Ivan 97f2a2213e
Move all folders inside /dbms one level up (#9974)
* Move some code outside dbms/src folder
* Fix paths
2020-04-02 02:51:21 +03:00

1479 lines
54 KiB

#include "ExternalLoader.h"
#include <mutex>
#include <pcg_random.hpp>
#include <Common/Config/AbstractConfigurationComparison.h>
#include <Common/Exception.h>
#include <Common/StringUtils/StringUtils.h>
#include <Common/ThreadPool.h>
#include <Common/randomSeed.h>
#include <Common/setThreadName.h>
#include <Common/StatusInfo.h>
#include <ext/chrono_io.h>
#include <ext/scope_guard.h>
#include <boost/range/adaptor/map.hpp>
#include <boost/range/algorithm/copy.hpp>
#include <unordered_set>
namespace CurrentStatusInfo
extern const Status DictionaryStatus;
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR;
extern const int BAD_ARGUMENTS;
template <typename ReturnType>
ReturnType convertTo(ExternalLoader::LoadResult result)
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ReturnType, ExternalLoader::LoadResult>)
return result;
static_assert(std::is_same_v<ReturnType, ExternalLoader::LoadablePtr>);
return std::move(result.object);
template <typename ReturnType>
ReturnType convertTo(ExternalLoader::LoadResults results)
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ReturnType, ExternalLoader::LoadResults>)
return results;
static_assert(std::is_same_v<ReturnType, ExternalLoader::Loadables>);
ExternalLoader::Loadables objects;
for (const auto & result : results)
if (auto object = std::move(result.object))
return objects;
template <typename ReturnType>
ReturnType notExists(const String & name)
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ReturnType, ExternalLoader::LoadResult>)
ExternalLoader::LoadResult res; = name;
return res;
static_assert(std::is_same_v<ReturnType, ExternalLoader::LoadablePtr>);
return nullptr;
/// Lock mutex only in async mode
/// In other case does nothing
struct LoadingGuardForAsyncLoad
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock;
LoadingGuardForAsyncLoad(bool async, std::mutex & mutex)
if (async)
lock = std::unique_lock(mutex);
struct ExternalLoader::ObjectConfig
Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration> config;
String key_in_config;
String repository_name;
bool from_temp_repository = false;
String path;
/** Reads configurations from configuration repository and parses it.
class ExternalLoader::LoadablesConfigReader : private boost::noncopyable
LoadablesConfigReader(const String & type_name_, Logger * log_)
: type_name(type_name_), log(log_)
~LoadablesConfigReader() = default;
using Repository = IExternalLoaderConfigRepository;
void addConfigRepository(std::unique_ptr<Repository> repository)
std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
auto * ptr = repository.get();
repositories.emplace(ptr, RepositoryInfo{std::move(repository), {}});
need_collect_object_configs = true;
void removeConfigRepository(Repository * repository)
std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
auto it = repositories.find(repository);
if (it == repositories.end())
need_collect_object_configs = true;
void setConfigSettings(const ExternalLoaderConfigSettings & settings_)
std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
settings = settings_;
using ObjectConfigsPtr = std::shared_ptr<const std::unordered_map<String /* object's name */, ObjectConfig>>;
/// Reads all repositories.
ObjectConfigsPtr read()
std::lock_guard lock(mutex);
return object_configs;
/// Reads only a specified repository.
/// This functions checks only a specified repository but returns configs from all repositories.
ObjectConfigsPtr read(const String & repository_name)
std::lock_guard lock(mutex);
return object_configs;
/// Reads only a specified path from a specified repository.
/// This functions checks only a specified repository but returns configs from all repositories.
ObjectConfigsPtr read(const String & repository_name, const String & path)
std::lock_guard lock(mutex);
readRepositories(repository_name, path);
return object_configs;
struct FileInfo
Poco::Timestamp last_update_time = 0;
std::vector<std::pair<String, ObjectConfig>> objects; // Parsed contents of the file.
bool in_use = true; // Whether the `FileInfo` should be destroyed because the correspondent file is deleted.
struct RepositoryInfo
std::unique_ptr<Repository> repository;
std::unordered_map<String /* path */, FileInfo> files;
/// Reads the repositories.
/// Checks last modification times of files and read those files which are new or changed.
void readRepositories(const std::optional<String> & only_repository_name = {}, const std::optional<String> & only_path = {})
for (auto & [repository, repository_info] : repositories)
if (only_repository_name && (repository->getName() != *only_repository_name))
for (auto & file_info : repository_info.files | boost::adaptors::map_values)
file_info.in_use = false;
Strings existing_paths;
if (only_path)
if (repository->exists(*only_path))
boost::copy(repository->getAllLoadablesDefinitionNames(), std::back_inserter(existing_paths));
for (const auto & path : existing_paths)
auto it = repository_info.files.find(path);
if (it != repository_info.files.end())
FileInfo & file_info = it->second;
if (readFileInfo(file_info, *repository, path))
need_collect_object_configs = true;
FileInfo file_info;
if (readFileInfo(file_info, *repository, path))
repository_info.files.emplace(path, std::move(file_info));
need_collect_object_configs = true;
Strings deleted_paths;
for (auto & [path, file_info] : repository_info.files)
if (file_info.in_use)
if (only_path && (*only_path != path))
if (!deleted_paths.empty())
for (const String & deleted_path : deleted_paths)
need_collect_object_configs = true;
/// Reads a file, returns true if the file is new or changed.
