2021-01-13 08:38:19 +00:00

287 lines
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#pragma once
#include <Core/ColumnsWithTypeAndName.h>
#include <Core/NamesAndTypes.h>
#include <Core/Names.h>
#if !defined(ARCADIA_BUILD)
# include "config_core.h"
namespace DB
class ActionsDAG;
using ActionsDAGPtr = std::shared_ptr<ActionsDAG>;
class IExecutableFunction;
using ExecutableFunctionPtr = std::shared_ptr<IExecutableFunction>;
class IFunctionBase;
using FunctionBasePtr = std::shared_ptr<IFunctionBase>;
class IFunctionOverloadResolver;
using FunctionOverloadResolverPtr = std::shared_ptr<IFunctionOverloadResolver>;
class IDataType;
using DataTypePtr = std::shared_ptr<const IDataType>;
class Context;
class CompiledExpressionCache;
/// Directed acyclic graph of expressions.
/// This is an intermediate representation of actions which is usually built from expression list AST.
/// Node of DAG describe calculation of a single column with known type, name, and constant value (if applicable).
/// DAG representation is useful in case we need to know explicit dependencies between actions.
/// It is helpful when it is needed to optimize actions, remove unused expressions, compile subexpressions,
/// split or merge parts of graph, calculate expressions on partial input.
/// Built DAG is used by ExpressionActions, which calculates expressions on block.
class ActionsDAG
enum class ActionType
/// Column which must be in input.
/// Constant column with known value.
/// Another one name for column.
/// Function arrayJoin. Specially separated because it changes the number of rows.
struct Node
std::vector<Node *> children;
ActionType type;
std::string result_name;
DataTypePtr result_type;
FunctionOverloadResolverPtr function_builder;
/// Can be used after action was added to ExpressionActions if we want to get function signature or properties like monotonicity.
FunctionBasePtr function_base;
/// Prepared function which is used in function execution.
ExecutableFunctionPtr function;
/// If function is a compiled statement.
bool is_function_compiled = false;
/// For COLUMN node and propagated constants.
ColumnPtr column;
/// Some functions like `ignore()` always return constant but can't be replaced by constant it.
/// We calculate such constants in order to avoid unnecessary materialization, but prohibit it's folding.
bool allow_constant_folding = true;
/// Index is used to:
/// * find Node by it's result_name
/// * specify order of columns in result
/// It represents a set of available columns.
/// Removing of column from index is equivalent to removing of column from final result.
/// DAG allows actions with duplicating result names. In this case index will point to last added Node.
/// It does not cause any problems as long as execution of actions does not depend on action names anymore.
/// Index is a list of nodes + [map: name -> list::iterator].
/// List is ordered, may contain nodes with same names, or one node several times.
class Index
std::list<Node *> list;
/// Map key is a string_view to Node::result_name for node from value.
/// Map always point to existing node, so key always valid (nodes live longer then index).
std::unordered_map<std::string_view, std::list<Node *>::iterator> map;
auto size() const { return list.size(); }
bool contains(std::string_view key) const { return map.count(key) != 0; }
std::list<Node *>::iterator begin() { return list.begin(); }
std::list<Node *>::iterator end() { return list.end(); }
std::list<Node *>::const_iterator begin() const { return list.begin(); }
std::list<Node *>::const_iterator end() const { return list.end(); }
std::list<Node *>::const_iterator find(std::string_view key) const
auto it = map.find(key);
if (it == map.end())
return list.end();
return it->second;
/// Insert method doesn't check if map already have node with the same name.
/// If node with the same name exists, it is removed from map, but not list.
/// It is expected and used for project(), when result may have several columns with the same name.
void insert(Node * node) { map[node->result_name] = list.emplace(list.end(), node); }
/// If node with same name exists in index, replace it. Otherwise insert new node to index.
