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#include <Columns/ColumnString.h>
#include <Columns/Collator.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnsCommon.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnCompressed.h>
#include <Columns/MaskOperations.h>
#include <Common/Arena.h>
#include <Common/HashTable/StringHashSet.h>
#include <Common/HashTable/Hash.h>
#include <Common/WeakHash.h>
#include <Common/assert_cast.h>
#include <Common/memcmpSmall.h>
#include <base/sort.h>
#include <base/unaligned.h>
#include <base/scope_guard.h>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int PARAMETER_OUT_OF_BOUND;
extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR;
ColumnString::ColumnString(const ColumnString & src)
: COWHelper<IColumnHelper<ColumnString>, ColumnString>(src),
offsets(src.offsets.begin(), src.offsets.end()),
chars(src.chars.begin(), src.chars.end())
Offset last_offset = offsets.empty() ? 0 : offsets.back();
/// This will also prevent possible overflow in offset.
if (last_offset != chars.size())
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR,
"String offsets has data inconsistent with chars array. Last offset: {}, array length: {}",
last_offset, chars.size());
void ColumnString::insertManyFrom(const IColumn & src, size_t position, size_t length)
void ColumnString::doInsertManyFrom(const IColumn & src, size_t position, size_t length)
const ColumnString & src_concrete = assert_cast<const ColumnString &>(src);
const UInt8 * src_buf = &src_concrete.chars[src_concrete.offsets[position - 1]];
const size_t src_buf_size
= src_concrete.offsets[position] - src_concrete.offsets[position - 1]; /// -1th index is Ok, see PaddedPODArray.
const size_t old_size = chars.size();
const size_t new_size = old_size + src_buf_size * length;
const size_t old_rows = offsets.size();
offsets.resize(old_rows + length);
for (size_t current_offset = old_size; current_offset < new_size; current_offset += src_buf_size)
memcpySmallAllowReadWriteOverflow15(&chars[current_offset], src_buf, src_buf_size);
for (size_t i = 0, current_offset = old_size + src_buf_size; i < length; ++i, current_offset += src_buf_size)
offsets[old_rows + i] = current_offset;
MutableColumnPtr ColumnString::cloneResized(size_t to_size) const
auto res = ColumnString::create();
if (to_size == 0)
return res;
size_t from_size = size();
if (to_size <= from_size)
/// Just cut column.
res->offsets.assign(offsets.begin(), offsets.begin() + to_size);
res->chars.assign(chars.begin(), chars.begin() + offsets[to_size - 1]);
/// Copy column and append empty strings for extra elements.
Offset offset = 0;
if (from_size > 0)
res->offsets.assign(offsets.begin(), offsets.end());
res->chars.assign(chars.begin(), chars.end());
offset = offsets.back();
/// Empty strings are just zero terminating bytes.
res->chars.resize_fill(res->chars.size() + to_size - from_size);
for (size_t i = from_size; i < to_size; ++i)
res->offsets[i] = offset;
return res;
WeakHash32 ColumnString::getWeakHash32() const
auto s = offsets.size();
WeakHash32 hash(s);
const UInt8 * pos = chars.data();
UInt32 * hash_data = hash.getData().data();
Offset prev_offset = 0;
for (const auto & offset : offsets)
auto str_size = offset - prev_offset;
/// Skip last zero byte.
