2024-02-15 22:17:31 +01:00

637 lines
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#include <Interpreters/TransactionLog.h>
#include <Interpreters/TransactionVersionMetadata.h>
#include <Interpreters/Context.h>
#include <Interpreters/TransactionsInfoLog.h>
#include <IO/ReadHelpers.h>
#include <IO/WriteHelpers.h>
#include <IO/ReadBufferFromString.h>
#include <Common/Exception.h>
#include <Common/ZooKeeper/KeeperException.h>
#include <Core/ServerUUID.h>
#include <Common/logger_useful.h>
#include <Common/noexcept_scope.h>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR;
static void tryWriteEventToSystemLog(LoggerPtr log, ContextPtr context,
TransactionsInfoLogElement::Type type, const TransactionID & tid, CSN csn = Tx::UnknownCSN)
auto system_log = context->getTransactionsInfoLog();
if (!system_log)
TransactionsInfoLogElement elem;
elem.type = type;
elem.tid = tid;
elem.csn = csn;
catch (...)
: global_context(Context::getGlobalContextInstance())
, log(getLogger("TransactionLog"))
, zookeeper_path(global_context->getConfigRef().getString("transaction_log.zookeeper_path", "/clickhouse/txn"))
, zookeeper_path_log(zookeeper_path + "/log")
, fault_probability_before_commit(global_context->getConfigRef().getDouble("transaction_log.fault_probability_before_commit", 0))
, fault_probability_after_commit(global_context->getConfigRef().getDouble("transaction_log.fault_probability_after_commit", 0))
updating_thread = ThreadFromGlobalPool(&TransactionLog::runUpdatingThread, this);
void TransactionLog::shutdown()
if (
std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
/// This is required to... you'll never guess - avoid race condition inside Poco::Logger (Coordination::ZooKeeper::log)
ZooKeeperPtr TransactionLog::getZooKeeper() const
std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
return zookeeper;
UInt64 TransactionLog::deserializeCSN(const String & csn_node_name)
ReadBufferFromString buf{csn_node_name};
assertString("csn-", buf);
UInt64 res;
readText(res, buf);
return res;
String TransactionLog::serializeCSN(CSN csn)
return zkutil::getSequentialNodeName("csn-", csn);
TransactionID TransactionLog::deserializeTID(const String & csn_node_content)
TransactionID tid = Tx::EmptyTID;
if (csn_node_content.empty())
return tid;
ReadBufferFromString buf{csn_node_content};
tid = TransactionID::read(buf);
return tid;
String TransactionLog::serializeTID(const TransactionID & tid)
WriteBufferFromOwnString buf;
TransactionID::write(tid, buf);
return buf.str();
void TransactionLog::loadEntries(Strings::const_iterator beg, Strings::const_iterator end)
size_t entries_count = std::distance(beg, end);
if (!entries_count)
String last_entry = *std::prev(end);
LOG_TRACE(log, "Loading {} entries from {}: {}..{}", entries_count, zookeeper_path_log, *beg, last_entry);
std::vector<std::string> entry_paths;
for (auto it = beg; it != end; ++it)
entry_paths.emplace_back(fs::path(zookeeper_path_log) / *it);
auto entries = TSA_READ_ONE_THREAD(zookeeper)->get(entry_paths);
std::vector<std::pair<TIDHash, CSNEntry>> loaded;
auto it = beg;
for (size_t i = 0; i < entries_count; ++i, ++it)
auto res = entries[i];
CSN csn = deserializeCSN(*it);
TransactionID tid = deserializeTID(;
loaded.emplace_back(tid.getHash(), CSNEntry{csn, tid});
LOG_TEST(log, "Got entry {} -> {}", tid, csn);
std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
for (const auto & entry : loaded)
if (entry.first == Tx::EmptyTID.getHash())
tid_to_csn.emplace(entry.first, entry.second);
last_loaded_entry = last_entry;
std::lock_guard lock{running_list_mutex};
latest_snapshot = loaded.back().second.csn;
local_tid_counter = Tx::MaxReservedLocalTID;
void TransactionLog::loadLogFromZooKeeper()
zookeeper = global_context->getZooKeeper();
/// We do not write local_tid_counter to disk or zk and maintain it only in memory.