bool readFileInfo(
FileInfo & file_info,
IExternalLoaderConfigRepository & repository,
const String & path) const
if (path.empty() || !repository.exists(path))
LOG_WARNING(log, "Config file '" + path + "' does not exist");
return false;
auto update_time_from_repository = repository.getUpdateTime(path);
// We can't count on that the mtime increases or that it has
// a particular relation to system time, so just check for strict
// equality.
// Note that on 1.x versions on Poco, the granularity of update
// time is one second, so the window where we can miss the changes
// is that wide (i.e. when we read the file and after that it
// is updated, but in the same second).
// The solution to this is probably switching to std::filesystem
// -- the work is underway to do so.
if (update_time_from_repository == file_info.last_update_time)
file_info.in_use = true;
return false;
LOG_TRACE(log, "Loading config file '" << path << "'.");
auto file_contents = repository.load(path);
/// get all objects' definitions
Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration::Keys keys;
/// for each object defined in repositories
std::vector<std::pair<String, ObjectConfig>> object_configs_from_file;
for (const auto & key : keys)
if (!startsWith(key, settings.external_config))
if (!startsWith(key, "comment") && !startsWith(key, "include_from"))
LOG_WARNING(log, path << ": file contains unknown node '" << key << "', expected '" << settings.external_config << "'");
String object_name = file_contents->getString(key + "." + settings.external_name);
if (object_name.empty())
LOG_WARNING(log, path << ": node '" << key << "' defines " << type_name << " with an empty name. It's not allowed");
String database;
if (!settings.external_database.empty())
database = file_contents->getString(key + "." + settings.external_database, "");
if (!database.empty())
object_name = database + "." + object_name;
object_configs_from_file.emplace_back(object_name, ObjectConfig{file_contents, key, {}, {}, {}});
file_info.objects = std::move(object_configs_from_file);
file_info.last_update_time = update_time_from_repository;
file_info.in_use = true;
return true;
catch (...)
tryLogCurrentException(log, "Failed to load config file '" + path + "'");
return false;
/// Builds a map of current configurations of objects.
void collectObjectConfigs()
if (!need_collect_object_configs)
need_collect_object_configs = false;
// Generate new result.
auto new_configs = std::make_shared<std::unordered_map<String /* object's name */, ObjectConfig>>();
for (const auto & [repository, repository_info] : repositories)
for (const auto & [path, file_info] : repository_info.files)
for (const auto & [object_name, object_config] : file_info.objects)
auto already_added_it = new_configs->find(object_name);
if (already_added_it == new_configs->end())
auto & new_config = new_configs->emplace(object_name, object_config).first->second;
new_config.from_temp_repository = repository->isTemporary();
new_config.repository_name = repository->getName();
new_config.path = path;
const auto & already_added = already_added_it->second;
if (!already_added.from_temp_repository && !repository->isTemporary())
type_name << " '" << object_name << "' is found "
<< (((path == already_added.path) && (repository->getName() == already_added.repository_name))
? ("twice in the same file '" + path + "'")
: ("both in file '" + already_added.path + "' and '" + path + "'")));
object_configs = new_configs;
const String type_name;
Logger * log;
std::mutex mutex;
ExternalLoaderConfigSettings settings;
std::unordered_map<Repository *, RepositoryInfo> repositories;
ObjectConfigsPtr object_configs;
bool need_collect_object_configs = false;
/** Manages loading and reloading objects. Uses configurations from the class LoadablesConfigReader.
* Supports parallel loading.
class ExternalLoader::LoadingDispatcher : private boost::noncopyable
/// Called to load or reload an object.
using CreateObjectFunction = std::function<LoadablePtr(
const String & /* name */, const ObjectConfig & /* config */, const LoadablePtr & /* previous_version */)>;
const CreateObjectFunction & create_object_function_,
const String & type_name_,
Logger * log_)
: create_object(create_object_function_)
, type_name(type_name_)
, log(log_)
std::unique_lock lock{mutex};
infos.clear(); /// We clear this map to tell the threads that we don't want any load results anymore.