void replace(Node * node)
if (auto handle = map.extract(node->result_name))
handle.key() = node->result_name; /// Change string_view
*handle.mapped() = node;
void remove(std::list<Node *>::iterator it)
auto map_it = map.find((*it)->result_name);
if (map_it != map.end() && map_it->second == it)
void swap(Index & other)
using Nodes = std::list<Node>;
using Inputs = std::vector<Node *>;
struct ActionsSettings
size_t max_temporary_columns = 0;
size_t max_temporary_non_const_columns = 0;
size_t min_count_to_compile_expression = 0;
bool compile_expressions = false;
bool project_input = false;
bool projected_output = false;
Nodes nodes;
Index index;
Inputs inputs;
ActionsSettings settings;
std::shared_ptr<CompiledExpressionCache> compilation_cache;
ActionsDAG() = default;
ActionsDAG(ActionsDAG &&) = default;
ActionsDAG(const ActionsDAG &) = delete;
ActionsDAG & operator=(const ActionsDAG &) = delete;
explicit ActionsDAG(const NamesAndTypesList & inputs_);
explicit ActionsDAG(const ColumnsWithTypeAndName & inputs_);
const Nodes & getNodes() const { return nodes; }
const Index & getIndex() const { return index; }
const Inputs & getInputs() const { return inputs; }
NamesAndTypesList getRequiredColumns() const;
ColumnsWithTypeAndName getResultColumns() const;
NamesAndTypesList getNamesAndTypesList() const;
Names getNames() const;
std::string dumpNames() const;
std::string dumpDAG() const;
const Node & addInput(std::string name, DataTypePtr type, bool can_replace = false);
const Node & addInput(ColumnWithTypeAndName column, bool can_replace = false);
const Node & addColumn(ColumnWithTypeAndName column, bool can_replace = false);
const Node & addAlias(const std::string & name, std::string alias, bool can_replace = false);
const Node & addArrayJoin(const std::string & source_name, std::string result_name);
const Node & addFunction(
const FunctionOverloadResolverPtr & function,
const Names & argument_names,
std::string result_name,
const Context & context);
/// Call addAlias several times.
void addAliases(const NamesWithAliases & aliases);
/// Add alias actions and remove unused columns from index. Also specify result columns order in index.
void project(const NamesWithAliases & projection);
/// If column is not in index, try to find it in nodes and insert back into index.
bool tryRestoreColumn(const std::string & column_name);
void projectInput() { settings.project_input = true; }
void removeUnusedActions(const Names & required_names);
/// Splits actions into two parts. Returned half may be swapped with ARRAY JOIN.
/// Returns nullptr if no actions may be moved before ARRAY JOIN.
ActionsDAGPtr splitActionsBeforeArrayJoin(const NameSet & array_joined_columns);
bool hasArrayJoin() const;
bool hasStatefulFunctions() const;
bool empty() const; /// If actions only contain inputs.
const ActionsSettings & getSettings() const { return settings; }
void compileExpressions();
ActionsDAGPtr clone() const;
enum class MatchColumnsMode
/// Require same number of columns in source and result. Match columns by corresponding positions, regardless to names.
/// Find columns in source by their names. Allow excessive columns in source.
/// Create ActionsDAG which converts block structure from source to result.
/// It is needed to convert result from different sources to the same structure, e.g. for UNION query.
/// Conversion should be possible with only usage of CAST function and renames.
static ActionsDAGPtr makeConvertingActions(
const ColumnsWithTypeAndName & source,
const ColumnsWithTypeAndName & result,
MatchColumnsMode mode,
bool ignore_constant_values = false); /// Do not check that constants are same. Use value from result_header.
/// Create ActionsDAG which represents expression equivalent to applying lhs and rhs actions consequently.
/// Is used to replace `(first -> second)` expression chain to single `merge(first, second)` expression.
/// If first.settings.project_input is set, then outputs of `first` must include inputs of `second`.
/// Otherwise, any two actions may be combined.
static ActionsDAGPtr merge(ActionsDAG && first, ActionsDAG && second);
Node & addNode(Node node, bool can_replace = false);
Node & getNode(const std::string & name);
Node & addAlias(Node & child, std::string alias, bool can_replace);
Node & addFunction(
const FunctionOverloadResolverPtr & function,
Inputs children,
std::string result_name,
bool can_replace);
ActionsDAGPtr cloneEmpty() const
auto actions = std::make_shared<ActionsDAG>();
actions->settings = settings;
actions->compilation_cache = compilation_cache;
return actions;
void removeUnusedActions(const std::vector<Node *> & required_nodes);
void removeUnusedActions();
void addAliases(const NamesWithAliases & aliases, std::vector<Node *> & result_nodes);
void compileFunctions();