/// Create empty entry to allocate new CSN to safely start counting from the beginning and avoid TID duplication.
/// TODO It's possible to skip this step in come cases (especially for multi-host configuration).
Coordination::Error code = zookeeper->tryCreate(zookeeper_path_log + "/csn-", "", zkutil::CreateMode::PersistentSequential);
if (code != Coordination::Error::ZOK)
/// Log probably does not exist, create it
chassert(code == Coordination::Error::ZNONODE);
Coordination::Requests ops;
ops.emplace_back(zkutil::makeCreateRequest(zookeeper_path + "/tail_ptr", serializeCSN(Tx::MaxReservedCSN), zkutil::CreateMode::Persistent));
ops.emplace_back(zkutil::makeCreateRequest(zookeeper_path_log, "", zkutil::CreateMode::Persistent));
/// Fast-forward sequential counter to skip reserved CSNs
for (size_t i = 0; i <= Tx::MaxReservedCSN; ++i)
ops.emplace_back(zkutil::makeCreateRequest(zookeeper_path_log + "/csn-", "", zkutil::CreateMode::PersistentSequential));
Coordination::Responses res;
code = zookeeper->tryMulti(ops, res);
if (code != Coordination::Error::ZNODEEXISTS)
zkutil::KeeperMultiException::check(code, ops, res);
/// TODO Split log into "subdirectories" to:
/// 1. fetch it more optimal way (avoid listing all CSNs on further incremental updates)
/// 2. simplify log rotation
/// 3. support 64-bit CSNs on top of Apache ZooKeeper (it uses Int32 for sequential numbers)
Strings entries_list = zookeeper->getChildren(zookeeper_path_log, nullptr, log_updated_event);
::sort(entries_list.begin(), entries_list.end());
loadEntries(entries_list.begin(), entries_list.end());
chassert(latest_snapshot == deserializeCSN(last_loaded_entry));
local_tid_counter = Tx::MaxReservedLocalTID;
tail_ptr = deserializeCSN(zookeeper->get(zookeeper_path + "/tail_ptr"));
void TransactionLog::runUpdatingThread()
while (true)
/// Do not wait if we have some transactions to finalize
if (TSA_READ_ONE_THREAD(unknown_state_list_loaded).empty())
if (stop_flag.load())
bool connection_loss = getZooKeeper()->expired();
if (connection_loss)
auto new_zookeeper = global_context->getZooKeeper();
std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
zookeeper = new_zookeeper;
/// It's possible that we connected to different [Zoo]Keeper instance
/// so we may read a bit stale state.
catch (const Coordination::Exception &)
/// TODO better backoff
catch (...)
void TransactionLog::loadNewEntries()
Strings entries_list = TSA_READ_ONE_THREAD(zookeeper)->getChildren(zookeeper_path_log, nullptr, log_updated_event);
::sort(entries_list.begin(), entries_list.end());
auto it = std::upper_bound(entries_list.begin(), entries_list.end(), TSA_READ_ONE_THREAD(last_loaded_entry));
loadEntries(it, entries_list.end());
chassert(TSA_READ_ONE_THREAD(last_loaded_entry) == entries_list.back());
chassert(latest_snapshot == deserializeCSN(TSA_READ_ONE_THREAD(last_loaded_entry)));
void TransactionLog::removeOldEntries()
/// Try to update tail pointer. It's (almost) safe to set it to the oldest snapshot
/// because if a transaction released snapshot, then CSN is already written into metadata.
/// Why almost? Because on server startup we do not have the oldest snapshot (it's simply equal to the latest one),
/// but it's possible that some CSNs are not written into data parts (and we will write them during startup).
if (!global_context->isServerCompletelyStarted())
/// Also similar problem is possible if some table was not attached during startup (for example, if table is detached permanently).
/// Also we write CSNs into data parts without fsync, so it's theoretically possible that we wrote CSN, finished transaction,
/// removed its entry from the log, but after that server restarts and CSN is not actually saved to metadata on disk.
/// We should store a bit more entries in ZK and keep outdated entries for a while.