*hash_data = ::updateWeakHash32(pos, str_size - 1, *hash_data);
pos += str_size;
prev_offset = offset;
return hash;
void ColumnString::insertRangeFrom(const IColumn & src, size_t start, size_t length)
void ColumnString::doInsertRangeFrom(const IColumn & src, size_t start, size_t length)
if (length == 0)
const ColumnString & src_concrete = assert_cast<const ColumnString &>(src);
if (start + length > src_concrete.offsets.size())
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::PARAMETER_OUT_OF_BOUND, "Parameter out of bound in IColumnString::insertRangeFrom method.");
size_t nested_offset = src_concrete.offsetAt(start);
size_t nested_length = src_concrete.offsets[start + length - 1] - nested_offset;
/// Reserve offsets before to make it more exception safe (in case of MEMORY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED)
offsets.reserve(offsets.size() + length);
size_t old_chars_size = chars.size();
chars.resize(old_chars_size + nested_length);
memcpy(&chars[old_chars_size], &src_concrete.chars[nested_offset], nested_length);
if (start == 0 && offsets.empty())
offsets.assign(src_concrete.offsets.begin(), src_concrete.offsets.begin() + length);
size_t old_size = offsets.size();
size_t prev_max_offset = offsets.back(); /// -1th index is Ok, see PaddedPODArray
offsets.resize(old_size + length);
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i)
offsets[old_size + i] = src_concrete.offsets[start + i] - nested_offset + prev_max_offset;
ColumnPtr ColumnString::filter(const Filter & filt, ssize_t result_size_hint) const
if (offsets.empty())
return ColumnString::create();
auto res = ColumnString::create();
Chars & res_chars = res->chars;
Offsets & res_offsets = res->offsets;
filterArraysImpl<UInt8>(chars, offsets, res_chars, res_offsets, filt, result_size_hint);
return res;
void ColumnString::expand(const IColumn::Filter & mask, bool inverted)
auto & offsets_data = getOffsets();
auto & chars_data = getChars();
if (mask.size() < offsets_data.size())
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Mask size should be no less than data size.");
/// We cannot change only offsets, because each string should end with terminating zero byte.
/// So, we will insert one zero byte when mask value is zero.
ssize_t index = mask.size() - 1;
ssize_t from = offsets_data.size() - 1;
/// mask.size() - offsets_data.size() should be equal to the number of zeros in mask
/// (if not, one of exceptions below will throw) and we can calculate the resulting chars size.
UInt64 last_offset = offsets_data[from] + (mask.size() - offsets_data.size());
while (index >= 0)
offsets_data[index] = last_offset;
if (!!mask[index] ^ inverted)
if (from < 0)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Too many bytes in mask");
size_t len = offsets_data[from] - offsets_data[from - 1];
/// Copy only if it makes sense. It's important to copy backward, because
/// ranges can overlap, but destination is always is more to the right then source
if (last_offset - len != offsets_data[from - 1])
std::copy_backward(&chars_data[offsets_data[from - 1]], &chars_data[offsets_data[from]], &chars_data[last_offset]);
last_offset -= len;
chars_data[last_offset - 1] = 0;
if (from != -1)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Not enough bytes in mask");
ColumnPtr ColumnString::permute(const Permutation & perm, size_t limit) const
return permuteImpl(*this, perm, limit);
void ColumnString::collectSerializedValueSizes(PaddedPODArray<UInt64> & sizes, const UInt8 * is_null) const
if (empty())
size_t rows = size();
if (sizes.empty())
else if (sizes.size() != rows)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Size of sizes: {} doesn't match rows_num: {}. It is a bug", sizes.size(), rows);
if (is_null)
for (size_t i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
if (is_null[i])
size_t string_size = sizeAt(i);
sizes[i] += sizeof(string_size) + string_size + 1 /* null byte */;
for (size_t i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
size_t string_size = sizeAt(i);
