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slug: /en/sql-reference/functions/tuple-map-functions
sidebar_position: 120
sidebar_label: Maps
## map
Creates a value of type [Map(key, value)](../data-types/map.md) from key-value pairs.
map(key1, value1[, key2, value2, ...])
- `key_n` — The keys of the map entries. Any type supported as key type of [Map](../data-types/map.md).
- `value_n` — The values of the map entries. Any type supported as value type of [Map](../data-types/map.md).
**Returned value**
- A map containing `key:value` pairs. [Map(key, value)](../data-types/map.md).
SELECT map('key1', number, 'key2', number * 2) FROM numbers(3);
``` text
┌─map('key1', number, 'key2', multiply(number, 2))─┐
│ {'key1':0,'key2':0} │
│ {'key1':1,'key2':2} │
│ {'key1':2,'key2':4} │
## mapFromArrays
Creates a map from an array or map of keys and an array or map of values.
The function is a convenient alternative to syntax `CAST([...], 'Map(key_type, value_type)')`.
For example, instead of writing
- `CAST((['aa', 'bb'], [4, 5]), 'Map(String, UInt32)')`, or
- `CAST([('aa',4), ('bb',5)], 'Map(String, UInt32)')`
you can write `mapFromArrays(['aa', 'bb'], [4, 5])`.
mapFromArrays(keys, values)
Alias: `MAP_FROM_ARRAYS(keys, values)`
- `keys` — Array or map of keys to create the map from [Array](../data-types/array.md) or [Map](../data-types/map.md). If `keys` is an array, we accept `Array(Nullable(T))` or `Array(LowCardinality(Nullable(T)))` as its type as long as it doesn't contain NULL value.
- `values` - Array or map of values to create the map from [Array](../data-types/array.md) or [Map](../data-types/map.md).
**Returned value**
- A map with keys and values constructed from the key array and value array/map.
select mapFromArrays(['a', 'b', 'c'], [1, 2, 3])
┌─mapFromArrays(['a', 'b', 'c'], [1, 2, 3])─┐
│ {'a':1,'b':2,'c':3} │
`mapFromArrays` also accepts arguments of type [Map](../data-types/map.md). These are casted to array of tuples during execution.
SELECT mapFromArrays([1, 2, 3], map('a', 1, 'b', 2, 'c', 3))
┌─mapFromArrays([1, 2, 3], map('a', 1, 'b', 2, 'c', 3))─┐
│ {1:('a',1),2:('b',2),3:('c',3)} │
SELECT mapFromArrays(map('a', 1, 'b', 2, 'c', 3), [1, 2, 3])
┌─mapFromArrays(map('a', 1, 'b', 2, 'c', 3), [1, 2, 3])─┐
│ {('a',1):1,('b',2):2,('c',3):3} │
## extractKeyValuePairs
Converts a string of key-value pairs to a [Map(String, String)](../data-types/map.md).
Parsing is tolerant towards noise (e.g. log files).
Key-value pairs in the input string consist of a key, followed by a key-value delimiter, and a value.
Key value pairs are separated by a pair delimiter.
Keys and values can be quoted.
``` sql
extractKeyValuePairs(data[, key_value_delimiter[, pair_delimiter[, quoting_character]]])
- `str_to_map`
- `mapFromString`
- `data` - String to extract key-value pairs from. [String](../data-types/string.md) or [FixedString](../data-types/fixedstring.md).
- `key_value_delimiter` - Single character delimiting keys and values. Defaults to `:`. [String](../data-types/string.md) or [FixedString](../data-types/fixedstring.md).
- `pair_delimiters` - Set of character delimiting pairs. Defaults to ` `, `,` and `;`. [String](../data-types/string.md) or [FixedString](../data-types/fixedstring.md).
- `quoting_character` - Single character used as quoting character. Defaults to `"`. [String](../data-types/string.md) or [FixedString](../data-types/fixedstring.md).
