2016-06-07 11:23:15 +03:00

544 lines
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// Application.h
// $Id: //poco/1.4/Util/include/Poco/Util/Application.h#4 $
// Library: Util
// Package: Application
// Module: Application
// Definition of the Application class.
// Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH.
// and Contributors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
#ifndef Util_Application_INCLUDED
#define Util_Application_INCLUDED
#include "Poco/Util/Util.h"
#include "Poco/Util/Subsystem.h"
#include "Poco/Util/LayeredConfiguration.h"
#include "Poco/Util/OptionSet.h"
#include "Poco/AutoPtr.h"
#include "Poco/Logger.h"
#include "Poco/Path.h"
#include "Poco/Timestamp.h"
#include "Poco/Timespan.h"
#include "Poco/AutoPtr.h"
#if defined(POCO_VXWORKS)
#include <cstdarg>
#include <vector>
#include <typeinfo>
namespace Poco {
namespace Util {
class OptionSet;
class Util_API Application: public Subsystem
/// The Application class implements the main subsystem
/// in a process. The application class is responsible for
/// initializing all its subsystems.
/// Subclasses can and should override the following virtual methods:
/// - initialize() (the one-argument, protected variant)
/// - uninitialize()
/// - reinitialize()
/// - defineOptions()
/// - handleOption()
/// - main()
/// The application's main logic should be implemented in
/// the main() method.
/// There may be at most one instance of the Application class
/// in a process.
/// The Application class maintains a LayeredConfiguration (available
/// via the config() member function) consisting of:
/// - a MapConfiguration (priority -100) storing application-specific
/// properties, as well as properties from bound command line arguments.
/// - a SystemConfiguration (priority 100)
/// - the configurations loaded with loadConfiguration().
/// The Application class sets a few default properties in
/// its configuration. These are:
/// - application.path: the absolute path to application executable
/// - the file name of the application executable
/// - application.baseName: the file name (excluding extension) of the application executable
/// - application.dir: the path to the directory where the application executable resides
/// - application.configDir: the path to the directory where the last configuration file loaded with loadConfiguration() was found.
/// If loadConfiguration() has never been called, application.configDir will be equal to application.dir.
/// The POCO_APP_MAIN macro can be used to implement main(argc, argv).
/// If POCO has been built with POCO_WIN32_UTF8, POCO_APP_MAIN supports
/// Unicode command line arguments.
typedef std::vector<std::string> ArgVec;
typedef Poco::AutoPtr<Subsystem> SubsystemPtr;
typedef std::vector<SubsystemPtr> SubsystemVec;
enum ExitCode
/// Commonly used exit status codes.
/// Based on the definitions in the 4.3BSD <sysexits.h> header file.
EXIT_OK = 0, /// successful termination
EXIT_USAGE = 64, /// command line usage error
EXIT_DATAERR = 65, /// data format error
EXIT_NOINPUT = 66, /// cannot open input
EXIT_NOUSER = 67, /// addressee unknown
EXIT_NOHOST = 68, /// host name unknown
EXIT_UNAVAILABLE = 69, /// service unavailable
EXIT_SOFTWARE = 70, /// internal software error
EXIT_OSERR = 71, /// system error (e.g., can't fork)
EXIT_OSFILE = 72, /// critical OS file missing
EXIT_CANTCREAT = 73, /// can't create (user) output file
EXIT_IOERR = 74, /// input/output error
EXIT_TEMPFAIL = 75, /// temp failure; user is invited to retry
EXIT_PROTOCOL = 76, /// remote error in protocol
EXIT_NOPERM = 77, /// permission denied
EXIT_CONFIG = 78 /// configuration error
enum ConfigPriority
/// Creates the Application.
Application(int argc, char* argv[]);
/// Creates the Application and calls init(argc, argv).
void addSubsystem(Subsystem* pSubsystem);
/// Adds a new subsystem to the application. The
/// application immediately takes ownership of it, so that a
/// call in the form
/// Application::instance().addSubsystem(new MySubsystem);
/// is okay.
void init(int argc, char* argv[]);
/// Processes the application's command line arguments
/// and sets the application's properties (e.g.,
/// "application.path", "", etc.).
/// Note that as of release 1.3.7, init() no longer
/// calls initialize(). This is now called from run().
#if defined(POCO_WIN32_UTF8) && !defined(POCO_NO_WSTRING)
void init(int argc, wchar_t* argv[]);
/// Processes the application's command line arguments
/// and sets the application's properties (e.g.,
/// "application.path", "", etc.).
/// Note that as of release 1.3.7, init() no longer
/// calls initialize(). This is now called from run().
/// This Windows-specific version of init is used for passing
/// Unicode command line arguments from wmain().
void init(const ArgVec& args);
/// Processes the application's command line arguments
/// and sets the application's properties (e.g.,
/// "application.path", "", etc.).
