2019-06-29 20:27:32 +03:00

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#pragma once
#include <chrono>
#include <functional>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <Core/Types.h>
#include <Interpreters/IExternalLoadable.h>
#include <Interpreters/IExternalLoaderConfigRepository.h>
#include <common/logger_useful.h>
namespace DB
struct ExternalLoaderUpdateSettings
UInt64 check_period_sec = 5;
UInt64 backoff_initial_sec = 5;
/// 10 minutes
UInt64 backoff_max_sec = 10 * 60;
ExternalLoaderUpdateSettings() = default;
ExternalLoaderUpdateSettings(UInt64 check_period_sec, UInt64 backoff_initial_sec, UInt64 backoff_max_sec)
: check_period_sec(check_period_sec), backoff_initial_sec(backoff_initial_sec), backoff_max_sec(backoff_max_sec) {}
/* External configuration structure.
* <external_group>
* <external_config>
* <external_name>name</external_name>
* ....
* </external_config>
* </external_group>
struct ExternalLoaderConfigSettings
std::string external_config;
std::string external_name;
std::string path_setting_name;
/** Manages user-defined objects.
* Monitors configuration file and automatically reloads objects in separate threads.
* The monitoring thread wakes up every 'check_period_sec' seconds and checks
* modification time of objects' configuration file. If said time is greater than
* 'config_last_modified', the objects are created from scratch using configuration file,
* possibly overriding currently existing objects with the same name (previous versions of
* overridden objects will live as long as there are any users retaining them).
* Apart from checking configuration file for modifications, each object
* has a lifetime of its own and may be updated if it supportUpdates.
* The time of next update is calculated by choosing uniformly a random number
* distributed between lifetime.min_sec and lifetime.max_sec.
* If either of lifetime.min_sec and lifetime.max_sec is zero, such object is never updated.
class ExternalLoader
using LoadablePtr = std::shared_ptr<const IExternalLoadable>;
using Loadables = std::vector<LoadablePtr>;
enum class Status
NOT_LOADED, /// Object hasn't been tried to load. This is an initial state.
LOADED, /// Object has been loaded successfully.
FAILED, /// Object has been failed to load.
LOADING, /// Object is being loaded right now for the first time.
FAILED_AND_RELOADING, /// Object was failed to load before and it's being reloaded right now.
LOADED_AND_RELOADING, /// Object was loaded successfully before and it's being reloaded right now.
NOT_EXIST, /// Object with this name wasn't found in the configuration.
static std::vector<std::pair<String, Int8>> getStatusEnumAllPossibleValues();
using Duration = std::chrono::milliseconds;
using TimePoint = std::chrono::system_clock::time_point;
struct LoadResult
LoadResult(Status status_) : status(status_) {}
Status status;
LoadablePtr object;
String origin;
TimePoint loading_start_time;
Duration loading_duration;
std::exception_ptr exception;
using LoadResults = std::vector<std::pair<String, LoadResult>>;
ExternalLoader(const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & main_config, const String & type_name_, Logger * log);
virtual ~ExternalLoader();
/// Adds a repository which will be used to read configurations from.
void addConfigRepository(
std::unique_ptr<IExternalLoaderConfigRepository> config_repository, const ExternalLoaderConfigSettings & config_settings);
/// Sets whether all the objects from the configuration should be always loaded (even those which are never used).
void enableAlwaysLoadEverything(bool enable);
/// Sets whether the objects should be loaded asynchronously, each loading in a new thread (from the thread pool).
void enableAsyncLoading(bool enable);
/// Sets settings for periodic updates.
void enablePeriodicUpdates(bool enable, const ExternalLoaderUpdateSettings & settings = {});
/// Returns the status of the object.
/// If the object has not been loaded yet then the function returns Status::NOT_LOADED.
/// If the specified name isn't found in the configuration then the function returns Status::NOT_EXIST.
Status getCurrentStatus(const String & name) const;
/// Returns the result of loading the object.
/// The function doesn't load anything, it just returns the current load result as is.
LoadResult getCurrentLoadResult(const String & name) const;
using FilterByNameFunction = std::function<bool(const String &)>;
/// Returns all the load results as a map.
/// The function doesn't load anything, it just returns the current load results as is.