**Returned values**
- A of key-value pairs. Type: [Map(String, String)](../data-types/map.md)
``` sql
SELECT extractKeyValuePairs('name:neymar, age:31 team:psg,nationality:brazil') as kv
``` Result:
│ {'name':'neymar','age':'31','team':'psg','nationality':'brazil'} │
With a single quote `'` as quoting character:
``` sql
SELECT extractKeyValuePairs('name:\'neymar\';\'age\':31;team:psg;nationality:brazil,last_key:last_value', ':', ';,', '\'') as kv
``` text
│ {'name':'neymar','age':'31','team':'psg','nationality':'brazil','last_key':'last_value'} │
Escape sequences without escape sequences support:
``` sql
SELECT extractKeyValuePairs('age:a\\x0A\\n\\0') AS kv
``` text
│ {'age':'a\\x0A\\n\\0'} │
To restore a map string key-value pairs serialized with `toString`:
map('John', '33', 'Paula', '31') AS m,
toString(m) as map_serialized,
extractKeyValuePairs(map_serialized, ':', ',', '\'') AS map_restored
FORMAT Vertical;
Row 1:
m: {'John':'33','Paula':'31'}
map_serialized: {'John':'33','Paula':'31'}
map_restored: {'John':'33','Paula':'31'}
## extractKeyValuePairsWithEscaping
Same as `extractKeyValuePairs` but supports escaping.
Supported escape sequences: `\x`, `\N`, `\a`, `\b`, `\e`, `\f`, `\n`, `\r`, `\t`, `\v` and `\0`.
Non standard escape sequences are returned as it is (including the backslash) unless they are one of the following:
`\\`, `'`, `"`, `backtick`, `/`, `=` or ASCII control characters (c <= 31).
This function will satisfy the use case where pre-escaping and post-escaping are not suitable. For instance, consider the following
input string: `a: "aaaa\"bbb"`. The expected output is: `a: aaaa\"bbbb`.
- Pre-escaping: Pre-escaping it will output: `a: "aaaa"bbb"` and `extractKeyValuePairs` will then output: `a: aaaa`
- Post-escaping: `extractKeyValuePairs` will output `a: aaaa\` and post-escaping will keep it as it is.
Leading escape sequences will be skipped in keys and will be considered invalid for values.
Escape sequences with escape sequence support turned on:
``` sql
SELECT extractKeyValuePairsWithEscaping('age:a\\x0A\\n\\0') AS kv
``` result
│ {'age':'a\n\n\0'} │
## mapAdd
Collect all the keys and sum corresponding values.
mapAdd(arg1, arg2 [, ...])
Arguments are [maps](../data-types/map.md) or [tuples](../data-types/tuple.md#tuplet1-t2) of two [arrays](../data-types/array.md#data-type-array), where items in the first array represent keys, and the second array contains values for the each key. All key arrays should have same type, and all value arrays should contain items which are promoted to the one type ([Int64](../data-types/int-uint.md#int-ranges), [UInt64](../data-types/int-uint.md#uint-ranges) or [Float64](../data-types/float.md#float32-float64)). The common promoted type is used as a type for the result array.
**Returned value**
- Depending on the arguments returns one [map](../data-types/map.md) or [tuple](../data-types/tuple.md#tuplet1-t2), where the first array contains the sorted keys and the second array contains values.
Query with `Map` type:
SELECT mapAdd(map(1,1), map(1,1));
┌─mapAdd(map(1, 1), map(1, 1))─┐
│ {1:2} │
Query with a tuple:
SELECT mapAdd(([toUInt8(1), 2], [1, 1]), ([toUInt8(1), 2], [1, 1])) as res, toTypeName(res) as type;
│ ([1,2],[2,2]) │ Tuple(Array(UInt8), Array(UInt64)) │
## mapSubtract
Collect all the keys and subtract corresponding values.
mapSubtract(Tuple(Array, Array), Tuple(Array, Array) [, ...])
Arguments are [maps](../data-types/map.md) or [tuples](../data-types/tuple.md#tuplet1-t2) of two [arrays](../data-types/array.md#data-type-array), where items in the first array represent keys, and the second array contains values for the each key. All key arrays should have same type, and all value arrays should contain items which are promote to the one type ([Int64](../data-types/int-uint.md#int-ranges), [UInt64](../data-types/int-uint.md#uint-ranges) or [Float64](../data-types/float.md#float32-float64)). The common promoted type is used as a type for the result array.
**Returned value**
- Depending on the arguments returns one [map](../data-types/map.md) or [tuple](../data-types/tuple.md#tuplet1-t2), where the first array contains the sorted keys and the second array contains values.
