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#include <IO/FileEncryptionCommon.h>
#include <IO/ReadBuffer.h>
#include <IO/ReadHelpers.h>
#include <IO/WriteBuffer.h>
#include <IO/WriteHelpers.h>
#include <Common/MemorySanitizer.h>
#include <Common/SipHash.h>
#include <Common/safe_cast.h>
# include <cassert>
# include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
# include <openssl/err.h>
# include <openssl/rand.h>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int BAD_ARGUMENTS;
extern const int DATA_ENCRYPTION_ERROR;
extern const int OPENSSL_ERROR;
namespace FileEncryption
const EVP_CIPHER * getCipher(Algorithm algorithm)
switch (algorithm)
case Algorithm::AES_128_CTR: return EVP_aes_128_ctr();
case Algorithm::AES_192_CTR: return EVP_aes_192_ctr();
case Algorithm::AES_256_CTR: return EVP_aes_256_ctr();
case Algorithm::MAX: break;
throw Exception(
"Encryption algorithm {} is not supported, specify one of the following: aes_128_ctr, aes_192_ctr, aes_256_ctr",
void checkKeySize(const EVP_CIPHER * evp_cipher, size_t key_size)
if (!key_size)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "Encryption key must not be empty");
size_t expected_key_size = static_cast<size_t>(EVP_CIPHER_key_length(evp_cipher));
if (key_size != expected_key_size)
throw Exception(
"Got an encryption key with unexpected size {}, the size should be {}",
key_size, expected_key_size);
void checkInitVectorSize(const EVP_CIPHER * evp_cipher)
size_t expected_iv_length = static_cast<size_t>(EVP_CIPHER_iv_length(evp_cipher));
if (InitVector::kSize != expected_iv_length)
throw Exception(
"Got an initialization vector with unexpected size {}, the size should be {}",
constexpr const size_t kBlockSize = 16;
size_t blockOffset(size_t pos) { return pos % kBlockSize; }
size_t blocks(size_t pos) { return pos / kBlockSize; }
size_t partBlockSize(size_t size, size_t off)
assert(off < kBlockSize);
/// write the part as usual block
if (off == 0)
return 0;
return off + size <= kBlockSize ? size : (kBlockSize - off) % kBlockSize;
size_t encryptBlocks(EVP_CIPHER_CTX * evp_ctx, const char * data, size_t size, WriteBuffer & out)
const uint8_t * in = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(data);
size_t in_size = 0;
size_t out_size = 0;
while (in_size < size)
size_t part_size = std::min(size - in_size, out.available());
part_size = std::min<size_t>(part_size, INT_MAX);
uint8_t * ciphertext = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(out.position());
int ciphertext_size = 0;
if (!EVP_EncryptUpdate(evp_ctx, ciphertext, &ciphertext_size, &in[in_size], static_cast<int>(part_size)))
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::DATA_ENCRYPTION_ERROR, "Failed to encrypt: {}", ERR_get_error());
__msan_unpoison(ciphertext, ciphertext_size); /// OpenSSL uses assembly which evades msans analysis
in_size += part_size;
if (ciphertext_size)
out.position() += ciphertext_size;
out_size += ciphertext_size;
return out_size;
size_t encryptBlockWithPadding(EVP_CIPHER_CTX * evp_ctx, const char * data, size_t size, size_t pad_left, WriteBuffer & out)
assert((size <= kBlockSize) && (size + pad_left <= kBlockSize));
uint8_t padded_data[kBlockSize] = {};
memcpy(&padded_data[pad_left], data, size);
size_t padded_data_size = pad_left + size;
uint8_t ciphertext[kBlockSize];
int ciphertext_size = 0;
if (!EVP_EncryptUpdate(evp_ctx, ciphertext, &ciphertext_size, padded_data, safe_cast<int>(padded_data_size)))
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::DATA_ENCRYPTION_ERROR, "Failed to encrypt: {}", ERR_get_error());
