
/// skip_list contains relation ids for tables on which ddl was performed, which can break synchronization.
/// This breaking changes are detected in replication stream in according replication message and table is added to skip list.
/// After it is finished, a temporary replication slot is created with 'export snapshot' option, and start_lsn is returned.
/// Skipped tables are reloaded from snapshot (nested tables are also updated). Afterwards, if a replication message is
/// related to a table in a skip_list, we compare current lsn with start_lsn, which was returned with according snapshot.
/// If current_lsn >= table_start_lsn, we can safely remove table from skip list and continue its synchronization.
/// No needed message, related to reloaded table will be missed, because messages are not consumed in the meantime,
/// i.e. we will not miss the first start_lsn position for reloaded table.
std::unordered_map<Int32, String> skip_list;
/// `postgres_table_name` -> `start_lsn`
/// For dynamically added tables. A new table is loaded via snapshot and we get a start lsn position.
/// Once consumer reaches this position, it starts applying replication messages to this table.
/// Inside replication handler we have to ensure that replication consumer does not read data from wal
/// while the process of adding a table to replication is not finished,
/// because we might go beyond this start lsn position before consumer knows that a new table was added.
std::unordered_map<String, String> waiting_list;
/// Since replication may be some time behind, we need to ensure that replication messages for deleted tables are ignored.
std::unordered_set<String> deleted_tables;