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// ICMPEventArgs.h
// $Id: //poco/1.4/Net/include/Poco/Net/ICMPEventArgs.h#1 $
// Library: Net
// Package: ICMP
// Module: ICMPEventArgs
// Definition of ICMPEventArgs.
// Copyright (c) 2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#ifndef Net_ICMPEventArgs_INCLUDED
#define Net_ICMPEventArgs_INCLUDED
#include "Poco/Net/Net.h"
#include "Poco/Net/SocketAddress.h"
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
namespace Poco {
namespace Net {
class Net_API ICMPEventArgs
/// The purpose of the ICMPEventArgs class is to be used as template parameter
/// to instantiate event members in ICMPClient class.
/// When clients register for an event notification, the reference to the class is
/// passed to the handler function to provide information about the event.
ICMPEventArgs(const SocketAddress& address, int repetitions, int dataSize, int ttl);
/// Creates ICMPEventArgs.
virtual ~ICMPEventArgs();
/// Destroys ICMPEventArgs.
std::string hostName() const;
/// Tries to resolve the target IP address into host name.
/// If unsuccessful, all exceptions are silently ignored and
/// the IP address is returned.
std::string hostAddress() const;
/// Returns the target IP address.
int repetitions() const;
/// Returns the number of repetitions for the ping operation.
int dataSize() const;
/// Returns the packet data size in bytes.
int ttl() const;
/// Returns time to live.
int sent() const;
/// Returns the number of packets sent.
int received() const;
/// Returns the number of packets received.
int replyTime(int index = -1) const;
/// Returns the reply time for the request specified with index.
/// If index == -1 (default), returns the most recent reply time.
const std::string& error(int index = -1) const;
/// Returns the error string for the request specified with index.
/// If index == -1 (default), returns the most recent error string.
int minRTT() const;
/// Returns the minimum round trip time for a sequence of requests.
int maxRTT() const;
/// Returns the maximum round trip time for a sequence of requests.
int avgRTT() const;
/// Returns the average round trip time for a sequence of requests.
float percent() const;
/// Returns the success percentage for a sequence of requests.
void setRepetitions(int repetitions);
void setDataSize(int sz);
void setTTL(int timeToLive);
void setReplyTime(int index, int time);
void setError(int index, const std::string& text);
ICMPEventArgs& operator ++ ();
ICMPEventArgs operator ++ (int);
SocketAddress _address;
int _sent;
int _dataSize;
int _ttl;
std::vector<int> _rtt;
std::vector<std::string> _errors;
friend class ICMPClient;
// inlines
inline int ICMPEventArgs::repetitions() const
return (int) _rtt.size();
inline void ICMPEventArgs::setDataSize(int sz)
_dataSize = sz;
inline int ICMPEventArgs::dataSize() const
return _dataSize;
inline void ICMPEventArgs::setTTL(int timeToLive)
_ttl = timeToLive;
inline int ICMPEventArgs::ttl() const
return _ttl;
inline int ICMPEventArgs::sent() const
return _sent;
inline int ICMPEventArgs::minRTT() const
return *std::min_element(_rtt.begin(), _rtt.end());
inline int ICMPEventArgs::maxRTT() const
return *std::max_element(_rtt.begin(), _rtt.end());
} } // namespace Poco::Net