if (!ciphertext_size)
return 0;
if (static_cast<size_t>(ciphertext_size) < pad_left)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::DATA_ENCRYPTION_ERROR, "Unexpected size of encrypted data: {} < {}", ciphertext_size, pad_left);
uint8_t * ciphertext_begin = &ciphertext[pad_left];
ciphertext_size -= pad_left;
__msan_unpoison(ciphertext_begin, ciphertext_size); /// OpenSSL uses assembly which evades msans analysis
out.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(ciphertext_begin), ciphertext_size);
return ciphertext_size;
size_t encryptFinal(EVP_CIPHER_CTX * evp_ctx, WriteBuffer & out)
uint8_t ciphertext[kBlockSize];
int ciphertext_size = 0;
if (!EVP_EncryptFinal_ex(evp_ctx,
ciphertext, &ciphertext_size))
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::DATA_ENCRYPTION_ERROR, "Failed to finalize encrypting: {}", ERR_get_error());
__msan_unpoison(ciphertext, ciphertext_size); /// OpenSSL uses assembly which evades msans analysis
if (ciphertext_size)
out.write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(ciphertext), ciphertext_size);
return ciphertext_size;
size_t decryptBlocks(EVP_CIPHER_CTX * evp_ctx, const char * data, size_t size, char * out)
const uint8_t * in = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(data);
uint8_t * plaintext = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(out);
int plaintext_size = 0;
if (!EVP_DecryptUpdate(evp_ctx, plaintext, &plaintext_size, in, safe_cast<int>(size)))
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::DATA_ENCRYPTION_ERROR, "Failed to decrypt: {}", ERR_get_error());
__msan_unpoison(plaintext, plaintext_size); /// OpenSSL uses assembly which evades msans analysis
return plaintext_size;
size_t decryptBlockWithPadding(EVP_CIPHER_CTX * evp_ctx, const char * data, size_t size, size_t pad_left, char * out)
assert((size <= kBlockSize) && (size + pad_left <= kBlockSize));
uint8_t padded_data[kBlockSize] = {};
memcpy(&padded_data[pad_left], data, size);
size_t padded_data_size = pad_left + size;
uint8_t plaintext[kBlockSize];
int plaintext_size = 0;
if (!EVP_DecryptUpdate(evp_ctx, plaintext, &plaintext_size, padded_data, safe_cast<int>(padded_data_size)))
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::DATA_ENCRYPTION_ERROR, "Failed to decrypt: {}", ERR_get_error());
if (!plaintext_size)
return 0;
if (static_cast<size_t>(plaintext_size) < pad_left)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::DATA_ENCRYPTION_ERROR, "Unexpected size of decrypted data: {} < {}", plaintext_size, pad_left);
const uint8_t * plaintext_begin = &plaintext[pad_left];
plaintext_size -= pad_left;
__msan_unpoison(plaintext_begin, plaintext_size); /// OpenSSL uses assembly which evades msans analysis
memcpy(out, plaintext_begin, plaintext_size);
return plaintext_size;
size_t decryptFinal(EVP_CIPHER_CTX * evp_ctx, char * out)
uint8_t plaintext[kBlockSize];
int plaintext_size = 0;
if (!EVP_DecryptFinal_ex(evp_ctx, plaintext, &plaintext_size))
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::DATA_ENCRYPTION_ERROR, "Failed to finalize decrypting: {}", ERR_get_error());
__msan_unpoison(plaintext, plaintext_size); /// OpenSSL uses assembly which evades msans analysis
if (plaintext_size)
memcpy(out, plaintext, plaintext_size);
return plaintext_size;
constexpr const std::string_view kHeaderSignature = "ENC";
UInt128 calculateV1KeyFingerprint(UInt8 small_key_hash, UInt64 key_id)
/// In the version 1 we stored {key_id, very_small_hash(key)} instead of a fingerprint.