/// Wait for all the threads to finish.
while (!loading_threads.empty())
auto it = loading_threads.begin();
auto thread = std::move(it->second);
using ObjectConfigsPtr = LoadablesConfigReader::ObjectConfigsPtr;
/// Sets new configurations for all the objects.
void setConfiguration(const ObjectConfigsPtr & new_configs)
std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
if (configs == new_configs)
LOG_TRACE(log, "Configuration of reloadable objects has changed");
configs = new_configs;
std::vector<String> removed_names;
for (auto & [name, info] : infos)
auto new_config_it = new_configs->find(name);
if (new_config_it == new_configs->end())
LOG_TRACE(log, "Reloadable object '" << name << "' is removed");
const auto & new_config = new_config_it->second;
bool config_is_same = isSameConfiguration(*info.object_config.config, info.object_config.key_in_config, *new_config.config, new_config.key_in_config);
info.object_config = new_config;
if (!config_is_same)
/// Configuration has been changed.
LOG_TRACE(log, "Configuration has changed for reloadable "
"object '" << << "'");
info.object_config = new_config;
if (info.triedToLoad())
/// The object has been tried to load before, so it is currently in use or was in use
/// and we should try to reload it with the new config.
LOG_TRACE(log, "Will reload '" << name << "'"
" because its configuration has changed and"
" there were attempts to load it before");
startLoading(info, true);
/// Insert to the map those objects which added to the new configuration.
for (const auto & [name, config] : *new_configs)
if (infos.find(name) == infos.end())
Info & info = infos.emplace(name, Info{name, config}).first->second;
if (always_load_everything)
LOG_TRACE(log, "Will reload new object '" << name << "'"
" because always_load_everything flag is set.");
/// Remove from the map those objects which were removed from the configuration.
for (const String & name : removed_names)
/// Maybe we have just added new objects which require to be loaded
/// or maybe we have just removed object which were been loaded,
/// so we should notify `event` to recheck conditions in load() and loadAll() now.
/// Sets whether all the objects from the configuration should be always loaded (even if they aren't used).
void enableAlwaysLoadEverything(bool enable)
std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
if (always_load_everything == enable)
always_load_everything = enable;
if (enable)
/// Start loading all the objects which were not loaded yet.
for (auto & [name, info] : infos)
if (!info.triedToLoad())
/// Sets whether the objects should be loaded asynchronously, each loading in a new thread (from the thread pool).
void enableAsyncLoading(bool enable)
enable_async_loading = enable;
/// Returns the status of the object.
/// If the object has not been loaded yet then the function returns Status::NOT_LOADED.
/// If the specified name isn't found in the configuration then the function returns Status::NOT_EXIST.
Status getCurrentStatus(const String & name) const
std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
const Info * info = getInfo(name);
if (!info)
return Status::NOT_EXIST;
return info->status();
/// Returns the load result of the object.
template <typename ReturnType>
ReturnType getCurrentLoadResult(const String & name) const
std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
const Info * info = getInfo(name);
if (!info)
return notExists<ReturnType>(name);
return info->getLoadResult<ReturnType>();
/// Returns all the load results as a map.
/// The function doesn't load anything, it just returns the current load results as is.
template <typename ReturnType>
ReturnType getCurrentLoadResults(const FilterByNameFunction & filter) const
std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
return collectLoadResults<ReturnType>(filter);
size_t getNumberOfCurrentlyLoadedObjects() const
std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
size_t count = 0;
for (const auto & name_and_info : infos)
const auto & info = name_and_info.second;
if (info.loaded())
return count;
bool hasCurrentlyLoadedObjects() const
std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
for (auto & name_info : infos)
if (name_info.second.loaded())
return true;
return false;
Strings getAllTriedToLoadNames() const
std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
Strings names;
for (auto & [name, info] : infos)
if (info.triedToLoad())
return names;
/// Tries to load a specified object during the timeout.
template <typename ReturnType>
ReturnType tryLoad(const String & name, Duration timeout)
std::unique_lock lock{mutex};
Info * info = loadImpl(name, timeout, false, lock);
if (!info)
return notExists<ReturnType>(name);
return info->getLoadResult<ReturnType>();
template <typename ReturnType>
ReturnType tryLoad(const FilterByNameFunction & filter, Duration timeout)
std::unique_lock lock{mutex};
loadImpl(filter, timeout, false, lock);
return collectLoadResults<ReturnType>(filter);
/// Tries to load or reload a specified object.
template <typename ReturnType>
ReturnType tryLoadOrReload(const String & name, Duration timeout)
std::unique_lock lock{mutex};
Info * info = loadImpl(name, timeout, true, lock);
if (!info)
return notExists<ReturnType>(name);
return info->getLoadResult<ReturnType>();
template <typename ReturnType>
ReturnType tryLoadOrReload(const FilterByNameFunction & filter, Duration timeout)
std::unique_lock lock{mutex};
loadImpl(filter, timeout, true, lock);
return collectLoadResults<ReturnType>(filter);
/// Starts reloading all the object which update time is earlier than now.
/// The function doesn't touch the objects which were never tried to load.
void reloadOutdated()
/// Iterate through all the objects and find loaded ones which should be checked if they need update.
std::unordered_map<LoadablePtr, bool> should_update_map;
std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
TimePoint now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
for (const auto & name_and_info : infos)
const auto & info = name_and_info.second;
if ((now >= info.next_update_time) && !info.isLoading() && info.loaded())
should_update_map.emplace(info.object, info.failedToReload());
/// Find out which of the loaded objects were modified.
