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synced 2024-12-12 01:12:12 +00:00
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528 lines
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#pragma once
#include <DB/AggregateFunctions/IAggregateFunction.h>
#include <DB/DataTypes/DataTypeDateTime.h>
#include <DB/DataTypes/DataTypesNumberFixed.h>
#include <DB/Parsers/CommonParsers.h>
#include <ext/range.hpp>
#include <boost/range/iterator_range_core.hpp>
#include <DB/Parsers/ExpressionElementParsers.h>
#include <DB/Parsers/ASTLiteral.h>
#include <bitset>
#include <stack>
namespace DB
/// helper type for comparing `std::pair`s using solely the .first member
template <template <typename> class Comparator>
struct ComparePairFirst final
template <typename T1, typename T2>
bool operator()(const std::pair<T1, T2> & lhs, const std::pair<T1, T2> & rhs) const
return Comparator<T1>{}(lhs.first, rhs.first);
struct AggregateFunctionSequenceMatchData final
static constexpr auto max_events = 32;
using Timestamp = std::uint32_t;
using Events = std::bitset<max_events>;
using TimestampEvents = std::pair<Timestamp, Events>;
using Comparator = ComparePairFirst<std::less>;
bool sorted = true;
std::vector<TimestampEvents> eventsList;
void add(const Timestamp timestamp, const Events & events)
/// store information exclusively for rows with at least one event
if (events.any())
eventsList.emplace_back(timestamp, events);
sorted = false;
void merge(const AggregateFunctionSequenceMatchData & other)
const auto size = eventsList.size();
eventsList.insert(std::end(eventsList), std::begin(other.eventsList), std::end(other.eventsList));
/// either sort whole container or do so partially merging ranges afterwards
if (!sorted && !other.sorted)
std::sort(std::begin(eventsList), std::end(eventsList), Comparator{});
const auto begin = std::begin(eventsList);
const auto middle = std::next(begin, size);
const auto end = std::end(eventsList);
if (!sorted)
std::sort(begin, middle, Comparator{});
if (!other.sorted)
std::sort(middle, end, Comparator{});
std::inplace_merge(begin, middle, end, Comparator{});
sorted = true;
void sort()
if (!sorted)
std::sort(std::begin(eventsList), std::end(eventsList), Comparator{});
sorted = true;
void serialize(WriteBuffer & buf) const
writeBinary(sorted, buf);
writeBinary(eventsList.size(), buf);
for (const auto & events : eventsList)
writeBinary(events.first, buf);
writeBinary(events.second.to_ulong(), buf);
void deserialize(ReadBuffer & buf)
readBinary(sorted, buf);
std::size_t size;
readBinary(size, buf);
decltype(eventsList) eventsList;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
std::uint32_t timestamp;
readBinary(timestamp, buf);
unsigned long events;
readBinary(events, buf);
eventsList.emplace_back(timestamp, Events{events});
this->eventsList = std::move(eventsList);
/// Max number of iterations to match the pattern against a sequence, exception thrown when exceeded
constexpr auto sequence_match_max_iterations = 1000000;
class AggregateFunctionSequenceMatch : public IAggregateFunctionHelper<AggregateFunctionSequenceMatchData>
static bool sufficientArgs(const std::size_t arg_count) { return arg_count >= 3; }
String getName() const override { return "sequenceMatch"; }
DataTypePtr getReturnType() const override { return new DataTypeUInt8; }
void setParameters(const Array & params) override
if (params.size() != 1)
throw Exception{
"Aggregate function " + getName() + " requires exactly one parameter.",
pattern = params.front().safeGet<std::string>();
void setArguments(const DataTypes & arguments) override
arg_count = arguments.size();
if (!sufficientArgs(arg_count))
throw Exception{
"Aggregate function " + getName() + " requires at least 3 arguments.",
if (arg_count - 1 > Data::max_events)
throw Exception{
"Aggregate function " + getName() + " supports up to " +
std::to_string(Data::max_events) + " event arguments.",
const auto time_arg = arguments.front().get();
if (!typeid_cast<const DataTypeDateTime *>(time_arg))
throw Exception{