return static_cast<UInt128>(key_id) | (static_cast<UInt128>(small_key_hash) << 64);
String toString(Algorithm algorithm)
switch (algorithm)
case Algorithm::AES_128_CTR: return "aes_128_ctr";
case Algorithm::AES_192_CTR: return "aes_192_ctr";
case Algorithm::AES_256_CTR: return "aes_256_ctr";
case Algorithm::MAX: break;
throw Exception(
"Encryption algorithm {} is not supported, specify one of the following: aes_128_ctr, aes_192_ctr, aes_256_ctr",
Algorithm parseAlgorithmFromString(const String & str)
if (boost::iequals(str, "aes_128_ctr"))
return Algorithm::AES_128_CTR;
else if (boost::iequals(str, "aes_192_ctr"))
return Algorithm::AES_192_CTR;
else if (boost::iequals(str, "aes_256_ctr"))
return Algorithm::AES_256_CTR;
throw Exception(
"Encryption algorithm '{}' is not supported, specify one of the following: aes_128_ctr, aes_192_ctr, aes_256_ctr",
void checkKeySize(size_t key_size, Algorithm algorithm) { checkKeySize(getCipher(algorithm), key_size); }
String InitVector::toString() const
static_assert(sizeof(counter) == InitVector::kSize);
WriteBufferFromOwnString out;
writeBinaryBigEndian(counter, out);
return std::move(out.str());
InitVector InitVector::fromString(const String & str)
if (str.length() != InitVector::kSize)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS, "Expected iv with size {}, got iv with size {}", InitVector::kSize, str.length());
ReadBufferFromMemory in{str.data(), str.length()};
UInt128 counter;
readBinaryBigEndian(counter, in);
return InitVector{counter};
void InitVector::read(ReadBuffer & in)
readBinaryBigEndian(counter, in);
void InitVector::write(WriteBuffer & out) const
writeBinaryBigEndian(counter, out);
InitVector InitVector::random()
UInt128 counter;
auto * buf = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(counter.items);
auto ret = RAND_bytes(buf, sizeof(counter.items));
if (ret != 1)
throw Exception(DB::ErrorCodes::OPENSSL_ERROR, "OpenSSL error code: {}", ERR_get_error());
return InitVector{counter};
Encryptor::Encryptor(Algorithm algorithm_, const String & key_, const InitVector & iv_)
: key(key_)
, init_vector(iv_)
, evp_cipher(getCipher(algorithm_))
checkKeySize(evp_cipher, key.size());
void Encryptor::encrypt(const char * data, size_t size, WriteBuffer & out)
if (!size)
auto current_iv = (init_vector + blocks(offset)).toString();
auto evp_ctx_ptr = std::unique_ptr<EVP_CIPHER_CTX, decltype(&::EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free)>(EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new(), &EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free);
auto * evp_ctx = evp_ctx_ptr.get();
if (!EVP_EncryptInit_ex(evp_ctx, evp_cipher, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr))
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::DATA_ENCRYPTION_ERROR, "Failed to initialize encryption context with cipher: {}", ERR_get_error());
if (!EVP_EncryptInit_ex(evp_ctx, nullptr, nullptr,
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(key.c_str()), reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(current_iv.c_str())))
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::DATA_ENCRYPTION_ERROR, "Failed to set key and IV for encryption: {}", ERR_get_error());
size_t in_size = 0;
size_t out_size = 0;
auto off = blockOffset(offset);
if (off)
size_t in_part_size = partBlockSize(size, off);
size_t out_part_size = encryptBlockWithPadding(evp_ctx, &data[in_size], in_part_size, off, out);
in_size += in_part_size;
out_size += out_part_size;
if (in_size < size)
size_t in_part_size = size - in_size;
size_t out_part_size = encryptBlocks(evp_ctx, &data[in_size], in_part_size, out);
in_size += in_part_size;
out_size += out_part_size;
out_size += encryptFinal(evp_ctx, out);
if (out_size != in_size)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::DATA_ENCRYPTION_ERROR, "Only part of the data was encrypted: {} out of {} bytes", out_size, in_size);
offset += in_size;
void Encryptor::decrypt(const char * data, size_t size, char * out)
if (!size)
auto current_iv = (init_vector + blocks(offset)).toString();
auto evp_ctx_ptr = std::unique_ptr<EVP_CIPHER_CTX, decltype(&::EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free)>(EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new(), &EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free);
auto * evp_ctx = evp_ctx_ptr.get();
if (!EVP_DecryptInit_ex(evp_ctx, evp_cipher, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr))
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::DATA_ENCRYPTION_ERROR, "Failed to initialize decryption context with cipher: {}", ERR_get_error());
if (!EVP_DecryptInit_ex(evp_ctx, nullptr, nullptr,
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(key.c_str()), reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(current_iv.c_str())))
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::DATA_ENCRYPTION_ERROR, "Failed to set key and IV for decryption: {}", ERR_get_error());
size_t in_size = 0;
size_t out_size = 0;
auto off = blockOffset(offset);
if (off)
size_t in_part_size = partBlockSize(size, off);
size_t out_part_size = decryptBlockWithPadding(evp_ctx, &data[in_size], in_part_size, off, &out[out_size]);
in_size += in_part_size;
out_size += out_part_size;
if (in_size < size)
size_t in_part_size = size - in_size;
size_t out_part_size = decryptBlocks(evp_ctx, &data[in_size], in_part_size, &out[out_size]);
in_size += in_part_size;
out_size += out_part_size;
out_size += decryptFinal(evp_ctx, &out[out_size]);
if (out_size != in_size)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::DATA_ENCRYPTION_ERROR, "Only part of the data was decrypted: {} out of {} bytes", out_size, in_size);
offset += in_size;
void Header::read(ReadBuffer & in)
char signature[kHeaderSignature.length()];
in.readStrict(signature, kHeaderSignature.length());
if (memcmp(signature, kHeaderSignature.data(), kHeaderSignature.length()) != 0)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::DATA_ENCRYPTION_ERROR, "Wrong signature, this is not an encrypted file");
/// The endianness of how the header is written.
