2020-03-03 13:47:57 +03:00

468 lines
18 KiB
Executable File

set -ex
set -o pipefail
trap "exit" INT TERM
trap "kill 0" EXIT
script_dir="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )"
mkdir db0 ||:
datasets=${CHPC_DATASETS:-"hits1 hits10 hits100 values"}
declare -A dataset_paths
function download
rm -r left ||:
mkdir left ||:
rm -r right ||:
mkdir right ||:
# might have the same version on left and right
if ! [ "$left_sha" = "$right_sha" ]
wget -nv -nd -c "$left_pr/$left_sha/performance/performance.tgz" -O- | tar -C left --strip-components=1 -zxv &
wget -nv -nd -c "$right_pr/$right_sha/performance/performance.tgz" -O- | tar -C right --strip-components=1 -zxv &
wget -nv -nd -c "$left_pr/$left_sha/performance/performance.tgz" -O- | tar -C left --strip-components=1 -zxv && cp -a left right &
for dataset_name in $datasets
[ "$dataset_path" != "" ]
cd db0 && wget -nv -nd -c "$dataset_path" -O- | tar -xv &
mkdir ~/fg ||:
cd ~/fg && wget -nv -nd -c "" && chmod +x ~/fg/ &
function configure
# Use the new config for both servers, so that we can change it in a PR.
mkdir right/config/users.d ||:
mkdir right/config/config.d ||:
# FIXME delete these two configs when the performance.tgz with configs rolls out.
cat > right/config/config.d/zz-perf-test-tweaks-config.xml <<EOF
<text_log remove="remove">
<table remove="remove"/>
<!--1 GB-->
cat > right/config/users.d/zz-perf-test-tweaks-users.xml <<EOF
rm right/config/config.d/text_log.xml ||:
cp -rv right/config left ||:
sed -i 's/<tcp_port>9000/<tcp_port>9001/g' left/config/config.xml
sed -i 's/<tcp_port>9000/<tcp_port>9002/g' right/config/config.xml
# Start a temporary server to rename the tables
while killall clickhouse; do echo . ; sleep 1 ; done
echo all killed
set -m # Spawn temporary in its own process groups
left/clickhouse server --config-file=left/config/config.xml -- --path db0 &> setup-server-log.log &
kill -0 $left_pid
disown $left_pid
set +m
while ! left/clickhouse client --port 9001 --query "select 1" ; do kill -0 $left_pid ; echo . ; sleep 1 ; done
echo server for setup started
left/clickhouse client --port 9001 --query "create database test" ||:
left/clickhouse client --port 9001 --query "rename table datasets.hits_v1 to test.hits" ||:
while killall clickhouse; do echo . ; sleep 1 ; done
echo all killed
# Remove logs etc, because they will be updated, and sharing them between
# servers with hardlink might cause unpredictable behavior.
rm db0/data/system/* -rf ||:
rm db0/metadata/system/* -rf ||:
# Make copies of the original db for both servers. Use hardlinks instead
# of copying.
rm -r left/db ||:
rm -r right/db ||:
cp -al db0/ left/db/
cp -al db0/ right/db/
function restart
while killall clickhouse; do echo . ; sleep 1 ; done
echo all killed
set -m # Spawn servers in their own process groups
left/clickhouse server --config-file=left/config/config.xml -- --path left/db &>> left-server-log.log &
kill -0 $left_pid
disown $left_pid
right/clickhouse server --config-file=right/config/config.xml -- --path right/db &>> right-server-log.log &
kill -0 $right_pid
disown $right_pid
set +m
while ! left/clickhouse client --port 9001 --query "select 1" ; do kill -0 $left_pid ; echo . ; sleep 1 ; done
echo left ok
while ! right/clickhouse client --port 9002 --query "select 1" ; do kill -0 $right_pid ; echo . ; sleep 1 ; done
echo right ok
left/clickhouse client --port 9001 --query "select * from system.tables where database != 'system'"
right/clickhouse client --port 9002 --query "select * from system.tables where database != 'system'"
function run_tests
# Just check that the script runs at all
"$script_dir/" --help > /dev/null
for x in {test-times,skipped-tests}.tsv
rm -v "$x" ||:
touch "$x"
# FIXME remove some broken long tests
rm right/performance/{IPv4,IPv6,modulo,parse_engine_file,number_formatting_formats,select_format}.xml ||:
test_files=$(ls right/performance/*.xml)
