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synced 2024-11-18 13:42:02 +00:00
230 lines
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230 lines
7.6 KiB
#include <iomanip>
/*#include <Poco/Mutex.h>
#include <Poco/Ext/ThreadNumber.h>*/
#include <DB/DataStreams/IProfilingBlockInputStream.h>
namespace DB
void BlockStreamProfileInfo::update(Block & block)
rows += block.rows();
bytes += block.bytes();
if (column_names.empty())
column_names = block.dumpNames();
void BlockStreamProfileInfo::calculateRowsBeforeLimit(size_t & rows_before_limit, bool & applied_limit) const
applied_limit |= stream_name == "Limit";
rows_before_limit = 0;
for (BlockStreamProfileInfos::const_iterator it = nested_infos.begin(); it != nested_infos.end(); ++it)
const BlockStreamProfileInfo & info = **it;
size_t nested_rows_before_limit;
info.calculateRowsBeforeLimit(nested_rows_before_limit, applied_limit);
if (stream_name == "Limit" && nested_rows_before_limit == 0)
rows_before_limit += info.rows;
rows_before_limit += nested_rows_before_limit;
void BlockStreamProfileInfo::print(std::ostream & ostr) const
UInt64 elapsed = work_stopwatch.elapsed();
UInt64 nested_elapsed = 0;
double elapsed_seconds = work_stopwatch.elapsedSeconds();
double nested_elapsed_seconds = 0;
UInt64 nested_rows = 0;
UInt64 nested_blocks = 0;
UInt64 nested_bytes = 0;
if (!nested_infos.empty())
for (BlockStreamProfileInfos::const_iterator it = nested_infos.begin(); it != nested_infos.end(); ++it)
if ((*it)->work_stopwatch.elapsed() > nested_elapsed)
nested_elapsed = (*it)->work_stopwatch.elapsed();
nested_elapsed_seconds = (*it)->work_stopwatch.elapsedSeconds();
nested_rows += (*it)->rows;
nested_blocks += (*it)->blocks;
nested_bytes += (*it)->bytes;
ostr << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2)
<< "Columns: " << column_names << std::endl
<< "Elapsed: " << elapsed_seconds << " sec. "
<< "(" << elapsed * 100.0 / total_stopwatch.elapsed() << "%), " << std::endl;
if (!nested_infos.empty())
double self_percents = (elapsed - nested_elapsed) * 100.0 / total_stopwatch.elapsed();
ostr<< "Elapsed (self): " << (elapsed_seconds - nested_elapsed_seconds) << " sec. "
<< "(" << (self_percents >= 50 ? "\033[1;31m" : (self_percents >= 10 ? "\033[1;33m" : "")) /// Раскраска больших значений
<< self_percents << "%"
<< (self_percents >= 10 ? "\033[0m" : "") << "), " << std::endl
<< "Rows (in): " << nested_rows << ", per second: " << nested_rows / elapsed_seconds << ", " << std::endl
<< "Blocks (in): " << nested_blocks << ", per second: " << nested_blocks / elapsed_seconds << ", " << std::endl
<< " " << nested_bytes / 1000000.0 << " MB (memory), "
<< nested_bytes * 1000 / elapsed << " MB/s (memory), " << std::endl;
if (self_percents > 0.1)
ostr << "Rows per second (in, self): " << (nested_rows / (elapsed_seconds - nested_elapsed_seconds))
<< ", " << (elapsed - nested_elapsed) / nested_rows << " ns/row, " << std::endl;
ostr << "Rows (out): " << rows << ", per second: " << rows / elapsed_seconds << ", " << std::endl
<< "Blocks (out): " << blocks << ", per second: " << blocks / elapsed_seconds << ", " << std::endl
<< " " << bytes / 1000000.0 << " MB (memory), " << bytes * 1000 / elapsed << " MB/s (memory), " << std::endl
<< "Average block size (out): " << rows / blocks << "." << std::endl;
Block IProfilingBlockInputStream::read()
if (!info.started)
info.stream_name = getShortName();
for (BlockInputStreams::const_iterator it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it)
if (const IProfilingBlockInputStream * child = dynamic_cast<const IProfilingBlockInputStream *>(&**it))
info.started = true;
if (is_cancelled)
return Block();
Block res = readImpl();
/* if (res)
static Poco::FastMutex mutex;
Poco::ScopedLock<Poco::FastMutex> lock(mutex);
std::cerr << std::endl;
std::cerr << "[ " << Poco::ThreadNumber::get() << " ]\t" << getShortName() << std::endl;
std::cerr << "[ " << Poco::ThreadNumber::get() << " ]\t";
for (size_t i = 0; i < res.columns(); ++i)
if (i != 0)
std::cerr << ", ";
std::cerr << res.getByPosition(i).name << " (" << res.getByPosition(i).column->size() << ")";
std::cerr << std::endl;
if (res)
/** Если поток закончился, то ещё попросим всех детей прервать выполнение.