Query with `Map` type:
SELECT mapSubtract(map(1,1), map(1,1));
┌─mapSubtract(map(1, 1), map(1, 1))─┐
│ {1:0} │
Query with a tuple map:
SELECT mapSubtract(([toUInt8(1), 2], [toInt32(1), 1]), ([toUInt8(1), 2], [toInt32(2), 1])) as res, toTypeName(res) as type;
│ ([1,2],[-1,0]) │ Tuple(Array(UInt8), Array(Int64)) │
## mapPopulateSeries
Fills missing key-value pairs in a map with integer keys.
To support extending the keys beyond the largest value, a maximum key can be specified.
More specifically, the function returns a map in which the the keys form a series from the smallest to the largest key (or `max` argument if it specified) with step size of 1, and corresponding values.
If no value is specified for a key, a default value is used as value.
In case keys repeat, only the first value (in order of appearance) is associated with the key.
mapPopulateSeries(map[, max])
mapPopulateSeries(keys, values[, max])
For array arguments the number of elements in `keys` and `values` must be the same for each row.
Arguments are [Maps](../data-types/map.md) or two [Arrays](../data-types/array.md#data-type-array), where the first and second array contains keys and values for the each key.
Mapped arrays:
- `map` — Map with integer keys. [Map](../data-types/map.md).
- `keys` — Array of keys. [Array](../data-types/array.md#data-type-array)([Int](../data-types/int-uint.md#uint-ranges)).
- `values` — Array of values. [Array](../data-types/array.md#data-type-array)([Int](../data-types/int-uint.md#uint-ranges)).
- `max` — Maximum key value. Optional. [Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, Int128, Int256](../data-types/int-uint.md#int-ranges).
**Returned value**
- Depending on the arguments a [Map](../data-types/map.md) or a [Tuple](../data-types/tuple.md#tuplet1-t2) of two [Arrays](../data-types/array.md#data-type-array): keys in sorted order, and values the corresponding keys.
Query with `Map` type:
SELECT mapPopulateSeries(map(1, 10, 5, 20), 6);
┌─mapPopulateSeries(map(1, 10, 5, 20), 6)─┐
│ {1:10,2:0,3:0,4:0,5:20,6:0} │
Query with mapped arrays:
SELECT mapPopulateSeries([1,2,4], [11,22,44], 5) AS res, toTypeName(res) AS type;
│ ([1,2,3,4,5],[11,22,0,44,0]) │ Tuple(Array(UInt8), Array(UInt8)) │
## mapContains
Returns if a given key is contained in a given map.
mapContains(map, key)
- `map` — Map. [Map](../data-types/map.md).
- `key` — Key. Type must match the key type of `map`.
**Returned value**
- `1` if `map` contains `key`, `0` if not. [UInt8](../data-types/int-uint.md).
CREATE TABLE tab (a Map(String, String)) ENGINE = Memory;
INSERT INTO tab VALUES ({'name':'eleven','age':'11'}), ({'number':'twelve','position':'6.0'});
SELECT mapContains(a, 'name') FROM tab;
┌─mapContains(a, 'name')─┐
│ 1 │
│ 0 │
## mapKeys
Returns the keys of a given map.
This function can be optimized by enabling setting [optimize_functions_to_subcolumns](../../operations/settings/settings.md#optimize-functions-to-subcolumns).
With enabled setting, the function only reads the [keys](../data-types/map.md#map-subcolumns) subcolumn instead the whole map.
The query `SELECT mapKeys(m) FROM table` is transformed to `SELECT m.keys FROM table`.
- `map` — Map. [Map](../data-types/map.md).
**Returned value**
- Array containing all keys from the `map`. [Array](../data-types/array.md).
CREATE TABLE tab (a Map(String, String)) ENGINE = Memory;
INSERT INTO tab VALUES ({'name':'eleven','age':'11'}), ({'number':'twelve','position':'6.0'});
SELECT mapKeys(a) FROM tab;
│ ['name','age'] │
│ ['number','position'] │
## mapValues
Returns the values of a given map.
This function can be optimized by enabling setting [optimize_functions_to_subcolumns](../../operations/settings/settings.md#optimize-functions-to-subcolumns).
With enabled setting, the function only reads the [values](../data-types/map.md#map-subcolumns) subcolumn instead the whole map.
The query `SELECT mapValues(m) FROM table` is transformed to `SELECT m.values FROM table`.