# FIXME a quick crutch to bring the run time down for the flappy tests --
# if some performance tests xmls were changed in a PR, run only these ones.
if [ "$PR_TO_TEST" != "0" ]
test_files_override=$(sed 's/dbms\/tests/right/' changed-tests.txt)
if [ "$test_files_override" != "" ]
# Run only explicitly specified tests, if any
if [ -v CHPC_TEST_GLOB ]
# I do want to expand the globs in the variable.
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
test_files=$(ls right/performance/$CHPC_TEST_GLOB.xml)
# Run the tests.
for test in $test_files
# Check that both servers are alive, to fail faster if they die.
left/clickhouse client --port 9001 --query "select 1 format Null" \
|| { echo $test_name >> left-server-died.log ; restart ; continue ; }
right/clickhouse client --port 9002 --query "select 1 format Null" \
|| { echo $test_name >> right-server-died.log ; restart ; continue ; }
test_name=$(basename "$test" ".xml")
echo test "$test_name"
TIMEFORMAT=$(printf "$test_name\t%%3R\t%%3U\t%%3S\n")
# the grep is to filter out set -x output and keep only time output
{ time "$script_dir/" "$test" > "$test_name-raw.tsv" 2> "$test_name-err.log" ; } 2>&1 >/dev/null | grep -v ^+ >> "wall-clock-times.tsv" || continue
# The test completed with zero status, so we treat stderr as warnings
mv "$test_name-err.log" "$test_name-warn.log"
grep ^query "$test_name-raw.tsv" | cut -f2- > "$test_name-queries.tsv"
grep ^client-time "$test_name-raw.tsv" | cut -f2- > "$test_name-client-time.tsv"
skipped=$(grep ^skipped "$test_name-raw.tsv" | cut -f2-)
if [ "$skipped" != "" ]
printf "$test_name""\t""$skipped""\n" >> skipped-tests.tsv
function get_profiles
# Collect the profiles
left/clickhouse client --port 9001 --query "set query_profiler_cpu_time_period_ns = 0"
left/clickhouse client --port 9001 --query "set query_profiler_real_time_period_ns = 0"
right/clickhouse client --port 9001 --query "set query_profiler_cpu_time_period_ns = 0"
right/clickhouse client --port 9001 --query "set query_profiler_real_time_period_ns = 0"
left/clickhouse client --port 9001 --query "select * from system.query_log where type = 2 format TSVWithNamesAndTypes" > left-query-log.tsv ||: &
left/clickhouse client --port 9001 --query "select * from system.trace_log format TSVWithNamesAndTypes" > left-trace-log.tsv ||: &
left/clickhouse client --port 9001 --query "select arrayJoin(trace) addr, concat(splitByChar('/', addressToLine(addr))[-1], '#', demangle(addressToSymbol(addr)) ) name from system.trace_log group by addr format TSVWithNamesAndTypes" > left-addresses.tsv ||: &
left/clickhouse client --port 9001 --query "select * from system.metric_log format TSVWithNamesAndTypes" > left-metric-log.tsv ||: &
right/clickhouse client --port 9002 --query "select * from system.query_log where type = 2 format TSVWithNamesAndTypes" > right-query-log.tsv ||: &
right/clickhouse client --port 9002 --query "select * from system.trace_log format TSVWithNamesAndTypes" > right-trace-log.tsv ||: &
right/clickhouse client --port 9002 --query "select arrayJoin(trace) addr, concat(splitByChar('/', addressToLine(addr))[-1], '#', demangle(addressToSymbol(addr)) ) name from system.trace_log group by addr format TSVWithNamesAndTypes" > right-addresses.tsv ||: &
right/clickhouse client --port 9002 --query "select * from system.metric_log format TSVWithNamesAndTypes" > right-metric-log.tsv ||: &