sizes[i] += sizeof(string_size) + string_size;
StringRef ColumnString::serializeValueIntoArena(size_t n, Arena & arena, char const *& begin) const
size_t string_size = sizeAt(n);
size_t offset = offsetAt(n);
StringRef res;
res.size = sizeof(string_size) + string_size;
char * pos = arena.allocContinue(res.size, begin);
memcpy(pos, &string_size, sizeof(string_size));
memcpy(pos + sizeof(string_size), &chars[offset], string_size);
res.data = pos;
return res;
char * ColumnString::serializeValueIntoMemory(size_t n, char * memory) const
size_t string_size = sizeAt(n);
size_t offset = offsetAt(n);
memcpy(memory, &string_size, sizeof(string_size));
memory += sizeof(string_size);
memcpy(memory, &chars[offset], string_size);
return memory + string_size;
const char * ColumnString::deserializeAndInsertFromArena(const char * pos)
const size_t string_size = unalignedLoad<size_t>(pos);
pos += sizeof(string_size);
const size_t old_size = chars.size();
const size_t new_size = old_size + string_size;
memcpy(chars.data() + old_size, pos, string_size);
return pos + string_size;
const char * ColumnString::skipSerializedInArena(const char * pos) const
const size_t string_size = unalignedLoad<size_t>(pos);
pos += sizeof(string_size);
return pos + string_size;
ColumnPtr ColumnString::index(const IColumn & indexes, size_t limit) const
return selectIndexImpl(*this, indexes, limit);
template <typename Type>
ColumnPtr ColumnString::indexImpl(const PaddedPODArray<Type> & indexes, size_t limit) const
assert(limit <= indexes.size());
if (limit == 0)
return ColumnString::create();
auto res = ColumnString::create();
Chars & res_chars = res->chars;
Offsets & res_offsets = res->offsets;
size_t new_chars_size = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < limit; ++i)
new_chars_size += sizeAt(indexes[i]);
Offset current_new_offset = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < limit; ++i)
size_t j = indexes[i];
size_t string_offset = offsets[j - 1];
size_t string_size = offsets[j] - string_offset;
memcpySmallAllowReadWriteOverflow15(&res_chars[current_new_offset], &chars[string_offset], string_size);
current_new_offset += string_size;
res_offsets[i] = current_new_offset;
return res;
struct ColumnString::ComparatorBase
const ColumnString & parent;
explicit ComparatorBase(const ColumnString & parent_)
: parent(parent_)
ALWAYS_INLINE int compare(size_t lhs, size_t rhs) const
int res = memcmpSmallAllowOverflow15(
parent.chars.data() + parent.offsetAt(lhs), parent.sizeAt(lhs) - 1,
parent.chars.data() + parent.offsetAt(rhs), parent.sizeAt(rhs) - 1);
return res;
struct ColumnString::ComparatorCollationBase
const ColumnString & parent;
const Collator * collator;
explicit ComparatorCollationBase(const ColumnString & parent_, const Collator * collator_)
: parent(parent_), collator(collator_)
ALWAYS_INLINE int compare(size_t lhs, size_t rhs) const
int res = collator->compare(
reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&parent.chars[parent.offsetAt(lhs)]), parent.sizeAt(lhs),
reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&parent.chars[parent.offsetAt(rhs)]), parent.sizeAt(rhs));
return res;
void ColumnString::getPermutation(PermutationSortDirection direction, PermutationSortStability stability,
size_t limit, int /*nan_direction_hint*/, Permutation & res) const
if (direction == IColumn::PermutationSortDirection::Ascending && stability == IColumn::PermutationSortStability::Unstable)
getPermutationImpl(limit, res, ComparatorAscendingUnstable(*this), DefaultSort(), DefaultPartialSort());
else if (direction == IColumn::PermutationSortDirection::Ascending && stability == IColumn::PermutationSortStability::Stable)
getPermutationImpl(limit, res, ComparatorAscendingStable(*this), DefaultSort(), DefaultPartialSort());
else if (direction == IColumn::PermutationSortDirection::Descending && stability == IColumn::PermutationSortStability::Unstable)
getPermutationImpl(limit, res, ComparatorDescendingUnstable(*this), DefaultSort(), DefaultPartialSort());