LoadResults getCurrentLoadResults() const;
LoadResults getCurrentLoadResults(const FilterByNameFunction & filter_by_name) const;
/// Returns all loaded objects as a map.
/// The function doesn't load anything, it just returns the current load results as is.
Loadables getCurrentlyLoadedObjects() const;
Loadables getCurrentlyLoadedObjects(const FilterByNameFunction & filter_by_name) const;
size_t getNumberOfCurrentlyLoadedObjects() const;
/// Returns true if any object was loaded.
bool hasCurrentlyLoadedObjects() const;
static constexpr Duration NO_TIMEOUT = Duration::max();
/// Starts loading of a specified object.
void load(const String & name) const;
/// Tries to finish loading of a specified object during the timeout.
/// Returns nullptr if the loading is unsuccessful or if there is no such object.
void load(const String & name, LoadablePtr & loaded_object, Duration timeout = NO_TIMEOUT) const;
void load(const String & name, LoadResult & load_result, Duration timeout = NO_TIMEOUT) const;
LoadablePtr loadAndGet(const String & name, Duration timeout = NO_TIMEOUT) const { LoadablePtr object; load(name, object, timeout); return object; }
LoadablePtr tryGetLoadable(const String & name) const { return loadAndGet(name); }
/// Tries to finish loading of a specified object during the timeout.
/// Throws an exception if the loading is unsuccessful or if there is no such object.
void loadStrict(const String & name, LoadablePtr & loaded_object) const;
void loadStrict(const String & name, LoadResult & load_result) const;
LoadablePtr loadAndGetStrict(const String & name) const { LoadablePtr object; loadStrict(name, object); return object; }
LoadablePtr getLoadable(const String & name) const { return loadAndGetStrict(name); }
/// Tries to start loading of the objects for which the specified function returns true.
void load(const FilterByNameFunction & filter_by_name) const;
/// Tries to finish loading of the objects for which the specified function returns true.
void load(const FilterByNameFunction & filter_by_name, Loadables & loaded_objects, Duration timeout = NO_TIMEOUT) const;
void load(const FilterByNameFunction & filter_by_name, LoadResults & load_results, Duration timeout = NO_TIMEOUT) const;
Loadables loadAndGet(const FilterByNameFunction & filter_by_name, Duration timeout = NO_TIMEOUT) const { Loadables loaded_objects; load(filter_by_name, loaded_objects, timeout); return loaded_objects; }
/// Starts loading of all the objects.
void load() const;
/// Tries to finish loading of all the objects during the timeout.
void load(Loadables & loaded_objects, Duration timeout = NO_TIMEOUT) const;
void load(LoadResults & load_results, Duration timeout = NO_TIMEOUT) const;
/// Starts reloading of a specified object.
/// `load_never_loading` specifies what to do if the object has never been loading before.
/// The function can either skip it (false) or load for the first time (true).
void reload(const String & name, bool load_never_loading = false);
/// Starts reloading of the objects for which the specified function returns true.
/// `load_never_loading` specifies what to do with the objects which have never been loading before.
/// The function can either skip them (false) or load for the first time (true).
void reload(const FilterByNameFunction & filter_by_name, bool load_never_loading = false);
/// Starts reloading of all the objects.
/// `load_never_loading` specifies what to do with the objects which have never been loading before.
/// The function can either skip them (false) or load for the first time (true).
void reload(bool load_never_loading = false);
virtual LoadablePtr create(const String & name, const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config, const String & key_in_config) const = 0;
struct ObjectConfig;
using ObjectWithException = std::pair<LoadablePtr, std::exception_ptr>;
createObject(const String & name, const ObjectConfig & config, bool config_changed, const LoadablePtr & previous_version) const;
TimePoint calculateNextUpdateTime(const LoadablePtr & loaded_object, size_t error_count) const;
class ConfigFilesReader;
std::unique_ptr<ConfigFilesReader> config_files_reader;
class LoadingDispatcher;
std::unique_ptr<LoadingDispatcher> loading_dispatcher;
class PeriodicUpdater;
std::unique_ptr<PeriodicUpdater> periodic_updater;
const String type_name;
String toString(ExternalLoader::Status status);
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, ExternalLoader::Status status);