# Build and analyze randomization distribution for all queries.
function analyze_queries
ls ./*-queries.tsv | xargs -n1 -I% basename % -queries.tsv | \
parallel --verbose right/clickhouse local --file "{}-queries.tsv" \
--structure "\"query text, run int, version UInt32, time float\"" \
--query "\"$(cat "$script_dir/eqmed.sql")\"" \
">" {}-report.tsv
# Analyze results
function report
for x in {right,left}-{addresses,{query,trace,metric}-log}.tsv
# FIXME This loop builds column definitons from TSVWithNamesAndTypes in an
# absolutely atrocious way. This should be done by the file() function itself.
paste -d' ' \
<(sed -n '1{s/\t/\n/g;p;q}' "$x" | sed 's/\(^.*$\)/"\1"/') \
<(sed -n '2{s/\t/\n/g;p;q}' "$x" ) \
| tr '\n' ', ' | sed 's/,$//' > "$x.columns"
rm ./*.{rep,svg} test-times.tsv test-dump.tsv unstable.tsv unstable-query-ids.tsv unstable-query-metrics.tsv changed-perf.tsv unstable-tests.tsv unstable-queries.tsv bad-tests.tsv slow-on-client.tsv all-queries.tsv ||:
right/clickhouse local --query "
create table queries engine Memory as select
replaceAll(_file, '-report.tsv', '') test,
-- FIXME Comparison mode doesn't make sense for queries that complete
-- immediately, so for now we pretend they don't exist. We don't want to
-- remove them altogether because we want to be able to detect regressions,
-- but the right way to do this is not yet clear.
left + right < 0.01 as short,
not short and abs(diff) < 0.10 and rd[3] > 0.10 as unstable,
-- Do not consider changed the queries with 5% RD below 1% -- e.g., we're
-- likely to observe a difference > 1% in less than 5% cases.
-- Not sure it is correct, but empirically it filters out a lot of noise.
not short and abs(diff) > 0.15 and abs(diff) > rd[3] and rd[1] > 0.01 as changed,
from file('*-report.tsv', TSV, 'left float, right float, diff float, rd Array(float), query text');
create table changed_perf_tsv engine File(TSV, 'changed-perf.tsv') as
select left, right, diff, rd, test, query from queries where changed
order by rd[3] desc;
create table unstable_queries_tsv engine File(TSV, 'unstable-queries.tsv') as
select left, right, diff, rd, test, query from queries where unstable
order by rd[3] desc;
create table unstable_tests_tsv engine File(TSV, 'bad-tests.tsv') as
select test, sum(unstable) u, sum(changed) c, u + c s from queries
group by test having s > 0 order by s desc;
create table query_time engine Memory as select *, replaceAll(_file, '-client-time.tsv', '') test
from file('*-client-time.tsv', TSV, 'query text, client float, server float');
create table wall_clock engine Memory as select *
from file('wall-clock-times.tsv', TSV, 'test text, real float, user float, system float');
create table slow_on_client_tsv engine File(TSV, 'slow-on-client.tsv') as
select client, server, floor(client/server, 3) p, query
from query_time where p > 1.02 order by p desc;
create table test_time engine Memory as
select test, sum(client) total_client_time,
maxIf(client, not short) query_max,
minIf(client, not short) query_min,
count(*) queries,
sum(short) short_queries
from query_time, queries
where query_time.query = queries.query
group by test;
create table test_times_tsv engine File(TSV, 'test-times.tsv') as
select wall_clock.test, real,
floor(total_client_time, 3),
floor(query_max, 3),
floor(real / queries, 3) avg_real_per_query,
floor(query_min, 3)
from test_time join wall_clock using test
order by avg_real_per_query desc;
create table all_queries_tsv engine File(TSV, 'all-queries.tsv') as
select left, right, diff, rd, test, query
from queries order by rd[3] desc;