/// Note that as of release 1.3.7, init() no longer
/// calls initialize(). This is now called from run().
bool initialized() const;
/// Returns true iff the application is in initialized state
/// (that means, has been initialized but not yet uninitialized).
void setUnixOptions(bool flag);
/// Specify whether command line option handling is Unix-style
/// (flag == true; default) or Windows/OpenVMS-style (flag == false).
/// This member function should be called from the constructor of
/// a subclass to be effective.
int loadConfiguration(int priority = PRIO_DEFAULT);
/// Loads configuration information from a default location.
/// The configuration(s) will be added to the application's
/// LayeredConfiguration with the given priority.
/// The configuration file(s) must be located in the same directory
/// as the executable or a parent directory of it, and must have the
/// same base name as the executable, with one of the following extensions:
/// .properties, .ini or .xml.
/// The .properties file, if it exists, is loaded first, followed
/// by the .ini file and the .xml file.
/// If the application is built in debug mode (the _DEBUG preprocessor
/// macro is defined) and the base name of the appication executable
/// ends with a 'd', a config file without the 'd' ending its base name is
/// also found.
/// Example: Given the application "SampleAppd.exe", built in debug mode.
/// Then loadConfiguration() will automatically find a configuration file
/// named "" if it exists and if ""
/// cannot be found.
/// Returns the number of configuration files loaded, which may be zero.
/// This method must not be called before init(argc, argv)
/// has been called.
void loadConfiguration(const std::string& path, int priority = PRIO_DEFAULT);
/// Loads configuration information from the file specified by
/// the given path. The file type is determined by the file
/// extension. The following extensions are supported:
/// - .properties - properties file (PropertyFileConfiguration)
/// - .ini - initialization file (IniFileConfiguration)
/// - .xml - XML file (XMLConfiguration)
/// Extensions are not case sensitive.
/// The configuration will be added to the application's
/// LayeredConfiguration with the given priority.
template <class C> C& getSubsystem() const;
/// Returns a reference to the subsystem of the class
/// given as template argument.
/// Throws a NotFoundException if such a subsystem has
/// not been registered.
SubsystemVec& subsystems();
/// Returns a reference to the subsystem list
virtual int run();
/// Runs the application by performing additional (un)initializations
/// and calling the main() method.
/// First calls initialize(), then calls main(), and
/// finally calls uninitialize(). The latter will be called
/// even if main() throws an exception. If initialize() throws
/// an exception, main() will not be called and the exception
/// will be propagated to the caller. If uninitialize() throws
/// an exception, the exception will be propagated to the caller.
std::string commandName() const;
/// Returns the command name used to invoke the application.
std::string commandPath() const;
/// Returns the full command path used to invoke the application.
LayeredConfiguration& config() const;
/// Returns the application's configuration.
Poco::Logger& logger() const;
/// Returns the application's logger.
/// Before the logging subsystem has been initialized, the
/// application's logger is "ApplicationStartup", which is
/// connected to a ConsoleChannel.
/// After the logging subsystem has been initialized, which
/// usually happens as the first action in Application::initialize(),
/// the application's logger is the one specified by the
/// "application.logger" configuration property. If that property
/// is not specified, the logger is "Application".
const ArgVec& argv() const;
/// Returns reference to vector of the application's arguments as
/// specified on the command line. If user overrides the
/// Application::main(const ArgVec&) function, it will receive
/// only the command line parameters that were not processed in
/// Application::processOptons(). This function returns the
/// full set of command line parameters as received in
/// main(argc, argv*).
const OptionSet& options() const;
/// Returns the application's option set.
static Application& instance();
/// Returns a reference to the Application singleton.
/// Throws a NullPointerException if no Application instance exists.
const Poco::Timestamp& startTime() const;
/// Returns the application start time (UTC).
Poco::Timespan uptime() const;
/// Returns the application uptime.
void stopOptionsProcessing();
/// If called from an option callback, stops all further
/// options processing.
/// If called, the following options on the command line
/// will not be processed, and required options will not
/// be checked.
/// This is useful, for example, if an option for displaying
/// help information has been encountered and no other things
/// besides displaying help shall be done.
const char* name() const;
void initialize(Application& self);
/// Initializes the application and all registered subsystems.
/// Subsystems are always initialized in the exact same order
/// in which they have been registered.
/// Overriding implementations must call the base class implementation.
void uninitialize();
/// Uninitializes the application and all registered subsystems.
/// Subsystems are always uninitialized in reverse order in which
/// they have been initialized.
/// Overriding implementations must call the base class implementation.
void reinitialize(Application& self);
/// Re-nitializes the application and all registered subsystems.
/// Subsystems are always reinitialized in the exact same order
/// in which they have been registered.
/// Overriding implementations must call the base class implementation.
virtual void defineOptions(OptionSet& options);
/// Called before command line processing begins.
/// If a subclass wants to support command line arguments,
/// it must override this method.
/// The default implementation does not define any options itself,
/// but calls defineOptions() on all registered subsystems.