/// Starting from version 2 the header is always in little endian.
std::endian endian = std::endian::little;
readBinaryLittleEndian(version, in);
if (version == 0x0100ULL)
/// Version 1 could write the header of an encrypted file in either little-endian or big-endian.
/// So now if we read the version as little-endian and it's 256 that means two things: the version is actually 1 and the whole header is in big endian.
endian = std::endian::big;
version = 1;
if (version < 1 || version > kCurrentVersion)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::DATA_ENCRYPTION_ERROR, "Version {} of the header is not supported", version);
UInt16 algorithm_u16;
readPODBinary(algorithm_u16, in);
if (std::endian::native != endian)
algorithm_u16 = std::byteswap(algorithm_u16);
if (algorithm_u16 >= static_cast<UInt16>(Algorithm::MAX))
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::DATA_ENCRYPTION_ERROR, "Algorithm {} is not supported", algorithm_u16);
algorithm = static_cast<Algorithm>(algorithm_u16);
size_t bytes_to_skip = kSize - kHeaderSignature.length() - sizeof(version) - sizeof(algorithm_u16) - InitVector::kSize;
if (version < 2)
UInt64 key_id;
UInt8 small_key_hash;
readPODBinary(key_id, in);
readPODBinary(small_key_hash, in);
bytes_to_skip -= sizeof(key_id) + sizeof(small_key_hash);
if (std::endian::native != endian)
key_id = std::byteswap(key_id);
key_fingerprint = calculateV1KeyFingerprint(small_key_hash, key_id);
readBinaryLittleEndian(key_fingerprint, in);
bytes_to_skip -= sizeof(key_fingerprint);
chassert(bytes_to_skip < kSize);
void Header::write(WriteBuffer & out) const
writeString(kHeaderSignature, out);
writeBinaryLittleEndian(version, out);
UInt16 algorithm_u16 = static_cast<UInt16>(algorithm);
writeBinaryLittleEndian(algorithm_u16, out);
writeBinaryLittleEndian(key_fingerprint, out);
constexpr size_t reserved_size = kSize - kHeaderSignature.length() - sizeof(version) - sizeof(algorithm_u16) - sizeof(key_fingerprint) - InitVector::kSize;
static_assert(reserved_size < kSize);
char zero_bytes[reserved_size] = {};
out.write(zero_bytes, reserved_size);
UInt128 calculateKeyFingerprint(const String & key)
const UInt64 seed0 = 0x4368456E63727970ULL; // ChEncryp
const UInt64 seed1 = 0x7465644469736B46ULL; // tedDiskF
return sipHash128Keyed(seed0, seed1, key.data(), key.size());
UInt128 calculateV1KeyFingerprint(const String & key, UInt64 key_id)
/// In the version 1 we stored {key_id, very_small_hash(key)} instead of a fingerprint.
UInt8 small_key_hash = sipHash64(key.data(), key.size()) & 0x0F;
return calculateV1KeyFingerprint(small_key_hash, key_id);