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#pragma once
#include <Columns/ColumnNullable.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnString.h>
#include <Interpreters/AggregationCommon.h>
#include <Common/Arena.h>
#include <Common/HashTable/HashSet.h>
#include <Common/HashTable/ClearableHashSet.h>
#include <Common/UInt128.h>
namespace DB
/** Methods for different implementations of sets (used in right hand side of IN or for DISTINCT).
* To use as template parameter.
/// For the case where there is one numeric key.
template <typename FieldType, typename TData> /// UInt8/16/32/64 for any types with corresponding bit width.
struct SetMethodOneNumber
using Data = TData;
using Key = typename Data::key_type;
Data data;
/// To use one `Method` in different threads, use different `State`.
struct State
const FieldType * vec;
/** Called at the start of each block processing.
* Sets the variables required for the other methods called in internal loops.
void init(const ConstColumnPlainPtrs & key_columns)
vec = &static_cast<const ColumnVector<FieldType> *>(key_columns[0])->getData()[0];
/// Get key from key columns for insertion into hash table.
Key getKey(
const ConstColumnPlainPtrs & key_columns, /// Key columns.
size_t keys_size, /// Number of key columns.
size_t i, /// From what row of the block I get the key.
const Sizes & key_sizes) const /// If keys of a fixed length - their lengths. Not used in methods for variable length keys.
return unionCastToUInt64(vec[i]);
/** Place additional data, if necessary, in case a new key was inserted into the hash table.
static void onNewKey(typename Data::value_type & value, size_t keys_size, size_t i, Arena & pool) {}
/// For the case where there is one string key.
template <typename TData>
struct SetMethodString
using Data = TData;
using Key = typename Data::key_type;
Data data;
struct State
const ColumnString::Offsets_t * offsets;
const ColumnString::Chars_t * chars;
void init(const ConstColumnPlainPtrs & key_columns)
const IColumn & column = *key_columns[0];
const ColumnString & column_string = static_cast<const ColumnString &>(column);
offsets = &column_string.getOffsets();
chars = &column_string.getChars();
Key getKey(
const ConstColumnPlainPtrs & key_columns,
size_t keys_size,
size_t i,
const Sizes & key_sizes) const
return StringRef(
&(*chars)[i == 0 ? 0 : (*offsets)[i - 1]],
(i == 0 ? (*offsets)[i] : ((*offsets)[i] - (*offsets)[i - 1])) - 1);
static void onNewKey(typename Data::value_type & value, size_t keys_size, size_t i, Arena & pool)
value.data = pool.insert(value.data, value.size);
/// For the case when there is one fixed-length string key.
template <typename TData>
struct SetMethodFixedString
using Data = TData;
using Key = typename Data::key_type;
Data data;
struct State
size_t n;
const ColumnFixedString::Chars_t * chars;
void init(const ConstColumnPlainPtrs & key_columns)
const IColumn & column = *key_columns[0];
const ColumnFixedString & column_string = static_cast<const ColumnFixedString &>(column);
n = column_string.getN();
chars = &column_string.getChars();
Key getKey(
const ConstColumnPlainPtrs & key_columns,
size_t keys_size,
size_t i,
const Sizes & key_sizes) const
return StringRef(&(*chars)[i * n], n);
static void onNewKey(typename Data::value_type & value, size_t keys_size, size_t i, Arena & pool)
value.data = pool.insert(value.data, value.size);
namespace set_impl
/// This class is designed to provide the functionality that is required for
/// supporting nullable keys in SetMethodKeysFixed. If there are
/// no nullable keys, this class is merely implemented as an empty shell.
template <typename Key, bool has_nullable_keys>
class BaseStateKeysFixed;
/// Case where nullable keys are supported.
template <typename Key>
class BaseStateKeysFixed<Key, true>
void init(const ConstColumnPlainPtrs & key_columns)
for (const auto & col : key_columns)
if (col->isNullable())
const auto & nullable_col = static_cast<const ColumnNullable &>(*col);
/// Return the columns which actually contain the values of the keys.