/// TODO we will need a bit more complex logic for multiple hosts
Coordination::Stat stat;
CSN old_tail_ptr = deserializeCSN(TSA_READ_ONE_THREAD(zookeeper)->get(zookeeper_path + "/tail_ptr", &stat));
CSN new_tail_ptr = getOldestSnapshot();
if (new_tail_ptr < old_tail_ptr)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Got unexpected tail_ptr {}, oldest snapshot is {}, it's a bug", old_tail_ptr, new_tail_ptr);
else if (new_tail_ptr == old_tail_ptr)
/// (it's not supposed to fail with ZBADVERSION while there is only one host)
LOG_TRACE(log, "Updating tail_ptr from {} to {}", old_tail_ptr, new_tail_ptr);
TSA_READ_ONE_THREAD(zookeeper)->set(zookeeper_path + "/tail_ptr", serializeCSN(new_tail_ptr), stat.version);;
/// Now we can find and remove old entries
TIDMap tids;
std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
tids = tid_to_csn;
/// TODO support batching
std::vector<TIDHash> removed_entries;
CSN latest_entry_csn = latest_snapshot.load();
for (const auto & elem : tids)
/// Definitely not safe to remove
if (new_tail_ptr <= elem.second.tid.start_csn)
/// Keep at least one node (the latest one we fetched)
if (elem.second.csn == latest_entry_csn)
LOG_TEST(log, "Removing entry {} -> {}", elem.second.tid, elem.second.csn);
auto code = TSA_READ_ONE_THREAD(zookeeper)->tryRemove(zookeeper_path_log + "/" + serializeCSN(elem.second.csn));
if (code == Coordination::Error::ZOK || code == Coordination::Error::ZNONODE)
std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
for (const auto & tid_hash : removed_entries)
void TransactionLog::tryFinalizeUnknownStateTransactions()
/// We just recovered connection to [Zoo]Keeper.
/// Check if transactions in unknown state were actually committed or not and finalize or rollback them.
UnknownStateList list;
/// We must be sure that the corresponding CSN entry is loaded from ZK.
/// Otherwise we may accidentally rollback committed transaction in case of race condition like this:
/// - runUpdatingThread: loaded some entries, ready to call tryFinalizeUnknownStateTransactions()
/// - commitTransaction: creates CSN entry in the log (txn is committed)
/// - [session expires]
/// - commitTransaction: catches Coordination::Exception (maybe due to fault injection), appends txn to unknown_state_list
/// - runUpdatingThread: calls tryFinalizeUnknownStateTransactions(), fails to find CSN for this txn, rolls it back
/// So all CSN entries that might exist at the moment of appending txn to unknown_state_list
/// must be loaded from ZK before we start finalize that txn.
/// That's why we use two lists here:
/// 1. At first we put txn into unknown_state_list
/// 2. We move it to unknown_state_list_loaded when runUpdatingThread done at least one iteration
/// 3. Then we can safely finalize txns from unknown_state_list_loaded, because all required entries are loaded
std::lock_guard lock{running_list_mutex};
std::swap(list, unknown_state_list);
std::swap(list, unknown_state_list_loaded);
for (auto & [txn, state_guard] : list)
/// CSNs must be already loaded, only need to check if the corresponding mapping exists.
if (auto csn = getCSN(txn->tid))
finalizeCommittedTransaction(txn.get(), csn, state_guard);
state_guard = {};
CSN TransactionLog::getLatestSnapshot() const
return latest_snapshot.load();
MergeTreeTransactionPtr TransactionLog::beginTransaction()
MergeTreeTransactionPtr txn;
std::lock_guard lock{running_list_mutex};
CSN snapshot = latest_snapshot.load();
LocalTID ltid = 1 + local_tid_counter.fetch_add(1);
auto snapshot_lock = snapshots_in_use.insert(snapshots_in_use.end(), snapshot);
txn = std::make_shared<MergeTreeTransaction>(snapshot, ltid, ServerUUID::get(), snapshot_lock);
bool inserted = running_list.try_emplace(txn->tid.getHash(), txn).second;
if (!inserted)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "I's a bug: TID {} {} exists", txn->tid.getHash(), txn->tid);
LOG_TEST(log, "Beginning transaction {} ({})", txn->tid, txn->tid.getHash());
tryWriteEventToSystemLog(log, global_context, TransactionsInfoLogElement::BEGIN, txn->tid);
return txn;
CSN TransactionLog::commitTransaction(const MergeTreeTransactionPtr & txn, bool throw_on_unknown_status)
/// Some precommit checks, may throw
auto state_guard = txn->beforeCommit();
CSN allocated_csn = Tx::UnknownCSN;
if (txn->isReadOnly())
/// Don't need to allocate CSN in ZK for readonly transactions, it's safe to use snapshot/start_csn as "commit" timestamp
LOG_TEST(log, "Closing readonly transaction {}", txn->tid);
LOG_TEST(log, "Committing transaction {}", txn->dumpDescription());
/// TODO support batching
auto current_zookeeper = getZooKeeper();
String csn_path_created;
Coordination::SimpleFaultInjection fault(fault_probability_before_commit, fault_probability_after_commit, "commit");
Coordination::Requests requests;
requests.push_back(zkutil::makeCreateRequest(zookeeper_path_log + "/csn-", serializeTID(txn->tid), zkutil::CreateMode::PersistentSequential));
/// Commit point
auto res = current_zookeeper->multi(requests, /* check_session_valid */ true);
csn_path_created = dynamic_cast<const Coordination::CreateResponse *>(res.back().get())->path_created;
catch (const Coordination::Exception & e)
if (!Coordination::isHardwareError(e.code))
/// We don't know if transaction has been actually committed or not.