/// We couldn't perform these checks while we were building `should_update_map` because
/// the `mutex` should be unlocked while we're calling the function object->isModified()
for (auto & [object, should_update_flag] : should_update_map)
/// Maybe already true, if we have an exception
if (!should_update_flag)
should_update_flag = object->isModified();
catch (...)
tryLogCurrentException(log, "Could not check if " + type_name + " '" + object->getLoadableName() + "' was modified");
/// Cannot check isModified, so update
should_update_flag = true;
/// Iterate through all the objects again and either start loading or just set `next_update_time`.
std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
TimePoint now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
for (auto & [name, info] : infos)
if ((now >= info.next_update_time) && !info.isLoading())
if (info.loaded())
auto it = should_update_map.find(info.object);
if (it == should_update_map.end())
continue; /// Object has been just loaded (it wasn't loaded while we were building the map `should_update_map`), so we don't have to reload it right now.
bool should_update_flag = it->second;
if (!should_update_flag)
info.next_update_time = calculateNextUpdateTime(info.object, info.error_count);
LOG_TRACE(log, "Object '" << << "'"
" not modified, will not reload. "
"Next update at "
<< ext::to_string(info.next_update_time));
/// Object was modified or it was failed to reload last time, so it should be reloaded.
else if (info.failed())
/// Object was never loaded successfully and should be reloaded.
LOG_TRACE(log, "Object '" << << "' is neither"
" loaded nor failed, so it will not be reloaded as outdated.");
struct Info
Info(const String & name_, const ObjectConfig & object_config_) : name(name_), object_config(object_config_) {}
bool loaded() const { return object != nullptr; }
bool failed() const { return !object && exception; }
bool loadedOrFailed() const { return loaded() || failed(); }
bool triedToLoad() const { return loaded() || failed() || isLoading(); }
bool failedToReload() const { return loaded() && exception != nullptr; }
bool isLoading() const { return loading_id > state_id; }
Status status() const
if (object)
return isLoading() ? Status::LOADED_AND_RELOADING : Status::LOADED;
else if (exception)
return isLoading() ? Status::FAILED_AND_RELOADING : Status::FAILED;
return isLoading() ? Status::LOADING : Status::NOT_LOADED;
Duration loadingDuration() const
if (isLoading())
return std::chrono::duration_cast<Duration>(std::chrono::system_clock::now() - loading_start_time);
return std::chrono::duration_cast<Duration>(loading_end_time - loading_start_time);
template <typename ReturnType>
ReturnType getLoadResult() const
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ReturnType, LoadResult>)
LoadResult result; = name;
result.status = status();
result.object = object;
result.exception = exception;
result.loading_start_time = loading_start_time;
result.last_successful_update_time = last_successful_update_time;
result.loading_duration = loadingDuration();
result.origin = object_config.path;
result.repository_name = object_config.repository_name;
return result;
static_assert(std::is_same_v<ReturnType, ExternalLoader::LoadablePtr>);
return object;
String name;
LoadablePtr object;
ObjectConfig object_config;
TimePoint loading_start_time;
TimePoint loading_end_time;
TimePoint last_successful_update_time;
size_t state_id = 0; /// Index of the current state of this `info`, this index is incremented every loading.
size_t loading_id = 0; /// The value which will be stored in `state_id` after finishing the current loading.
size_t error_count = 0; /// Numbers of errors since last successful loading.
std::exception_ptr exception; /// Last error occurred.
TimePoint next_update_time = TimePoint::max(); /// Time of the next update, `TimePoint::max()` means "never".
Info * getInfo(const String & name)
auto it = infos.find(name);
if (it == infos.end())
return nullptr;
return &it->second;
const Info * getInfo(const String & name) const
auto it = infos.find(name);
if (it == infos.end())
return nullptr;
return &it->second;
template <typename ReturnType>
ReturnType collectLoadResults(const FilterByNameFunction & filter) const
ReturnType results;
for (const auto & [name, info] : infos)
if (filter(name))
auto result = info.template getLoadResult<typename ReturnType::value_type>();
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<typename ReturnType::value_type, LoadablePtr>)
if (!result)
return results;
Info * loadImpl(const String & name, Duration timeout, bool forced_to_reload, std::unique_lock<std::mutex> & lock)
std::optional<size_t> min_id;
Info * info = nullptr;
auto pred = [&]
info = getInfo(name);
if (!info)
return true; /// stop
if (!min_id)
min_id = getMinIDToFinishLoading(forced_to_reload);
if (info->state_id >= min_id)
return true; /// stop
if (info->loading_id < min_id)
startLoading(*info, forced_to_reload, *min_id);
return false; /// wait for the next event
if (timeout == WAIT)
event.wait(lock, pred);
event.wait_for(lock, timeout, pred);
return info;
void loadImpl(const FilterByNameFunction & filter, Duration timeout, bool forced_to_reload, std::unique_lock<std::mutex> & lock)
std::optional<size_t> min_id;
auto pred = [&]
if (!min_id)
min_id = getMinIDToFinishLoading(forced_to_reload);
bool all_ready = true;
for (auto & [name, info] : infos)
if (!filter(name))
if (info.state_id >= min_id)
all_ready = false;
if (info.loading_id < min_id)
startLoading(info, forced_to_reload, *min_id);
return all_ready;
if (timeout == WAIT)
event.wait(lock, pred);
event.wait_for(lock, timeout, pred);
/// When state_id >= getMinIDToFinishLoading() the loading is considered as finished.