* Это имеет смысл при выполнении запроса с LIMIT-ом:
* - бывает ситуация, когда все необходимые данные уже прочитали,
* но источники-дети ещё продолжают работать,
* при чём они могут работать в отдельных потоках или даже удалённо.
/// Проверка ограничений.
if ((limits.max_rows_to_read && info.rows > limits.max_rows_to_read)
|| (limits.max_bytes_to_read && info.bytes > limits.max_bytes_to_read))
if (limits.read_overflow_mode == Limits::THROW)
throw Exception("Limit for rows to read exceeded: read " + Poco::NumberFormatter::format(info.rows)
+ " rows, maximum: " + Poco::NumberFormatter::format(limits.max_rows_to_read),
if (limits.read_overflow_mode == Limits::BREAK)
return Block();
throw Exception("Logical error: unknown overflow mode", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
if (limits.max_execution_time != 0
&& info.total_stopwatch.elapsed() > static_cast<UInt64>(limits.max_execution_time.totalMicroseconds()) * 1000)
if (limits.timeout_overflow_mode == Limits::THROW)
throw Exception("Timeout exceeded: elapsed " + Poco::NumberFormatter::format(info.total_stopwatch.elapsedSeconds())
+ " seconds, maximum: " + Poco::NumberFormatter::format(limits.max_execution_time.totalMicroseconds() / 1000000.0),
if (limits.timeout_overflow_mode == Limits::BREAK)
return Block();
throw Exception("Logical error: unknown overflow mode", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
if (limits.min_execution_speed
&& info.total_stopwatch.elapsed() > static_cast<UInt64>(limits.timeout_before_checking_execution_speed.totalMicroseconds()) * 1000
&& info.rows / info.total_stopwatch.elapsedSeconds() < limits.min_execution_speed)
throw Exception("Query is executing too slow: " + Poco::NumberFormatter::format(info.rows / info.total_stopwatch.elapsedSeconds())
+ " rows/sec., minimum: " + Poco::NumberFormatter::format(limits.min_execution_speed),
return res;
void IProfilingBlockInputStream::progress(Block & block)
if (children.empty() && progress_callback)
progress_callback(block.rows(), block.bytes());
const BlockStreamProfileInfo & IProfilingBlockInputStream::getInfo() const
return info;
void IProfilingBlockInputStream::cancel()
if (!__sync_bool_compare_and_swap(&is_cancelled, false, true))
for (BlockInputStreams::iterator it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it)
if (IProfilingBlockInputStream * child = dynamic_cast<IProfilingBlockInputStream *>(&**it))
void IProfilingBlockInputStream::setProgressCallback(ProgressCallback callback)
progress_callback = callback;
for (BlockInputStreams::iterator it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it)
if (IProfilingBlockInputStream * child = dynamic_cast<IProfilingBlockInputStream *>(&**it))