"Illegal type " + time_arg->getName() + " of first argument of aggregate function " +
getName() + ", must be DateTime",
for (const auto i : ext::range(1, arg_count))
const auto cond_arg = arguments[i].get();
if (!typeid_cast<const DataTypeUInt8 *>(cond_arg))
throw Exception{
"Illegal type " + cond_arg->getName() + " of argument " + toString(i + 1) +
" of aggregate function " + getName() + ", must be UInt8",
void add(AggregateDataPtr place, const IColumn ** columns, const size_t row_num) const override
const auto timestamp = static_cast<const ColumnUInt32 *>(columns[0])->getData()[row_num];
Data::Events events;
for (const auto i : ext::range(1, arg_count))
const auto event = static_cast<const ColumnUInt8 *>(columns[i])->getData()[row_num];
events.set(i - 1, event);
data(place).add(timestamp, events);
void merge(AggregateDataPtr place, ConstAggregateDataPtr rhs) const override
void serialize(ConstAggregateDataPtr place, WriteBuffer & buf) const override
void deserializeMerge(AggregateDataPtr place, ReadBuffer & buf) const override
AggregateFunctionSequenceMatchData tmp;
void insertResultInto(ConstAggregateDataPtr place, IColumn & to) const override
const_cast<Data &>(data(place)).sort();
const auto & data_ref = data(place);
const auto events_begin = std::begin(data_ref.eventsList);
const auto events_end = std::end(data_ref.eventsList);
auto events_it = events_begin;
static_cast<ColumnUInt8 &>(to).getData().push_back(match(events_it, events_end));
static void addFree(const IAggregateFunction * that, AggregateDataPtr place, const IColumn ** columns, size_t row_num)
return static_cast<const AggregateFunctionSequenceMatch &>(*that).add(place, columns, row_num);
IAggregateFunction::AddFunc getAddressOfAddFunction() const override final { return &addFree; }
enum class PatternActionType
struct PatternAction final
PatternActionType type;
std::uint32_t extra;
PatternAction() = default;
PatternAction(const PatternActionType type, const std::uint32_t extra = 0) : type{type}, extra{extra} {}
using PatternActions = std::vector<PatternAction>;
void parsePattern()
PatternActions actions{
{ PatternActionType::KleeneStar }
ParserString special_open_p("(?");
ParserString special_close_p(")");
ParserString t_p("t");
ParserString less_or_equal_p("<=");
ParserString less_p("<");
ParserString greater_or_equal_p(">=");
ParserString greater_p(">");
ParserString dot_closure_p(".*");
ParserString dot_p(".");
ParserNumber number_p;
auto pos = pattern.data();
const auto begin = pos;
const auto end = pos + pattern.size();
ASTPtr node;
decltype(pos) max_parsed_pos{};
Expected expected;
const auto throw_exception = [&] (const std::string & msg) {
throw Exception{
msg + " '" + std::string(pos, end) + "' at position " + std::to_string(pos - begin),
while (pos < end)
if (special_open_p.ignore(pos, end))
if (t_p.ignore(pos, end))
PatternActionType type;
if (less_or_equal_p.ignore(pos, end))
type = PatternActionType::TimeLessOrEqual;
else if (less_p.ignore(pos, end))
type = PatternActionType::TimeLess;
else if (greater_or_equal_p.ignore(pos, end))
type = PatternActionType::TimeGreaterOrEqual;
else if (greater_p.ignore(pos, end))
type = PatternActionType::TimeGreater;
throw_exception("Unknown time condition");
if (!number_p.parse(pos, end, node, max_parsed_pos, expected))
throw_exception("Could not parse number");
if (actions.back().type != PatternActionType::SpecificEvent &&
actions.back().type != PatternActionType::AnyEvent &&
actions.back().type != PatternActionType::KleeneStar)
throw Exception{
"Temporal condition should be preceeded by an event condition",
actions.emplace_back(type, typeid_cast<const ASTLiteral &>(*node).value.safeGet<UInt64>());
else if (number_p.parse(pos, end, node, max_parsed_pos, expected))
const auto event_number = typeid_cast<const ASTLiteral &>(*node).value.safeGet<UInt64>();
if (event_number > arg_count - 1)
throw Exception{
"Event number " + std::to_string(event_number) + " is out of range",
actions.emplace_back(PatternActionType::SpecificEvent, event_number - 1);