create view right_query_log as select *
from file('right-query-log.tsv', TSVWithNamesAndTypes, '$(cat right-query-log.tsv.columns)');
create view right_trace_log as select *
from file('right-trace-log.tsv', TSVWithNamesAndTypes, '$(cat right-trace-log.tsv.columns)');
create view right_addresses_src as select *
from file('right-addresses.tsv', TSVWithNamesAndTypes, '$(cat right-addresses.tsv.columns)');
create table right_addresses_join engine Join(any, left, address) as
select addr address, name from right_addresses_src;
create table unstable_query_runs engine File(TSVWithNamesAndTypes, 'unstable-query-runs.rep') as
select query_id, query from right_query_log
join queries using query
where query_id not like 'prewarm %' and (unstable or changed)
create table unstable_query_log engine File(Vertical, 'unstable-query-log.rep') as
select * from right_query_log
where query_id in (select query_id from unstable_query_runs);
create table unstable_run_metrics engine File(TSVWithNamesAndTypes, 'unstable-run-metrics.rep') as
select ProfileEvents.Values value, ProfileEvents.Names metric, query_id, query
from right_query_log array join ProfileEvents
where query_id in (select query_id from unstable_query_runs)
create table unstable_run_metrics_2 engine File(TSVWithNamesAndTypes, 'unstable-run-metrics-2.rep') as
select v, n, query_id, query
['memory_usage', 'read_bytes', 'written_bytes'] n,
[memory_usage, read_bytes, written_bytes] v,
from right_query_log
where query_id in (select query_id from unstable_query_runs))
array join n, v;
create table unstable_run_traces engine File(TSVWithNamesAndTypes, 'unstable-run-traces.rep') as
select count() value, joinGet(right_addresses_join, 'name', arrayJoin(trace)) metric,
unstable_query_runs.query_id, any(unstable_query_runs.query) query
from unstable_query_runs
join right_trace_log on right_trace_log.query_id = unstable_query_runs.query_id
group by unstable_query_runs.query_id, metric
order by count() desc
create table metric_devation engine File(TSVWithNamesAndTypes, 'metric-deviation.rep') as
select floor((q[3] - q[1])/q[2], 3) d,
quantilesExact(0, 0.5, 1)(value) q, metric, query
from (select * from unstable_run_metrics
union all select * from unstable_run_traces
union all select * from unstable_run_metrics_2) mm
join queries using query
group by query, metric
having d > 0.5
order by any(rd[3]) desc, d desc
create table stacks engine File(TSV, 'stacks.rep') as
arrayMap(x -> joinGet(right_addresses_join, 'name', x),
) readable_trace,
from right_trace_log
join unstable_query_runs using query_id
group by query, trace
for query in $(cut -d' ' -f1 stacks.rep | sort | uniq)
query_file=$(echo "$query" | cut -c-120 | sed 's/[/]/_/g')
grep -F "$query " stacks.rep \
| cut -d' ' -f 2- \
| tee "$query_file.stacks.rep" \
| ~/fg/ > "$query_file.svg" &
unset IFS
# Remember that grep sets error code when nothing is found, hence the bayan
# operator.
grep -H -m2 'Exception:[^:]' ./*-err.log | sed 's/:/\t/' > run-errors.tsv ||:
"$script_dir/" > report.html
case "$stage" in
time download
time configure
time restart
# Ignore the errors to collect the log anyway
time run_tests ||:
# If the tests fail with OOM or something, still try to restart the servers
# to collect the logs. Prefer not to restart, because addresses might change
# and we won't be able to process trace_log data.
time get_profiles || restart || get_profiles
# Stop the servers to free memory for the subsequent query analysis.
while killall clickhouse; do echo . ; sleep 1 ; done
echo Servers stopped.
time analyze_queries
time report