- `map` — Map. [Map](../data-types/map.md).
**Returned value**
- Array containing all the values from `map`. [Array](../data-types/array.md).
CREATE TABLE tab (a Map(String, String)) ENGINE = Memory;
INSERT INTO tab VALUES ({'name':'eleven','age':'11'}), ({'number':'twelve','position':'6.0'});
SELECT mapValues(a) FROM tab;
│ ['eleven','11'] │
│ ['twelve','6.0'] │
## mapContainsKeyLike
mapContainsKeyLike(map, pattern)
- `map` — Map. [Map](../data-types/map.md).
- `pattern` - String pattern to match.
**Returned value**
- `1` if `map` contains `key` like specified pattern, `0` if not.
CREATE TABLE tab (a Map(String, String)) ENGINE = Memory;
INSERT INTO tab VALUES ({'abc':'abc','def':'def'}), ({'hij':'hij','klm':'klm'});
SELECT mapContainsKeyLike(a, 'a%') FROM tab;
┌─mapContainsKeyLike(a, 'a%')─┐
│ 1 │
│ 0 │
## mapExtractKeyLike
Give a map with string keys and a LIKE pattern, this function returns a map with elements where the key matches the pattern.
mapExtractKeyLike(map, pattern)
- `map` — Map. [Map](../data-types/map.md).
- `pattern` - String pattern to match.
**Returned value**
- A map containing elements the key matching the specified pattern. If no elements match the pattern, an empty map is returned.
CREATE TABLE tab (a Map(String, String)) ENGINE = Memory;
INSERT INTO tab VALUES ({'abc':'abc','def':'def'}), ({'hij':'hij','klm':'klm'});
SELECT mapExtractKeyLike(a, 'a%') FROM tab;
┌─mapExtractKeyLike(a, 'a%')─┐
│ {'abc':'abc'} │
│ {} │
## mapApply
Applies a function to each element of a map.
mapApply(func, map)
- `func` — [Lambda function](../../sql-reference/functions/index.md#higher-order-functions---operator-and-lambdaparams-expr-function).
- `map` — [Map](../data-types/map.md).
**Returned value**
- Returns a map obtained from the original map by application of `func(map1[i], ..., mapN[i])` for each element.
SELECT mapApply((k, v) -> (k, v * 10), _map) AS r
SELECT map('key1', number, 'key2', number * 2) AS _map
FROM numbers(3)
│ {'key1':0,'key2':0} │
│ {'key1':10,'key2':20} │
│ {'key1':20,'key2':40} │
## mapFilter
Filters a map by applying a function to each map element.
mapFilter(func, map)
- `func` - [Lambda function](../../sql-reference/functions/index.md#higher-order-functions---operator-and-lambdaparams-expr-function).
- `map` — [Map](../data-types/map.md).
**Returned value**
- Returns a map containing only the elements in `map` for which `func(map1[i], ..., mapN[i])` returns something other than 0.
SELECT mapFilter((k, v) -> ((v % 2) = 0), _map) AS r
SELECT map('key1', number, 'key2', number * 2) AS _map
FROM numbers(3)
│ {'key1':0,'key2':0} │
│ {'key2':2} │
│ {'key1':2,'key2':4} │
## mapUpdate
mapUpdate(map1, map2)
- `map1` [Map](../data-types/map.md).
- `map2` [Map](../data-types/map.md).
**Returned value**
- Returns a map1 with values updated of values for the corresponding keys in map2.
SELECT mapUpdate(map('key1', 0, 'key3', 0), map('key1', 10, 'key2', 10)) AS map;
│ {'key3':0,'key1':10,'key2':10} │
## mapConcat
Concatenates multiple maps based on the equality of their keys.
If elements with the same key exist in more than one input map, all elements are added to the result map, but only the first one is accessible via operator `[]`
- `maps` – Arbitrarily many [Maps](../data-types/map.md).
**Returned value**
- Returns a map with concatenated maps passed as arguments.
SELECT mapConcat(map('key1', 1, 'key3', 3), map('key2', 2)) AS map;
│ {'key1':1,'key3':3,'key2':2} │
SELECT mapConcat(map('key1', 1, 'key2', 2), map('key1', 3)) AS map, map['key1'];
│ {'key1':1,'key2':2,'key1':3} │ 1 │
## mapExists(\[func,\], map)
Returns 1 if at least one key-value pair in `map` exists for which `func(key, value)` returns something other than 0. Otherwise, it returns 0.