size_t getMinIDToFinishLoading(bool forced_to_reload) const
if (forced_to_reload)
/// We need to force reloading, that's why we return next_id_counter here
/// (because info.state_id < next_id_counter for any info).
return next_id_counter;
/// The loading of an object can cause the loading of another object.
/// We use the same "min_id" in this case to allows reloading multiple objects at once
/// taking into account their dependencies.
auto it = min_id_to_finish_loading_dependencies.find(std::this_thread::get_id());
if (it != min_id_to_finish_loading_dependencies.end())
return it->second;
/// We just need the first loading to be finished, that's why we return 1 here
/// (because info.state_id >= 1 since the first loading is finished, successfully or not).
return 1;
void startLoading(Info & info, bool forced_to_reload = false, size_t min_id_to_finish_loading_dependencies_ = 1)
if (info.isLoading())
LOG_TRACE(log, "The object '" << <<
"' is already being loaded, force = " << forced_to_reload << ".");
if (!forced_to_reload)
/// All loadings have unique loading IDs.
size_t loading_id = next_id_counter++;
info.loading_id = loading_id;
info.loading_start_time = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
info.loading_end_time = TimePoint{};
LOG_TRACE(log, "Will load the object '" << << "' "
<< (enable_async_loading ? std::string("in background")
: "immediately")
<< ", force = " << forced_to_reload
<< ", loading_id = " << info.loading_id);
if (enable_async_loading)
/// Put a job to the thread pool for the loading.
auto thread = ThreadFromGlobalPool{&LoadingDispatcher::doLoading, this,, loading_id, forced_to_reload, min_id_to_finish_loading_dependencies_, true};
loading_threads.try_emplace(loading_id, std::move(thread));
/// Perform the loading immediately.
doLoading(, loading_id, forced_to_reload, min_id_to_finish_loading_dependencies_, false);
static void cancelLoading(Info & info)
if (!info.isLoading())
/// In fact we cannot actually CANCEL the loading (because it's possibly already being performed in another thread).
/// But we can reset the `loading_id` and doLoading() will understand it as a signal to stop loading.
info.loading_id = info.state_id;
info.loading_end_time = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
/// Does the loading, possibly in the separate thread.
void doLoading(const String & name, size_t loading_id, bool forced_to_reload, size_t min_id_to_finish_loading_dependencies_, bool async)
LOG_TRACE(log, "Start loading object '" << name << "'");
/// Prepare for loading.
std::optional<Info> info;
LoadingGuardForAsyncLoad lock(async, mutex);
info = prepareToLoadSingleObject(name, loading_id, min_id_to_finish_loading_dependencies_, lock);
if (!info)
LOG_TRACE(log, "Could not lock object '" << name
<< "' for loading");
/// Previous version can be used as the base for new loading, enabling loading only part of data.
auto previous_version_as_base_for_loading = info->object;
if (forced_to_reload)
previous_version_as_base_for_loading = nullptr; /// Need complete reloading, cannot use the previous version.
/// Loading.
auto [new_object, new_exception] = loadSingleObject(name, info->object_config, previous_version_as_base_for_loading);
if (!new_object && !new_exception)
throw Exception("No object created and no exception raised for " + type_name, ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
/// Saving the result of the loading.
LoadingGuardForAsyncLoad lock(async, mutex);
saveResultOfLoadingSingleObject(name, loading_id, info->object, new_object, new_exception, info->error_count, lock);
finishLoadingSingleObject(name, loading_id, lock);
catch (...)
LoadingGuardForAsyncLoad lock(async, mutex);
finishLoadingSingleObject(name, loading_id, lock);
/// Returns single object info, checks loading_id and name.
std::optional<Info> prepareToLoadSingleObject(
const String & name, size_t loading_id, size_t min_id_to_finish_loading_dependencies_, const LoadingGuardForAsyncLoad &)
Info * info = getInfo(name);
/// We check here if this is exactly the same loading as we planned to perform.
/// This check is necessary because the object could be removed or load with another config before this thread even starts.
if (!info || !info->isLoading() || (info->loading_id != loading_id))
return {};
min_id_to_finish_loading_dependencies[std::this_thread::get_id()] = min_id_to_finish_loading_dependencies_;
return *info;
/// Load one object, returns object ptr or exception.
std::pair<LoadablePtr, std::exception_ptr>
loadSingleObject(const String & name, const ObjectConfig & config, LoadablePtr previous_version)
/// Use `create_function` to perform the actual loading.