/// For a given key column, if it is nullable, we return its nested
/// column. Otherwise we return the key column itself.
inline const ConstColumnPlainPtrs & getActualColumns() const
return actual_columns;
/// Create a bitmap that indicates whether, for a particular row,
/// a key column bears a null value or not.
KeysNullMap<Key> createBitmap(size_t row) const
KeysNullMap<Key> bitmap{};
for (size_t k = 0; k < null_maps.size(); ++k)
if (null_maps[k] != nullptr)
const auto & null_map = static_cast<const ColumnUInt8 &>(*null_maps[k]).getData();
if (null_map[row] == 1)
size_t bucket = k / 8;
size_t offset = k % 8;
bitmap[bucket] |= UInt8(1) << offset;
return bitmap;
ConstColumnPlainPtrs actual_columns;
ConstColumnPlainPtrs null_maps;
/// Case where nullable keys are not supported.
template <typename Key>
class BaseStateKeysFixed<Key, false>
void init(const ConstColumnPlainPtrs & key_columns)
throw Exception{"Internal error: calling init() for non-nullable"
" keys is forbidden", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR};
const ConstColumnPlainPtrs & getActualColumns() const
throw Exception{"Internal error: calling getActualColumns() for non-nullable"
" keys is forbidden", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR};
KeysNullMap<Key> createBitmap(size_t row) const
throw Exception{"Internal error: calling createBitmap() for non-nullable keys"
" is forbidden", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR};
/// For the case when all keys are of fixed length, and they fit in N (for example, 128) bits.
template <typename TData, bool has_nullable_keys_ = false>
struct SetMethodKeysFixed
using Data = TData;
using Key = typename Data::key_type;
static constexpr bool has_nullable_keys = has_nullable_keys_;
Data data;
class State : private set_impl::BaseStateKeysFixed<Key, has_nullable_keys>
using Base = set_impl::BaseStateKeysFixed<Key, has_nullable_keys>;
void init(const ConstColumnPlainPtrs & key_columns)
if (has_nullable_keys)
Key getKey(
const ConstColumnPlainPtrs & key_columns,
size_t keys_size,
size_t i,
const Sizes & key_sizes) const
if (has_nullable_keys)
auto bitmap = Base::createBitmap(i);
return packFixed<Key>(i, keys_size, Base::getActualColumns(), key_sizes, bitmap);
return packFixed<Key>(i, keys_size, key_columns, key_sizes);
static void onNewKey(typename Data::value_type & value, size_t keys_size, size_t i, Arena & pool) {}
/// For other cases. 128 bit hash from the key.
template <typename TData>
struct SetMethodHashed
using Data = TData;
using Key = typename Data::key_type;
Data data;
struct State
void init(const ConstColumnPlainPtrs & key_columns)
Key getKey(
const ConstColumnPlainPtrs & key_columns,
size_t keys_size,
size_t i,
const Sizes & key_sizes) const
return hash128(i, keys_size, key_columns);
static void onNewKey(typename Data::value_type & value, size_t keys_size, size_t i, Arena & pool) {}
/** Different implementations of the set.
struct NonClearableSet
/// TODO Use either bit- or byte-set for these two options.
std::unique_ptr<SetMethodOneNumber<UInt8, HashSet<UInt8, TrivialHash, HashTableFixedGrower<8>>>> key8;
std::unique_ptr<SetMethodOneNumber<UInt16, HashSet<UInt16, TrivialHash, HashTableFixedGrower<16>>>> key16;
/** Also for the experiment was tested the ability to use SmallSet,
* as long as the number of elements in the set is small (and, if necessary, converted to a full-fledged HashSet).