throw_exception("Unexpected special sequence");
if (!special_close_p.ignore(pos, end))
throw_exception("Expected closing parenthesis, found");
else if (dot_closure_p.ignore(pos, end))
else if (dot_p.ignore(pos, end))
throw_exception("Could not parse pattern, unexpected starting symbol");
this->actions = std::move(actions);
template <typename T>
bool match(T & events_it, const T events_end) const
const auto action_begin = std::begin(actions);
const auto action_end = std::end(actions);
auto action_it = action_begin;
const auto events_begin = events_it;
auto base_it = events_it;
/// an iterator to action plus an iterator to row in events list plus timestamp at the start of sequence
using backtrack_info = std::tuple<decltype(action_it), T, T>;
std::stack<backtrack_info> back_stack;
/// backtrack if possible
const auto do_backtrack = [&] {
while (!back_stack.empty())
auto & top = back_stack.top();
action_it = std::get<0>(top);
events_it = std::next(std::get<1>(top));
base_it = std::get<2>(top);
if (events_it != events_end)
return true;
return false;
std::size_t i = 0;
while (action_it != action_end && events_it != events_end)
if (action_it->type == PatternActionType::SpecificEvent)
if (events_it->second.test(action_it->extra))
/// move to the next action and events
base_it = events_it;
++action_it, ++events_it;
else if (!do_backtrack())
/// backtracking failed, bail out
else if (action_it->type == PatternActionType::AnyEvent)
base_it = events_it;
++action_it, ++events_it;
else if (action_it->type == PatternActionType::KleeneStar)
back_stack.emplace(action_it, events_it, base_it);
base_it = events_it;
else if (action_it->type == PatternActionType::TimeLessOrEqual)
if (events_it->first - base_it->first <= action_it->extra)
/// condition satisfied, move onto next action
back_stack.emplace(action_it, events_it, base_it);
base_it = events_it;
else if (!do_backtrack())
else if (action_it->type == PatternActionType::TimeLess)
if (events_it->first - base_it->first < action_it->extra)
back_stack.emplace(action_it, events_it, base_it);
base_it = events_it;
else if (!do_backtrack())
else if (action_it->type == PatternActionType::TimeGreaterOrEqual)
if (events_it->first - base_it->first >= action_it->extra)
back_stack.emplace(action_it, events_it, base_it);
base_it = events_it;
else if (++events_it == events_end && !do_backtrack())
else if (action_it->type == PatternActionType::TimeGreater)
if (events_it->first - base_it->first > action_it->extra)
back_stack.emplace(action_it, events_it, base_it);
base_it = events_it;
else if (++events_it == events_end && !do_backtrack())
throw Exception{
"Unknown PatternActionType",
if (++i > sequence_match_max_iterations)
throw Exception{
"Pattern application proves too difficult, exceeding max iterations (" + toString(sequence_match_max_iterations) + ")",
/// if there are some actions remaining
if (action_it != action_end)
/// match multiple empty strings at end
while (action_it->type == PatternActionType::KleeneStar ||
action_it->type == PatternActionType::TimeLessOrEqual ||
action_it->type == PatternActionType::TimeLess ||
(action_it->type == PatternActionType::TimeGreaterOrEqual && action_it->extra == 0))
if (events_it == events_begin)
return action_it == action_end;
std::string pattern;
std::size_t arg_count;
PatternActions actions;
class AggregateFunctionSequenceCount final : public AggregateFunctionSequenceMatch
String getName() const override { return "sequenceCount"; }
DataTypePtr getReturnType() const override { return new DataTypeUInt64; }
void insertResultInto(ConstAggregateDataPtr place, IColumn & to) const override
const_cast<Data &>(data(place)).sort();
static_cast<ColumnUInt64 &>(to).getData().push_back(count(place));
UInt64 count(const ConstAggregateDataPtr & place) const
const auto & data_ref = data(place);
const auto events_begin = std::begin(data_ref.eventsList);
const auto events_end = std::end(data_ref.eventsList);
auto events_it = events_begin;
std::size_t count = 0;
while (events_it != events_end && match(events_it, events_end))
return count;