/// The only thing we can do is to postpone its finalization.
std::lock_guard lock{running_list_mutex};
unknown_state_list.emplace_back(txn, std::move(state_guard));
if (throw_on_unknown_status)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_STATUS_OF_TRANSACTION,
"Connection lost on attempt to commit transaction {}, will finalize it later: {}",
txn->tid, e.message());
LOG_INFO(log, "Connection lost on attempt to commit transaction {}, will finalize it later: {}", txn->tid, e.message());
return Tx::CommittingCSN;
/// Do not allow exceptions between commit point and the and of transaction finalization
/// (otherwise it may stuck in COMMITTING state holding snapshot).
/// FIXME Transactions: Sequential node numbers in ZooKeeper are Int32, but 31 bit is not enough for production use
/// (overflow is possible in a several weeks/months of active usage)
allocated_csn = deserializeCSN(csn_path_created.substr(zookeeper_path_log.size() + 1));
return finalizeCommittedTransaction(txn.get(), allocated_csn, state_guard);
CSN TransactionLog::finalizeCommittedTransaction(MergeTreeTransaction * txn, CSN allocated_csn, scope_guard & state_guard) noexcept
LockMemoryExceptionInThread memory_tracker_lock(VariableContext::Global);
chassert(!allocated_csn == txn->isReadOnly());
if (allocated_csn)
LOG_INFO(log, "Transaction {} committed with CSN={}", txn->tid, allocated_csn);
tryWriteEventToSystemLog(log, global_context, TransactionsInfoLogElement::COMMIT, txn->tid, allocated_csn);
/// Transaction was readonly
allocated_csn = txn->snapshot;
tryWriteEventToSystemLog(log, global_context, TransactionsInfoLogElement::COMMIT, txn->tid, allocated_csn);
/// Write allocated CSN, so we will be able to cleanup log in ZK. This method is noexcept.