* But this experiment showed that there is an advantage only in rare cases.
std::unique_ptr<SetMethodOneNumber<UInt32, HashSet<UInt32, HashCRC32<UInt32>>>> key32;
std::unique_ptr<SetMethodOneNumber<UInt64, HashSet<UInt64, HashCRC32<UInt64>>>> key64;
std::unique_ptr<SetMethodString<HashSetWithSavedHash<StringRef>>> key_string;
std::unique_ptr<SetMethodFixedString<HashSetWithSavedHash<StringRef>>> key_fixed_string;
std::unique_ptr<SetMethodKeysFixed<HashSet<UInt128, UInt128HashCRC32>>> keys128;
std::unique_ptr<SetMethodKeysFixed<HashSet<UInt256, UInt256HashCRC32>>> keys256;
std::unique_ptr<SetMethodHashed<HashSet<UInt128, UInt128TrivialHash>>> hashed;
/// Support for nullable keys (for DISTINCT implementation).
std::unique_ptr<SetMethodKeysFixed<HashSet<UInt128, UInt128HashCRC32>, true>> nullable_keys128;
std::unique_ptr<SetMethodKeysFixed<HashSet<UInt256, UInt256HashCRC32>, true>> nullable_keys256;
/** Unlike Aggregator, `concat` method is not used here.
* This is done because `hashed` method, although slower, but in this case, uses less RAM.
* since when you use it, the key values themselves are not stored.
struct ClearableSet
/// TODO Use either bit- or byte-set for these two options.
std::unique_ptr<SetMethodOneNumber<UInt8, ClearableHashSet<UInt8, TrivialHash, HashTableFixedGrower<8>>>> key8;
std::unique_ptr<SetMethodOneNumber<UInt16, ClearableHashSet<UInt16, TrivialHash, HashTableFixedGrower<16>>>> key16;
std::unique_ptr<SetMethodOneNumber<UInt32, ClearableHashSet<UInt32, HashCRC32<UInt32>>>> key32;
std::unique_ptr<SetMethodOneNumber<UInt64, ClearableHashSet<UInt64, HashCRC32<UInt64>>>> key64;
std::unique_ptr<SetMethodString<ClearableHashSetWithSavedHash<StringRef>>> key_string;
std::unique_ptr<SetMethodFixedString<ClearableHashSetWithSavedHash<StringRef>>> key_fixed_string;
std::unique_ptr<SetMethodKeysFixed<ClearableHashSet<UInt128, UInt128HashCRC32>>> keys128;
std::unique_ptr<SetMethodKeysFixed<ClearableHashSet<UInt256, UInt256HashCRC32>>> keys256;
std::unique_ptr<SetMethodHashed<ClearableHashSet<UInt128, UInt128TrivialHash>>> hashed;
/// Support for nullable keys (for DISTINCT implementation).
std::unique_ptr<SetMethodKeysFixed<ClearableHashSet<UInt128, UInt128HashCRC32>, true>> nullable_keys128;
std::unique_ptr<SetMethodKeysFixed<ClearableHashSet<UInt256, UInt256HashCRC32>, true>> nullable_keys256;
/** Unlike Aggregator, `concat` method is not used here.
* This is done because `hashed` method, although slower, but in this case, uses less RAM.
* since when you use it, the key values themselves are not stored.
template <typename Variant>
struct SetVariantsTemplate: public Variant
Arena string_pool;
M(key8) \
M(key16) \
M(key32) \
M(key64) \
M(key_string) \
M(key_fixed_string) \
M(keys128) \
M(keys256) \
M(nullable_keys128) \
M(nullable_keys256) \
#define M(NAME) using Variant::NAME;
#undef M
enum class Type
#define M(NAME) NAME,
#undef M
Type type = Type::EMPTY;
bool empty() const { return type == Type::EMPTY; }
static Type chooseMethod(const ConstColumnPlainPtrs & key_columns, Sizes & key_sizes);
void init(Type type_);
size_t getTotalRowCount() const;
/// Counts the size in bytes of the Set buffer and the size of the `string_pool`
size_t getTotalByteCount() const;
using SetVariants = SetVariantsTemplate<NonClearableSet>;
using ClearableSetVariants = SetVariantsTemplate<ClearableSet>;