2019-01-02 09:44:36 +03:00

167 lines
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#pragma once
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <Poco/Timespan.h>
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
#include <common/logger_useful.h>
#include <Common/Exception.h>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR;
/** A class from which you can inherit and get a pool of something. Used for database connection pools.
* Descendant class must provide a method for creating a new object to place in the pool.
template <typename TObject>
class PoolBase : private boost::noncopyable
using Object = TObject;
using ObjectPtr = std::shared_ptr<Object>;
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<PoolBase<TObject>>;
/** The object with the flag, whether it is currently used. */
struct PooledObject
PooledObject(ObjectPtr object_, PoolBase & pool_)
: object(object_), pool(pool_)
ObjectPtr object;
bool in_use = false;
PoolBase & pool;
using Objects = std::vector<std::shared_ptr<PooledObject>>;
/** The helper, which sets the flag for using the object, and in the destructor - removes,
* and also notifies the event using condvar.
struct PoolEntryHelper
PoolEntryHelper(PooledObject & data_) : data(data_) { data.in_use = true; }
std::unique_lock lock(data.pool.mutex);
data.in_use = false;
PooledObject & data;
/** What is given to the user. */
class Entry
friend class PoolBase<Object>;
Entry() {} /// For deferred initialization.
/** The `Entry` object protects the resource from being used by another thread.
* The following methods are forbidden for `rvalue`, so you can not write a similar to
* auto q = pool.Get()->query("SELECT .."); // Oops, after this line Entry was destroyed
* q.execute (); // Someone else can use this Connection
Object * operator->() && = delete;
const Object * operator->() const && = delete;
Object & operator*() && = delete;
const Object & operator*() const && = delete;
Object * operator->() & { return &*data->data.object; }
const Object * operator->() const & { return &*data->data.object; }
Object & operator*() & { return *data->data.object; }
const Object & operator*() const & { return *data->data.object; }
bool isNull() const { return data == nullptr; }
PoolBase * getPool() const
if (!data)
throw DB::Exception("Attempt to get pool from uninitialized entry", DB::ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
return &data->data.pool;
std::shared_ptr<PoolEntryHelper> data;
Entry(PooledObject & object) : data(std::make_shared<PoolEntryHelper>(object)) {}
virtual ~PoolBase() {}
/** Allocates the object. Wait for free object in pool for 'timeout'. With 'timeout' < 0, the timeout is infinite. */
Entry get(Poco::Timespan::TimeDiff timeout)
std::unique_lock lock(mutex);
while (true)
for (auto & item : items)
if (!item->in_use)
return Entry(*item);
if (items.size() < max_items)
ObjectPtr object = allocObject();
items.emplace_back(std::make_shared<PooledObject>(object, *this));
return Entry(*items.back());
LOG_INFO(log, "No free connections in pool. Waiting.");
if (timeout < 0)
available.wait_for(lock, std::chrono::microseconds(timeout));
void reserve(size_t count)
std::lock_guard lock(mutex);
while (items.size() < count)
items.emplace_back(std::make_shared<PooledObject>(allocObject(), *this));
/** The maximum size of the pool. */
unsigned max_items;
/** Pool. */
Objects items;
/** Lock to access the pool. */
std::mutex mutex;
std::condition_variable available;
Logger * log;
PoolBase(unsigned max_items_, Logger * log_)
: max_items(max_items_), log(log_)
/** Creates a new object to put into the pool. */
virtual ObjectPtr allocObject() = 0;