state_guard = {};
/// Finally we can remove transaction from the list and release the snapshot
std::lock_guard lock{running_list_mutex};
bool removed = running_list.erase(txn->tid.getHash());
if (!removed)
LOG_ERROR(log, "It's a bug: TID {} {} doesn't exist", txn->tid.getHash(), txn->tid);
return allocated_csn;
bool TransactionLog::waitForCSNLoaded(CSN csn) const
auto current_latest_snapshot = latest_snapshot.load();
while (current_latest_snapshot < csn && !stop_flag)
current_latest_snapshot = latest_snapshot.load();
return csn <= current_latest_snapshot;
void TransactionLog::rollbackTransaction(const MergeTreeTransactionPtr & txn) noexcept
LockMemoryExceptionInThread memory_tracker_lock(VariableContext::Global);
LOG_TRACE(log, "Rolling back transaction {}{}", txn->tid,
std::uncaught_exceptions() ? fmt::format(" due to uncaught exception (code: {})", getCurrentExceptionCode()) : "");
if (!txn->rollback())
/// Transaction was cancelled or committed concurrently
chassert(txn->csn != Tx::UnknownCSN);
std::lock_guard lock{running_list_mutex};
bool removed = running_list.erase(txn->tid.getHash());
if (!removed)
tryWriteEventToSystemLog(log, global_context, TransactionsInfoLogElement::ROLLBACK, txn->tid);
MergeTreeTransactionPtr TransactionLog::tryGetRunningTransaction(const TIDHash & tid)
std::lock_guard lock{running_list_mutex};
auto it = running_list.find(tid);
if (it == running_list.end())
return it->second;
CSN TransactionLog::getCSN(const TransactionID & tid, const std::atomic<CSN> * failback_with_strict_load_csn)
/// Avoid creation of the instance if transactions are not actually involved
if (tid == Tx::PrehistoricTID)
return Tx::PrehistoricCSN;
return instance().getCSNImpl(tid.getHash(), failback_with_strict_load_csn);
CSN TransactionLog::getCSN(const TIDHash & tid, const std::atomic<CSN> * failback_with_strict_load_csn)
/// Avoid creation of the instance if transactions are not actually involved
if (tid == Tx::PrehistoricTID.getHash())
return Tx::PrehistoricCSN;
return instance().getCSNImpl(tid, failback_with_strict_load_csn);
CSN TransactionLog::getCSNImpl(const TIDHash & tid_hash, const std::atomic<CSN> * failback_with_strict_load_csn) const
chassert(tid_hash != Tx::EmptyTID.getHash());
std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
auto it = tid_to_csn.find(tid_hash);
if (it != tid_to_csn.end())
return it->second.csn;
/// Usually commit csn checked by load memory with memory_order_relaxed option just for performance improvements
/// If fast loading fails than getCSN is called.
/// There is a race possible, transaction could be committed concurrently. Right before getCSN has been called. In that case tid_to_csn has no tid_hash but commit csn is set.
/// In order to be sure, commit csn has to be loaded with memory_order_seq_cst after lookup at tid_to_csn
if (failback_with_strict_load_csn)
if (CSN maybe_csn = failback_with_strict_load_csn->load())
return maybe_csn;
return Tx::UnknownCSN;
CSN TransactionLog::getCSNAndAssert(const TransactionID & tid, std::atomic<CSN> & failback_with_strict_load_csn)
/// failback_with_strict_load_csn is not provided to getCSN
/// Because it would be checked after assertTIDIsNotOutdated
if (CSN maybe_csn = getCSN(tid))
return maybe_csn;
assertTIDIsNotOutdated(tid, &failback_with_strict_load_csn);
/// If transaction is not outdated then it might be already committed
/// We should load CSN again to distinguish it
/// Otherwise the transactiuon hasn't been committed yet
if (CSN maybe_csn = failback_with_strict_load_csn.load())
return maybe_csn;
return Tx::UnknownCSN;
void TransactionLog::assertTIDIsNotOutdated(const TransactionID & tid, const std::atomic<CSN> * failback_with_strict_load_csn)
if (tid == Tx::PrehistoricTID)
/// Ensure that we are not trying to get CSN for TID that was already removed from the log
CSN tail = instance().tail_ptr.load();
if (tail <= tid.start_csn)
/// At this point of execution tail is lesser that tid.start_csn
/// This mean that transaction is either outdated or just has been committed concurrently and the tail moved forward.
/// If the second case takes place transaction's commit csn has to be set.
/// We should load CSN again to distinguish the second case.
if (failback_with_strict_load_csn)
if (CSN maybe_csn = failback_with_strict_load_csn->load())
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Trying to get CSN for too old TID {}, current tail_ptr is {}, probably it's a bug", tid, tail);
CSN TransactionLog::getOldestSnapshot() const
std::lock_guard lock{running_list_mutex};
if (snapshots_in_use.empty())
return getLatestSnapshot();
chassert(running_list.size() == snapshots_in_use.size());
chassert(snapshots_in_use.size() < 2 || snapshots_in_use.front() <= *++snapshots_in_use.begin());
return snapshots_in_use.front();
TransactionLog::TransactionsList TransactionLog::getTransactionsList() const
std::lock_guard lock{running_list_mutex};
return running_list;
void TransactionLog::sync() const
Strings entries_list = getZooKeeper()->getChildren(zookeeper_path_log);
::sort(entries_list.begin(), entries_list.end());
CSN newest_csn = deserializeCSN(entries_list.back());