else if (direction == IColumn::PermutationSortDirection::Descending && stability == IColumn::PermutationSortStability::Stable)
getPermutationImpl(limit, res, ComparatorDescendingStable(*this), DefaultSort(), DefaultPartialSort());
void ColumnString::updatePermutation(PermutationSortDirection direction, PermutationSortStability stability,
size_t limit, int /*nan_direction_hint*/, Permutation & res, EqualRanges & equal_ranges) const
auto comparator_equal = ComparatorEqual(*this);
if (direction == IColumn::PermutationSortDirection::Ascending && stability == IColumn::PermutationSortStability::Unstable)
updatePermutationImpl(limit, res, equal_ranges, ComparatorAscendingUnstable(*this), comparator_equal, DefaultSort(), DefaultPartialSort());
else if (direction == IColumn::PermutationSortDirection::Ascending && stability == IColumn::PermutationSortStability::Stable)
updatePermutationImpl(limit, res, equal_ranges, ComparatorAscendingStable(*this), comparator_equal, DefaultSort(), DefaultPartialSort());
else if (direction == IColumn::PermutationSortDirection::Descending && stability == IColumn::PermutationSortStability::Unstable)
updatePermutationImpl(limit, res, equal_ranges, ComparatorDescendingUnstable(*this), comparator_equal, DefaultSort(), DefaultPartialSort());
else if (direction == IColumn::PermutationSortDirection::Descending && stability == IColumn::PermutationSortStability::Stable)
updatePermutationImpl(limit, res, equal_ranges, ComparatorDescendingStable(*this), comparator_equal, DefaultSort(), DefaultPartialSort());
void ColumnString::getPermutationWithCollation(const Collator & collator, PermutationSortDirection direction, PermutationSortStability stability,
size_t limit, int /*nan_direction_hint*/, Permutation & res) const
if (direction == IColumn::PermutationSortDirection::Ascending && stability == IColumn::PermutationSortStability::Unstable)
getPermutationImpl(limit, res, ComparatorCollationAscendingUnstable(*this, &collator), DefaultSort(), DefaultPartialSort());
else if (direction == IColumn::PermutationSortDirection::Ascending && stability == IColumn::PermutationSortStability::Stable)
getPermutationImpl(limit, res, ComparatorCollationAscendingStable(*this, &collator), DefaultSort(), DefaultPartialSort());
else if (direction == IColumn::PermutationSortDirection::Descending && stability == IColumn::PermutationSortStability::Unstable)
getPermutationImpl(limit, res, ComparatorCollationDescendingUnstable(*this, &collator), DefaultSort(), DefaultPartialSort());
else if (direction == IColumn::PermutationSortDirection::Descending && stability == IColumn::PermutationSortStability::Stable)
getPermutationImpl(limit, res, ComparatorCollationDescendingStable(*this, &collator), DefaultSort(), DefaultPartialSort());
void ColumnString::updatePermutationWithCollation(const Collator & collator, PermutationSortDirection direction, PermutationSortStability stability,
size_t limit, int /*nan_direction_hint*/, Permutation & res, EqualRanges & equal_ranges) const
auto comparator_equal = ComparatorCollationEqual(*this, &collator);
if (direction == IColumn::PermutationSortDirection::Ascending && stability == IColumn::PermutationSortStability::Unstable)
ComparatorCollationAscendingUnstable(*this, &collator),
else if (direction == IColumn::PermutationSortDirection::Ascending && stability == IColumn::PermutationSortStability::Stable)
ComparatorCollationAscendingStable(*this, &collator),
else if (direction == IColumn::PermutationSortDirection::Descending && stability == IColumn::PermutationSortStability::Unstable)
ComparatorCollationDescendingUnstable(*this, &collator),
else if (direction == IColumn::PermutationSortDirection::Descending && stability == IColumn::PermutationSortStability::Stable)
ComparatorCollationDescendingStable(*this, &collator),
size_t ColumnString::estimateCardinalityInPermutedRange(const Permutation & permutation, const EqualRange & equal_range) const
const size_t range_size = equal_range.size();
if (range_size <= 1)
return range_size;