/// It's much better to do it with `mutex` unlocked because the loading can take a lot of time
/// and require access to other objects.
LoadablePtr new_object;
std::exception_ptr new_exception;
new_object = create_object(name, config, previous_version);
catch (...)
new_exception = std::current_exception();
return std::make_pair(new_object, new_exception);
/// Saves the result of the loading, calculates the time of the next update, and handles errors.
void saveResultOfLoadingSingleObject(
const String & name,
size_t loading_id,
LoadablePtr previous_version,
LoadablePtr new_object,
std::exception_ptr new_exception,
size_t error_count,
const LoadingGuardForAsyncLoad &)
/// Calculate a new update time.
TimePoint next_update_time;
if (new_exception)
error_count = 0;
LoadablePtr object = previous_version;
if (new_object)
object = new_object;
next_update_time = calculateNextUpdateTime(object, error_count);
catch (...)
tryLogCurrentException(log, "Cannot find out when the " + type_name + " '" + name + "' should be updated");
next_update_time = TimePoint::max();
Info * info = getInfo(name);
/// We should check if this is still the same loading as we were doing.
/// This is necessary because the object could be removed or load with another config while the `mutex` was unlocked.
if (!info)
LOG_TRACE(log, "Next update time for '" << name << "' will not be set because this object was not found.");
if (!info->isLoading())
LOG_TRACE(log, "Next update time for '" << name << "' will not be set because this object is not currently loading.");
if (info->loading_id != loading_id)
LOG_TRACE(log, "Next update time for '" << name << "' will not be set because this object's current loading_id "
<< info->loading_id << " is different from the specified " << loading_id << ".");
if (new_exception)
auto next_update_time_description = [next_update_time]
if (next_update_time == TimePoint::max())
return String();
return ", next update is scheduled at " + ext::to_string(next_update_time);
if (previous_version)
tryLogException(new_exception, log, "Could not update " + type_name + " '" + name + "'"
", leaving the previous version" + next_update_time_description());
tryLogException(new_exception, log, "Could not load " + type_name + " '" + name + "'" + next_update_time_description());
if (new_object)
info->object = new_object;
info->exception = new_exception;
info->error_count = error_count;
const auto current_time = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
info->loading_end_time = current_time;
if (!info->exception)
info->last_successful_update_time = current_time;
info->state_id = info->loading_id;
info->next_update_time = next_update_time;
LOG_TRACE(log, "Next update time for '" << info->name
<< "' was set to " << ext::to_string(next_update_time));
/// Removes the references to the loading thread from the maps.
void finishLoadingSingleObject(const String & name, size_t loading_id, const LoadingGuardForAsyncLoad &)
Info * info = getInfo(name);
if (info && (info->loading_id == loading_id))
info->loading_id = info->state_id;
CurrentStatusInfo::set(CurrentStatusInfo::DictionaryStatus, name, static_cast<Int8>(info->status()));
auto it = loading_threads.find(loading_id);
if (it != loading_threads.end())
/// Calculate next update time for loaded_object. Can be called without mutex locking,
/// because single loadable can be loaded in single thread only.
TimePoint calculateNextUpdateTime(const LoadablePtr & loaded_object, size_t error_count) const
static constexpr auto never = TimePoint::max();
if (loaded_object)
if (!loaded_object->supportUpdates())
LOG_TRACE(log, "Supposed update time for "
"'" + loaded_object->getLoadableName() + "'"
" is never (loaded, does not support updates)");
return never;
/// do not update loadable objects with zero as lifetime
const auto & lifetime = loaded_object->getLifetime();
if (lifetime.min_sec == 0 && lifetime.max_sec == 0)
LOG_TRACE(log, "Supposed update time for "
"'" + loaded_object->getLoadableName() + "'"
" is never (loaded, lifetime 0)");
return never;
if (!error_count)
std::uniform_int_distribution<UInt64> distribution{lifetime.min_sec, lifetime.max_sec};
auto result = std::chrono::system_clock::now() + std::chrono::seconds{distribution(rnd_engine)};
LOG_TRACE(log, "Supposed update time for "
"'" << loaded_object->getLoadableName() << "'"
" is " << ext::to_string(result)
<< " (loaded, lifetime [" << lifetime.min_sec
<< ", " << lifetime.max_sec << "], no errors)");
return result;
auto result = std::chrono::system_clock::now() + std::chrono::seconds(calculateDurationWithBackoff(rnd_engine, error_count));
LOG_TRACE(log, "Supposed update time for '" << loaded_object->getLoadableName() << "'"
" is " << ext::to_string(result)
<< " (backoff, " << error_count << " errors)");
return result;
auto result = std::chrono::system_clock::now() + std::chrono::seconds(calculateDurationWithBackoff(rnd_engine, error_count));
LOG_TRACE(log, "Supposed update time for unspecified object "
" is " << ext::to_string(result)
<< " (backoff, " << error_count << " errors.");
return result;
const CreateObjectFunction create_object;
const String type_name;
Logger * log;
mutable std::mutex mutex;
std::condition_variable event;
ObjectConfigsPtr configs;
std::unordered_map<String, Info> infos;
bool always_load_everything = false;
std::atomic<bool> enable_async_loading = false;
std::unordered_map<size_t, ThreadFromGlobalPool> loading_threads;
std::unordered_map<std::thread::id, size_t> min_id_to_finish_loading_dependencies;
size_t next_id_counter = 1; /// should always be > 0
mutable pcg64 rnd_engine{randomSeed()};
class ExternalLoader::PeriodicUpdater : private boost::noncopyable
static constexpr UInt64 check_period_sec = 5;
PeriodicUpdater(LoadablesConfigReader & config_files_reader_, LoadingDispatcher & loading_dispatcher_)
: config_files_reader(config_files_reader_), loading_dispatcher(loading_dispatcher_)
~PeriodicUpdater() { enable(false); }
void enable(bool enable_)
std::unique_lock lock{mutex};
enabled = enable_;
if (enable_)
if (!thread.joinable())
/// Starts the thread which will do periodic updates.