/// Overriding implementations should call the base class implementation.
virtual void handleOption(const std::string& name, const std::string& value);
/// Called when the option with the given name is encountered
/// during command line arguments processing.
/// The default implementation does option validation, bindings
/// and callback handling.
/// Overriding implementations must call the base class implementation.
void setLogger(Poco::Logger& logger);
/// Sets the logger used by the application.
virtual int main(const std::vector<std::string>& args);
/// The application's main logic.
/// Unprocessed command line arguments are passed in args.
/// Note that all original command line arguments are available
/// via the properties application.argc and application.argv[<n>].
/// Returns an exit code which should be one of the values
/// from the ExitCode enumeration.
bool findFile(Poco::Path& path) const;
/// Searches for the file in path in the application directory.
/// If path is absolute, the method immediately returns true and
/// leaves path unchanged.
/// If path is relative, searches for the file in the application
/// directory and in all subsequent parent directories.
/// Returns true and stores the absolute path to the file in
/// path if the file could be found. Returns false and leaves path
/// unchanged otherwise.
void init();
/// Common initialization code.
/// Destroys the Application and deletes all registered subsystems.
void setup();
void setArgs(int argc, char* argv[]);
void setArgs(const ArgVec& args);
void getApplicationPath(Poco::Path& path) const;
void processOptions();
bool findAppConfigFile(const std::string& appName, const std::string& extension, Poco::Path& path) const;
typedef Poco::AutoPtr<LayeredConfiguration> ConfigPtr;
ConfigPtr _pConfig;
SubsystemVec _subsystems;
bool _initialized;
std::string _command;
ArgVec _argv;
ArgVec _unprocessedArgs;
OptionSet _options;
bool _unixOptions;
Poco::Logger* _pLogger;
Poco::Timestamp _startTime;
bool _stopOptionsProcessing;
#if defined(POCO_OS_FAMILY_UNIX) && !defined(POCO_VXWORKS)
std::string _workingDirAtLaunch;
static Application* _pInstance;
friend class LoggingSubsystem;
Application(const Application&);
Application& operator = (const Application&);
// inlines
template <class C> C& Application::getSubsystem() const
for (SubsystemVec::const_iterator it = _subsystems.begin(); it != _subsystems.end(); ++it)
const Subsystem* pSS(it->get());
const C* pC = dynamic_cast<const C*>(pSS);
if (pC) return *const_cast<C*>(pC);
throw Poco::NotFoundException("The subsystem has not been registered", typeid(C).name());
inline Application::SubsystemVec& Application::subsystems()
return _subsystems;
inline bool Application::initialized() const
return _initialized;
inline LayeredConfiguration& Application::config() const
return *const_cast<LayeredConfiguration*>(_pConfig.get());
inline Poco::Logger& Application::logger() const
poco_check_ptr (_pLogger);
return *_pLogger;
inline const Application::ArgVec& Application::argv() const
return _argv;
inline const OptionSet& Application::options() const
return _options;
inline Application& Application::instance()
poco_check_ptr (_pInstance);
return *_pInstance;
inline const Poco::Timestamp& Application::startTime() const
return _startTime;
inline Poco::Timespan Application::uptime() const
Poco::Timestamp now;
Poco::Timespan uptime = now - _startTime;
return uptime;
} } // namespace Poco::Util
// Macro to implement main()
#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(POCO_WIN32_UTF8) && !defined(POCO_NO_WSTRING)
#define POCO_APP_MAIN(App) \
int wmain(int argc, wchar_t** argv) \
{ \
Poco::AutoPtr<App> pApp = new App; \
try \
{ \
pApp->init(argc, argv); \
} \
catch (Poco::Exception& exc) \
{ \
pApp->logger().log(exc); \
return Poco::Util::Application::EXIT_CONFIG;\
} \
return pApp->run(); \
#elif defined(POCO_VXWORKS)
#define POCO_APP_MAIN(App) \
int pocoAppMain(const char* appName, ...) \
{ \
std::vector<std::string> args; \
args.push_back(std::string(appName)); \
va_list vargs; \
va_start(vargs, appName); \
const char* arg = va_arg(vargs, const char*); \
while (arg) \
{ \
args.push_back(std::string(arg)); \
arg = va_arg(vargs, const char*); \
} \
va_end(vargs); \
Poco::AutoPtr<App> pApp = new App; \
try \
{ \
pApp->init(args); \
} \
catch (Poco::Exception& exc) \
{ \
pApp->logger().log(exc); \
return Poco::Util::Application::EXIT_CONFIG;\
} \
return pApp->run(); \
#define POCO_APP_MAIN(App) \
int main(int argc, char** argv) \
{ \
Poco::AutoPtr<App> pApp = new App; \
try \
{ \
pApp->init(argc, argv); \
} \
catch (Poco::Exception& exc) \
{ \
pApp->logger().log(exc); \
return Poco::Util::Application::EXIT_CONFIG;\
} \
return pApp->run(); \
#endif // Util_Application_INCLUDED