`mapExists` is a [higher-order function](../../sql-reference/functions/index.md#higher-order-functions).
You can pass a lambda function to it as the first argument.
SELECT mapExists((k, v) -> (v = 1), map('k1', 1, 'k2', 2)) AS res
│ 1 │
## mapAll(\[func,\] map)
Returns 1 if `func(key, value)` returns something other than 0 for all key-value pairs in `map`. Otherwise, it returns 0.
Note that the `mapAll` is a [higher-order function](../../sql-reference/functions/index.md#higher-order-functions).
You can pass a lambda function to it as the first argument.
SELECT mapAll((k, v) -> (v = 1), map('k1', 1, 'k2', 2)) AS res
│ 0 │
## mapSort(\[func,\], map)
Sorts the elements of a map in ascending order.
If the `func` function is specified, the sorting order is determined by the result of the `func` function applied to the keys and values of the map.
``` sql
SELECT mapSort(map('key2', 2, 'key3', 1, 'key1', 3)) AS map;
``` text
│ {'key1':3,'key2':2,'key3':1} │
``` sql
SELECT mapSort((k, v) -> v, map('key2', 2, 'key3', 1, 'key1', 3)) AS map;
``` text
│ {'key3':1,'key2':2,'key1':3} │
For more details see the [reference](../../sql-reference/functions/array-functions.md#array_functions-sort) for `arraySort` function.
## mapPartialSort
Sorts the elements of a map in ascending order with additional `limit` argument allowing partial sorting.
If the `func` function is specified, the sorting order is determined by the result of the `func` function applied to the keys and values of the map.
mapPartialSort([func,] limit, map)
- `func` – Optional function to apply to the keys and values of the map. [Lambda function](../../sql-reference/functions/index.md#higher-order-functions---operator-and-lambdaparams-expr-function).
- `limit` – Elements in range [1..limit] are sorted. [(U)Int](../data-types/int-uint.md).
- `map` – Map to sort. [Map](../data-types/map.md).
**Returned value**
- Partially sorted map. [Map](../data-types/map.md).
``` sql
SELECT mapPartialSort((k, v) -> v, 2, map('k1', 3, 'k2', 1, 'k3', 2));
``` text
┌─mapPartialSort(lambda(tuple(k, v), v), 2, map('k1', 3, 'k2', 1, 'k3', 2))─┐
│ {'k2':1,'k3':2,'k1':3} │
## mapReverseSort(\[func,\], map)
Sorts the elements of a map in descending order.
If the `func` function is specified, the sorting order is determined by the result of the `func` function applied to the keys and values of the map.
``` sql
SELECT mapReverseSort(map('key2', 2, 'key3', 1, 'key1', 3)) AS map;
``` text
│ {'key3':1,'key2':2,'key1':3} │
``` sql
SELECT mapReverseSort((k, v) -> v, map('key2', 2, 'key3', 1, 'key1', 3)) AS map;
``` text
│ {'key1':3,'key2':2,'key3':1} │
For more details see function [arrayReverseSort](../../sql-reference/functions/array-functions.md#array_functions-reverse-sort).
## mapPartialReverseSort
Sorts the elements of a map in descending order with additional `limit` argument allowing partial sorting.
If the `func` function is specified, the sorting order is determined by the result of the `func` function applied to the keys and values of the map.
mapPartialReverseSort([func,] limit, map)
- `func` – Optional function to apply to the keys and values of the map. [Lambda function](../../sql-reference/functions/index.md#higher-order-functions---operator-and-lambdaparams-expr-function).
- `limit` – Elements in range [1..limit] are sorted. [(U)Int](../data-types/int-uint.md).
- `map` – Map to sort. [Map](../data-types/map.md).
**Returned value**
- Partially sorted map. [Map](../data-types/map.md).
``` sql
SELECT mapPartialReverseSort((k, v) -> v, 2, map('k1', 3, 'k2', 1, 'k3', 2));
``` text
┌─mapPartialReverseSort(lambda(tuple(k, v), v), 2, map('k1', 3, 'k2', 1, 'k3', 2))─┐
│ {'k1':3,'k3':2,'k2':1} │
``` |