thread = ThreadFromGlobalPool{&PeriodicUpdater::doPeriodicUpdates, this};
if (thread.joinable())
/// Wait for the thread to finish.
auto temp_thread = std::move(thread);
void doPeriodicUpdates()
std::unique_lock lock{mutex};
auto pred = [this] { return !enabled; };
while (!event.wait_for(lock, std::chrono::seconds(check_period_sec), pred))
LoadablesConfigReader & config_files_reader;
LoadingDispatcher & loading_dispatcher;
mutable std::mutex mutex;
bool enabled = false;
ThreadFromGlobalPool thread;
std::condition_variable event;
ExternalLoader::ExternalLoader(const String & type_name_, Logger * log_)
: config_files_reader(std::make_unique<LoadablesConfigReader>(type_name_, log_))
, loading_dispatcher(std::make_unique<LoadingDispatcher>(
std::bind(&ExternalLoader::createObject, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3),
, periodic_updater(std::make_unique<PeriodicUpdater>(*config_files_reader, *loading_dispatcher))
, type_name(type_name_)
, log(log_)
ExternalLoader::~ExternalLoader() = default;
ext::scope_guard ExternalLoader::addConfigRepository(std::unique_ptr<IExternalLoaderConfigRepository> repository)
auto * ptr = repository.get();
String name = ptr->getName();
return [this, ptr, name]()
void ExternalLoader::setConfigSettings(const ExternalLoaderConfigSettings & settings)
void ExternalLoader::enableAlwaysLoadEverything(bool enable)
void ExternalLoader::enableAsyncLoading(bool enable)
void ExternalLoader::enablePeriodicUpdates(bool enable_)
bool ExternalLoader::hasCurrentlyLoadedObjects() const
return loading_dispatcher->hasCurrentlyLoadedObjects();
ExternalLoader::Status ExternalLoader::getCurrentStatus(const String & name) const
return loading_dispatcher->getCurrentStatus(name);
template <typename ReturnType, typename>
ReturnType ExternalLoader::getCurrentLoadResult(const String & name) const
return loading_dispatcher->getCurrentLoadResult<ReturnType>(name);
template <typename ReturnType, typename>
ReturnType ExternalLoader::getCurrentLoadResults(const FilterByNameFunction & filter) const
return loading_dispatcher->getCurrentLoadResults<ReturnType>(filter);
ExternalLoader::Loadables ExternalLoader::getCurrentlyLoadedObjects() const
return getCurrentLoadResults<Loadables>();
ExternalLoader::Loadables ExternalLoader::getCurrentlyLoadedObjects(const FilterByNameFunction & filter) const
return getCurrentLoadResults<Loadables>(filter);
size_t ExternalLoader::getNumberOfCurrentlyLoadedObjects() const
return loading_dispatcher->getNumberOfCurrentlyLoadedObjects();
template <typename ReturnType, typename>
ReturnType ExternalLoader::tryLoad(const String & name, Duration timeout) const
return loading_dispatcher->tryLoad<ReturnType>(name, timeout);
template <typename ReturnType, typename>
ReturnType ExternalLoader::tryLoad(const FilterByNameFunction & filter, Duration timeout) const
return loading_dispatcher->tryLoad<ReturnType>(filter, timeout);
template <typename ReturnType, typename>
ReturnType ExternalLoader::load(const String & name) const
auto result = tryLoad<LoadResult>(name);
checkLoaded(result, false);
return convertTo<ReturnType>(result);
template <typename ReturnType, typename>
ReturnType ExternalLoader::load(const FilterByNameFunction & filter) const
auto results = tryLoad<LoadResults>(filter);
checkLoaded(results, false);
return convertTo<ReturnType>(results);
template <typename ReturnType, typename>
ReturnType ExternalLoader::loadOrReload(const String & name) const
auto result = loading_dispatcher->tryLoadOrReload<LoadResult>(name, WAIT);
checkLoaded(result, true);
return convertTo<ReturnType>(result);
template <typename ReturnType, typename>
ReturnType ExternalLoader::loadOrReload(const FilterByNameFunction & filter) const
auto results = loading_dispatcher->tryLoadOrReload<LoadResults>(filter, WAIT);
checkLoaded(results, true);
return convertTo<ReturnType>(results);
template <typename ReturnType, typename>
ReturnType ExternalLoader::reloadAllTriedToLoad() const
std::unordered_set<String> names;