/// TODO use sampling if the range is too large (e.g. 16k elements, but configurable)
StringHashSet elements;
bool inserted = false;
for (size_t i = equal_range.from; i < equal_range.to; ++i)
size_t permuted_i = permutation[i];
StringRef value = getDataAt(permuted_i);
elements.emplace(value, inserted);
return elements.size();
ColumnPtr ColumnString::replicate(const Offsets & replicate_offsets) const
size_t col_size = size();
if (col_size != replicate_offsets.size())
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::SIZES_OF_COLUMNS_DOESNT_MATCH, "Size of offsets doesn't match size of column.");
auto res = ColumnString::create();
if (0 == col_size)
return res;
Offsets & res_offsets = res->offsets;
Chars & res_chars = res->chars;
size_t res_chars_size = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < col_size; ++i)
size_t size_to_replicate = replicate_offsets[i] - replicate_offsets[i - 1];
size_t string_size = offsets[i] - offsets[i - 1];
res_chars_size += size_to_replicate * string_size;
size_t curr_row = 0;
size_t curr_offset = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < col_size; ++i)
const size_t size_to_replicate = replicate_offsets[i] - replicate_offsets[i - 1];
const size_t string_size = offsets[i] - offsets[i-1];
const UInt8 * src = &chars[offsets[i - 1]];
for (size_t j = 0; j < size_to_replicate; ++j)
&res_chars[curr_offset], src, string_size);
curr_offset += string_size;
res_offsets[curr_row] = curr_offset;
return res;
void ColumnString::reserve(size_t n)
size_t ColumnString::capacity() const
return offsets.capacity();
void ColumnString::shrinkToFit()
void ColumnString::getExtremes(Field & min, Field & max) const
min = String();
max = String();
size_t col_size = size();
if (col_size == 0)
size_t min_idx = 0;
size_t max_idx = 0;
ComparatorBase cmp_op(*this);
for (size_t i = 1; i < col_size; ++i)
if (cmp_op.compare(i, min_idx) < 0)
min_idx = i;
else if (cmp_op.compare(max_idx, i) < 0)
max_idx = i;
get(min_idx, min);
get(max_idx, max);
ColumnPtr ColumnString::compress() const
const size_t source_chars_size = chars.size();
const size_t source_offsets_elements = offsets.size();
const size_t source_offsets_size = source_offsets_elements * sizeof(Offset);
/// Don't compress small blocks.
if (source_chars_size < 4096) /// A wild guess.
return ColumnCompressed::wrap(this->getPtr());
auto chars_compressed = ColumnCompressed::compressBuffer(chars.data(), source_chars_size, false);
/// Return original column if not compressible.
if (!chars_compressed)
return ColumnCompressed::wrap(this->getPtr());
auto offsets_compressed = ColumnCompressed::compressBuffer(offsets.data(), source_offsets_size, true);
const size_t chars_compressed_size = chars_compressed->size();
const size_t offsets_compressed_size = offsets_compressed->size();
return ColumnCompressed::create(source_offsets_elements, chars_compressed_size + offsets_compressed_size,
my_chars_compressed = std::move(chars_compressed),
my_offsets_compressed = std::move(offsets_compressed),
auto res = ColumnString::create();
my_chars_compressed->data(), res->getChars().data(), my_chars_compressed->size(), source_chars_size);
my_offsets_compressed->data(), res->getOffsets().data(), my_offsets_compressed->size(), source_offsets_elements * sizeof(Offset));
return res;
int ColumnString::compareAtWithCollation(size_t n, size_t m, const IColumn & rhs_, int, const Collator & collator) const
const ColumnString & rhs = assert_cast<const ColumnString &>(rhs_);
return collator.compare(
reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&chars[offsetAt(n)]), sizeAt(n),
reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&rhs.chars[rhs.offsetAt(m)]), rhs.sizeAt(m));
void ColumnString::protect()
void ColumnString::validate() const
Offset last_offset = offsets.empty() ? 0 : offsets.back();
if (last_offset != chars.size())
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR,
"ColumnString validation failed: size mismatch (internal logical error) {} != {}",
last_offset, chars.size());