boost::range::copy(getAllTriedToLoadNames(), std::inserter(names, names.end()));
return loadOrReload<ReturnType>([&names](const String & name) { return names.count(name); });
Strings ExternalLoader::getAllTriedToLoadNames() const
return loading_dispatcher->getAllTriedToLoadNames();
void ExternalLoader::checkLoaded(const ExternalLoader::LoadResult & result,
bool check_no_errors) const
if (result.object && (!check_no_errors || !result.exception))
if (result.status == ExternalLoader::Status::LOADING)
throw Exception(type_name + " '" + + "' is still loading", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS);
if (result.exception)
if (result.status == ExternalLoader::Status::NOT_EXIST)
throw Exception(type_name + " '" + + "' not found", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS);
if (result.status == ExternalLoader::Status::NOT_LOADED)
throw Exception(type_name + " '" + + "' not tried to load", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS);
void ExternalLoader::checkLoaded(const ExternalLoader::LoadResults & results,
bool check_no_errors) const
std::exception_ptr exception;
for (const auto & result : results)
checkLoaded(result, check_no_errors);
catch (...)
if (!exception)
exception = std::current_exception();
if (exception)
void ExternalLoader::reloadConfig() const
void ExternalLoader::reloadConfig(const String & repository_name) const
void ExternalLoader::reloadConfig(const String & repository_name, const String & path) const
loading_dispatcher->setConfiguration(config_files_reader->read(repository_name, path));
ExternalLoader::LoadablePtr ExternalLoader::createObject(
const String & name, const ObjectConfig & config, const LoadablePtr & previous_version) const
if (previous_version)
return previous_version->clone();
return create(name, *config.config, config.key_in_config, config.repository_name);
template ExternalLoader::LoadablePtr ExternalLoader::getCurrentLoadResult<ExternalLoader::LoadablePtr>(const String &) const;
template ExternalLoader::LoadResult ExternalLoader::getCurrentLoadResult<ExternalLoader::LoadResult>(const String &) const;
template ExternalLoader::Loadables ExternalLoader::getCurrentLoadResults<ExternalLoader::Loadables>(const FilterByNameFunction &) const;
template ExternalLoader::LoadResults ExternalLoader::getCurrentLoadResults<ExternalLoader::LoadResults>(const FilterByNameFunction &) const;
template ExternalLoader::LoadablePtr ExternalLoader::tryLoad<ExternalLoader::LoadablePtr>(const String &, Duration) const;
template ExternalLoader::LoadResult ExternalLoader::tryLoad<ExternalLoader::LoadResult>(const String &, Duration) const;
template ExternalLoader::Loadables ExternalLoader::tryLoad<ExternalLoader::Loadables>(const FilterByNameFunction &, Duration) const;
template ExternalLoader::LoadResults ExternalLoader::tryLoad<ExternalLoader::LoadResults>(const FilterByNameFunction &, Duration) const;
template ExternalLoader::LoadablePtr ExternalLoader::load<ExternalLoader::LoadablePtr>(const String &) const;
template ExternalLoader::LoadResult ExternalLoader::load<ExternalLoader::LoadResult>(const String &) const;
template ExternalLoader::Loadables ExternalLoader::load<ExternalLoader::Loadables>(const FilterByNameFunction &) const;
template ExternalLoader::LoadResults ExternalLoader::load<ExternalLoader::LoadResults>(const FilterByNameFunction &) const;
template ExternalLoader::LoadablePtr ExternalLoader::loadOrReload<ExternalLoader::LoadablePtr>(const String &) const;
template ExternalLoader::LoadResult ExternalLoader::loadOrReload<ExternalLoader::LoadResult>(const String &) const;
template ExternalLoader::Loadables ExternalLoader::loadOrReload<ExternalLoader::Loadables>(const FilterByNameFunction &) const;
template ExternalLoader::LoadResults ExternalLoader::loadOrReload<ExternalLoader::LoadResults>(const FilterByNameFunction &) const;
template ExternalLoader::Loadables ExternalLoader::reloadAllTriedToLoad<ExternalLoader::Loadables>() const;
template ExternalLoader::LoadResults ExternalLoader::reloadAllTriedToLoad<ExternalLoader::LoadResults>() const;